The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 80 32. Since the Bat Family decided to launch a Jedi counterattack...--【1550】

Chapter 80 32. Since the Bat Family has decided to launch a Jedi counterattack——【1550】

Watching the huge Batmobile go away in the burning street with dexterous movements that do not conform to the body shape, Mason got out of the car while releasing his beloved blue motorcycle, and at the same time felt sorry for the young and old Nightwing who was destined to be heartbroken tonight. A few seconds of silence.

Who the traitor in the Bat-family is, he already guessed when he picked up Batman from the trash can in Crime Alley.

Although each member of the Bat family has their own psychological trauma, to be honest, although the master doesn't know much about family atmosphere, he does take good care of his children.

Even in the Bat family, there is only one such painful experience that can make a child make up his mind to betray his "father".

Well, it should be two now.


The speed bike beeps twice, then whizzes into the sky with a twist of the throttle.

Mason was not in the mood to appreciate the chaotic Gotham at night, he decided to rush to Batman's hiding place as quickly as possible.The flying motorcycle in the state of supersonic flight was astonishingly fast, and even the surrounding chaotic night scene was pulled into a psychedelic flying light band in Mason's eyes.

"The city is ugly enough when it's quiet, and now it boils like a pot of bad medicine, and even the smoke smells disgusting."

He complained in his heart and slammed the accelerator again, and then found himself flying past in embarrassment.

Almost flew to the sea.

No way, it's too fast.

It is difficult to precisely control the details, and it is always impossible to stop where it should stop, especially for frizzy young people.

It took him a few minutes to let himself fall into the abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city under the disguise of night, and then put away his beloved motorcycle and put on the invisibility cloak and headed towards Batman's hiding place.

But before he had taken a few steps, Mason saw the pin on his collar shimmering.

There are hiders around!

Mason narrowed his eyes, and continued to move forward with a blank face, pretending that he didn't notice it. When he turned around a corner, he quickly covered the hood of the invisibility cloak on his head and disappeared in an instant.

He wondered if the warriors from the League of Assassins touched it?
Or is it that this place has been exposed, and the psychopaths who came out of Arkham plan to form a group and go directly to the bat's hometown to give the "old friend" a big surprise?

With such doubts, Mason climbed to a commanding height under the protection of the invisibility cloak.

He took out the critical shotgun and turned on the safety. With the sound of the bullet being loaded, the combat assist was turned on, and the floating aiming frame quickly floated in Mason's field of vision.

This is what he had discovered before.

The combat assist function can be turned off in the character card. To be honest, after the shooting skill reaches Lv3, in addition to long-range sniping, the free aiming frame of the combat assist will actually affect Mason's "shooting experience" on the move.

However, it is still very useful for "catching mice".

Especially in this kind of poor vision situation, the young man lay down on a high place and poured a mouthful of "cat's eye" potion into his mouth.

The world under the night suddenly became clear and turned into a "black and white mode", and all the guys who hide through the darkness can't hide in his eyes.

Soon the free aiming frame caught two guys crawling inside the abandoned factory.

Those two guys are professional!If you know how to hide with bunkers and shadows, you can see that you are prepared.They also seemed to know that there was a fire defense line specially set up by Batman near this hiding place, so they walked very cautiously.

This made Mason, who was aiming at them, squint his eyes, because he found that one of the guys looked so familiar

He escaped from the League of Assassins' attack on the police station?

But who is that person next to him?

Could it be that the League of Assassins blackmailed his spies?
The enemy and the enemy are not clear, let's shoot first and then talk.


The muzzle of the gun equipped with a hand-made engineering silencer made a piercing sound, but it was definitely much more concealed than normal gunshots. The people beside Gordon fell in response, rolling on the ground clutching their calves.

Gordon seemed intimidated.

But instead of running, he got up and stood in front of the downed guy, raised his hands in the direction of the shooting and shouted something.

"Is it an allied army?"

Mason curled his lips, put away his gun and put on an invisibility cloak that would fail at any time after entering the combat state, and shot out the flying claw gun so that he landed next to Gordon, and suddenly took off his pocket in front of Gordon's eyes very maliciously. Hat played a "big transformation".

This scene almost gave the old director a heart attack, but Gordon immediately relaxed after seeing Mason's face.

There were still blood stains and wounds on the Chief's face, and the police uniform on his body was tattered and torn, as if he had rushed from the battlefield.

But Mason motioned him not to speak.

He pulled out his double-barreled hand cannon and pressed it against the guy next to him who was trying to suppress the pain. He pressed the cold muzzle of the gun against the guy's forehead, and asked loudly:

"How did you find this place?"

"Mason! It's Tim! Tim Drake."

Gordon hastily explained:
"He's the third Robin! He's believable."

"No, he's not credible just yet."

Mason said without raising his head:

"The Bat family has an inner ghost, Batman was almost beaten to death in Crime Alley, why don't you think he didn't show up for two days?

Tim, how did you find out about this base?Did you betray Bruce Wayne? "

"I knew it."

Tim, who was pinned to the ground by Mason, was a very young man, but still bigger than Mason.

Looking 20 years old, this guy has the same short black hair as Ye Yi, and has a slender body with obvious muscles. He has been exercising for many years.

He didn't resist when he was pressed to the ground, but gasped and said in pain:
"I knew something was wrong when the bat network was just paralyzed, but I didn't expect it to be so bad. Mason, although we haven't met, we have fought together in Black Gate Prison.

Could you give me a pain reliever first?

Your shot nearly broke my leg bone. "

"The bullet went through the calf, grazed the bone and flew out and hit right through. There will be no aftereffects other than pain and scars, Tim, I took aim!

Don't play tricks. "

Mason said coldly:
"You still haven't said how you got here?"

"I'm the best private eye in Gotham!"

Tim gasped and said:

"I immediately started the plan I had been preparing after realizing something was wrong, and found this place by observing the movements of the people around Batman, and finally comparing the trajectories of Dr. Leslie and Mr. Lucius.

Except for the link of installing a locator on their car, the other reasoning and judgment processes are not difficult at all. "

"Sounds like a good reason."

Mason retracted the pistol, casually took a blood tonic from the medicine belt on his chest, and handed it to Tim.

The latter looked suspiciously at the strangely colored medicine in his hand, pinched his nose and drank the viscous medicine under Gordon's signal.

"Orange flavor, I like it."

The young third-generation Robin pursed his lips, and was supported by Gordon to follow Mason to the base.

A minute later he was able to limp on his own, and when he walked into the down elevator Tim looked at the healed calf wound in amazement.

It can be seen that this young man's scientific worldview has also been shattered by this bottle of magic potion.

And that's exactly what Mason wants to see.


The heavy gate of the secret base 30 meters underground opened, and when the three of Mason walked into it, Batman had already put on the black suit of titanium alloy mechanical style, but he did not wear a helmet.

He was standing in front of the wall full of monitors, and Alfred, holding a cup of coffee, was manipulating the spare and independent bat computer.

And the chaotic scene in Gotham can be seen on the monitors all over the city.

Although he didn't see the man's face, Mason already guessed how indifferent his expression should be, as if the anger was burning in his eyes.

Even if Gotham is a cesspit recognized by the world.

But this is Batman's cesspit, and he won't allow these vandals to run amok in his city.


Standing next to her, Catwoman, who had also changed into her suit, silenced Mason, signaling him not to speak at this time.

But Mason shook his head and said softly:
"I just came back from Arkham. The bad news is that the League of Assassins has reached an agreement with the mental patients there. With their operational efficiency, the supervillains in the entire Arkham Asylum may have become the Assassins who have wreaked havoc on the city. pioneer.

They may soon enter the city, and Gotham will soon be destroyed.

But it's not the scariest.

The League of Assassins released these offal just to attract the attention of you and your fighters, and they are secretly preparing more dangerous things.

The 'Advent Day' project."

"It's been Barbara's job to decipher those messages."

Butler Alfred said softly.

The old man who had experienced war and was a top spy had obviously guessed some terrible truths, he glanced at Bruce Wayne and chose not to continue.

After nearly ten seconds of silence, Batman finally spoke.

With his back to Mason, the three of them put on their own battle helmets. After the special titanium alloy battle helmet was buckled on the head, its mechanically driven armor was also moving to adjust the specification parameters to better fit Batman. face and neck.

In the end, with a slight snapping sound, the cold-style helmet and the main body of the armor were completely connected together and became an unshakable whole.

This action also seems to represent some kind of choice for Batman.

The master said in his characteristic hoarse and indifferent voice:

"Tim, I need you to venture out of Gotham City to Central City, enter the Star Laboratory as quickly as possible to find Dr. Silas Stone, and borrow his professional equipment to reset and secure communications from the Justice League Watchtower .

I need members of the Justice League to intervene in this situation. "

"Don't you guys have a special response mechanism or something?"

Mason said suspiciously:

"Even with Superman's super hearing, he should be able to come over immediately when something happens in Gotham, right? After all, you two have such a good relationship."

"I can't tell you the answer yet, Mason."

The master shook his head and said:
"All I can say is that the Justice League is in charge of something very important. What's going on in Gotham is nothing compared to the magnitude of that.

We reset team behavior a few months ago.

Unless a member initiates a request, other members will not intervene in similar situations.But it now appears that this new behavior pattern was exploited by Lei Xiaogu. "

"How should I get there?"

Tim Drake, the third-generation Robin, is not afraid, but he will have a headache and say:
"When the original bat network has been infiltrated by the League of Assassins, they are already monitoring the whole city, and there is no way to leave here with ordinary transportation.

Unless you use the bat fighter.

But the Batcave I guess is already taken over there, right? "

"Three ten minutes ago, elite black-clothed assassins entered Wayne Manor."

Butler Alfred sighed and said:

"They imprisoned all the servants on the estate and destroyed my favorite car, and you're right Tim, the Batcave is taken.

They're hacking the security procedures there.

If we don't act, in a maximum of two hours, every weapon in there will be at their disposal.

In addition, the scarlet knight who attacked Master Wayne also attacked the Wayne Building before, and Lucius and everyone in that building were taken hostage by them."

Having said that, the old butler glanced at Mason with a strange look, and said:
"However, because the laboratory of the Wayne Industrial Science and Technology Research and Development Department was 'stolen' not long ago, all the Batman combat equipment stored there was looted, which indirectly led to the failure of the League of Assassins' raid.

This is an unexpected good thing. "

The young man shrugged.

He and Catwoman looked at each other and almost laughed.

"We must split up!"

The master looked at the pictures captured by the monitors on the wall.

He tried hard to suppress the anger in his heart to maintain the necessary calmness, he turned around and projected a three-dimensional sand table of Gotham City on the high-tech console.

Say to everyone in front of you:
"After Grayson comes back, he, Tim, Selena, and Alfred will act together to recapture the Batcave. Gordon, I will first go to Wayne Building with you to rescue the hostages there. Possibly round up the city's police and contact the nearby National Guard into Gotham.

Immediately after retaking the Batcave, Tim set off to Central City for help.

After leaving the range of Gotham, we can send a signal to Star City, which is closer to us, and Green Arrow should be able to come to support in the most critical moment.

We must advance our respective tasks as quickly as possible, and this chaos must end tonight!

Once it drags on to tomorrow, more lives will be lost once Arkham Asylum's supervillains join the 'carnival'. "

"I have two questions!"

Mason raised his hand and said:
"First of all, you are not fully recovered! You should lie back on the hospital bed so as not to waste my bottle of medicine strengthening your body in the final stage.

Leave at least an hour late to make it as effective as possible.

I know you are in a hurry.

But take your time. "

The young man glanced at the silent master, and asked the second question:
"I came here with a gun, don't you plan to give me a mission? Is it because my massacre at the Iceberg Bar made you hate me?"

"There are reasons and concerns about that."

The master raised his head, and his eyes under the more textured metal helmet stared at the unashamed Mason.

他 说:

"Greyson has clearly controlled the situation, but you still choose to kill them. This is no longer self-defense, Mason, you are creating a massacre.

I will still invite you to join the action tonight!
My personal likes and dislikes cannot be placed above the lives of countless people in this city, and your behavior over the past period of time also proves that you follow your own more radical standards of good and evil.

In this moment, you can be trusted.

I very much hope that you can restrain the cold killing intent in your heart, Mason.

But if circumstances force me, I won't force it. "

The young man looked at Batman in surprise.

He was already prepared to be reprimanded and even kicked out of here.

He knew very well how hard-hearted the man in front of him was, his determination was comparable to that of the most hopeless psychopath.

But he didn't expect tonight's master to accept the massacre he just created so calmly.In fact, think about it carefully, just now Batman told Tim to seek the help of Green Arrow.

Green Arrow's style Well, except for the humane and rather chic glove stun arrow, any of the rest is much colder and darker than Mason's actions tonight.

Maybe it was really as the master said, the situation forced it?
Mason didn't expect Batman to take the time to explain this to him. At the same time, Alfred put down the coffee cup in his hand, and the old butler looked at the monitoring screen in front of him.

He whispered:

"Master Wayne, Master Dick is back, and he brought back Barbara."

(End of this chapter)

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