The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 60 12. Master Mason declares that he has brought hope to a world

Chapter 60 12. Master Mason declares that he has brought hope back to a world
In the two days since he ransacked Batman's Design and Production Lab, Mason has barely left his house.

Didn't even sleep.

He spends all his time on those three machines.

Although he was unable to design what he wanted with professional instruments due to his poor "scientific literacy", fortunately, there are still many blueprints left by Lucius Fox, a talented designer of Wayne Industries, in the database of that thing. .

Mason tossed out four sets of clothes with an industrial printer by tossing these drawings.

They are all based on the basic bat suit as the prototype, and the details are added or deleted to meet the different needs of the members of the K team.

For example, the anti-reflex clothing made for Zha Kang was added with magic thread obtained in Turtle Island, and the battle suit for the kiteman who needs to fly was reinforced with tough and lightweight aerospace alloy materials.

His own battle suit is equipped with an additional multi-functional belt specially used to store various potions.

As for Mrs. Catwoman, he doesn't have to worry about it.

The database of this printer actually has a variety of blueprints of conceptual battle suits specially designed for Catwoman. It can only be said that the treatment of the future mistress of the Wayne family is different from that of others.

Mason played two main roles in this process.

One is to remove the bat logo on the chest of the battle suit and replace it with a K icon, and the other obvious bat features are also replaced.

The second is that it took a few minutes to determine the uniform color matching of the clothing. He used his favorite industrial minimalist gray as the keynote, and then fine-tuned it according to the characteristics of different players.

The rest of the work is done by the instrument itself.

In fact, Mason also really wanted to add some of his own ideas to the finished product during this process.

But firstly, I don't know how to design, and secondly, Lucius's blueprints for the basic battle suits are very complete. Even after the complete blueprints are included in the character card, there are not many details that can be strengthened.

Fortunately, after Mason manipulated the equipment to complete the production of four sets of battle suits, he still received the reward of greatly improving his engineering proficiency.

This is probably because these instruments themselves are relatively complicated and require professionals to operate them.

The next night, Mason put on his combat uniform and stood in front of the full-length mirror in the shop.

He looked at himself in the mirror. The gray battle suit was close to his body but didn't have much of the texture of tights. Instead, it looked as thick as a light helmet.

There is a strap on the chest that resembles a bullet chain, and it is covered with hardened protective slots that can put the medicine test tube in it, and the black multifunctional belt is also fastened around his waist.

Its ribbed buckle is embossed with a K logo.

Hagrid's hunting knife was buckled in the left weapon slot and fixed tightly so that it would not affect the movement.

The critical shotgun is stuck in the weapon slot behind the chest strap and can be removed by raising your hand, and your own double-barreled hand cannon and flying claw gun are fixed on the right belt.

The silver-gray invisibility cloak tied around his shoulders like a cloak perfectly matches the color of this suit, and the blood stains left on the cloak add to his aura as if he has just walked off the battlefield.

Mason slapped each other with crossed arms.

The shark-tooth fighting knife popped out from the fighting gauntlet on the left hand. The original design of the bat suit has not been changed. When necessary, the sharp blade can be ejected to hurt people.

The gauntlet on the right hand was changed the most by Mason, and the shark-tooth fighting knife was replaced with a catapult that could shoot sixteen darts in a row.

This kind of needle-like injection dart is also one of Batman's combat accessories. Generally, masters will put tranquilizers in it, but Mason, an alchemist, has a lot of options.

He stuffed it with four petrifying darts, four poison darts, four stun darts, and four healing darts.

The poison of the toxin dart was extracted from the poison sac of Aragog, the acromant spider. Mason was sure that once this thing got into someone's body, there would be no antidote in this world.

"It's not bad, it feels like Batman faded after a few laps in the laundry tub."

The young man twisted his body left and right in front of the mirror and commented:
"When I become a master tailor in the future, I will definitely have to design a set of clothes with attributes. Now I don't have that condition when I start my career, so I can only use it."

He shrugged, picked up a silver-gray battle helmet from his hand, and put it on his head.

Unlike Batman's design of showing his mouth to laugh at the enemy, Mason's helmet is full-faced.

An anti-virus shield respirator was added to the mouth, and the red multifunctional goggles with red eyes were the same as the ones that Mrs. Catwoman is using now.

"Again, it's the beggar's version of the Black Panther suit. Well, it's really similar."

Mason finished his last complaint.

He pulled up the hood of the invisibility cloak and disappeared in front of the mirror. He was going back to the Caribbean world tonight. Of course, there was still the most important thing to do before going back.

He is going to "receive the goods".

An hour later, in the medical laboratory on the ground floor of the Wayne Building, it was as busy as before, but the mental state of the researchers was much more relaxed than before.

Probably because of the completion of the task, there are still some people sitting on the chairs and chatting.

They have completed the second round of human trials. Facts have proved that the zombie vaccine is still useful for humans. They only need to wait until the third round of clinical trials, which lasted for a week, is completed before the vaccine can enter the mass production process.

Mr. Lucius' blond assistant was checking the vaccines that had just been sent for the third round of experiments in the reserve room. She had already counted and was about to leave when she unexpectedly found that the boxes she had just counted "missed." fly".

"He was still here just now!"

The long-legged assistant rubbed his eyes to confirm that he was not dreaming, and immediately realized that he took out his mobile phone and called his superior.

"Mr. Lucius, there is something wrong with the laboratory. The mysterious thief who stole your laboratory seems to have come to 'patronize' again. This time he took 500 experimental vaccines and matching syringes."

"Let him go."

Mr. Lucius was very calm.

He even got in the mood to joke:
"Facing a 'monster thief' who can clear an entire floor in 5 minutes, our security system is really not good enough, and this is not your problem.

Don't be afraid, your salary will not be deducted.

If the remaining vaccines are enough to complete the clinical trials, don't say anything, so as not to affect everyone's mood. After all, Mr. Wayne only needs to save one female celebrity appointment for a mere 500 vaccines. "

After replacing the energy stone and re-opening the world door of the secret room on the top floor of the Iceberg Bar, Mason returned to Turtle Island after an absence of four days.

When he walked out of the door with his suitcase in hand, he saw two black gun muzzles, a sword blade shining with cold light, and three green fireballs floating in front of his eyes.

"Very well, my players, your reaction speed is really good."

Mason's slightly distorted voice came from under his helmet.

He made a gesture of raising his hands to represent that he was not malicious, and only then did the three people in front of him react.This guy dressed like a faded Batboy is Mason?
"Where did you get the clothes?"

Sister Selena took back the Sujie Eagle in her hand, looked up and down Mason's new equipment in surprise, and the young man turned around to let her see it more clearly.

But for Catwoman, who is proficient in clothing matching and design, even if she is blind, she can see that Mason's suit is a parody of the bat suit.

"Don't you have your own costume designer?"

Catwoman reached out and knocked on Mason's head, complaining:
"Have you paid the copyright fee to my boyfriend? You just use it secretly, wait, this material! This is the material of the bat suit! There is no mistake, I have touched it many times on various occasions.

You single-handedly robbed the Batcave? "

"It's not that exaggerated."

Mason took off his helmet and put the suitcase on the table with a lame leg. He took off the invisibility cloak and folded it into the box. He explained to the curious team members who surrounded him and poked him:
"Just doing Batman a little favor and taking a design production lab from him, what I call 'the gift of doing good'.

It's not just me who has new clothes, you all have them.

come on.

Don't be prudish. "

He took out three sets of battle suits from the suitcase and handed them to the team members. The fact that there were cool and practical new clothes to wear made both Kite Man and Zha Kang very happy.

But Catwoman fell into a weird silence as she looked at the suit that fit her figure perfectly.

A few seconds later, Selena grabbed Mason by the ear and pulled him out of the house, asking in a low voice:
"Where did you get my measurement data? Also, the style of this suit is completely different from that of the three of you. It was specially designed for me, and it is in the same line as the suit I wear!"

"Uh, this is a concept suit stored in the production database, and its name is 'Cat'."

Mason rubbed his ears and whispered:

"This is a surprise gift from Bruce for your birthday this year, but unfortunately, I spoiled the surprise."

"It doesn't matter, he can always find a better gift with so much money."

Lady Catwoman didn't respond on the surface, but she stroked the clothes in her hands happily and glared at Mason, saying:
"After you left, I took Angelina and my boat to Port-au-Prince, where I found Blackbeard's treasure. The voodoo book was handed over to Zack Kang.

Jack Spyro's voodoo doll is here. "

She took out a puppet similar to Old K's voodoo doll from her pocket and handed it to Mason. The young man took it and put it in his multi-functional belt, and said softly:

"How about the female pirate? Do you think she is suitable to be one of us?"

"Hard to say."

Selena unbuttoned her black tights and said to Mason:
"Although Angelina has the inherent superstitions of people of this era, she is a very smart girl, with means and tricks, who knows how to conceal herself and is ambitious.

She obeyed me almost like a maid, and even offered to squeeze my shoulders while I was in the bath, but I'm sure she'd run away from us at the first chance.

She has her own goals, Mason.

She wants her daddy's boat and revenge on her lover. "

"Alas! Be careful."

Seeing that Catwoman was about to take off her shirt, Mason hurriedly reached out to stop her, and whispered:

"It's outside, aren't you afraid of being seen?"

"It's getting dark and I'm wearing underwear."

Selena rolled her eyes, showed her big sister's smile again, reached out and tapped Mason's chin frivolously, she whispered:

"He is really a very innocent boy, why? Have you never seen a girl undress in front of you before?"

"Be serious, it's business."

The captain of Team K obviously has nothing to do with the big sister in his team. He can only turn his head away from looking at Catwoman who is changing clothes, and said:
"I have my own plans for the future development of the K team. I feel that all four of us have the right to choose our own followers, so if you can, I hope you continue to investigate Angelina Teach.

After this operation is over, if you think she is okay, I will allow her to join K-team as a follower.

If our team wants to make great progress, we must not only have fighters, but also have a complete intelligence and logistics system. There are not many but enough elite servants. "

"Yes, this is how you look like a leader."

Selena changed into a new battle suit.

Although I don't think much of Mason's industrial minimalist gray aesthetic, but she looks good in anything, especially Mason specially decorated her battle suit with some cat decorations to make her look sexy and seductive. Added a lovely feeling.

Lady Catwoman was very satisfied with this, holding the full-face helmet made in the shape of cat ears, threw the tights she took off in the other hand to Mason, and said:

"Help me get rid of it, the suit got a bit damaged during the expedition in Port-au-Prince, and I don't like wearing the same suit too many times.

However, I haven't changed my clothes in the past few days, so this suit is original.

I warn you, little one.

Don't do anything nasty with my old clothes. "

Selena raised her left hand and waved it lightly. Five silver-gray sharp claws popped out from her fingertips like cat's claws. She scratched at Mason and said something teasingly.

not so much a warning
It's more like an incitement.

Enough of these nasty big sisters who love to molest little boys for fun!

"Be careful!"

Mason hid three steps away at once, and he said to Catwoman:

"Your 'cat's claw' is made of magic metal by me. The claws on both hands can temporarily petrify the enemy. Don't play with it casually. It's very dangerous."

"Ah? Is it so powerful?"

Selena moved her ten fingers, which made her even happier.

"Mason, have you brought back what we need? Barbossa will be back tomorrow morning."

While speaking, Zha Kang, who was wearing "new clothes", leaned against the door triumphantly.

This coquettish guy also specially made a red cape for his light combat suit made of magic silk thread, flicked the devil's gold coin in his hand, and said with a smoke ring:
"If you don't bring back the antidote, the four of us will have to face the Barbossa pirates head-on! Wait, you brought back the battle suits for us, is it just a plan to rob us?
Not bad!

This is a bit like Time and Space Thieves, but give me some time to summon an army of hell servants from another world. "

"Don't think too much!"

Mason glanced at Zha Kang, folded Catwoman's "original battle suit" and put it in his bag, and said to him:

"Everything is going well. I brought back 500 doses of preventive vaccines. Charles will accompany me to see Barbosa tomorrow morning. You and Selena are spreading the news on Turtle Island."

The young man moved his fingers, and a ray of light burst out from his eyes.

He clenched his fist and said:
"We have brought back the good medicine called 'Hope' for this doomsday, so the time has come. This tempting treasure can be harvested!"

(End of this chapter)

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