Miss, you are my future wife

Chapter 101 Three People Tango

Chapter 101 Three Tango
The weather is good, overcast and cloudy, and the temperature is only in the early twenties. At the end of June this is undoubtedly the last restraint before the scorching heat is about to break out.

Yu Luying, Shen Jie and Xiao Yao walked towards the bus stop together, Xiao Yao kicked his hands in his trouser pockets, Shen Jie smiled, Xiao Yao looked from one side to the other, his forehead was slightly sweaty; Yu Luying covered her expression with the brim of her hat, but her eyes glanced over the two of them from time to time, and sometimes she met Xiao Yao's eyes, and quickly avoided them.

In fact, when Yu Luying proposed to go with her at the beginning, Shen Jie refused.Because she thinks... ah... you can't say you want to follow, I will let you go right away, first, we are going to take wedding photos, what's the matter with you, second, Yu Luying's identity is quite special, in Shen Jie In the eyes of high and low, it is half an ex-girlfriend...

But Yu Luying explained that she herself has always had the desire to take a set of wedding photography alone, so she wanted to take this opportunity to let Shen Jie lead the way for a field trip.

In the end, Shen Jie had no choice but to agree.

At this time, three people were walking side by side on the sidewalk, Xiao Yao was on the inside, Yu Luying was on the outside, and Shen Jie was walking between them.

Shen Jie wore a long dress with light yellow embroidered white magnolia, and a pair of white canvas shoes under the long dress. When she walked, the hem of the skirt fluttered, and you could see the stockings of the skin-colored socks—this way of wearing The magic capital in 2004 was not very fashionable, but under the control of Shen Jie's youth and beauty, she was able to shine.

Yu Luying is wearing a black baseball cap, under the cropped jeans are girly glass silk socks and a pair of old-fashioned but clean white sneakers.

At the same time, walking with two dazzling beautiful girls, Xiao Yao can clearly feel the envious eyes of passers-by, especially male passers-by.

The idea of ​​taking the bus was brought up by Yu Luying when she was watching them eating at "Hu Jian Qianlixiang Wonton". She said that she knew there was a special line to Qingpu, and taking the elevated highway was no slower than taking a taxi.

"No, no, no." Yu Luying waved her hand, rejected Shen Jie's fake politeness, took out her Walkman, and plugged in the earplugs.

The "Hongqing Line" is an ordinary bus in Shanghai, which can be seen everywhere in 2004.In this era, the "tram" of the last century has basically been eliminated, and battery cars have not yet appeared, so diesel is burned.

She chose the seat in the back row at first, but Xiao Yao reminded her that it would be very bumpy, so she turned to sit in the window seat of the double seat in the middle and rear on the left.

Xiao Yao remembered that Yu Luying's shoe size was 36—they had never communicated about such issues, but because of the symbiosis, Xiao Yao somehow knew.As a girl who is nearly 1.7 meters tall, such a foot size really can't support her, so Yu Luying always walks with an unstable center of gravity, and it is easy to stumble and bump.

"In other words, when traveling, listening to Xu Wei's songs is really comfortable. Just, that slightly hoarse voice, the feeling of wandering like the wind..." Xiao Yao said casually.

"Be obedient, be obedient." Xiao Yao nodded again and again: "It's not the main problem, it's...more...emotional?"

"Didn't you come to Shanghai just a year ago?" Shen Jie asked him.

For Yu Luying's proposal, Shen Jie refused at first.Because she thinks... ah... you can't say you want to take the bus, I will take the bus right away, first, I have to try...

Before sitting down, the girl took out the tissue she carried with her and wiped the chair carefully.

A gentleman wearing reading glasses turned his head, pulled his glasses down, and turned them back.

After a while, it seemed that the vibrating window glass was uncomfortable, so he rested his head on Xiao Yao's shoulder again.

"Huh? Didn't you just say that it was your first time taking the bus in Shanghai..."

"Well... Unfortunately, they are all gone now." Xiao Yao said regretfully.

"Wang Baba rubs it for you." Xiao Yao bent down to the left.

"Well... I told you not to be angry."

"What's different? Tell me." Shen Jie was very interested in this topic.

"Of course." Xiao Yao said, "Shen Jie, do you like me?"

Shen Jie hit Xiao Yao and made a "shh" gesture, her face flushed.

"Isn't it boring to talk about this?" Xiao Yao smiled.

"The end." Yu Luying began to dig out her pockets.

Then, he lifted up his skirt, showed him his long skirt and socks, and said in an aggrieved tone: "Am I not obedient enough?"

Yu Luying did not sit with them, but chose to sit in the row of seats across from the front right.

Life is all about experiences, and when you don’t have to be on the road, the three of you are crowded together in a small closed space and look at each other.

"No," Shen Jie said, "It's just that I didn't sleep well last night."

"No, no," Xiao Yao explained, "I was thinking, maybe I didn't do well somewhere, so that you...maybe, you don't like me as much as before?"

In fact, I was a little unhappy at the time, but Yu Luying was there, so I didn't show it.

"Xiao Yao," Shen Jie said seriously, "Do you want an electronic pet who listens to you, or a girlfriend who can talk to you?"

"Hmm." Xiao Yao nodded and said, "Maybe it's my illusion. I always feel that recently... since you got sick, no, after you were hospitalized, or after you were discharged from the hospital, it has become different from before."

The girl seemed really sleepy, she took Xiao Yao's hand, leaned her head against the window glass, and closed her eyes.

"I come, I come, give me."

Xiao Yao wanted to take the girl into his arms, but Yu Luying was sitting right in front, it seemed impolite to act like no one else.

"You said tram, I remembered it. When I was a child, my mother took me to ride once, just to play." Mentioning her mother, Shen Jie's eyes became very soft.

"Well, I know." Xiao Yao said with a smile.

Obedient, huh.

This reminded Xiao Yao that in the first half of the first semester of high school, when the poetry club was held for the first time, Yu Luying also sat by the window alone, not talking to other students, just like this, holding her chin and looking out the window.

Shen Jie thought, then you are going to say something that makes me angry: "Miao Mama promises you."

This little bourgeois hypocrisy aroused Xiao Yao's disgust, but he chose...

Shen Jie reached out and touched Xiao Yao's head, and Yu Luying subconsciously turned her face to cast a glance.

"I still miss the tram when I was a child," Xiao Yao recalled: "Have you seen it? There are two braids, dragging the wires in the sky, there are two carriages, and there is a rotating disc in the middle, that is, the middle can turn..."

"Like it?"

"Gouzi..." I don't know how long it took, and the burden on the shoulders suddenly lightened: "Ah, where are you going? Haven't you arrived yet? How long have I been asleep?"

"It's quite fun." Shen Jie thought for a while and smiled.

"You, you mean..." Xiao Yao understood a little bit.


The short girl with a baby face was a little slurred and her eyes were blurred.

"I hate taking the bus." Shen Jie came to the basic conclusion: "Ah, my feet are numb."

"Huh?" Shen Jie was a little caught off guard.

"Sometimes I think of the stories I experienced with you, those scenes are flying, sweet and sentimental."

"Yes," Shen Jie nodded and said, "But you have to accompany me to do what I want to do, and it can't always be unilateral."

"Oh, sometimes I come to Shanghai to stay at grandma's house during the summer vacation, and during the winter vacation, I usually come to Shanghai to celebrate the new year." Recalling his childhood, Xiao Yao couldn't help smiling, showing the small smile on his face. Dimple: "At that time, my favorite thing was to come to Shanghai for the Chinese New Year.

"Where are you going?" The middle-aged woman in her 40s walked up to Yu Luying with a machine that scanned the bus card.

"Didn't sleep well?" Xiao Yao suddenly thought of something: "By the way, did I snore while sleeping?"

"How does it feel to take the bus for the first time?"

"The sun is warm and keeps shining into my heart. The past is far away, year after year..."

Last time in the hospital, you said to Yu Luying in front of me, "Your scripture says that wives should obey their husbands." Didn't you really mean it to me?The girl thought.

A slender girl is sitting on a seat that is turned sideways, holding the armrest with her right hand, looking at the scenery passing by the window she is facing, with a thoughtful expression.

She, did she just say "girlfriend"?

He could not care about the eyes of passers-by, but once he changed his mind, he couldn't ignore Yu Luying's feelings, so he stretched his body very straight.

As soon as Xiao Yao asked this question, the female driver slammed on the brakes, and the two rushed forward together, almost hitting the back of the front seat.

"Gouzi, you are so kind to me." Shen Jie lightly stomped on her size 34 foot.

"The sun is warm and keeps shining into my heart. Without you, how could I be here today?"

Yu Luying was sitting at the front wheel of the bus, so she was very high, and her two little feet wrapped in beautiful glass silk socks and white sneakers just hung down and swayed slightly.

Ah, yes, Xu Wei's "An Unforgettable Day", the title is a bit like a composition by a primary school student, Xiao Yao likes this tune.

But since I agreed, it's not easy to go back on my word.Shen Jie recalled for a while, as long as she could remember, she couldn't say that she had never taken a bus before, but it seemed that this was her first time taking a bus in Shanghai.

"You don't fight much, do you?" Shen Jie recalled: "But you will grab the quilt and sometimes kick me, which is annoying."

"Just, some time ago, you suddenly became very obedient, and now you are, more, more... self?" Xiao Yao considered his words.

"I have to get up at 6 in the morning, take a minibus to Nantong, take a boat at 10 in the morning, go all the way south along the Changjiang River, and enter the Huangjiang River at 6 in the evening, and then the siren sounded, and everyone rushed out of the cabin Go to the deck to look at the Pearl of the Orient, and my father will lift me up to look at it...

"In the end, the boat stopped at Shiwupu Wharf, and grandma would pick us up there." Xiao Yao said with a happy face, "It's a pity that since the dredge bridge was repaired, there is no such passenger boat anymore."

"Have a chance to accompany me to Xu Wei's concert." Xiao Yao said.

"I like you more than before." Shen Jie said softly, "So, you must be nice to me."

"I have a cousin, a cousin, and a cousin. Every Spring Festival, the four of us play together," Xiao Yao continued to recall: "We played fireworks in the alley, threw and rowed cannons, and there was a lot of lucky money. ...But every time my parents said they would keep it for me, and then took most of it away."

The two of you sang and cheered me up, right?

Listening to Wen Qing's remarks, Shen Jie suddenly didn't want to take the bus anymore, because Xiao Yao had said almost exactly the same thing to her.

She was very quiet and lonely that day.

"So?" Shen Jie said, "Are you going to accuse me again now?"

"Hmm." Shen Jie made a negative voice from her nostrils: "It's quite warm."

"Seven dollars," said the conductor.

Shen Jie took a breath, smiled and gently tugged Xiao Yao's ear, and said in a joking tone: "Who has ever seen such a tyrannical son-in-law."

"I have a habit. When I arrive in a new city, I often have to take a bus. Because only in a small space can I quickly appreciate the unique scenery and culture of each city. Sometimes I like Sitting by the window, you can see the passing vehicles and crowds, as well as the criss-crossing tree shadows and roads," Yu Luying said: "Sometimes I like to stand in the middle, next to the people who have just bought groceries. Listen to the grandpa and aunt at home, and listen to them talk about their interesting experiences. Although the people on the bus are strangers, they often have kindness and tolerance, and what you see is a smart life and a real life."

"I just want you to tell me so that I can do better." Xiao Yao was full of desire to survive.

"You remember Xiao Yao," Shen Jie said, "The buyer is the one who picks and chooses."

At first, Xiao Yao thought it was the music playing on the bus, but later felt that the sound was vague, and suspected that it was just his own auditory hallucinations, and finally realized that it was probably the song Yu Luying was listening to with the Walkman. "If I see you again, what will it be like? Will I hold you in my arms again..."

"Luying," Shen Jie raised her head and greeted, "Sit here."

A burst of clean guitar sounds flowed into Xiao Yao's ears. It was a bit familiar, and it should be a song Xiao Yao had heard before.

At that time, she was also like this, she smiled for no reason, which was very beautiful.

I am sorry.

Xiao Yao caressed Shen Jie's dog's head -- er, cat's head, and looked at Yu Luying involuntarily.

"Ah?" Xiao Yao didn't react for a while.

The car started slowly, and the afternoon sun suddenly peeked out half of the side from the thick clouds, and the sun shone directly on Shen Jie's face.

"No, you just want to take the opportunity to touch your feet, take your hands away!"

"Nonsense, it seems that I'm a native of Modu, don't you really think that I don't go to the streets?" Shen Jie snapped, "I've sat down once."

"No, no, get up on your butt, I'll wipe it for you too."

Compared with Shen Jie, the pair of deer on Yu Luying's chest can't really be called "big". She has a natural oval face and a short ponytail that allows people to appreciate her slender neck from all angles, even if she is not wearing a school uniform , It can also be recognized as a middle school student at a glance.Her skin is white, even when she is smiling, there is a lingering melancholy in her eyes...

"Walking through a familiar place again, I don't know where you are now. The warm feeling you gave me is still in my heart."

"Honey, why don't we change it." Xiao Yao whispered, "Sun."

"Ah, is it true?" Xiao Yao laughed.

"I don't know," Xiao Yao moved his buttocks, stretching his stiff and sore arms: "It's almost there, isn't it about to get off the highway?"

"Ah? Did you take the lucky money home?" The girl yawned and quickly covered it with her hands.

Obviously what you said before was to let Shen Jie lead you the way, Xiao Yao thought a little uneasy.

"Unexpectedly, on this day, inadvertently, you walked by me on the crowded street, the blue clothes blown by the wind, and the warm face in the sunset, you are more beautiful than before, like a blooming flower..."

"You still hate it when you sleep so hard. Have you ever thought about how you feel about not daring to move for fear of waking you up?" Xiao Yao sat upright again, glanced at Yu Luying from the corner of his eye, and found that she was also rubbing Shoulder.

If it weren't for the limitation of the symbiotic distance, she would not have wanted to go out to take this muddy water, but now that the risk has been ruled out, as long as she maintains it--she doesn't want to be a light bulb begging for nothing, it will hinder her self-esteem.

Han Han's second novel was originally titled "Remember an Unforgettable Little Thing", but was renamed "Like a Boy Speeding" by the editor of the publishing house. This is one of Xiao Yao's favorite novels.

"Aha——" Shen Jie couldn't hold back all of a sudden, her voice was a little loud, the gentleman wearing reading glasses turned his head, pulled the glasses down, and turned back again.

He replaced the word "do" with the word "emotional": "For example, I used to tell me that she is yours and you are mine. Such weird words, but now I often get some irrelevant jealousy. Getting mad at me, not listening to my explanations, picking on me... something like that?"

"I like it." Shen Jie wiped Xiao Yao's head with a smile.

Yu Luying handed over a brand-new 20-yuan bill and a one-yuan steel coin, and pointed to Xiao Yao and Shen Jie.

There were not many people in the car. As soon as Shen Jie got into the car, she smelled a diesel smell. She frowned displeasedly, and her nose twitched slightly.

He suddenly felt that the feeling of saying these five words was really good.

Come on, try it out.

The buses in Shanghai in this era are basically coin-operated + bus card system, but this kind of cross-district long-distance bus still retains the jobs of conductors.

"Ah? Do you want to listen to music? I forgot to bring out my Walkman." Shen Jie said.

Wait, why is she laughing by herself for no reason?Even the row of white and neat teeth were exposed.

Hearing these words, Xiao Yao felt as if something was about to burst out of his body, and couldn't bear it any longer, he hugged Shen Jie in his arms and pressed hard.

At this moment, Xiao Yao felt two shadows covering himself.

He raised his head, only to see a shriveled old man with crutches standing in front of him, with dimples all over his face and an intriguing expression.

Beside the old man stood a expressionless Yu Luying, who was pulling the ring, continue, look out the window.

(End of this chapter)

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