Miss, you are my future wife

Chapter 287 The Waltz Under the Starry Sky

Chapter 287 The Waltz Under the Starry Sky

*This chapter is also called "Du Su Rui and Kanu Dancing".

After dinner, according to the original plan, Xiao Yao immediately wanted to take the girls to the beach to look at the stars, and told her about the "Meiyu Group" by the way, but Yu Luying said that she wanted to participate in some kind of Taize event first.

Tai what Ze?It seems that Shen Jie also said that she wanted to go with her roommate.

Then you Thai.

Xiao Yao originally wanted to talk to Boge about Yu Baolu, but after inquiring, he found out that this "Taize" was hosted by Yu Bo, an old man, and he happened to be a little tired, so he planned to go back to 1503 and take a nap first.

"No, you came to the summer camp and didn't participate in the activities, so you just cheated to eat, drink, play and sleep?" Yu Luying said, forcing him to participate.

Xiao Yao had no choice but to follow her.

The big room where the Taize prayers are held is with lights off and soft carpets. You need to take off your shoes to enter, and there are people everywhere.

The vague smell of stinky feet permeating the air aroused Xiao Yao's nostalgia, and reminded him a little of the computer class in elementary school.

In the darkness, everyone held a small candle in their hand, and the connected candlelight provided the light source for the room, and also made everyone's face half bright and half hidden in shadow.

At the front of the room is a large Byzantine-style Madonna statue, and next to it is a Byzantine-style statue of Iesu. Xiao Yao likes this style quite a bit.

"Praise the Lord, everyone, for He is good, praise the Lord, alleluia..."

Xiao Yao held the distributed small candle in one hand and protected the swaying flames in one hand, followed Yu Luying and Zhou Qi, walked through the crowd sitting on the ground, and then sat down cross-legged in the empty space with them.

He didn't like this kind of nagging atmosphere very much, and gave up trying to find Xu Qingwei in the crowd, not knowing what to do, he sang along to a few rounds of songs, and became more and more drowsy.

"Come praise my Lord, come praise my Lord, all the world, all the peoples, Alleluia..."

The same melody and the same two lines of lyrics were sung monotonously back and forth, which had an excellent hypnotic effect. Soon, Xiao Yao lowered his head and became motionless.

When he woke up, there were already bright lights in front of his eyes, and the building was empty——the event was over, Xiao Yao only felt refreshed, and even stood up and walked more lightly.

I slept really well, I don't feel like sleeping on a hotel bed can relieve fatigue so much, it's so relaxing, Xiao Yao thought.

Turning on the phone to check the information, Xiao Yao, Yu Luying, Hairtail, and Zhou Qi met at the front door of Shengai Hotel.

Really, they said they were going to take Yu Luying to the beach to watch the stars, so what are these two dead light bulbs doing?

"We also want to see the stars," Zhou Qi said with a grin, "We'll leave as soon as we find a place, and we won't cause you any trouble."

"It's okay, just watch it together." Yu Luying said duplicity.

Please, don't be polite to them in a place like this, what if someone takes it seriously.

There are quite a lot of stars in the sky, the four of them searched for a suitable observation place together, and gradually walked further and further away, and walked into a small road in a farmland.

Both sides of the path are covered with human-like straw, the moon is dark and the wind is high, and it is scary.

"Brother Yao, I started snoring when I was in Taize, so loud." Hairtail said.

"No way," Xiao Yao said in embarrassment, "I didn't even know that I was still snoring while sleeping."

"Fight," Hairtail said, "It's so loud, if you don't believe me, ask them?"

Zhou Qi smoothed things over for Xiao Yao: "Should Xiao Yao just be too tired from the hard work today?"

"Well," Yu Luying replied foolishly, "Xiao Yao usually doesn't snore when he sleeps, I know that."

After saying this, all three of them stared at him with strange expressions, and said, "What's the matter——oops!"

It wasn't until this moment that she realized belatedly that she was telling everyone in a disguised form that she and Xiao Yao had been sleepy together?

"Oh, no!" Yu Luying petrified instantly, as if struck by lightning, stomping her feet repeatedly, wishing she could swallow her tongue in one gulp: "No, I didn't mean that!"

Hairtail quickly said, "We all know that's not what you meant."

He wanted to smooth things over, but he couldn't hold back a smile, so he covered his mouth and turned his face away, smiling at the tall reeds.

Xiao Yao kicked up and kicked the hairtail fish's ass lightly.

Yu Luying finally thought of how to explain it: "I, the reason why I know is that Xiao Yao usually sleeps on the desk in the classroom and never snores!"

"Yes, yes, we all understand," Taiyu said, "Yingying, don't explain any more, explanations are just covering up, there are no outsiders here."

"Shut up the fuck," Xiao Yao kicked the fish's ass again, this time with more force: "Yingying was also called by you? - Withdraw, withdraw, she didn't say anything, what did you hear just now?" without?"

"I didn't hear that." Hairtail said quickly.

Zhou Qi said: "Only the wind of the reed."

"Oh, it's so annoying," Yu Luying scratched her feet in embarrassment, "Have you found a place to watch the stars yet?"

"Look, look, look, keep going."

The four of them continued to move forward. In order to alleviate Yu Luying's embarrassment, Xiao Yao took the initiative to find a topic: "By the way, Zhou Qi, why did you appear here?"

"You asked me that," Zhou Qi turned around, walked backwards with his hands behind his back, "Why can't I appear here? Oh, you guys are allowed to play?"

"No, that's not what I meant." Xiao Yao waved his hands and said, "I mean, I have been in the same class for a year, and I have never heard that you or your family believe in religion or have any connection with the church."

"What about the two of you?" Zhou Qi looked at Xiao Yao and Hairtail and said, "As for me, when I was in the hospital, I was very weak during that time, both in body and soul."

Xiao Yao and Yu Luying thought of what happened to Zhou Qi, and they both felt desolate. They both thought that when Teacher Yao's palace was destroyed and Zhou Qi was hospitalized, she was completely forgotten. It was a bit... Not so good.

"At that time, it was Father Yu who came to visit me every now and then, telling me some principles of the Gospel, comforting my mental state, and helping me with spiritual exercises for soul recovery—Ms. Yao was also doing it. These exercises."

"So that's the case... No wonder Teacher Yao seems to be more energetic," Xiao Yao pondered slightly, "Father Yu is really kind."

"It's just for performance." Hairtail complained.

"You want to be kicked again, don't you?" Xiao Yao raised his foot to kick.

"Don't, don't, hey, Brother Yao, why do you look like Brother Long back then," the hairtail complained, "Irritable."

Zhou Qi ignored the octopus, but continued to explain to Xiao Yao: "After I was discharged from the hospital, Father Yu asked me if I would like to come to the seaside summer camp to relax, and during my hospitalization, he and my parents also met... There are a few This time, to help mediate the relationship and conflicts between my parents, well, I won’t talk about the details anyway, all in all, this time is equivalent to our whole family coming to Dongqi Beach to relax together.”

Zhou Qi's parents... For some reason, Xiao Yao thought of the man and woman who were arguing excitedly in the corridor of the hospital, and remembered the slap that the man slapped.

The girl didn't continue talking, and the other three looked at each other, and tacitly didn't ask her about her personal affairs.

"But it's really relaxing to come here," Zhou Qi said, "And Taize just now...Taize too? I feel very relaxed."

"Taize is like this," Yu Luying explained: "I heard from my little uncle that you can do anything when you are in Taize—sing Taize songs, recite the rosary, pray, meditate, Meditate, read the Bible, even sleep, any way that makes you feel comfortable can be a dialogue with God.”

Even without the lights on, can you still read the Bible?Xiao Yao complained silently in his heart, but the hairtail spoke first: "Sleeping too? You can't protect your man like this—"

"However, sleeping in Taize is really comfortable," Xiao Yao said, "I feel refreshed and relaxed after waking up. How long have I been sleeping? It's not like sleeping at home—"

"Wow! Look!" Zhou Qi shouted excitedly.

When the other three saw the scene in front of them, they all let out a small "Wow".

Walking out of the path among the reeds in the farmland, this is a very "short" beach. The so-called short means that you can go down to the sea within a few dozen steps.

The beach is not very smooth and flat, because it is undeveloped, and it is mixed with large or small rocks of various colors, which makes people's feet hurt when walking on it.There was a strong fishy smell in the air. A single white lamp was hung at this intersection, and the two sides of the beach were immersed in two endless darkness. It was impossible to see how wide the beach was.

Of course, none of this was a reason for the four of them to say "wow".

What shocked them was the starry sky—the starry sky so close at hand.

The key to the beauty of this starry sky is not "many" and "complex", but "near" and "bright".

How to describe it?The half of the sky in front of him is pitch black, the sea water and horizon in front of him, no, the sea level is also pitch black, so in Xiao Yao's view, the beach illuminated by lights where the four of them are standing is completely shrouded in half of the sky. In the black cover, and this cover is particularly "short".

You can see the starry sky without looking up, because as long as you look straight ahead, you can see countless shining stars in front of your eyes.

Saying "innumerable" may be a bit exaggerated, after all, their number is not comparable to the shining Milky Way, and saying "as if you can reach it with your hand" is also bragging, but no matter how you look at it, it is like rowing a small boat in the sea for 500 meters. It's like being able to pierce this false curtain with a single shot.

If you've seen The Truman Show, you'll immediately know what I mean.

Yes, false.

Because it looks too close, too bright, and too clear, it doesn't seem real.

To use the terminology of the game, this starry sky does not look like a 3D model, but just a [-]D texture used as a background.

"Let's go on a romantic date, and we won't be light bulbs." Zhou Qi held Hairtail by the arm: "Let's go over there for a walk, and then go back—see you tomorrow."

"Be careful!"

"See you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!"

After the two light bulbs finally left, Xiao Yao and Yu Luying put down the guitar and cello they were carrying, and sat side by side on the beach.

Xiao Yao took Yu Luying's hand and interlocked his fingers.

Pick up the phone with the other hand and edit the text message.

For about seven or eight minutes, neither of them spoke. They just stared at the "false starry sky curtain" in a daze, listening to each other's breathing, the sound of the sea breeze, and the barking of dogs not far or near.

In the end, Xiao Yao was the first to speak: "Yu Luying, what did you think of?"

"What did you think of?" Yu Luying asked back.

"I'll count to three, two and one, and the two of us will say it together." Xiao Yao suggested.

"Okay." Yu Luying said.

"Three, two, one."

"Dongru county playground starry sky." "The promise on your balcony."

"Well," Xiao Yao said, "Barely...is it a match?"

"If you say you're right, then you're right." Yu Luying smiled.

"Yes, I misremembered," Xiao Yao admitted, "It wasn't on the playground, but on the balcony of my house. The two of us made an agreement that we would go to see the starry sky together in the future, whether it's on the top of the mountain or by the sea."

"Well, I didn't expect it to be realized so soon," Yu Luying said, "There is always a kind of..."

"Unreal?" Xiao Yao said.

"No, it's too easy." Yu Luying said.

"I understand." Xiao Yao said.

The boy slowly turned his head towards the girl, who closed her eyes cooperatively.

"I love you forever~" Xiao Yao sang softly.

"But where is eternity?" Yu Luying immediately sang the next line.

Xiao Yao blocked Yu Luying's mouth.

At the very beginning, Xiao Yao's hands were honestly propped up on the beach.

But Yu Luying kicked off the hole shoe on her right foot, and began to gently rub Xiao Yao's bare calf skin with her little foot in white socks.

Hmm... She really didn't change her socks.

Xiao Yao hummed from his nose, Xiao Er stood up on the spot, and Xiao Yao also stretched out his hand to the girl.


"Hand," Yu Luying said vaguely, "You're dishonest again?"

"Jio," Xiao Yao said, "fuck it, only state officials are allowed to set fires, and people are not allowed to light lamps."

"Steam, are you not convinced?" Yu Luying rubbed the bridge of Xiao Yao's nose with her high nose.

"Of course I'm not convinced," Xiao Yao said, "And you'll have to say later that I seduced you. My existence itself is a temptation. You are an unreasonable thing."

"I'm an unreasonable thing." Yu Luying admitted.

"Tsk." Xiao Yao said.

"I don't care, I want... to get comfortable today." Yu Luying's voice became lower and lower.

"It's a young age, isn't it good to be young and pure, we both agreed." Xiao Yao pointed out: "This is a goddamn sacred and dignified parish summer camp."

"It's okay, as long as you don't touch it, it's not a crime." Yu Luying said, "Lie down a bit..."

Yu Luying stood up, supported the electric pole next to her with one hand, maintained her body balance, and gently arched Xiao Yao's left arm with the sole of her right foot.

Xiao Yao condemned contentedly: "There is really nothing I can do about you."


"I'm telling you something serious."

When Yu Luying's foot slipped on Xiao Yao's belly, the latter finally couldn't help but speak.

"En." The girl stood up with the soles of her feet, and rubbed Xiao Yao's neck and shoulders with the back of her feet.

"When I was going to the toilet today, I accidentally heard your grandfather talking to your uncle—the eldest uncle, and it has something to do with you." Xiao Yao stretched out his hand to stroke Yu Luying's calf.

The foot trembled and stopped moving for a moment.

"Your grandfather said that he wanted to take the shares of Meiyu Group..." Xiao Yao said while thinking, deliberating over his words.

Suddenly, he heard a mobile phone vibrate.

Xiao Yao took out the newly purchased mobile phone from his trouser pocket.

"Shen Jie's phone number." Xiao Yao told Yu Luying.

"En." Yu Luying nodded, toes away from Xiao Yao's upper body, groping for her Crocs on the sandy ground.

(End of this chapter)

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