Chapter 746: Clone and body!
Hun Mo's expression was very strange.

He had despaired before, thinking that the Kunlun Mirror, the supreme holy artifact that even the founder of the world could not master, was successfully recognized by Li Yang as its master. Now Li Yanggang wants to open the talent ladder, get the God Fruit inside and the Holy Death of the Born Emperor. corpse.

The talent ladder was last opened 500 billion years ago, and no one knows when it will be opened next.

But now, Li Yang just wanted to open the talent ladder, but within a day, the talent ladder was opened?

If this isn't the illegitimate child of the origin of the universe, what is it?
"It's just a coincidence." Li Yang smiled after hearing Hun Mo's words.

He was undoubtedly very excited at this time.

With Li Yang's talent, as long as the talent ladder is opened, it will be easy to obtain the God Fruit and the body of the born emperor Sheng Yun!
According to Hun Mo, the God Fruit can be obtained by passing the No. 40 ladder, and the same is true for the body of the Holy Meteor.

The two levels are not high.

And Li Yang, even if he shows it on the surface, in the eyes of outsiders, he can at least pass the No. 60 staircase easily!Getting these is easy and natural!
Ignoring Hun Mo's surprise, Li Yang was looking at the information in his hand.

"In the entire universe, through endless years, there are a total of three people who have passed one talent ladder. They are... 1 people have passed the No. 80 talent ladder... There are one thousand, one hundred and fifty-five people who have passed the No. 57 talent ladder..."

Li Yang looked at it carefully. Although Hun Mo told him something about the talent ladder before, and he also checked the human race's information about the Star Desert, it was obviously not as detailed as the records in front of him.

"Only 57 people have passed the eighty stairs." Li Yang was shocked.

In the entire universe, the total number of masters is definitely far more than 57.

Li Yang estimates that there are at least twenty or thirty people in the human race alone.

As for other peak ethnic groups such as the Monster Tribe, Metal Tribe, etc., which have founders, the number of their masters is no less than that of the Human Tribe.

In addition to the top ten peak groups, there are also dominant groups such as Kong Lie Jiaolong and Thunder Star Beast!
Although there is no founding ancestor, there are at least several masters of the Kong Lie Jiaolong, Thunder Star Beast Clans, etc., and some even have more than ten.

Counting this way, one can imagine the number of rulers of the entire universe!

It can be judged from this that most masters cannot pass No. 80 of the talent ladder.

Such difficulty... No wonder he performed so defiantly before. After 200 years of training, he reached the realm of gods, rivaled emperors, and could even kill ordinary emperors...

Such terrifying potential can only be passed through the No. 60 ladder in everyone's opinion.

Li Yang looked at the 57 people for a brief moment, but suddenly his eyes focused on one place.

"The Master of the Blue Wolf of the Demon Clan climbed up to No. 80 on the Talent Ladder Seventh Level when he was in the Emperor Realm, and got a top-level sacred weapon. And his clone climbed up to No. 80 on the Talent Ladder and also got a top-level sacred weapon. Sacred vessel."

Looking at this information, Li Yang's eyes suddenly showed a frightening light.

"Both the main body and the clone can go to the talent ladder?"

In his view, when it comes to climbing the ladder of talent, it is obvious that a person only has one chance, and once it is used up, it is gone.The main body and the clone should be counted as one person.

But the main body and the clone were not affected.

He didn't think about it at all before.

"Hun Mo..." Li Yang then asked Hun Mo.

Hun Mo looked at it, his eyes lit up, and said: "I remembered, the main body and the clone can indeed be tested on the talent ladder, but the talent level tested by the clone will be inferior to the main body." The talent ladder, at least 500 billion years It had only been opened once and he didn't fully understand it.

Looking at the message and hearing what Hun Mo said, Li Yang's eyes suddenly showed a hint of excitement: "So, my clones can also go to the talent ladder and get treasures there?"

Li Yang has many clones!
World Tree clone, Octopus clone, Fire Nether Divine Beast clone, Time Divine Tree clone, Dark Insect King clone, Kong Lie Jiaolong clone, Thunder Star Beast clone!

In total, he now has seven clones!
The main body can at least pass the No. 80 ladder. Even if it is not as good as the main body, these clones can easily pass the No. 60 talent ladder!Then you can exchange it for the God Fruit and the Holy Meteor Corpse!
"Theoretically, yes."

Hun Mo nodded, looked at Li Yang, and couldn't help but sigh: "Boy Li Yang, you are going to make it this time!"

He estimated that Li Yang could pass No. 80 on the talent ladder, so choosing a holy weapon would be the top holy weapon!A top-notch holy weapon that most masters don’t have!

If Li Yang's clone passes the No. 80 ladder, then there will be up to seven top-level sacred artifacts!
There are only a few dozen human masters, and most of them do not have top-level holy weapons. Calculated, the number of top-level holy weapons owned by the human race is probably not that many.

And as long as Li Yang is willing, he can get eight pieces!

What kind of opportunity is this?

Of course, even if the clones are worse, Li Yang can still get at least seven high-level holy weapons!

"It's really going to happen!"

Li Yang also said with excitement on his face.

There is no need to take any risks, many top treasures are on the talent ladder, waiting for him to take them out!
Although he was excited, Li Yang was still very rational.

"Although there are seven clones, the World Tree clone must not move."

The World Tree clone is Li Yang's most critical clone. Any clone that dies, including the death of his body, can be resurrected directly through the World Tree clone.

But if the World Tree clone dies, Li Yang and other clones will not be resurrected if they die again.

So this time, the World Tree clone must not be dispatched.

"Where's the octopus clone..." Li Yang thought to himself.

Octopus clone, Li Yang defines it as the bodyguard of the earth!
But on earth, there are actually Yggdrasil clones.

The World Tree clone cannot be cultivated, but it is actually capable of fighting!There is also the power of an emperor at this time!
"I have the method of summoning. I can summon any clone into the gestation space within my body."

Li Yang secretly said in his heart: "Since I have this opportunity, when I arrive in the Star Desert, I can summon the octopus clone over."

"After the talent ladder test is completed and the treasure is obtained, the octopus clone will immediately self-destruct. Then it can be quickly resurrected in the World Tree clone and continue to stay on the earth and protect the earth."

In just a short period of time, Li Yang can get one more treasure without any impact. Of course Li Yang has an idea.

There is a treasure right in front of him, doesn't he want it?

"Let's do it!" Li Yang made a decision in his heart!

The seven major clones, except for the Yggdrasil clone, the other six major clones are all dispatched!

(Thanks for the 2023 reward of Let It Take It Nature 1500, and the 08 reward of 200a, thank you.)
(End of this chapter)

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