Chapter 314 Li Yang Has Fallen?
"What's going on? The mysterious little sword has reacted again?"

Sensing this fluctuation, Li Yang's face was calm, but many thoughts appeared in his mind instantly.

The little sword in his mind is extremely mysterious, even the current Li Yang doesn't know its origin at all.

With Hunmo around, Li Yang didn't take out this little sword again, but he knew that with his current strength, he still couldn't move this little sword.

And this mysterious little sword shows a kung fu, relying on this kung fu, his soul is complete, the world tree clone has even given birth to the octopus clone, the thunder star beast clone at the world level, the Konglie dragon clone, and even the incredible A clone of the natural god Huo You Shen Beast!
Even Hun Mo, who was extremely powerful during his lifetime, would think that this ability to conceive is impossible. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed it.

And before, the mysterious little sword fluctuated once, and that time, it was he who found the World Tree!
Now, the mysterious little sword reacted again!

"The source of the fluctuation is in the east area." Li Yang looked in a direction.

Although I don't know why the mysterious little sword showed a slight reaction, but there is definitely something in the attractive place!
"What is it?"

At this time, Li Yang's heart was faintly excited, what the mysterious little sword felt was absolutely extraordinary!
Moreover, he knew before that there are many opportunities in this spiritual world.


Thinking in his heart, Li Yang headed towards the east area directly.


When he came to a place, Li Yang's face suddenly changed slightly.


On the ground, a small snake suddenly attacked. The body of this small snake turned black, blending with the whole ground, and suddenly launched an attack on Li Yang.

However, although Li Yang was pleasantly surprised by the opportunity, he did not let go of his vigilance. After the little snake appeared, he waved the Liuhe spear in his hand, and the black little snake was split in two.

And the ball of green liquid that appeared from its mouth was also instantly destroyed, burning into nothingness under the flames.

Its body fell directly to the ground, and the breath of life had completely disappeared.

"A little snake in the middle of Star Master Realm?"

Li Yang looked at the little snake.

He is now invincible in the Star Master Realm, but if he is unprepared, this kind of snake in the middle of the Star Master Realm still poses a little threat to him.

The mid-term strength of the Star Master Realm is only superficial, the key is that the venom of this little snake is very strong.

"Well, alertness is okay." In his mind, the voice of Hun Mo came.

"Li Yang, I can easily detect the distribution of monsters and insects in a large area around, do you want me to tell you?" He said deliberately, trying to induce Li Yang.

Hearing his words, Li Yang refused without hesitation: "No need."

If he knew the distribution of all the monsters and insects, what would he need to hone?
"Hey, if you don't say it this time, I won't say it next time." Hun Mo laughed.

At this time, Li Yang ignored him at all and continued to move forward.

Along the way, Li Yang encountered monsters, insects and so on.

After waiting for a long time, the strength of the encountered monsters reached the late stage of the Star Master Realm.

After killing the monster, Li Yang directly put its body into the space ring.

This is 1 contribution point, although it is small, but in the outside world, the resources exchanged for this 1 contribution point will definitely cause an unknown number of people to crazily snatch it.

"The land of chance seems to be very far away."

Li Yang moved forward, he had advanced for half a day, but the distance didn't seem to change much.

"Keep going!"


Time goes by, one day... three days... ten days...

As he continued to advance, the strength of the monsters and insects that Li Yang encountered became stronger and stronger, and he even met one in the world!
He immediately chose to flee.

Although Li Yang's strength is invincible in the Star Master Realm, there is still a big gap between the invincible Star Master Realm and the World Realm!

Invincible Star Master Realm still has a lifespan of 10 years, while World Realm has directly reached a million-year lifespan!
It has truly comprehended one of the four mysteries of a series of laws, and that strength has directly transformed.

It can be said that even an invincible star master will be instantly killed in front of the most ordinary world-level powerhouse without the slightest resistance!
Take the human race's ladder to the gods as an example, the invincible strength of the Star Master Realm can pass the ninth ladder!
But possessing the strength of the Star Master Realm, this corresponds to the No. 11 ladder!
From Star Master Realm Invincible to World Realm, there are two steps!
In other words, only by passing the No. 11 ladder can one have the strength to kill the most ordinary world lord!

It can be seen from this that the gap between the Star Master Realm and the World Realm is huge!
Mastering 90.00% of a kind of profound meaning of law is a completely different concept from mastering one hundred percent!

Therefore, Li Yang used the teleportation stone to leave immediately without any hesitation when he encountered a monster at that world level.

"Li Yang, your progress is a bit fast." Hun Mo asked.

In a short period of time, Li Yang continued to move in one direction without hesitation, and even encountered monsters at the world level within ten days. How can a genius be honed like this?This is completely increasing the probability of falling.

Hearing this, Li Yang said casually: "I am now invincible in the Star Master Realm, and the monsters and insects in other places can't put pressure on me."

While talking, Li Yang looked into the distance, and his heart was faintly excited.

"The opportunity is ahead!" The place sensed by the mysterious little sword is getting closer and closer!

Soon, Li Yang finally came to a place!There were monsters there.

Those monsters, insects, etc. are densely packed, and their realm is at the peak of the star master realm!
"The opportunity is here?"

Li Yang looked ahead and frowned slightly. He didn't see the opportunity, but the monsters stared at him with fierce eyes, as if he would launch a thunder attack as soon as he approached!
Although Li Yang is powerful, he is still under pressure in the face of these monsters.

"Never mind, try it." Li Yang took a deep breath and stepped forward.

The place of opportunity shown by the mysterious little sword is where those monsters gather!
Li Yang's figure flicked and stepped forward.


All of a sudden, the monsters rioted and directly attacked Li Yang.

Li Yang was about to launch an attack.


But at this moment, a strange wave suddenly seemed to scan his body.

In an instant, the surrounding void changed drastically, and a strange portal appeared in front of Li Yang, and a huge attraction came. Under this attraction, Li Yang had no strength to resist at all, and was directly sucked in. .

And the fluctuations on the portal spread out, and under the fluctuations of the surrounding monsters, their bodies turned into nothingness!
The portal disappeared, and the surroundings were silent. There were no monsters or beasts, and it seemed that nothing had happened.


At the entrance of Lingyue World, the god Xuan Mo is guarding here and is practicing.

Suddenly, Xuan Mo's expression changed, he stood up and stared at the compass.

On the compass, the light spot representing Li Yang disappeared directly!
"Li Yangguang just disappeared, and Li Yang has fallen?"

(Thank you for the 1500 rewards from Bansheng Liangliang to Shang, and thank you for the 08 rewards from 130212152833687a, Hell Forbidden Fruit, and book friend 100. Thank you.)
(End of this chapter)

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