The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 469 15. Damn Luthor, don't blame me for being unkind

Chapter 469 15. Damn Luthor, don't blame me for being unkind

When Mason took the Pym family back to Osborne Tower, the medical room was already full of people.

The Elric brothers, who played the guest doctor, kept their feet on the ground, and the original medical staff of Osborne Tower were basically concentrated here.

Fortunately, except for the severely injured Kryptonian and Xiao Shan who was unconscious due to loss of strength, the other second-line heroes who were rescued were only weakened by being parasitized by Staro's biological spores.

But a few heroines are more miserable.

Those starfishes destroyed their faces when they parasitized, causing them to suffer a second blow to their hearts while being physically injured, and each of them cried and exaggerated a more sad atmosphere.

Fortunately, this kind of disfigurement has never been a big problem for alchemists.

If a bottle of beauty potion can't solve it, you can get another bottle, which can not only heal the scars, but also have a "beauty" effect by the way.

The most seriously injured by Staro's starfish spores are naturally Black Canary and Neptune Arthur. These two unlucky guys were replaced by Skrulls a long time ago and brought into the conqueror sequence to "do odd jobs". They were parasitized by Staro for a long time, and their internal organs were injured and transformed.

Luckily for Black Canary, she is human, and Ospenta has equipment that can treat her, but Arthur Curry is half of Atlantean blood, and his organs are also different from ordinary people.

When Mason entered the medical room, the guy was so weak that he could only breathe, and he was still swallowing pus and blood.

"Send him to the Atlanteans' ark, and tell Orm, Lord of the Ocean, that their king is back."

After briefly checking the situation, Mason turned around and gave instructions to the Osborne Tower guards beside him.

The latter immediately ran out to contact the Atlanteans who were cleaning up the starfish spores in the open sea. This scene made the steel bone next to him blink his electronic eyes in surprise.

While looking at the internal structure of Osborne Tower, the cyborg asked in a low voice:
"You still have Atlanteans here? I just saw a female Amazon warrior on patrol outside. Where did you find these guys?"

"There are too many space-time refugees here, and I can't explain it in one or two sentences. It's useless for you to stay here, go to the mechanical workshop to help.

You still have a few days to go back. "

Mason sent away the curious baby Cyborg, walked to Supergirl's hospital bed, opened her eyelids and looked at the pupils, and said to the pitiful Kara lying on the glacier:
"how do you feel?"


Lying on the hospital bed, the super girl complained pitifully to her captain:

"The vibranium armor was ripped off by the hands of Doom, they broke my leg bones, I can't feel my arms, my head keeps buzzing, and I feel like vomiting when I get up.

Captain, do you think I can still be saved? "

"The consciousness is still clear, and you can still make jokes. It seems that the problem is not big."

Mason looked at Kara, who was bruised and swollen, and with disheveled hair, and sighed and said:
"With your Kryptonian physical fitness, you only need to rest for a few hours to heal your wounds, but Doomsday is obviously not an opponent you can deal with now. Don't be discouraged. Let's sum up more experience and lessons."

"I need some weapons."

Carla lay there with an ice pack on her head to relieve the dizziness caused by the concussion. She said pitifully to Mason:

"My fist can't penetrate the thick skin of those monsters. Kryptonians also have limits. Look at how badly my cousin was beaten. Captain, make us some powerful weapons."

"We'll talk about it later."

Mason responded, and walked to Da Chao's hospital bed again.

As Kara said, the current situation of Dachao is really not optimistic.

He had lacerations all over his body, and his respiratory organs were injured by the beating of Doomsday, so he had to wear a ventilator to assist his breathing when he fell into a coma. The bones in his body were severely fractured, and it was difficult for him to survive for a short time only by simple sunlight exposure. heal.

But Dachao is also a "super Kryptonian" who has been exposed to the yellow sun for more than 30 years on the earth. His physical fitness is superior to the other three Kryptonians in all aspects, so even if he is seriously injured, his life is not in danger.

But if you want to recover quickly, you have to do some "hard work".

"The yellow sun lamp designed by Dr. Stein has been assembled, push Dachao in."

Mason said to Harry Osborn, an engineering apprentice who followed him:

"You operate there yourself, preheating with 1000 times focused yellow solar spectrum rays, and then gradually increasing the energy level of the concentrated solar beam according to Clark's feedback."

"But that instrument hasn't passed the safety test yet."

Good Mr. Harry frowned and said:
"In case it has some flaws."

"Clark is the strongest Kryptonian, and it is the most appropriate plan for him to conduct the test."

Mason waved his hands and said:

"This is also the fastest way to heal him quickly, and now is a good opportunity to give Clark a 'kryptonite desensitization' therapy.

The intermediate value of solar energy and kryptonite influence was determined, and other Kryptonians also needed this value to formulate new tactics.

By the way, is there any progress in the production of blue kryptonite? "

"Not that fast."

Recording Mason's request, Harry said:

"Firestorm has been studying the atomic arrangement of kryptonite. The blue kryptonite that is made now is still unstable, and the growth rate of Bizarro is also very limited. There is no rush for this kind of work."

"I don't have that much time."

Mason rubbed the space between his brows, and told Harry to finish strengthening the sunlight on Da Chao quickly and then left the treatment room. As soon as he came out, he saw Zod leaning on the stairs.

This Superman in Black is the best of the four Kryptonians.

Although he was also severely beaten by Doomsday, he was not serious enough to need bed rest.

However, Zod's expression at this meeting is not very good-looking. Seeing Mason approaching, Zod hurriedly hid the things in his hands, but Mason didn't care. He walked over to him and popped a cigarette, glanced at him, and said:
"Why are you still learning to smoke? This is not a good habit."


Superman in black sighed and threw the crushed cigarette butt in the trash can. He glanced at the treatment room and said to his good friend Mason:

"I was supposed to be lying there too, and it was Clark Kent who helped me withstood the doomsday attack when I was finally evacuated. I was not convinced before that you always said that he is the most powerful Kryptonian.

But I am convinced now.

He wasn't in full condition, but he blocked the four Doomsdays with his own strength, not just a reckless resistance, but his manipulation of power was simply at its peak.

Kara is right, Clark Kent is our final form.

I even feel that if Luthor hadn't chosen the best time to attack, if Superman in his prime was in the watchtower, he might even have created a miracle to crush those Doomsdays to death. "

"Don't think too much, Clark has been exposed to the yellow sun since he was a baby."

Mason exhaled the smoke ring, shook his head and said to Zod:

"He has been exposed to the sun for more than 30 years than you, which is enough to cause a fundamental qualitative change in his Kryptonian cells, and what is super powerful is not just strength.

And his heart.

Even though it sounds like I'm being idealistic.

But in fact, I have always felt that it is not physical fitness that limits Kryptonians. You are a group of unscientific creatures, and the strength you can unleash depends only on your desire and will.

Breaking the rules is difficult for other people, but for Kryptonians, it may only be a one-second explosion. Well, the truth is definitely not that simple.

But I think Dachao wouldn't mind demonstrating it to you in the following battles. "

Mason patted Zod on the shoulder and said to him:

"Dachao is weak and unable to move now. I need you to put on his suit and go back to Gotham with me. It is very important to stabilize people's hearts right now. Having Superman flying in the sky will at least keep the world from panicking when things get worse."


Zod nodded and turned to go to the locker room. Mason came to the alchemy laboratory. The two cuties, Harley and Quinn, were guarding here, because there were dangerous things in the laboratory.

"That head is in there!"

Harley pointed and tiptoed to kiss the corner of Mason's mouth. Quinn next to him took a bite on the other side, not to be outdone. Accompanied by his girlfriend, he walked into the laboratory and looked at the head of Doomsday in the biological containment tank on the table.

This thing is no longer alive, but this does not change its ferocious and cruel appearance, like a ghost rushing out of hell, just looking at it will make people feel uncomfortable all over.

Mason puts his hand on the bio-containment tank.

He observed the characteristics of Doom Day in front of him, and Consus, the best biologist among the Isu, projected the projection, hung beside Mason and said to him:
"Doomsday is an abnormal product born after the alienated Kryptonians' genes were disrupted. At the cost of sacrificing their sanity, they gained almost indestructible physical power. It is a very extreme experimental result, but this power can also be used by you.

My brother, you only need to extract the blueprint gene of Doomsday and research it, and the superhuman medicine in your hand can usher in a new upgrade.

Eliminate the dangerous uncontrollable part of Doomsday's gene through Isu biotechnology, and only keep the evolutionary path of power release and immortality, and you may be able to realize Juno's once arrogant ideal.

You can make the most terrible war weapons in the parallel world with your own hands. "

"That's exactly what I want to do."

Mason nodded. While taking out the alchemist gloves made by "Mason Tailoring Department", he opened the biological tank to extract the doomsday gene.

He said to Consus:

"Wade gave me a surprise. This kind of biological sample is not easy to find. Right now, the advancement of the Golden Sentinel Serum has encountered difficulties. The Elric brothers have still been unable to complete the reverse reduction of the formula.

But those incomplete formulas that have been researched are enough to repair Doomsday's genetic defects, we can give it intelligence, and most importantly, control it.

However, the superimposed creation of Sentinel and Doomsday
It's scary to think about it.

I suddenly feel that we have become mad scientists, Consus, maybe we can create an immortal monster, and if it gets out of control, it will crush us and our enemies to death.

Considering the enormous risk of this loss of control, let's make short-term reinforcers in the style of superhuman drugs.You can say that I am cowardly, but our situation is already critical enough, it is better not to plant mines for yourself again. "

"No, it's not timidity."

Consus laughed and said:
"We generally refer to this situation as 'necessary caution.'"
It was almost three hours later when Mason returned to Gotham. He looked exhausted, obviously because he had used his brain too much just now. While pouring himself the owl vitality potion, he walked into the top floor of the afterlife bar.

The members of Team K are already waiting here, the White Queen is sitting on the main seat, and in front of her is the leopard woman who is bound by magic.

The furry villain bared her teeth, and the scarlet tattoo that originated from the redness of all beings trembled on her chest, constantly trying to simulate the power of life around her to help her out of trouble.

But obviously, the power of the Red of All Beings has been suppressed.

"My name is Groot!"

The new swamp monster Groot greeted Mason friendly, and pointed to the mushroom-like plant fungus parasitic on the leopard woman's collarbone, which was derived from the power of the green of all things.

Only the power of the root can suppress the power of another root.

When he saw this unique green spore fungus, Mason blinked and looked at the Poison Ivy woman sitting in the corner of the office with her eyes closed and meditating. The latter opened her eyes when she felt the gaze.

Those pupils have turned emerald green, which means that Ivy has used the power fragment of the green of all things that Mason gave her.

She has become the agent of the Green of All Things in the physical world.

This is obviously a heavy responsibility.

But seeing that Ivy is in a good state at this time, she has not been disturbed by the will of the green of all things to survive like the previous swamp monster.

"Go ahead."

The White Queen snapped her fingers at the oppressed Leopard Girl, and her spiritual power poured into her, causing her sister like a big tabby cat to cover her head and let out a scream, then flicked her tail and roared hoarsely:
"Damn Luthor abandoned us, he used us as innocent bait, we were so blind to join that damned Legion of Doom. Stop!

Stop torturing me, I say!

Luthor told us that all we were doing was to distract the Justice League and K-Squad as a cover for the three A-teams of the Stellaris to infiltrate the world.

Just when you were exhausted by Luthor's tricks, those guys have sneaked in here, and our cover work was a great success.

Your end is near. "

Having said that, the twitching leopard girl still bared her teeth and said sarcastically:

"If the bald bastard didn't regard us as cannon fodder to be sacrificed, I would also applaud his series of arrangements. But you are almost out of action!

I heard that those guys came here with dangerous things, they have lurked and are about to cause the first round of chaos, you have to fight them!
But in this way, how can you have the power to stop the warlock from bringing the pioneer army here?
Kryptonians have been abolished!
Your biggest reliance is already, hell! "

When the leopard girl roared, she saw Zod who pushed the door and entered. The latter was wearing Clark's battle suit and drank the compound potion to make him look like a real super.

His appearance completely broke Leopard Girl's defenses, thinking that Luthor's scheme was completely bankrupt, she curled her lips in a dejected gesture and said:

"Well, I knew it wouldn't be that easy."

"Who are the three pioneer teams that entered the world?"

Mason stood in front of Leopard Girl and asked:
"If you tell more information, your treatment will be better in the future. You see, you are still alive now, and we have no plans to kill you, so there is still something to talk about."

"I don't know more, how could that bastard Luther let us know the specific news?"

The leopard girl flicked her tail and stared at Mason in front of her, but the intensity of the spiritual torture given by the White Queen was intensifying, so that the furry big sister finally couldn't resist her mouth and let it go.

She closed her eyes and said:

"'Swallowing', 'Fear' and 'The End', the places where the three people entered are Washington, Metropolis and Gotham. I only know these three names and their landing places, and I really don't know the others."

"She wasn't lying."

The White Queen put away her mental torture and said:
"She really only knows this, and this is what she overheard when she maintained an abnormal relationship with Luthor. I can see those memories that cannot be falsified."

"Leave Gotham to me!"

The young master who was listening suddenly got up, and he said to Mason:
"Leave the Bat Family to us, and you go to the other two places."

"can you?"

Ertong, who was holding Alice's saber, asked suspiciously. The young master glanced at him, and said with emphasis:
"Of course!"

"Don't worry!"

Mason shook his head to stop everyone's plans.

He looked at the master who hadn't spoken all the time, and then at the bored leopard girl next to him, and said:

"Just because she didn't lie doesn't mean what she said is true. Thinking about Luther's previous actions, is there a possibility that what Leopard Girl said at this time is what Luther wanted us to hear?
Once again, the old trick was repeated, and we were led by the nose again. "

"There is another important point!"

The old man added in a hoarse voice:
"The power of the magic circle has always claimed to be monitoring the world, and obviously our world has been infiltrated like this. Luthor is an emissary of the Stars, but he is not the only one!
How can we fight a fierce enemy with our eyes always blindfolded?
The black hands must be found. "

"Zha Kang, go and gather the Dark Justice League."

Mason said something to Constantine, who was blowing smoke rings beside him. The stern man nodded and sent himself away, and Mason took out a communicator and shook it to everyone behind him. He said:
"Wait for me to make a call first, and then I will say how to act."


When everyone thinks that I will not add more, but I do, this is not a kind of fooling ~
(End of this chapter)

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