The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 47. 47. The Shadow of the Doomsday

Chapter 47. 47. The Shadow of the Doomsday

Something locked in a rusted iron cage in the bilge of a merchant ship smelled of fresh flesh.

When the four members of the K team approached, its pale eyeballs rolled up, its distorted nostrils sniffed fiercely, and then roared and rushed over.

It slammed into the side of the cage with a bang, and the twisted claws stretched out to scratch continuously, and with this movement, the festering wounds and shriveled flesh on its body also gave off a disgusting rotten smell.

The black magician Zha Kang looked at the things in front of him, with a serious expression on his idle face.As for Mrs. Catwoman, who is still angry at this meeting, she directly thinks of the cover-up disaster that happened in Gotham just a few days ago.


Mason raised his hand and pulled the trigger with an ugly face.

A spinning bullet flew out of the gun and blasted the heads of the things in the cage in front of them. The headless corpse hit the wet and smelly bottom deck, causing filthy blood to flow out.

"Zombies. Zombies again!"

He looked at the kite man with the same ugly face behind him, and whispered:
"Go and check the people on board. Those who were scratched or had contact with zombies were directly thrown into the sea."

"No, boss."

Charles whispered:

"The locals call this infection the 'Black Death', and according to the boatswain, this disease has been prevalent in the Old World for more than two months, and it is said that there are few living people in Europe.

The merchants they run across the sea are now doing the 'immigration business' in a swarm, specializing in sending living people from the old continent to the new continent for refuge, so they know how to prevent this danger.

Before we came, all the scratched crew members on the ship were disposed of. They kept this zombie because it was the captain of this ship three days ago. "

"Zombies appeared more than two months ago?"

Mason said in surprise:

"So, the official government of this world has not been attacked by the 'Destroyer of Worlds'? Also, it is impossible for a world whose civilization is still in the modern era to resist this kind of extremely fast-spreading biochemical disaster.

Those bastards don't need to spend a lot of time destroying the civilization center.

They only need to drop the virus to bring the end of the world in rapid blood loss. "

The conversation between Mason and the kite man was heard by Catwoman, and the elder sister looked at Mason and said:
"Isn't it the first time you have come into contact with this kind of global disaster? Where did the zombie beast you used to attack Black Gate Prison come from?"

"another world."

Kiteman explained:

"It was the first world we were taken hostage by Old K. It was even worse than here. The zombie crisis and the World Destroyer's attack had turned it into a real doomsday wasteland.

There is no living person left in that world. "

After finishing speaking, the kiteman handed Mr. Porter's diary to Catwoman under Mason's gesture, and on the way K team left the bottom cabin and went to the deck, Catwoman showed the diary to Kang Kang.

When everyone saw the sun again, even the most heartless Constantine didn't have a smile on his face. The sun that was so warm just now would shine on the four explorers and it would only make them feel bursts of light. cold.

It's like a replica of disaster.

Everything that happened in the world of Hogwarts is being repeated in this world of Pirates of the Caribbean, and it is still in a more cruel and cold-blooded "global battle royale" way.

Mason remained calm.

He looked at the group of dejected sailors on the deck and the haggard faces blocking all the people who had bought tickets to leave the old continent and go to the new continent to beg for work.

According to Charles' inquiry, there were 420 people on board two ships of this group when they set off from France ten days ago.

And after encountering an attack disaster caused by the zombification of an infected person on the way, there are only less than 50 people who survived by chance.

Everyone has lost hope, just like the walking dead waiting for the benevolent relief of death.


Mason yelled:

"Do you have any problem with us taking over the ship now?"

A middle-aged man who was blind in one eye and wearing an eyepatch raised his head, moved his thirsty lips but didn't say anything, just nodded silently.


A large box of compressed biscuits and several buckets of water were taken out of the luggage by Mason and thrown on the deck. This magical "miracle" immediately made everyone look at him.

Mason kicked the pensive Zha Kang lightly, and the latter immediately stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers knowingly.

A group of green flames appeared out of nowhere on the deck, forming a ferocious skeleton, howling and rushing towards the confused crowd in front of it. The men and women who survived the catastrophe screamed and fell down, dodging in embarrassment.

Although it was bad to do so, under the magic of Zha Kang, these guys finally had some reactions that living people should have.

"Wizards! They're wizards!"

Horrified screams echoed on the deck that still had traces of battle. In this day and age, "wizard" is not a good word.


Mason raised his intimidating hand cannon and fired a shot into the sky. When the deck became quiet, he said indifferently:
"Now, you are all the slaves of the wizard! Come and get food and water, you poor wretches, the benevolent wizard wants you to work hard.

Anyone who dares to be lazy will hang on the mast to die in the sun! "

These cold words had a miraculous effect, and more than 40 people on the deck immediately rushed forward and lined up timidly under the threat of the black gun in the hands of the kite man.

Lady Catwoman picked up the compressed biscuits and handed them to a few disheveled and obviously malnourished children.

She sighed.

They took out the high-end snack candies that they used to relieve boredom from their pockets and stuffed them into their hands, but the children's eyes only had fear for the most beautiful big sister they had ever seen since they were born.

But others were quite happy.

Although becoming a slave is a tragic thing, it is nothing new in this era when the triangular trade is in full swing, not to mention the arrival of sufficient food and water for this group of people who are about to die of starvation and thirst at sea. Words are not stingy with a miracle.

After being barely full, the kite man drove the group of poor people under Mason's instructions and began to adjust their direction, heading for the nearest dock city.

And Mason called for the boatswain, the taciturn middle-aged blind man who was the only remaining leader of the group.

K-team now needs his years of sailing experience.

"Tell me."

Mason took out a world map and put it on the table in the dark captain's cabin, lit another lantern, pointed at the map and said to the boatswain holding the biscuit:
"Where are we now? And where are you going?"

The boatswain had never seen such an exquisite map, but he quickly pointed to the map based on his experience and said:
"My lord wizard, we were originally going to Virginia, but the disaster made us stray here. According to my experience, we should be near Haiti now.

If executed correctly, we can reach Port-au-Prince tonight.


Seeing him hesitating, the dispirited kite man said impatiently:

"Speak straight!"

"Well, I heard some bad news while the ship wasn't being attacked by that 'ghoul'."

The bosun said hesitantly:

"It is said that some smugglers were blinded by money and accidentally transported some patients infected with the Black Death to the New World.

It is said that Haiti is now a hell on earth.

Maybe we shouldn't be there, we've managed to survive the ghoul siege after all. "

"Then give me a suggestion."

Mason looked at the map and said:

"We can't keep floating down the sea, your boat is starting to leak."

"We can go to Tortuga!"

The boatswain regained his spirits.

He also intended to show off his ability in front of the "new captain" who possessed terrible witchcraft, so he ate the biscuit in his hand, pointed to a point on the map that couldn't be smaller, and said:
"Although I am a serious businessman, I have some friends who do not so serious business in this sea.

They told me that the Pirate Kings from all over the world have decided to meet on Tortuga Island and reopen the Pirate King Conference to discuss how to survive the end of the world.

That was news half a month ago.

If all goes well, we will arrive in Tortuga just in time for the meeting. "

"A group of pirates, discussing to save the world?"

Sitting in the captain's cabin, Mrs. Catwoman seemed to have heard a black humorous joke. She held the sword hilt at her waist and said:

"So there's no one in charge here anymore? The sewer rat came to the stage?"

"Selena, what you said reminds me of the tone commonly used by young people who were born in peaceful times. Don't be angry. I don't mean to be sarcastic."

Mason, who has seen the post-apocalyptic world with his own eyes, sighed and said:
"I just think that although you have witnessed how the doomsday comes, you still don't have a clear understanding of the concept of 'doomsday'. It's not that the pirate kings are crowned with monkeys, but that if they don't stand up, the world won't even have the last chance gone."

"Yes, two master wizards!"

The bosun waved his hands excitedly and said:

"It sounds ridiculous that pirates want to save the world, but they really have this ability!

I heard that the legendary pirate Captain Barbossa of the Queen Anne's Revenge has taken out the cursed gold coins to summon the undead army.And the Flying Dutchman, who had been gone for years, has reappeared, bringing the ghouls of hell to deal with the ghouls who have desecrated death.

It is said that even the Royal Fleet sent envoys to the meeting.

After all, the honorable King can only bring his wife and lovers to live on the flagship of the fleet and dare not set foot on the cursed land again.

And Jack Sparrow.
Damn Jack still owes me thirty guineas.

But he also rarely took the Black Pearl to Tortuga Island.

He is said to have brought news of the legendary Poseidon Trident, which can cleanse all curses.

As for the other pirate kings, they intend to ask the wild sea goddess for her protection.

Think about it, Lord Wizard, so many rare treasures gathered together can definitely defeat the terrible Black Death, at least they can protect the sea as our last hiding place. "

This boatswain obviously has the common characteristics of people who hang out at sea in this era, such as being very superstitious, such as using vulgar words, such as not being clean and so on.

But the news he said made Mason's eyes shine.

He glanced at his companions behind him, and after getting everyone's unanimous consent, he turned back and said to the bosun:
"very good!"

"Then let's go to Tortuga Island and set off immediately!"
While the K team was experiencing the age of great exploration in a different world, Gotham City has ushered in the midnight when crime broke out.

Gordon House.

Barbara Gordon closed the computer in her arms a little tiredly.

As the bat family codename "Oracle", she has been very busy recently, a large amount of data and information needs to be processed, and the follow-up information about the Black Gate Prison must also be sorted out and stored in the bat database.

Not to mention the sword-shaped hard drive left by her boyfriend.

Although the information inside has been deleted, she still has to find a way to extract some data that can be recovered, and Batman said that the data is very important.

"I have to work overtime again tonight!"

The beautiful and gentle girl stretched out on the wheelchair. She glanced at the night outside the window, activated the security system of the house, and pushed the wheelchair out of her room.

She's going to get herself some late-night snacks before she works overtime and stays up late.

My boyfriend has gone back to Brudhaven, a small city near Gotham, where he is the "guardian" just like Batman's role in Gotham.

But Bludhaven is obviously not as exciting as Gotham City, Grayson has already settled down there, and before he left this time, he even invited Barbara to move there.

In addition to her boyfriend and girlfriend wanting to live a two-person world, Barbara also knows the subtext of her boyfriend.

Grayson obviously doesn't want Barbara to continue to do this superhero job again. The last time he was shot by the clown and caused paralysis, he almost scared Nightwing to death.

He almost thought he was going to lose his love.

"Hey, like a child who doesn't grow up, he is obviously very mature in front of outsiders."

Barbara sighed, as soon as she turned on the kitchen light, she suddenly felt something was wrong. The former Batgirl grabbed the table knife in her hand and stabbed her behind in a fierce attack.

But a strong and powerful hand precisely clasped her wrist, causing her to let go of her hand in pain, and the table knife fell to the ground.

A figure in a black cloak appeared next to Barbara, he let go of the girl's hand, quickly pulled out all the weapons on the special wheelchair under her vigilant gaze, and closed Barbara's door for help. The device took off the bat watch on her wrist and threw it aside.

This series of actions made Barbara Gordon's heart sink more and more.

No matter who came, he knew a lot about the Bat-family and himself.

"Are you afraid?"

A hoarse voice sounded, somewhat gloomy.

The tall man walked up to the wary Barbara.

He didn't hurt the girl in the wheelchair.

Instead, he squatted down, and the strange and strange battle armor on his body made a light clicking sound.

The moment he looked up to meet Barbara's gaze, the man with the weird helmet reached out to hold the edge of his helmet and took it off.

The face hidden under the helmet was revealed.

When she saw the face in front of her, Barbara felt like being struck by lightning in her heart, and wanted to say the name of the person in front of her in silence, but the latter gently stretched out her hand and pressed her lips.

He reached out and turned off the kitchen light.

In the darkness, he took Barbara's trembling hands and placed them on his forehead.

"In one crawling nightmare after another that never really wakes up, I really miss you. Don't be afraid of me, Barbara, I'll never hurt you.

I know you have a lot of questions, but now you have to listen to me.

I need your help.

And I can understand the hatred hidden in your heart."

"I don't hate anyone!"

Barbara retorted subconsciously:

"That was just a mistake! I won't waste the rest of my life hating a lunatic, I still have my life, I'm out of it."

"I didn't say you hated clowns, Barbara."

The man let out a low laugh, and said:

"You hate Batman Bruce Wayne! The man who should have protected you but failed to protect you, the guy who should have punished the murderer but let the madman go free and do a lot of blood.

I know what's on your mind.

Don't hide it from me, Barbara.

Because I was victimized by him just like you.

He thinks he's our father, but he's failed at being a father, he's the worst guardian in the world, and I'm here to right that wrong. "

The man stood up, stretched out his arms to hug Barbara while she was struggling, lifted her gently from the wheelchair, and whispered in her ear:
"I will not let my brothers and sisters be led into one disaster after another by him, I will protect you. I can also make you stand up! Barbara.

I can return from the dead and naturally can bring you back to life.

Think Grayson.

You will have a perfect life blessed by all, with your own family under the sun, even children I can help you, Barbara.

But you have to help me too. "


Barbara's struggle became weaker and weaker, it seemed that these words hit the shadows in her heart that had been hidden all along, and finally, she gave up the struggle.

She leaned her head on the shoulder of the man in front of her and said softly:

"Are you going to kill Bruce?"

"No! He's the father."

The man whispered:
"The worst father is still a father, I will give him a reason to retire, and then take over his mantle and put an end to all the chaos and filth in Gotham.

Help me, Barbara.

You were my target when you touched that hard drive, but I won't hurt you!They've already set their sights on you and Gordon, and if you continue to investigate, it will cause you even more trouble. "

After a long silence, Barbara Gordon took a deep breath.

She whispered:

"Okay, Jason, I will help you, but I have a request, you can't hurt anyone in this family!"

"I promise!"

The returnee who came back from the dead said seriously:
"But stop being called 'Jason Todd', that was the name of that poor kid from the past who was cast out in hell by that man just like you.

They gave me a new name.

Barbara, now my name is 'Scarlet Knight'.

And I am here to make Gotham a scarlet city! "

(Volume [-] · End)

(End of this chapter)

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