Chapter 715 Li Yang’s Circle

On the other side, in front of Li Yang, the emperors of the human race were smiling enthusiastically.

Just kidding, after practicing for 200 years, you will become a powerful emperor!
And Li Yang is still just a god!
A god alone has such strength. With Li Yang's potential, becoming an emperor in the future will definitely not be a problem. When the time comes, he will be an invincible and powerful emperor!
There is no invincible emperor in the entire human race.

"Li Yang, this is..."

When these emperors came, the leader of the Sword Slaughter Sect was beside Li Yang to help introduce them.

Even if Li Yang knows the identities of these emperors, he has never met them before. If there is an introduction by his side, he will definitely become familiar with them quickly.


Li Yang smiled and greeted the emperors of the human race.

They have all entered this circle, and the minimum familiarity must be achieved.

"Li Yang, congratulations." A familiar voice suddenly sounded in my ear.

Li Yang looked at the visitor.

Basically every emperor came to congratulate Li Yang, and the one who spoke just now was actually Emperor Yangyuan.

"The Yangyuan Emperor also came to congratulate me?"

Looking at Emperor Yangyuan, the expression on Li Yang's face did not change, he just nodded slightly, and then went to talk to other emperors.

He didn't have a good impression of Emperor Yangyuan. They treated each other as if they were strangers to the Emperor. Of course, this attitude was worse than that towards a stranger.

After all, Li Yang still had a smile on his face towards other unfamiliar emperors.

"Haha, Li Yang, your strength has improved so fast, you have surpassed me in the blink of an eye."

After Emperor Yangyuan, another emperor came.

Looking at the emperor, Li Yang suddenly showed a smile on his face and said: "Emperor Jianhen was joking, it's just luck."

He looked at the person who came, obviously very enthusiastic. The person who came was none other than another emperor in Yangyuan Star Continent - Emperor Jianhen.

Back then, Luo Yu from the Zunlie Emperor family went to deal with the Earth, and even sent gods to station on the Earth, blatantly threatening Li Yang.

Li Yang had no choice but to seek help from the emperor. He asked Emperor Yangyuan and Emperor Jianhen for help. As the ruler of Yangyuan Star Continent, Emperor Yangyuan rejected his request for help, but the other emperor of Yangyuan Star Continent, Emperor Jianhen, refused. Li Yang came forward and allowed those gods to leave the earth. Li Yang was very grateful for this.


Time flew by, and one emperor after another came to congratulate Li Yang, but soon left. With so many emperors around, they couldn't always stay by Li Yang's side.

Gradually, Li Yang was no longer surrounded by a large number of emperors, but a few emperors were still there, and these emperors obviously had a better relationship with Li Yang.

Among them are Teacher Li Yang's sword-killing sect leader, Emperor Jianhen from Yangyuan Star Continent, Emperor Junyan who helped Li Yang find his son Li Dong before, and Emperor Soul Demon who found out who was behind the incident involving Li Yang's son Li Dong. .

Several people stayed together, talking loudly, and laughing from time to time.

"The relationship between Jianhen, Junyan, Hunmo and Li Yang is obviously much better."

"They have all helped Li Yang before, so the relationship is naturally good."

"If I had known that Li Yang was so talented and growing so fast, I should have tried my best to help Li Yang before."

"It's too late. Now Li Yang has completely grown up. He is stronger than us and does not need our help at all."


The emperors of the human race looked enviously at the few people who were chatting with Li Yang with a smile.

Li Yang has such great potential, it is certain that he will become a top player in the future.There are about ten top emperors in the human race, but there is no one invincible emperor in the entire human race, and Li Yang has a high probability of reaching it in the future!
This is a strong man who can fight with the Overlord. He can be called the strongest under the Overlord!

Li Yang became such a strong man...

It is conceivable that there must be many human emperors who want to have a good relationship with Li Yang, and there will naturally be many benefits.

However, there are no special circumstances, and their relationship with Li Yang is just ordinary friends.

The friendship between strong people is accumulated through one incident. For example, Emperor Jianhen and Emperor Junyan helped Li Yang before. Li Yang was grateful, and the relationship between them was naturally better.

Among the nearly ten thousand emperors of the human race, there must be some who have a good relationship with each other and form their own small groups.

At this time, it seemed to everyone that Jian Hen, Jun Yan, Hun Mo, etc. around Li Yang were obviously members of Li Yang's small group.

When Li Yang fully grows up, the whole small group may benefit.

It's a pity that they didn't pay much attention to Li Yang before, but now they pay attention completely. Li Yang has grown to this point. It is almost impossible for them to join Li Yang's small group, unless there is something they can do to help Li Yang in the future. .

"Look at Emperor Yangyuan, as the ruler of Yangyuan Star Continent, his relationship with Li Yang is so bad, and he has not even squeezed into Li Yang's circle."

"The Emperor Jianhen of Yangyuan Star Continent has a relatively good relationship with Li Yang."

"I know about this. Back then, Luo Yu from the Emperor Liejun's family dealt with Li Yang. As a genius in Yangyuan Xingzhou, Li Yang asked for help from Emperor Yangyuan and Emperor Jianhen. Emperor Jianhen came forward to help him, but Emperor Yangyuan Didn't show up."

"It's really stupid. He is the ruler of Yangyuan Star Continent, but his relationship with the evil genius in his own star continent is so bad."

"Haha, it's no secret that Yang Yuan has no vision, and the relationship between Emperor Jianhen and Yang Yuan is not good either."

Everyone looked at the emperors in Li Yang's small group with envy, and then looked at Emperor Yangyuan. They didn't say it out loud, but talked about it via voice, as if they were watching a joke.

People are afraid of comparison, and this comparison makes them feel much better.

At this time, Emperor Yangyuan felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

He glanced at Li Yang and the others not far away who kept talking.

Even if he has overestimated Li Yang, even if he thinks that Li Yang will become an emperor in thousands of years and stand in the same position as him.

But Li Yang's potential exploded again!

At this time, he was no longer even Li Yang's opponent.

"It's impossible to improve our chances with Li Yang." Emperor Yangyuan felt uncomfortable.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered what the Golden Horn Emperor had said to him before, advising him to make friends with Li Yang while he had not fully grown up and his strength was still lower than his.

The strong make friends with the weak, and the weak cannot refuse, nor dare to refuse. After a few times, he is the ruler of Yangyuan Star Continent again, saying that he will help the development of the Li Yang family, etc., and give some benefits... He and Li Yang The relationship will naturally improve.

But he didn't listen at all.

But now, Li Yang is stronger than him.

Even if he wanted to see Li Yang, he might be turned away directly.

"If I had really listened to what Jin Jiao said before..."

Emperor Yangyuan shook his head. At this time, he truly regretted in his heart. The last chance to improve the relationship with Li Yang was gone.


Not knowing how Emperor Yangyuan felt, Li Yang didn't care at all. After staying in the human emperor alliance space in the virtual world for a long time, Li Yang withdrew again.

(End of this chapter)

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