The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 463 9. Have you ever seen the tactic of using all the main force members as bait?Then you ha

Chapter 463 9. Have you ever seen the tactic of using all the main force members as bait?Then you have opened your eyes today

"Bat Boy! Kill!"

A deep and violent roar sounded from the depths of the doomsday base, and a super-big man was brutally tearing apart the expensive mechanical instruments at hand and smashing them at the master who kept throwing bat darts in front of him.

But the master didn't panic at all.

With the help of the bat flying claw gun, he flexibly dodges on the ground full of debris, and easily holds the hatred while moving coquettishly, creating opportunities for his companions at this time to destroy the enemy.


The moment the shredded instrument fell, the spinning crimson ball of light also slammed into the body of the big man. The red and black energy collided and annihilated, setting off a shock storm on the spot.

The colleagues of the Zombie Team K showed their special abilities, and took advantage of the opportunity when the big guy was controlled by the Scarlet Witch to pounce on and bite. This was the most instinctive and convenient attack method after they "transferred" to the "Zombie Way".

Unfortunately, for Solomon Grundy, who has become an agent of the black rot, these small chickens are too low a threat to bite.

Before "upgrading", this big soulless zombie was "Gotham's No. [-]".

His origin is unknown, but he is strengthened by supernatural power so that he can box with Dachao at close range in a short period of time, and his strange immortality makes him resurrect for inexplicable reasons every time he is knocked down.

Among the counter-plans formulated by the master for the Gotham villains, Grundy's plan is the thickest and the thickest, which fully demonstrates how difficult this guy is.

Grandi's biggest weakness is that its brain is not easy to use. It has been played by the master many times before to solve the problem, but the enhancement of the decaying black has made up for the last weakness of this big zombie.

Now it is capable of fighting and cunning, making all the plans arranged by the master invalid, but fortunately, the master is not fighting alone this time.

"Little zombie, die!"

Annoyed by the zombie K team, the big zombie grabbed the mutant zombie Petra, which was manipulating the soil and tried to bury it, and was about to tear it apart, but Professor McGonagall flashed over and grabbed the latter's arm, and a transposition came. heights.

The great wizard threw down a cloud of blue fiery flames with the magic wand temporarily supported by Zha Kang to force the big zombie back, and then hoarsely shouted to the Scarlet Witch who was floating in the air and accumulating power:
"The blackness of decay! Extract its root power, don't you realize that it has been trying to control us the dead? Constantine, don't touch the fish, hurry up!"

"What is fishing? You really can't speak, you old woman. Do you understand what I call accumulating energy? You don't move forward when you cast spells?"

Zha Kang, who was hiding behind the master, threw away the cigarette butt in his mouth, and waved his hands forward in coquettish handprints. He was not lying, after all, it would take some casting time to release a forbidden spell with his spellcasting ability.

At the moment when the master jumped up and down and dodged a heavy throw from Grundy, the crimson chains of restraint burst out of the air, entangled and pulled the crazy big zombie under the command of Zha Kang's waving arms Arrived in the middle of the sky.

The more it struggled, the tighter the crimson girdle of Cytorak became, and the other two spellcasters took advantage of the situation to step forward and began to slam the root power of the rotten black to strengthen themselves.

When Zombie Wanda and Professor McGonagall cast spells at the same time, balls of black mud-like energy were "squeezed" from Grandi's gray-white zombie body.

This thing looks disgusting, but for the members of the zombie K team, it is not stingy with "fine milk and jade dew".

The experience of the Wanda siblings and Professor McGonagall has proved that the root power from the decaying black can make zombies regain their sanity and be strengthened, so the next scene becomes very "Eighteen Forbidden".

A few guys who failed to get "enhanced" in the first round, headed by the zombie Jin Bin, immediately rushed to the side of the big zombie controlled by Zha Kang for a while to "lick".

While licking, he let out a weird excited neighing. This scene was so weird that the master turned his face away.

Too bad.

It would be fine if the one who was restrained was a beautiful woman, but Grandi's rough men had never encountered such a situation even when they were alive. Right now, they feel that the power of the rotten black is being absorbed by other dead people. Still so obscene, the big zombie himself made an angry and frightened sound for a while.

"Don't come here!"

It roared and kicked its feet in the air, but it couldn't stop the hunger and thirst of the little green-eyed zombies around it, as if they wanted to divide themselves and eat them.

Zombies think you are too perverted, you really have to reflect on yourself.


The wall behind exploded. Amidst the muffled sound of constant gunfire, the bloody leopard sister no longer had the arrogance just now. After being beaten by Mason for a few minutes, she had lost her energy and limped from the ground. Get up and run away.

As a result, when she looked up, she saw Batman looking at her coldly, with the bat sword in his hand, and a dark wizard with a cigarette next to her showing a weird and perverted smile.

This scene made the leopard girl blew up instantly.

She tried to use the Red of All Beings to copy the power of Zha Kang to get out of trouble. As for why not copy the master?


Who in the world of superheroes and supervillains doesn't know that Batman is just a normal guy?Just copying his ability is useless to his brain!

But the red tattoo of all beings on her chest just started to glow and surrounded by magic power, a smart missile exploded from behind, and at the same time Mason's figure appeared in the smoke as she was blown away.

Seeing that Leopard Girl would use the Red of All Beings to turn herself into the "magic side", Mason suddenly smiled sinisterly.

Throwing away the eight-star blunderbuss in his hand, he grabbed a pair of Origin X metal short sticks and rushed forward like a tiger like a wolf. Under the strange eyes of the master and Zha Kang, he hit the leopard girl head-on and face-to-face.

This thing that can be immune to magic and break magic has a natural "damage amplification" effect on all existences on the magic side, and the minimum is double critical strike when hit with a stick.

The poor Leopard girl was beaten up by Mason before she threw her first big fireball, and she was very "lucky" to trigger a "sudden death" attack during the period.

If it wasn't for the blood locked by the red of all living beings, she would have almost died on the spot.

"I just like a sandbag like you that can't be beaten to death!"

Mason sneered while beating:

"The weaknesses of everyone here are under my control, it's like the final assessment of the 'Batman Imitation Contest', you have changed!
Give me another look! "

"You little devil raised by a bat!"

The leopard girl couldn't bear the beating so much that she roared loudly. The undisguised grievance in her voice sounded like she was about to be beaten to tears by Mason.

This elder sister is really broken now. The super life force given by the Red of All Beings prevents her from dying, but the pain cannot be exempted.

The most important thing is that I managed to obtain the power of the world's origin, first defeated Dachao, and then beat Wonder Woman violently, thinking that I was going to be awesome, but was immediately suppressed mercilessly by Mason.

The simulated Martian Manhunter was threatened by Mason with fire, and the simulated gorilla Grodd counterattacked with psychic power, but Mason was not affected at all by wearing the old Wan helmet. Manta Ray is going to use Atlantean martial arts but guess what?

The little bastard opposite actually pulled out a Neptune trident on the spot and performed "water flow and blood manipulation" for himself, making himself go against the blood.

Even if she didn't imitate other people to attack with Leopard Girl's speed and sharp claws, she could only get hundreds of punches per second in the face of Mason who dodged and attacked at the speed of light.

It's impossible to fight at all!
You are a motherfucker!Why is he thinking about how to beat his own people like the black-bellied Batman?And doesn't it mean that the redness of all beings is the root power of the world, and once possessed, it will be invincible?

Does he seem to be invincible now that he is bleeding all over the ground?
The stars will these false propaganda bastards!
Losing money in Geneva!

The X-metal short stick entwined with golden streamer slammed on Leopard Girl's forehead, making the furry big sister who was crouching with her head dizzy, and then the master rushed forward and gave her a super sedative. Zha Kang smiled and restrained her with magic.

The agent of Zhongshengzhihong KOs.

Solomon Grundy in front of him was licked wildly by a group of little zombies, and the root power of the decayed black was quickly weakened. Grundy no longer resisted but gritted his teeth to hold on to let Wanda and McGonagall The professor can no longer squeeze more power from the rotten kingdom.

"Report sweetheart! The black manta ray was beaten to the ground by me, Quinn, and Selena!"

The voice of the cute little Harley rang through the communicator, happily reporting the results of the battle, and then the Green Lantern Hal also reported in a low voice:

"Sinestro is fleeing to outer space. I'm chasing after him. Another Hal is setting up defenses outside the earth. The Lantern of Fear cannot escape today! Well, there is a high probability that it will not escape."

The master looked back.

Uncle Jon the Martian Manhunter is flying into this underground area with the stunned gorilla Grodd, followed by the Green Arrow shrugging his shoulders, looking at the man with a bruised nose and a swollen face, with an anesthesia arrow stuck in his buttocks Gorilla, whispered:

"This primate ambushed Ron and me with psychic power, but it's a little less tricky than the Martian's psychic toughness."

"So, this is the quality of the Doomsday Legion who dare to provoke Zhenglian?"

Zha Kang exhaled the smoke ring and kicked the abandoned gorilla, then turned to Mason and the master and said:
"Are they annihilated?"

"But Luther isn't here."

The master shook his head and said:
"They recruited a lot of people before, and the other members of the Legion of Doom are not here. Rather than saying it is a fight to the death, the situation here is more like a bait?"

"Take out all the main players as bait?"

Mason rubbed his chin and said:
"This tactic is very novel, wait a moment, I will contact the informant."

He turned around and walked aside, adjusted the communicator to a special frequency and then sent a message to the other side. A moment later, Mr. Freeze, who asked to go undercover in the Legion of Doom, activated a communication request.

After Mason connected, he heard Dr. Victor's report:
"Luthor gave us the order to disperse in various cities to wreak havoc, and he assured us that there would be backup, but I suspect this guy is cheating.

He had no intention of recruiting these scoundrels and villains into the Legion of Doom.

It's just a cover-up to get the attention of the superheroes, but it works, and now the heroes of the second and third tiers of the Justice League are already fighting fires. "


Mason blinked, looked back at the master and asked:
"Who gave the order for the heroes of the second and third teams of the Justice League to act? You shouldn't let them act? Is the steel bone still in the watchtower?"


The master's expression changed instantly.

Immediately contacted the watchtower but got a busy response. He and Mason looked at the sky at the same time and realized that Luthor's real target was not on the ground.

That bastard gave up his main force and all the cannon fodder he recruited, and scattered them all at once just to buy time for him to "go straight to the Yellow Dragon".


Mason switched to the team communication, and after several seconds of calling and waiting, Batgirl's voice sounded in the communication with strong interference.

"Mason, I'm on the aircraft of the Teen Titans. I just saw Sinestro rushing out of the atmosphere and fighting with two Green Lanterns, but here is full of electromagnetic interference, and the aircraft is forced to enter manual navigation.

We're approaching the watchtower, how's it going on your side? "

"The ground is fine, but communication with the watchtower has been lost."

Mason turned around and made a gesture to Zack Kang, and the dark wizard immediately began to prepare the magic to be sent to the watchtower, and the Moubis chair also returned with Wonder Woman who was scratched by the Leopard Girl and was sick.

The Captain said to Barbara:
"Luthor's real target is the Justice League watchtower! We don't know what he wants to do yet, but you must pay attention to safety when you approach."

"Luther attacked the watchtower alone? Is he crazy?"

Barbara exclaimed:

"There are Cyborg, Big Chao and Little Flash, and the superheroes on duty. Didn't he give away the head by himself?"

"If he dares to do this, he must have support. You return immediately! I will send someone to deal with this matter, and return to Gotham to join us."

Mason glanced at Zakkang, who shook his head at him and said that the space of the watchtower was blocked, and the teleportation magic could not be connected, which cast a haze on the direction of the matter again.

"The bat fighter is ready to go at any time."

The master raised his body with the cloak and said to Mason who hung up the communication:

"But I suspect that Luther's actions are just the beginning, and someone must stay on Earth to support them! Going to the watchtower with all one's brains is likely to step on Luthor's trap again.

This series of actions is obviously well thought out, and we can no longer be led by his nose. "

"So it's best that neither of us go."

Mason squinted his eyes. He looked at the captured members of the Legion of Doom in front of him, and then entered a line of instructions on his watch to Osborne Tower.

He said to the master and the others:
"Let's go back to Gotham first. While interrogating these guys, let's see what Luthor is going to do next."

"What about the watchtower?"

Catwoman stretched her body and asked:

"Why don't you just ignore it? The cosmic treadmill is still on! The cosmic treadmill!"

Selena stared round her eyes and said to Mason:
"Could Luthor's goal be the machine that can connect to other worlds? He wants to block other worlds from aiding us in the next war?

Perhaps all this is directed by the Warlock behind the scenes? "

"It's possible, but don't worry."

Mason tapped his forehead and said:

"The watchtower will be rescued by someone. As for the cosmic treadmill, I have backed up such important things. The blueprint is in my mind. I can rebuild the treadmill even if they destroy it."

"So their next target is you!"

The master said sharply:
"The warlock obviously knows your abilities, Mason, he wants to cut us off, surround us, weaken us and then launch a fatal blow.

From now on, the focus of strategy will shift to your protection. "

"If you all come to protect me, what will the world do?"

Mason shook his head and said:
"I have the ability to protect myself, master, you have to have some confidence in your Robin, but you have to guard against this kind of risk. Now that the gate of the world is still usable, you have to transfer some of your strength in advance."
"Can't contact the ground yet?"

In the main control room of the watchtower, Da Chao, who had changed back into his battle suit but was still weak, was standing beside the steel bone. He stared at the big screen that kept reporting errors and said to the cyborg:

"Now we have to lock the access procedures of the watchtower. They have isolated us, but their target is definitely not just this space station."

"The lockdown procedure has been initiated."

While fighting the invading virus, Cyborg responded:

"But this series of viruses entered the system through the adaptation key. If there were no traitors among us, then it must have been premeditated.

I detected the Teen Titans signal approaching.

Maybe that's the backup Batman sent us. Wait!The access to the space station has been opened! "

The cyborg immediately turned the monitoring screen to the entrance and exit of the space station, and saw a black spaceship connecting with the space station.

After the entry cabin opened, the blond man who came out head-on waved a golden trident and pierced the front monitor. In the last picture, you can still see the black canary in tights and Lex behind her with his hands behind his back. Luther.

"It's Arthur and Black Canary who were replaced by Skrulls!"

Steel Bone turned his head to look at Da Chao, and said:

"They were mind-controlled, and many strange life signals were detected on Luthor's spaceship, very powerful and wild Clark, now that Batman is not here, let your super intelligence move!
We must prepare for the worst. "

(End of this chapter)

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