The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 91 43. When you overstrengthen the initial weapon...--【2650】

Chapter 91 43. When you overstrengthen the initial weapon——【2650】

Three or ten minutes later, after resting, Mrs. Catwoman walked quickly into the arsenal of the Batcave.

She said to Mason, who was busy at the workbench:
"Your medicine is amazing as always, Grayson is awake, and Alfred has adjusted the two Batmobiles. Bruce keeps sending news that he has instigated the conflict between the supervillains and the League of Assassins.

Arkham is about to descend into the chaos of civil war, and it's time for us to go. "

"Hold on."

Mason said without looking back:

"I'll be fine right away."


A few seconds later, there was a sound of the clamp tightening. Mason let go of his hands and stretched his neck, picked up the pistol that had just been assembled on the workbench and threw it to Catwoman behind him.

Lord Selena took a look in her hand, then frowned and said:
"What the hell is this? Feels like a freak out of a revolver and a shotgun after a night of drinking and fucking."

"I think that as the future mistress of the Wayne family, you should use strict and elegant words. Your words will teach the children badly."

Mason complained.

He looked at the strangely shaped hand cannon in Catwoman's hand, and after a few seconds, the young man sighed and said:

"But I also have to admit that Ni's pungent evaluation makes sense."

The pistol in Catwoman's hand is obviously an "improved version" of the short-barreled crit pistol, or a modified version.

Except for the same name, the two things have nothing in common at all.

The loading structure of the original shotgun was changed by Mason to a large runner cylinder, the structure of the double barrel was also changed to a single barrel, and the short barrel was extended, which made it look like a classic. revolver.

But the problem is that the caliber is surprisingly large.

This thing still uses slugs or large deer bullets. Its deterrent effect is not diminished, but its interior is very strange.

Fortunately, because the weapon accessories used by Batman are all of the excellent quality of human nature, this weapon that is almost impossible to use in theory has become a reality.

"It's too heavy for my style, which always needs to be close to the enemy."

Selena lifted up the "hand cannon" and made a few aiming movements. She handed it back to Mason with some regrets, shook her head and said:
"I can see you put a lot of whimsy into it, but I need something lighter and easier to carry."

"Understood, I will do it for you later."

Mason was not disappointed either. He conveniently ejected the bullet from the gun and loaded it with six cursed slugs with a quick loader.

Because all the standardized weapon modules are used, this black short-barreled crit handgun improved version is full of a square-headed and square-brained style. It does not have the round feeling of the past but has a touch of industrial minimalist style.

Although the single barrel lacks the roughness and wildness of the previous double-chambered barrel, this thing that is two times larger than the average revolver is still full of deterrence in the hand.

If anyone pulls out one of these gadgets in a street shootout, he will definitely become the most beautiful boy in the crowd in an instant.

Mason didn't hate the style.

He even added Picatinny rails to the gun to allow it to mount more tactical accessories. If you use "jargon", this thing has been strengthened to the top.

When Mason held it, the information label also popped up instantly:
Short Barrel Critical Hand Cannon·Improved Version

Quality: Excellent Engineering Items Outstanding Craftsmanship
Weapon Traits: Crit, Fast Reload, Modular, Durable
Producer: Mason Cooper
Item description: You don't have to be so careful with the initial weapon, right?An idle and painful engineer.

Tip: After successfully completing an item of excellent quality and outstanding craft engineering, the proficiency of engineering skills will be increased by X40.

"I think it's actually pretty good."

Mason inserted his new gun into the weapon slot on the right side of his waist, and took out two modular black long guns with the same square head and square brain from the workbench behind him.

Like this short-barreled crit hand cannon, crit shotguns and crit shotguns have also been transformed beyond recognition by Mason's whimsy, and they have also been equipped with some obscure tactical components to make them full of A "professional" style.

Especially a precisely calibrated crit shotgun.

Mason fitted it with an advanced smart sight produced by the Wayne Industries Military Research and Development Laboratory, which is enough to ensure accurate tracking of the enemy at a distance of 2000 meters.

However, it takes practice to use such a sophisticated gadget, and Mason probably needs some time to get familiar with its operation.

This time he did not name the new gun.

"Old K" is still the eternal name of his favorite gun, but Mason needs to get the "dream gun" he wants first.

He put a square engineered silencer on the muzzle of the blaster shotgun, put it in the bag, and put the combat shotgun, which looked like a black box with a handle, on his back, and went to The bullet production line packs several boxes of high-explosive and armor-piercing bullets produced into the luggage.

Then he rubbed his chin and thought for a while, and put the entire production line into the suitcase very bluntly.

Catwoman watched this scene and shook her head again and again.

Lord Selena complained faintly:
"Can't you replace a man-made disaster? You took Bruce's laboratory and Batmobile, you ransacked his collection room, and now even the armory has been poisoned."

"What you said doesn't make sense."

While Mason kept filling his arsenal with explosives of various functions from the master's arsenal, he retorted and said:
"Why don't you say that I brought the K team here and risked my life to help without even asking for errand fees? Your boyfriend doesn't care about these small losses, so don't complain.

Men, who doesn't have a dream of getting something for nothing? "

While speaking, Mason threw a combat belt full of various combat accessories to Catwoman, saying:

"Get Grayson ready to go, we're leaving in five minutes."

After speaking, he quickly walked out of the weapon room of the Batcave, looked at Alfred who was busy in front of the Batcomputer with some guilt, and then tiptoed towards the outside of the Batcave.

The fear gas on the road leading to the entrance has almost dissipated. Mason took out a special reagent bottle to collect some samples of the fear gas enriched on the ground.

When he appeared outside the devastated bat cave, a mass of mud staying in the water immediately "got up" and gathered in front of Mason's eyes to form a mud-faced ooze monster with fuzzy facial features.

"I did it, what I promised you! Those human bats were driven away, and those Assassins who had been buried under the earth! I offended those bastards for your request, and I should run now !

It's all your fault! "

Mudface roared violently:

"It's your turn to fulfill your promise!"

"Why are you yelling so loudly?"

Mason wiped the splashed mud on his face.

He glanced at this very emotionally unstable guy, then released the devil's box from the suitcase and opened it in front of Mudface.

The majestic and cold curse atmosphere formed by the whole box of devil gold coins piled together made this powerful super villain take several steps back in horror.

He didn't expect that there were so many of this kind of horror in Mason's hands?
This young-looking guy must be some old, evil wizard in disguise!
Mudface gave Mason a definition in that instant.

"If necessary, I really want to shoot every bad guy in Gotham with a gun in the body. It will definitely keep you where you belong."

Mason pointed to the devil box and said:

"Repent to it with your own blood and return the cursed metal, and your curse will be lifted."


Mudface had turned into two hands with mud and was about to throw the cursed metal into the box, but he froze in place when he heard Mason's words.

He thought for a few seconds before humming and saying:
"Look at my current appearance, where is the blood?"

"Well, pure ooze might work too."

Mason looked at the guy in front of him whose whole body was made of mud. It was really difficult for him to take out the blood, so the young man rubbed his chin and said:
"You want the kind of ooze that comes from your own body, not these things that you enrich yourself with water and soil. The purer the ooze, the better the effect.

And don't even think about returning your 'blood' to the Devil's Chest and getting it back again.

That will only make you more cursed. "

"Ah! Damn it! I hate this business."

The irritable Mudface cursed again.

Mason couldn't see Mudface's expression clearly from the flowing ooze, but it was certain that this request would make the cursed super villain very distressed.

With a huge body like a little girl, he stretched out his muddy fingers, mixed three drops of pure brown ooze with the cursed metal, and threw it into the devil's box.

As the three balls of golden muddy bullets fell and made a clear sound, Muddy Face suddenly felt a burst of relief from the extremely painful spirit.

The cold power left him, there were no more nagging phantom sounds in his ears, and all kinds of horror scenes no longer appeared in the world in front of him.

It was as if my life full of darkness and violence had also received some kind of "pardon" at this moment.

"Free! I am free!"

The guy howled and raised his hands to the sky in a classic Shawshank Redemption image.

99.9% imitation!

It is said that Mudface was a very good horror movie actor before he became a monster, so it is no wonder that this guy occasionally does some very weird things.

He howled ecstatically, took a few steps back and looked at Mason vigilantly, and twisted his body quickly under the gaze of the young man, turning himself into the appearance of a strange man again.

Except for a slightly darker complexion, he was almost the same as an ordinary person, and even his clothes had changed.

He stared at Mason fiercely and said:

"But I won't go back to that ghostly place in Arkham. I'm leaving. Don't chase after me, evil wizard! I'm already prepared. Your little tricks won't work for me."

"This is what we agreed on earlier, Mudface."

Mason put his hand on the explosive hand cannon on his waist, and he said calmly:
"You promised me that you would go back to the lunatic asylum to spend my sentence. I thought that the famous villains in Gotham City would talk about the spirit of contract."

"I can change it, I can make you an offer you can't refuse, and I know you'll accept it!"

Mudface grinned, imitating the posture of the godfather and even molded a cat out of ooze in his arms. This severe cosplayer stomped his feet on the ground, and said in a sly tone with a drawn out voice:
"Let me tell you a secret, wizard. The League of Assassins sent not only a few of us to assist the berserk Bane, they sent the walking corpse too.

That's right, Solomon Grundy.

But the guy didn't show up at all.

He ran away!
And I heard him run away saying that he wants to master the power of these zombies.You know, he was originally a resentful zombie who came back from the dead, and he is not afraid of being infected by the zombie virus.

You don't want to see you save Gotham with great difficulty, only to be destroyed by a lunatic who hates life, right?

I can help you find him.

Even help you catch him to offset my sentence. "

"Nice proposal."

Mason thought for a while, curled his lips and said:
"As you wish, I accept this proposal, but you'd better wait until Batman comes back and talk to Batman yourself, I will not participate in these. All the way, Mudface."

"Tch. Hypocrisy."

Mudface cursed, turned around and turned into a ball of mud and quickly disappeared into the wet ground here.

After he left, Mason looked at the two undeformed bullets in the devil's box. He took them out, reloaded the shells and stuffed them into the clips, and glanced at the trembling one curled up in the devil's gold coin. Little lumps of ooze.

They are the "blood" of Mudface, and naturally possess the supernatural power of Mudface's transformation into mud, and they have been cut off from the main body because of the curse.

They have become separate entities.

But such a point is obviously not enough to give birth to wisdom, but it doesn't matter, Mason has enough time to cultivate his own "slime monster".

"I'm going to call you 'Kevin'."

Mason stretched out his hand towards the trembling little ooze in the devil's gold coin, letting it waddle and "crawl" to his palm. He stared at the thing and said:
"It is said that the plague alchemist apprentices in Maldraxxus' withering secret courtyard should have their own slime assistants, so I am complete with you, my little cutie."

"Hey! If you keep talking to yourself in a lump of mud, I should think about booking you a room in Arkham Asylum."

Catwoman's voice came from behind.

she says:

"We're about to start. The intrusion into Arkham will be very dangerous, Mason, if you don't want to participate, you can leave with the kiteman first.

I will not be hostile to you or despise you for this. "

Selena moved her lips and said:

"After all, this is a matter of the Bat family. You are enough friends to help this step."

"No, of course I will."

Mason touched his suitcase and said:

"Look at how much 'remuneration' I got. I owe them this. I feel uneasy if I don't repay the favor. Besides, aren't there colleagues from the K team working there?
For pure newcomers like us, we have to learn more about their behavior from the big brothers, and observe how they lead to disasters.

I think it will definitely be of great benefit to our future careers. "

As he spoke, Mason brought the tattoo on his left arm close to the collar pin, and when the eyes of the eye pin of hell opened, he said to the other side:

"John, are you ready?"

"and many more!"

Constantine's voice sounded like it was coming from another world. He couldn't lift his spirits and said:

"I'll learn these damn lines by heart first."

(End of this chapter)

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