From the city to the strongest in the universe

Chapter 723: The strength increases sharply again!Compete with the top emperors!

Chapter 723: The strength increases sharply again!Compete with the top emperors!

call out!
In the space teleportation array, the aircraft was advancing rapidly. At this time, Li Yang took out a drop of the blood of the ancestor dragon from the aircraft.

"It will take five years to reach the place Hun Mo said. Don't waste these five years. Continue refining!"

After breaking through to become a god and greatly improving his strength, Li Yang was naturally able to refine the essence and blood of the ancestral dragon!

Just kidding, the strength has skyrocketed from the foundation of the five-series gods to surpassing that of ordinary emperors. How big of an improvement must this progress be?How many sources of laws have been absorbed?
If you are powerful, you will naturally be able to refine the essence and blood of the ancestral dragon.

Just like many gods have difficulty refining a drop of the blood essence of the ancestor dragon, but after truly breaking through and becoming an emperor, it is not difficult to refine one or two drops of the essence blood of the ancestor dragon.

There are even some emperors who are suitable for refining, who can refine more than a dozen drops, and even increase their strength tenfold!
From being unable to refine at the god level to refining at least one or two drops at the emperor level, it obviously shows that the stronger the strength, the easier it is to refine the blood essence and blood of the ancestor dragon.

Moreover, Li Yang's efficiency in refining the essence and blood of the ancestral dragon is far greater than that of others, and he is estimated to be able to refine more.

Not to mention anything else, if he is refined to the limit, the basics alone are estimated to be able to surpass the powerful emperor who masters the two fusion laws!
This is not arrogance!
Three years have passed. For more than three years, Li Yang has been refining the essence and blood of the ancestral dragon, but he still has not reached the limit!
But at this time, his foundation is completely equivalent to that of a powerful emperor who has mastered the two fusions!
No one thought that in just over three years, Li Yang's strength would improve so much!

Time flies, and five years have passed in Li Yang's refining room.

Inside the aircraft, Li Yang sat cross-legged silently. There was a drop of blood in his hand, which was the blood of the ancestor dragon.

There is only half a drop of the blood essence and blood of the ancestral dragon left at this time.

After waiting for a while, Li Yang suddenly stopped.

"Finally reached the limit!"

Looking at the ancestral dragon essence and blood, Li Yang showed a smile on his face.

He sighed in his heart, almost five years have passed, and it took him more than eight years to absorb the essence and blood of the ancestor dragon before he truly reached his limit!

At this time, Hun Mo's soul floated out. He looked at Li Yang and said, "Boy Li Yang, have you been refined to the limit? How is your strength now?"

There was obviously a look of surprise in his eyes, and he obviously did not expect that Li Yang would break through and become a god this time, and he would absorb so much blood essence of the ancestor dragon!


Li Yang smiled slightly, his heart moved, and then the ancestral dragon essence and blood absorbed in his body gathered together and slowly emerged on the surface of his body. These energies actually formed a pair of blood-colored armor.

Refining the blood essence of the Ancestral Dragon can greatly increase the strength, and refining enough blood essence of the Ancestral Dragon can condense the bleeding dragon armor. This blood dragon armor is completely condensed from the blood of the Ancestral Dragon.As long as it is condensed, it can activate the whole!

Li Yang's condensed blood dragon armor before was still vague and not solid.

But now, this armor is extremely solid, like a real holy weapon armor!
"My strength should be right in the middle between powerful emperors and top emperors." Li Yang smiled.

Hun Mo nodded and said: "Your strength was somewhere between ordinary emperors and top divine emperors before, but now it has improved so much that your overall strength has increased by about ten times!"

Ten times, this is the limit that the emperor's strong man can reach by absorbing the essence and blood of the ancestor dragon. At this time, Li Yang has actually reached it!
Those people are emperors, and he is just a god!
Has the god been refined to the limit of the emperor realm?

Hearing Hun Mo's words, Li Yang smiled slightly and said, "Almost ten times."

He clenched his fists, feeling the surge in strength, and couldn't hide the joy on his face.Strength is the foundation of everything!

"That's right. With your strength and the full set of high-level holy weapons on your body, even if you fight against the top emperors, you won't be at a big disadvantage."

"If it's some top emperor who is relatively poor and doesn't even have a mid-level sacred weapon, you might even be able to tie."

Hun Mo sighed, at this time, Li Yang, using the treasures on his body, was not far away from the top emperor.

How long has it been?It has been less than ten years since Li Yang broke through to the realm of gods, and Li Yang's strength has improved so much!

From a powerful emperor to a top emperor, many powerful men have spent countless years struggling to bridge this gap.

Just like the human race, there are hundreds of powerful emperors, but there are only a dozen top emperors.

Those hundreds of powerful emperors have been stagnant for countless years, but it is difficult to reach the threshold of the top emperors!
At this time, Li Yang is ranked among the top [-] in terms of total strength of the entire human race!
After a few words of praise, Hun Mo opened his mouth to attack Li Yang as before.

"You don't have to worry about ordinary top emperors, but you are still no match for the peak emperors above, or even the invincible emperors."

He looked at Li Yang and said softly.

"I know."

Hearing Hun Mo's words, Li Yang did not refute, but nodded.

Those who master the three fusion laws are the top emperors, and top emperors also have strengths and weaknesses!
For example, Li Yang's eighth senior brother killed the emperor, and his strength was three times that of the top emperor.

Three times the difference in strength... If we really fight, it will take some time to destroy the emperor, and it is entirely possible to kill the top emperor!
The strength of the Emperor of Destruction is several times that of the top emperors. A strong person who has the ability to kill the top emperors is called a peak emperor!
And above the peak emperors, there are only ten invincible emperors in the entire universe!
For a powerhouse of this level, killing the top emperor is a complete instant kill. Even against the peak emperor, it takes time to kill him. He is a well-deserved king of the emperor realm!
Of course, there are very few invincible emperors, and there are not many peak emperors. At this time, Li Yang's strength is definitely at the forefront among all the emperors in the universe.

Standing up, Li Yang stretched his body, and there was a crackling sound in the bones all over his body. He had been refining the essence and blood of the Ancestral Dragon with peace of mind, and had basically not moved in the past five years.

"Hun Mo, how long does it take to reach the place you said?" Li Yang asked.

Hun Mo said: "There are still ten days."

"Ten days?" Li Yang nodded.

There was obviously a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"It's finally here!"

There are still ten days before he can see the supreme holy instrument, and it is also an ownerless supreme holy instrument!

So Li Yang also knew that the possibility of him recognizing his master was very small, but he naturally wanted to meet him.

This feeling is like buying a lottery ticket and hoping that you will win.

At this time, Li Yang was looking forward to becoming the winner!
If he succeeds, he will really reach the sky in one step!

(End of this chapter)

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