The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 89 41. How can I be a mercenary and take drugs every day?give up! --【2450】

Chapter 89 41. How can I be a mercenary and take drugs every day?give up! --【2450】

Cleaning up Damian Wayne does not mean that the crisis in the Batcave has weakened, although the K team has headshot Killer Crocodile along the way, defeated Mr. Freeze, made the Scarecrow fall paralyzed, and "rebelled" Mudface caused Almost all the black warriors in the Batcave were buried in the mud.

But the League of Assassins still has a great advantage.

Because they still have Bane!

Even without most of his subordinates, the secret weapon, the Bat Warrior, was driven away from the Batcave by Mudface eager to undo the curse, but the mighty Bane could win without these weak guys!

Right now in the Bat Hall, Bane, wearing a heavy breathing mask, was fighting Nightwing, the Third Robin, and Alfred in the fear gas left by the Scarecrow.

With one against three, Baine did not fall into a disadvantage at all.

On the contrary, because Bane deliberately destroyed the gas masks on the opposite side, they inhaled some fear gas and became weak, and they couldn't do any effective damage to the enraged mercenary king.

The scene looked very much like a strong man torturing three fugitives.

Bane was holding the severely deformed steel in his hand. It was something he had removed from the Batmobile with his bare hands. Nightwing's titanium alloy suit was too strong, so Bane had to rely on external objects to deal with it. Grayson does an effective kill.

He strode on the platform steps of the Bat Hall, dragging the steel behind him and making a low sound. While walking, he made a hoarse sound under the black and white heavy breathing mask that looked like a skeleton.

"Like baby birds in a nest, screaming for mother bird. You can't even fight without Batman! How sad! He taught you how to fight but didn't teach you how to be a real fighter.

But it's okay.

The lesson you missed will be made up today! "

Bane seemed to grow stronger with each breath as he walked.

This is not an illusion.

Some kind of green liquid is being injected into his brain through a reinforced hose from the special instrument on his back that is integrated with his unique battle suit.

This kind of "Titan Poison" that only Bane has the ability to "enjoy" is stimulating his body, making his already strong muscles more hypertensive, and even making his senses sharper during the strengthening of his strength.

The shadow on the ground also expanded and twisted, like a hungry predator searching for prey.


Alfred, who was hiding on the high platform, gritted his teeth to keep himself sane under the influence of the fearful gas. This old ace agent and former battlefield warrior held guns in both hands and shot a shot at Bane condescendingly.

The modified bullet whirled and hit Bane's neck. This fatal shot should have tore open the throat of this dangerous man, but under the strengthening of the "special poison", the bullet could no longer move forward as long as it penetrated into the muscle. .

The bleeding made Bane feel pain. He waved his hand and smashed the steel in his hand into the sky, as simple as throwing a basketball.

Alfred evaded with a tactical roll, but the flying steel smashed the high-altitude hook with terrifying force, causing the platform to tilt and dump a large number of items on the ground.

The strength of the thrown steel proves that Bane, who has been strengthened by poison, has broken away from the category of "normal person". The strength of that punch can definitely turn a cow into a meat paste.

"Ha! I got you!"

Bane didn't care about the old butler who was hanging in mid-air. He strode forward and punched through the wall in front of him, pulling Nightwing out of his hiding place amidst the splash of bricks and stones.

But the young master hiding there is not afraid of fighting.

When he was pulled out, two golden bat knives were also pulled out together, and the cursed weapons borrowed by Mason staggered to cut blood on Bane's chest.

The curse of weakness made the mercenary king of the League of Assassins scream, and smashed Nightwing against the wall in front of him like a wrestler.

At the same time, the third-generation Robin Tim, who was beaten badly, also rolled and approached from the ground, grabbing four sedatives with both hands and piercing them into Bain's calf.

The Sons of Bats did not give up the fight!
Bane slowed down under the effects of curses and tranquilizers.

The young master and the third young master who had smashed the wall bullied Bain to the ground in the previous round of attacks, but a larger amount of toxin was injected into the brain and Bain quickly got rid of his weakness.

He roared like a polar bear, and seemed to have completely entered "Rage Mode".

One by one, the Robins grabbed their arms and swung them from the spot, smashing them to the bat computer platform behind, causing the sparks flying there.

While the first young master and the third young master struggled to hold back Bane who was in a frenzied mode, the kite man and Mason also passed through the air silently and rescued the old housekeeper who was hanging there.

Mason shot the hook gun and took Alfred into the air and landed on the higher Bat fighter platform.

He took the last refreshing potion at hand to the trembling butler who was holding his head and struggling to resist the poisonous fear gas, and it quickly brought him back to his senses.

"That lunatic Bain has been strengthened by poison to the point where he is almost invulnerable, except for sniper bullets, there may be nothing that can penetrate his hardened skin at this time.

Don't even think about assassinating with cold weapons.

His self-healing ability is no worse than Killer Crocodile.

We need bigger caliber weapons to bury that bastard. "

Mason pointed to the Bat fighter that was fixed on the platform by a special electronic lock behind him, and he said to the old butler covered in blood:

"Is there a way to make it move?"

"The bat computer was smashed by Bain, and the equipment in the entire Batcave has been forcibly shut down, and I can't open that special lock with my authority."

The old butler shook his head and said:

"It's even more impossible to break it, Master Wayne has set up a plan for the current situation, unless we detonate the entire Batcave Um, what are you doing?

Why take out the removal tool? "

Alfred watched in astonishment as Mason took out a toolbox and took out strange wrenches and screwdrivers from it. He widened his eyes and said:
"Mason! Don't tell me you're going to break this $1000 million lock with your bare hands?"

"Why not try it?"

Mason pouted.

He felt that he would definitely not be able to open the lock, and his engineering skills hadn't broken through to the point where he could crack the black technology of the bat, but destroying it was much easier than opening it step by step.

It's like defusing a bomb.

"The two little guys below are about to be beaten to death, think of a way, Mason!"

Catwoman, who was holding Damian, also came to the high-altitude platform with a flying claw gun, and she looked worriedly at the youngest and youngest who were being pressed and beaten by Bane, who was getting more and more crazy.

Frankly speaking, Nightwing's combat power is also top-notch in Gotham's environment.

The third young Tim is slightly worse.

But he was a detective, and he always lived on his brains.

The combination of the two has a great chance of winning against any villain in Gotham, but tonight they have to face the terrifying Bane who can break Batman's back head-on under the weakening of the fear gas.

You must know that even the master's record when facing Bane is not always won, and Batman will definitely not choose this kind of frontal and tough tactic when Bane has been strengthened with poison.

Because he knows he can't beat it!

"use this."

Mason opened the control panel on the heavy electronic lock casing that clamped the Bat-fighter, revealing the extremely precise structure packaged inside.

While preparing to "defuse the bomb", he took out all the antidote potions he had brought with him.

He stuffed these potions to the three people in front of him, and said to them:
"I don't have the recipe for Bane's poison, so I can't make an antidote on the spot, so I can only use this kind of um, wait, we have a better way to deal with him!"

Mason suddenly thought of something that he had neglected.

He opened the suitcase and took out a test tube containing a silver liquid. When he saw this thing, Alfred suddenly widened his eyes and said:

"Unicorn blood? We're here to beat him not heal him, Mason! I appreciate your sense of humor, but we don't need that right now."

"No! Boss wants to purify those toxins!"

The kiteman made a rare quick answer this time.

He looked at Bain who was raging like a wild beast below, the poison injected into that guy's body must have reached a certain limit.

Those strengthening drugs made Bain's upper body muscles almost swell into an inverted triangle "hill".

Even the young man in the titanium alloy battle suit didn't dare to fight Bain head-on. A single punch from the mercenary king in this form was enough to kill him in place with his armor on.

And Bane's speed has also been strengthened.

When dodging and chasing, he was as fast as lightning, and even flashed a distance of five meters like "teleportation", and raised Tim, who had opened the distance, with both hands like a throwing ball, and threw it for more than ten meters.

"It's like a weakened version of Superman."

Mason complained.

Then he diluted some of the unicorn blood in the various antidotes in the hands of the three people in front of him, and put the rest back into the box, saying:
"These bloods are cursed, but they still have a strong purification effect, you find a way to inject these antidotes into Bane's body.

Or mixed directly into the 'poison' he used.

That much dose would be enough to cleanse him of the strengthening effects of those poisons, and maybe cure the guy's 'drug addiction' along the way.

Of course, the price is that after Bane, people who have to live for the rest of their lives will be neither human nor ghost, but I think a super villain who never changes will probably not care about this. "

"Although the weapon room was plundered by the Assassin Alliance, there is still the super tranquilizer gun designed by Master Wayne to capture Superman!"

The housekeeper got up immediately and said something terrible. He said to the kite man:

"Take us there, that kind of injection gun should be enough to inject the antidote into Bane's body. Wait, who is this kid? Why do his eyes look like this?"

"Oh, I'll talk about these little things later!"

The kiteman grabbed the old housekeeper's hand and stretched out his kite, leading him to glide down from a height of more than ten meters to the weapons room that had been plundered by the Assassin Alliance.

Catwoman stayed where she was and tied Damian to the platform with a cat's tail whip. She glanced at Mason who was dealing with the sophisticated electronic lock, and said:
"You are not allowed to bully him, do you hear me?"

"Tsk, some jewel thieves have started to learn how to care for their husbands and children before they become Mrs. Wayne?"

Mason, who entered the working state, didn't lift his head, clamped the chip in the lock with the engineering wrench in his hand, and frowned, trying to understand the operation mode of these unknown things in front of him with his engineering knowledge.

He sneered sarcastically.

But Catwoman just bared her teeth at him, pulled the trigger and fired the claw gun and swung towards the weapon room.

Two minutes later, the three men holding the anesthesia gun that was said to be designed by Batman to counter Superman began to shoot at Bane, and the antidote that added the blood of the cursed unicorn pierced into Bane's body and had a significant effect.

Crazy Bane, who had been stimulated by the highly toxic enhancement of the poison, felt that his IQ was slowly returning, and at the same time, his berserk power was rapidly depleting.

It was as if some weird and sacred thing was injected into the blood vessels, and it began to rush through his body that had already adapted to the poison, and healed those organs that had been alienated by long-term drug use to their original normal form wherever they went.

This should have been a good thing.

But that may not be the case for Bane.

Although he is still the most dangerous mercenary and assassin in the world even without the strengthening of this poison, he has long been accustomed to using poison to gain an advantage when he is at a disadvantage, and he has already developed a serious "drug dependence".

The result of being suddenly cured now is that Baine can't adapt to the upcoming "health" for a while.

He originally grabbed Ye Yi and planned to give the young and old a "Doctor Bain's Chiropractic", so that the first-generation Robin could also experience the "treatment process" of Batman back then.

But the feeling of health gushing out of his body and the poison that continued to be injected into his brain reacted violently, making Bane, whose burly figure quickly "shrunk", staggered back while coughing blood, and threw Nightwing to the ground.

"Grayson, go on!"

Alfred threw a syringe gun in his hand at the young man whose face was covered in blood and who had discarded his helmet and armor.

The latter, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, gritted his teeth and jumped up, caught the injection gun in the air, wrapped his legs around Bain's neck like a spider, grabbed the syringe with both hands, and ruthlessly inserted the thing into the poison can behind Bain's back.

The moment this thing was injected into the poison tank, the toxins that Baine depended on for a living were quickly purified.

The blood of the cursed unicorn is still pure blood, a holy thing that is highly effective against all man-made poisons.

"Ah! Go away!"

Baine screamed and pushed the young master away.

He also fell into the puddle below from the edge of the Batcomputer platform in embarrassment. He struggled to grab the tube connected to the back of his head, and for the first time actively tore that thing off himself instead of passively.

But it's too late.

The unicorn blood and the antidote took effect at the same time, and Bane's strong but weird figure quickly returned to his proper burly and healthy body.

He could feel a sense of relief that he had never felt before, but at the same time, the curse of taking the blood of the cursed unicorn clung to him like a shadow.

Let him start to hate all light, hate all existence in front of him!
The heavy weight of sin on his heart made Bane, the king of tough guys, even feel guilty for a moment, so that he felt that he must be crazy!


A loud mechanical sound also sounded on the high platform.

Alfred and the others turned their heads and saw the Bat fighters that had been locked on the platform slowly rising into the air.

"You unlocked it?"

The old butler exclaimed.

The next moment, Mason's answer came:
"No, I didn't unlock it, I just broke it. I don't think it's possible for a $1000 million lock to not have a 'factory reset' feature.

Sorry, but Batman might need to spend a few more bucks to refit himself with a lock.

Ah Fu, let me confirm.

The weapon system of the Batfighter is non-lethal mode, right? "

Alfred immediately realized what Mason was going to do, and the old butler, covered in blood, finally heaved a sigh of relief and leaned against the railing next to him, whispering:
"Fire, no one will die."

"Roger that!"

Mason, who was sitting in the cockpit, unfolded the red fire button.

The Bat fighter weapon system went online, and a bat-shaped aiming frame locked on the "Purified" Bane who was holding his head and screaming in the pool.

In the next moment, the black large-caliber machine gun spun, and in just a few seconds, Baine and the pool were buried under the collapsed rock wall.

"Successfully completed an outstanding process · excellent quality · precision technology equipment cracking, engineering skill proficiency increased by X40, currently at Lv3."

Seeing the skill promotion prompt jumping out in front of his eyes, Mason let go of the fire button.

He took a deep breath, patted the console full of buttons beside him, and slowly parked the ghostly bat fighter on the platform below the batcave with a very unskilled gesture.

When he jumped out of the fighter plane cabin, he patted the shell of this thing and swore secretly:

"Such an exciting plane, I will definitely buy one when I have money!"

(End of this chapter)

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