The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 461 7. Black Ops Deathstroke Corps VS Suicide Squad

Chapter 461 7. Black Ops Deathstroke Corps VS Suicide Squad
The unremarkable black heavy truck restarted and drove along the urban traffic lines of the metropolis to the highway leading to the outside of the city. The dead shooter sat in the driver's seat and shook the steering wheel boredly.

He's actually just pretending.

This car was transformed into an unmanned vehicle by the young Lai Tuo. The front is not so much a driver's seat as a watch tower, which can also be transformed into a heavy firepower attack platform when necessary.

On the passenger seat next to Dead Archer is an armed suitcase, which is full of all kinds of "little toys" that he can't put it down.

If there is anything that can be called a "welfare" when being forced to join the K team, it must be the various firearms handmade by the engineer Mason.

The power ranges from small to large, enough to ensure that the deterrent and destructive power of a guy with super shooting skills like a dead shooter will be fully maximized in battle.

There is also a weird skull on the console of this carefully arranged cab, which is the spoils collected by him in the "Skrull hunting operation" that just ended a few days ago.

It was washed very clean, and its shape, which is completely different from that of a human skull, makes it look like a handicraft.

Although it is somewhat perverted to have such a thing in the cab, but as a super villain, what is wrong with being perverted?
"Report the situation!"

Bane's deep voice came from the communicator, and the test shot curled his lips, scanned around through the observer, and said:
"Everything is fine, no threats, carry on... well, it doesn't feel right, it seems like we're being targeted."

Deadshot suddenly felt a needle-like feeling in his heart. Years of assassination career made him immediately realize that he was being targeted by another shooter. He grabbed the suitcase at hand and said to the communicator:

"Keep driving! I'm here to investigate the danger, you are ready."


In the container compartment, Assaulter Bain put down the communicator in his hand and gestured to the people beside him.

The old death knell immediately kicked open the armor box under his feet, pulled down an armor rack full of various weapons from the modified alloy wall, and began to choose suitable guys.

Bane also took off his hood and stepped into the armor container to prepare himself for combat.

But the shark king beside them didn't care about it.

This guy was wearing beach shorts with big earphones, grabbed a bag of junk food, and was staring intently at the cartoon of Peppa Pig on the screen in front of him.

Those peasy eyes widened, and he laughed from time to time as if his brainstem was missing.

It's a guy who fights with physical brute force and doesn't need to think about weapons and preparations. When there is a fight, put the Edman alloy braces on his mouth, and then put on the split helmet and gloves and go out. Charged.

Regarding the fact that he has become the "queen cannon fodder" of the Deathstroke Legion, Shark King is very open. The atmosphere in this small team is good, everyone is very good at talking and everyone is talented.

Unlimited junk food is provided free of charge every day, the water in the big fish tank under the car is changed every three days, and Luthor also specially ordered seven film and television channels for him to entertain.

It loves it here!
The peculiar ecology of this scene made the "hitchhiking" master very interested.

Especially the composition of this special operations team. He observed for a few seconds and then looked back at the young version of Luthor who was sitting on a swivel chair and operating several computers at the same time.

He asked:
"So, you are also another organization under the K team?"

"Yes, we call ourselves Mr. Mason Cooper's 'Black Glove Squad', and we specialize in doing things for him that the heroes of justice are inconvenient to do."

Relaxed, Luther leaned back on the chair and drank coffee, and tapped a few times on the keyboard to hack into the nearby camera to help Deadshot find the target.

He said to the master:
"We had a good cooperation with Arrow some time ago, but he always wanted to provoke the two Slades and then got beaten down without accident.

You're not asking for trouble, are you? "

"Batboy won't fight an uncertain battle. If you want to beat him up, you have to make a surprise attack and you can't make an appointment. This is an old tradition."

The death knell who was leaning next to him snorted, reached out to take the kinetic energy assault rifle thrown by the old death knell, and loaded it with a click, and took off his flight jacket to reveal his iconic red and white combat uniform.

Wearing a blindfold, he glanced at Batman who was out of place in this carriage, and said:

"He knows that if there is a conflict here, he will be beaten on the ground by us, and Bane will be happy to help him 'maintain' his lumbar spine again."

Faced with this kind of provocation, Master Quan pretended not to hear it.

The grievances between him and Deathstroke are not a day or two. Both of them have received personal guidance from Lei Xiaogu. When Deathstroke was young, he always regarded Batman as the goal that must be surpassed. In the case of Uncle Nian, Deathstroke still failed to accomplish this goal.

I have to say that young people must be cautious when making career plans. Setting too high a goal will embarrass themselves, and taking too many steps will definitely cause trouble.

Batman looks at the younger version of Luthor, he looks him up, and after a few seconds he asks:

"Are you from another world?"


Luther didn't hide this. He took a sip of coffee and said:

"It's a terrible world, and Mr. Mason saved us when things were going nowhere and offered me a new job so I could start a new life in your world.

Compared with our side, your place is like heaven. Except that I am old, crazy and stubborn here, everything is beautiful and incredible.

In fact, after getting used to the life here, I feel that the greatest significance of the existence of our world is to remind everyone how bad everything can be?
But I guess that's not what you want to ask. "

Luther locked several targets on the computer, and he adjusted the orientation of the camera like flying with his fingers and said:
"Just ask, we still have a little time before those attackers fire their first bullet."

"Do you have Batman over there?"

The master asked his own question straightforwardly, making Luther stop.

The young version of Lai Bald looked back at him, shrugged and said:

"This topic is untouchable, I will be a sinner for it, and I will not risk offending him to answer this question that you already have an answer in your heart.

How about I introduce you to Superman from my hometown?You will definitely be interested in this. "

"No need, you're right, I already know the answer."

The master suddenly got up.

"Look at your answer full of mistakes and omissions just now."

The death knell pulled down the mask, adjusted the flowing samurai belt on the back of his head, patted Rabald on the shoulder, and said to him in a low voice:

"Tsk, because of this stupid reaction, Captain Mason will deduct all your performance for this month."

"Tch, whatever he wants."

The young Lai bald snorted, took the pistol handed over by Death Bell, put a bullet in his hand for self-defense, and curled his lips and said:

"I'm already a billionaire anyway, right? I have reached the end of my life early, so I have to have some fun for myself."


As soon as the words fell, a rocket shot from the hills beside the highway, and precisely hit the wheels of this speeding heavy truck.

The huge explosion caused the entire carriage to shake violently, and the red warning lights flashed in the carriage, but such a little damage was nothing to this "base vehicle" assembled in Osborne Tower.

After all, the container and the entire body of this thing are plated with a layer of vibrating gold.
For the safety of his subordinates, Mason has always spared no expense.


The heavy-duty truck was taken over by Laitou and turned into manual driving, and the moment a black gun barrel protruded from the cockpit, the assailant who fired the rocket 700 meters away had a hole between his eyebrows.

The second guy who carried the cannon barrel was shot through his left eye before he got up.

The dead shooter has already entered the counterattack state, the device under the container body is opened, and two assault vehicles modified based on the Bat motorcycle pop up, carrying two death knells and rushing out to the attack position, the assaulter Bane climbed onto the body , the black power armor on his body is equipped with flight propulsion, and he chooses to attack from the sky.

But just after taking off, he was hit by an explosive bomb at the helmet position.

The loss of vision caused Bane's flight path to deflect, and he bumped into another truck speeding towards him on the other side of the highway, and was almost crushed into a meatloaf.

"There is a super shooter on the opposite side! Deadshot, what the hell are you doing, shoot him!"

Bain cursed, adjusted the direction and took off again, pulling the speed to the extreme and rushing towards the hills on the side of the road.

Deadshot didn't refute because he was going against the super shooter on the opposite side.

In expert duels, the outcome is usually only a split second, so Deadshot did not rush to fire, allowing the opponent to use Bane in the sky as a target to attract firepower.

At the moment when the truck controlled by Luthor drove into the tunnel at the fork leading to the Suburban Natural Park, Death Shot, holding his breath, finally fired his fatal bullet.

"Bang" sound.

On the hilly shooting position, the scope of the gun in the hand of an old black man wearing a battle armor exploded, but he himself avoided the bad luck of being headshot in the flexible dodge.

"The shot missed."

He grinned and wiped the cut on his cheek, feeling relieved that he had won the round.

What kind of death shooter who never misses, boasted big, but didn't he dodge the bullet by himself?From now on, the title of the number one shooter in the villain circle will belong to him.

Thinking of this, Lao Hei got up and grabbed his gun, intending to move to the next shooting position, and blow up the car when it drove out of the tunnel.

As a result, as soon as he got up, a cold wind hit him from behind. He quickly pulled out his pistol and wanted to fight back, but what caught his eyes was a bat-shaped helmet and a serious chin.


The super shooter nicknamed "Bloodsport" was thrown into the air by Batman's fearful surprise attack, and several joints were twisted by the master's fit-fitting jump on him with a set of smooth jujitsu techniques.

The master leaned down and picked up a tracker emitting red light from the shattered scope, and said to the bloody movement lying on the ground grinning:

"Every bullet of his always stops just right, unlike you, who can't suppress his overactive desire to attack."

"I'm showing mercy too! Waller is watching!"

The super villain on the ground saw Batman as if he saw a savior, and he yelled:
"It's finally time for you, Bat Boy! Save me! Quick!"

When the master heard the name "Waller", he immediately reacted, stepped forward to suppress the bloody movement, and pulled out an electric shock device from his armed belt and stuck it on his neck.

In the next moment, the ultra-high voltage was released on the spine of the latter in a short period of time, making the suicide squad's exclusive miniature bomb ineffective one second before it exploded, but the terrifying current penetrated the body and still made the super shooter scream in pain, and his whole body smelled like barbecue. The smell of fragrance twitched on the ground and fell into a coma.

Although he was half-cooked by the electric shock, he survived at least one life. At the same time, several muffled noises sounded from the rear, representing the miserable end of other senior cannon fodder.

"They had their heads blown off, it was disgusting and the clothes had to be rewashed."

The sound of the death knell rang in the comm, reporting:
"It's Amanda Waller's Suicide Squad, no wonder I said these guys look so familiar."

"So, the Amanda Waller of this world is also a loathsome character?"

The voice of Deathstroke Two then sounded, and Luthor quickly replied:

"Take the team back and re-arm! It seems that the road leading to that swamp will not be quiet. Who has any other way to come up quickly, otherwise we can only kill all the way."

"toot toot"

The communication device on the master's wrist turned on the green light, and when he connected to the communication, he heard the voice say:

"My name is Groot"

"I don't know Groot, I'm learning it but it'll take a while, so talk another way."

The master replied, and then another sharp and noisy voice sounded in the communicator, replacing the tree man's repeated words and explaining:
"Groot will use the power of the Swamp Thing to send you straight to join us in the swamp, our informant has given us the location and we are now hiding outside the Legion of Doom's stronghold.

Mason will be coming soon too.

The agent of the black of decay is in the doomsday base, but the bad news is that the agent of the red of all life is also there, you have to be prepared for a hard fight.

I mean, isn't the Justice League of this world awesome?

Shake people quickly!batman.

The newsletter is over. "

The master nodded, and then Luther rang through the communicator with a regretful voice, saying to the master:
"Oh, this pleasant cooperation time is always too short, the order from above, the Deathstroke Legion will stay here to deal with the suicide squad of the Sky Eye Society, and will not go to the headquarters of the Doom Legion with you.

The 'bomb disposal device' you just mentioned is very interesting. Is it the equipment you specially use to deal with the Suicide Squad?You expected in advance that they would jump out and disrupt the situation?

Can you share a blueprint with me?Might come in handy later. "

"A high-frequency current pulse of 0.5 to 3 volts passes through the brain and enters the spine, and a high-frequency short discharge within [-] to [-] seconds can interfere with the signal module of the suicide squad mini-bomb."

The old man stood there blankly and said to the young version of Luthor:
"As long as you understand the principle, this thing is just a trick used by Amanda Waller to scare people."

"Understood! Let's start making the corresponding instruments."

Lai Tu said in the newsletter:

"Sure enough, Mason learned all that from you, and the other Batman doesn't have such delicate thoughts. Well, my God, I said something I shouldn't have said again.

Goodbye Bat, you are professional and it was a pleasure to work with you.

See you next time. "


The communication signals of Laitou and the entire Deathstroke Legion were erased from the master's communicator, and then a vine rose from the master's feet and wrapped around his body like a snake.

This is the power of the swamp monster in action.

Batman took a deep breath and closed his eyes. The next moment, as the vines pulled towards the ground, his figure also disappeared in place under the shining cloak.

The death knell quickly came to Bloody Sports who was lying on the ground gasping for breath, kicked the old black hard, and said to him who was almost roasted:
"Dead Archer said that you passed the 'entry assessment' he set. The Deathstroke Legion needs the second fireman. You have passed the test. Now get up and get your equipment. Next, there will be work for you.

You bastard, don't ask for wages if you owe us your life. You'll have to work as a coolie for three months first!

Do you have any comments? "

Bloodsport looked at the loaded pistol in Deathstroke's hand, looked at the blood on his hand, and finally shook his head to express that he was very satisfied with the treatment of this new job.

In addition, he does have some "private affairs" that need to be "discussed" with Amanda Waller and the Sky Eye.

The figure of the master appeared in the swamp area of ​​the natural park while the vines were flying. He recovered from the weird feeling of "plant teleportation" and saw a tall tree man in a green cloak showing him a naive and friendly look. smiling, and on the shoulder of this "vegetative man" sits a fully armed space raccoon.

Not far away, members of the K team were watching there, but the strange guys who were traveling with them made Batman more vigilant, especially the latter's obvious zombie characteristics.

"Look at what?"

The tall and thin zombie Kuaiyin appeared next to the master with a whoosh, and said provocatively:

"Have you never seen such a handsome zombie? Be careful to bite you, bastard."

"Bet you ten yuan, if you can bite him, you're good."

Mason turned off the remote detection function of the Mobius chair, turned back and said to the master:
"The good news is that I have shut down the outer firepower of this base, but the bad news is that the guys inside are quite difficult to deal with, including the Dread Lantern Man, the Overlord Orangutan, the Deep Sea Madman, and two root powers.

They're clearly planning to take on the Justice League here.

In order to prevent them from creating a more dangerous situation, shake people. "

(End of this chapter)

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