From the city to the strongest in the universe

Chapter 384 7 Emperors Arrive, Great Show!

Chapter 384 Seven Emperors Arrive, Great Show!

On the top of the central palace, the terrifying aura of emperors fluctuated.

And their figures also appeared directly.

A total of seven emperors all appeared in the void, looking at the central palace.

"The key to the spirit pool, the spirit pool that has been closed for 5000 trillion years has fluctuated?"

"This fluctuation, is it... did the key to the spirit pond appear nearby?"

"Who brought back the key to the spirit pool?"

The emperors of the Leiling clan looked away from the central palace, and then looked into the distance.

There was a hot look in their eyes.

"Haha, God bless my Thunder Spirit Clan! Thousands of trillions of years have passed, and the spirit ponds of our Thunder Spirit Clan have been closed for tens of trillions of years. I didn't expect that there would be time to open it!"

"Who brought it here?"


As the emperors spoke, their figures flickered and disappeared.

And those Thunder Spirit clan gods who spoke just now watched the changes in the central palace in shock.

They saw the fluctuations in the central palace, and they didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, the elders in the group appeared, and then all the elders showed excitement on their faces.

"Why did all the elders show up?"

"I don't know, but it must have something to do with the fluctuations from Lei Chi just now!"

"Is it a great thing?"

"It must be! The Supreme Elders have gone to... the entrance, let's go, we will go there too!"

The gods of the Thunder Spirit Clan had no idea what had happened.

However, seeing the excitement of the elders of the ethnic group, they knew that it must be a good thing, so they were not worried.

Their figures flicked, and they disappeared immediately.


"The place where the tokens fluctuate is in the southern area..."

At this time, Li Yang and Elder Yuan Ye were talking, but the other side was silently feeling the fluctuation of the token.

With a calm face, he asked calmly: "Elder Yuanye, do you know where that tall palace is?"

At this time, they were heading towards the southern area, and the most conspicuous thing in that direction was a tall palace, which could be vaguely seen from here.

Elder Yuan Ye looked in the direction Li Yang pointed, his eyes showed a trace of reverence, and he said with a smile: "Li Yang Palace, that tall palace is the holy palace of our clan, where the elders of our clan live. In addition, Lei Chi is also in the Holy Land Palace, on the first floor."

"Holy Land Palace?"

Hearing this, Li Yang nodded his head, his heart moved.

"Isn't this token related to the Holy Land Palace of the Thunder Spirit Clan?"

Li Yang was thinking silently.


Suddenly, Li Yang's face changed suddenly.

The surrounding void seemed to freeze suddenly, and a wave of terrifying coercion filled the void, making people unable to move at all.

If it is said that the all-out attack of the three-line gods made Li Yang feel the power of the three-line gods, he has no power to resist, just like an ant.

At this time, Li Yang felt that he was facing a truly unknowable existence. He couldn't even move, and everything about him was in the other's thought. At this time, he even had the heart to resist. Can't get up.


Li Yang was shocked. Only the emperor could give him this feeling.

Looking at him, seven figures appeared in the void in front of him, all of them staring at him.

The previous emperors of the Thunder Spirit Clan all came to the entrance of the Thunder Spirit Clan.

The terrifying coercion spread, except for Li Yang, all the Leiling clansmen here were also shocked, looking at the figure that suddenly appeared in the void with a look of shock on their faces.

"The Supreme Elder! Those in the sky are all the Supreme Elders of our Thunder Spirit Clan!"

"Why did the Supreme Elders appear here?"

Seeing the appearance of these emperors, many members of the Leiling clan were obviously shocked.

Normally, there is only one Supreme Elder in the group, and the other Supreme Elders do not appear at all, and it may take tens of millions of years to retreat.

And now, the seven Supreme Elders suddenly appeared?This makes them seem to think they are hallucinating.

"Where is the key to the spirit pool?"

At this moment, when the seven emperors of the Leiling clan appeared, they quickly sensed it, and then their eyes locked on Li Yang, their eyes were hot!

They could realize that the token was on Li Yang's body right now.

"The key is with this human being!"

"Make him hand over the key!"

Knowing this, an emperor couldn't help but want to make a move and get the key to the spirit pool from Li Yang.

They obviously don't know Li Yang.

But at this time, one of the emperors quickly transmitted the voice: "Wu You, Yan Mo...don't rush to act, this human being has a very complicated background, you can't touch him!"

"What's wrong? Introduction? What is the identity of this human youth?"

"I don't kill him, I just take the token."


These emperors were all in retreat before, and they didn't care much about the affairs of the ethnic group. Li Yang came to their ethnic group and entered the Thunder Pool.

As for the introductory emperor, he was the person in charge of the Leiling Clan. He was managing the Leiling Clan when the other emperors were retreating, so he knew Li Yang's identity.

"This human youth is called Li Yang. He is a peerless genius who recently appeared in the Eternal Temple of the Human Race. He is no more than 12 years old now, but he has passed the No. [-] step of the Road to the Gods of the Human Race...Before, this human Li Yang went to The Xingyue Clan even lit up the purple light of the Xingyue Monument..."

In the introduction, the emperor gave a little information about Li Yang.

"What? Pass the No. 12 ladder of the road to the human gods?"

"The purple light of the Moon and Star Monument?"

"The human race is already so powerful, why did such a genius appear again!"

Hearing the words of the preface emperors, the eyes of these emperors changed slightly.

They knew exactly what the No. 12 steps on the Road to the Gods and the purple light of the Star-Moon Tablet represented.

This means that Li Yang can become a god of the four lines in a short period of time!The possibility of breaking through and becoming an emperor in the future is more than half!
The emperors of the Leiling clan envy, envy, envy, the human race has become so powerful, it has shocked hundreds of millions of races in the universe, and now there are still powerful geniuses emerging!
It has been many years since their ethnic group has had a decent genius appear, not to mention emperors, even gods are extremely difficult to appear.

"Li Yang has such potential, the Eternal Temple of the Human Race specially arranged for him to come to our Thunder Spirit Clan's Thunder Pool to temper his body."

The emperor said in the introduction: "So, we must not attack the human Li Yang."

The Eternal Temple of the human race is extremely important, and they dare to do anything to the evil geniuses specially sent here to get opportunities from their race?

It is estimated that in a short time, the dominant force of the human race sitting in the town in the distance will have a strong man coming here, ask them what the Thunder Spirit Clan wants to do?
(End of this chapter)

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