Chapter 328 Another spike!

Li Yang's figure moved and appeared in the next space.

This is the No.11 ladder space!
In the space, there is a gigantic monster beast with eight legs that looks like a cow. There are strong fluctuations of the law of space in this monster beast!
No.11 ladder, here corresponds to the world realm!
One law, four kinds of mysteries, only by truly mastering one of the four kinds of mysteries, can one truly break through to the world realm.

Therefore, the monster in front of him must have completely mastered a kind of law and profound meaning.

"Which one is the secret meaning of the law of space? Is it the field of space? Teleportation? Freezing space? Collapsing space?"

Li Yang said silently in his heart.

"Li Yang, do you want to fight?"


After the words fell, the law of space on the huge monster directly fluctuated, and then Li Yang seemed to feel that everything around him became quiet, and the whole space froze.

"Space freeze?"

Feeling this fluctuation, Li Yang judged it all at once.

This is the display of the complete mystery of space freezing. Any star lord will be terrified, without any resistance, but Li Yang, who is in the Longevity Realm, has no fear at all.


After the space freeze was cast, the eight-legged bovine monster roared and attacked Li Yang directly. Its thick hooves were like a mountain, and it stepped on Li Yang directly, as if it wanted to trample Li Yang. for fragments.

Facing such an attack, Li Yang did not change at this time.


It seemed that there was a broken sound, and the entire space shattered like a mirror.

The space freeze is broken!
And Li Yang swung the long spear in his hand and stabbed directly.


A spear pierced out, but the spear's light was like a flying knife, its speed was extremely fast, and it came in front of the bull monster in a blink of an eye.

The roar of the bull monster wanted to shatter the spear light, but the spear light directly penetrated his thick hooves and entered his body!It even directly penetrated his body.

Horror attacks frantically poured into its body, strangling the vitality in its body, and the aura fluctuations on this bull-type monster were actually decreasing crazily.


The bull-type monster roared unwillingly, and then disappeared without a trace.


After passing the tenth step, facing the monster in the space of the No.11 step, Li Yang still killed it instantly!

"Next." Li Yang's eyes flickered.

After 20 years of silence, those forces oppressing the earth made him feel angry, and he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​slowly fighting this monster who understood the law of space!


Beyond the stairs, the gods were still in shock.

"Li Yang's progress... is too great."

"That's right, Lan Yu just persisted on the tenth step for 4 minutes, and Li Yang was able to achieve an instant kill! His current strength has surpassed Lan Yu by a large margin!"

"This progress rate is much faster than he was 20 years ago!"

"Can Li Yang pass the No.11 ladder?"

Many gods discussed in shock.

Li Yang's progress is too fast, even if Li Yang gets the master's attack inheritance, it doesn't mean how much progress he will make if he gets the inheritance, the key still depends on himself.

If you don't have enough talent, even if you encounter inheritance, you will get very little benefit from it.

They were discussing whether Li Yang could pass the No.11 ladder.

Although they thought it was impossible, it was possible for Li Yang to pass the No. 11 step by killing the lives in the space of the tenth step in seconds.

If it passes, then Li Yang is really against the sky!
Because Li Yang's talent in this class has been cultivated by Wanshoujing for 100 years, and now only thirty years have passed.

In the rest of the time, Li Yang may even hope to pass the No.12 ladder.

Except for Hunxu, who is one of the top 12 evil geniuses in the human race, the last person in the human race to pass the No. 1000 ladder in the Longevity Realm was more than [-] billion years ago.

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, the battle in the No.11 ladder space began. Under their eyes, the monster's space freezing mystery was fully displayed, but Li Yang swung the spear in his hand.

With just one move, the monster's body was directly penetrated, and then died. No. 11 The monster in the ladder space, Li Yang still kills it instantly.

Dazed, seeing such a scene, many gods present were stunned at once.

"Instakill! This Li Yang actually instakilled the monster in the No.11 space?"

"How is it possible? This monster has completely mastered a law and profound meaning!"

"Li Yang's current strength has completely reached the level of the master of the world, or even surpassed it?"

Many gods were shocked, and it was hard to believe what they saw.

Li Yang, who obtained the master attack inheritance in Lingyue World, it is understandable for them to progress fast, but no matter how fast the speed is, there must be a limit.

But Li Yang completely exceeded this range!

What is the concept of the No.11 ladder on the road to the gods?This is truly world-class strength!
Only those who are stronger than ordinary world masters can pass the No. 11 ladder.

From the peak of the Longevity Realm, crossing two big bottlenecks, and rivaling the World Realm, even a peerless genius like Lan Yu who is born once in billions of years is impossible. The limit of Lan Yu's century-old cultivation should be to stop at the tenth step.

One can imagine how difficult this is!

And Li Yang actually killed the No.11 monster in a second!

"The No. 11 step is so easy to pass, Li Yang...can he pass the No. 12 step?"

"Impossible? To pass the No.12 ladder, it takes hundreds of billions of years for our human race to pass one, and it still takes nearly a hundred years. The talent of chaos occupies the top [-] in the history of our human race, so it is not difficult to pass. Li Yang He is still much worse than Hunxu."

"Yes, even if you can instantly kill the most ordinary world master, it is still difficult to pass the No. 12 ladder with such strength."

"Not sure, the strength Li Yang displayed at this time may not be all."

"Dao Lu, can your disciple pass the No.12 ladder?"

Many gods were completely shocked at this time, and they had serious doubts about their own judgments. They asked the suzerain of Daosha.

Little did he know that the Sect Master who killed the sword was also in shock at this time.

"My disciple... the speed of progress is too scary, right?"

He was also taken aback by Li Yang's progress.

At the same time, above their consciousness, the emperors were also watching, watching Li Yang pass two steps in succession.

"It's unbelievable that Li Yang killed the monster in the No.11 ladder space in seconds!"

"You said, can Li Yang pass the No.12 ladder?"

"Not sure, but if he can, this Li Yang is really a monster! It took 12 years for Hunxu to go from the ninth step to the No. 18 step. It is exactly 20 years since Li Yang passed the ninth step. It's been two years since the confusion."

"If he can pass, it means that in the past 20 years, Li Yang's progress rate is only a little behind that of Hun Xu."


(End of this chapter)

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