From the city to the strongest in the universe

Chapter 3 Cultivation Techniques, Body Training Chapter

Chapter 3 Cultivation Techniques, Physical Training
Li Yang's pupils shrank slightly, and an unbelievable expression appeared in his eyes.

There was no wound on his right foot.

"How is it possible? I obviously stepped on something like a nail, why is there no wound on my foot now?"

Not only was there no wound, but there was also no pain at this time.

According to what Li Xue said, he was in a coma for more than a day, and the wound healed in just one day?

Human wounds cannot heal so quickly.

"What's the matter?"

Li Yang's eyes were full of puzzlement. He just stepped on something yesterday and felt a sharp pain before falling into a coma. But now there are no wounds, as if what he experienced yesterday was his illusion?
Just as he was thinking, he seemed to sense Li Yang's thoughts. At this moment, a fluctuation flashed slightly in Li Yang's mind, and then Li Yang felt that he could suddenly sense the scene in his mind clearly.

It was in his mind at this time, but Li Yang didn't know where it was, it seemed to be a magical space, there was a nail-like thing here, and the nail seemed to appear out of thin air. fluctuate slightly.

Under the fluctuation, there is also a slight radiance of color.

"what is this?"

Seeing this nail, Li Yang's eyes were even more shocked.

There is something in his mind?
Thinking of what he stepped on yesterday, but there was no wound on his foot, now a nail-like thing appeared in his mind...

Putting it all together, an incredible idea appeared in Li Yang's mind.

"Could it be that the nail in my mind is the one I stepped on yesterday?"

In such a short period of time, what happened to him was too mysterious.

"It's not a nail, it's like a sword."

After taking a closer look, Li Yang discovered the real shape of this "nail".

The entire blade of the sword seemed to be covered by a layer of hazy things, and the light emitted looked like a nail.

"Huh? I seem to be able to take it out?"

Suddenly, Li Yang had a strange idea in his heart.

The small sword seemed to be under his control.

He opened his right hand, his heart moved, and then a small sword appeared directly in his palm.

boom! ! !
As soon as he appeared, Li Yang only felt an incomparably huge pressure, as if a huge mountain appeared in his palm, and he was about to be crushed by this huge mountain.

The surrounding space seemed to be unbearable as well, it seemed to be cracked, and there were traces of cracks indistinctly.

But in an instant, the pressure disappeared again, and the small sword in his palm collapsed and reappeared in his mind.

"This...what the hell is this?"

In a short time, Li Yang felt that he was covered in cold sweat, as if he was facing the entire sky just now.

A small sword less than one centimeter weighs as much as a giant mountain.

After studying for a long time, Li Yang finally accepted this mysterious thing in his heart.

Then he sighed again.

He didn't know much about the little sword, but the only thing he was sure of was that this little sword ruined his college entrance examination.

"Hey, it's okay if you come two days late. If you failed the college entrance examination, your parents must be very disappointed." Li Yang sighed in his heart.


As if feeling Li Yang's lost emotions, the little sword fluctuated slightly, and then some information suddenly appeared in Li Yang's mind.

The information looks like ancient compiled books, which Li Yang doesn't know at all, but he seems to be able to easily understand the meaning of these words.

"Body refining chapter? Body tempering?"

Li Yang absorbed the information in shock, and a legendary cultivation method was directly revealed in his mind!

Looking at this exercise, Li Yang felt that he could practice according to it!
"People in ancient times lived to a hundred years of age, and their movements are not bad. Qi practitioners in the pre-Qin... did there really exist a civilization of cultivation?"

For Li Yang, who has always been ordinary and unremarkable, what happened today undoubtedly overturned his three views.

A small sword suddenly appeared in his mind, and a skill appeared, which was obviously a scene that only appeared in his fantasy.

However, there are indeed many unsolved mysteries in this world.

Even now.

Just like decades ago, in the Feixu Great Desert, a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose into the sky!

Everyone knows how the mushroom cloud came about, but this mushroom cloud has become a mystery in today's society. I don't know how many people are guessing what happened?Is it man-made or other reasons?
Because any official media in the world keeps silent about it, and the news it sends out also says that it is just a smokey praise.

It is estimated that only a very small number of people know the truth of the matter.

After turning all the thoughts in his mind one by one, Li Yang took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly, to calm his heart down.

He carefully checked the exercises in his mind.

As the name suggests, this body refining exercise is to absorb energy, temper his body, and make his body stronger.

Tempering is divided into four stages, and each stage is a complete tempering from the outside to the inside.

After understanding the whole piece of exercises, Li Yang tried to practice.

He sat on the bed, just sitting quietly, without any special posture, but he was slowly running the exercises.

"According to the explanation of body tempering, there is a special energy in this world, and body tempering is to absorb this energy into the body."

Li Yang felt it carefully, within less than three seconds of running the exercises, he felt that the world around him seemed to have changed, and he could clearly feel a strange energy in the air.

"really have!"

Li Yang was pleasantly surprised. He felt the energy himself, and he was undoubtedly even more excited.

The strange energy was sucked into his body by him, and his body felt a very comfortable feeling, as if he was having a massage, and his whole body was slowly relaxing.

After practicing for 1 minute, Li Yang stopped.

Outside the door, Li Xue came in, and there was also a doctor.

The doctor checked Li Yang's body, asked him how he was feeling, and finally said: "There is nothing serious, take a good rest these days..."

There are many people who have symptoms before the college entrance examination, and there are many who cannot bear the pressure and faint directly. These doctors see more.

However, Li Yang's previous examination showed that there was no physical problem. The only explanation was excessive pressure, anxiety before the college entrance examination, staying up late, etc., which led to coma.

"Thank you, doctor." Li Xue finally felt relieved after hearing what the doctor said, and quickly thanked the doctor.

Watching the doctor leave, Li Yang smiled and said, "Sister, I'm fine, I'm going to go through the discharge procedures now."

(End of this chapter)

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