Mystery: From adding points to the strongest on the surface

Chapter 107 Three Boundary Village!This person has a dark spirit!

Chapter 107 Three Realms Village!This person has a dark spirit! (seeking subscription)

The next day, early morning.

There are still many people in Shuize County who don't know what happened last night.They also heard a lot of movement last night, but no one dared to come out to check.

Even some people living near the county government office could hear the deafening roar.

But he didn't dare to come out to see what was going on outside.

until daylight comes.

They dared to go out.

Just take a look!

This look.

People are stupid!
"Where's the county government office?" - this is the first doubt that pops up in the minds of all those who see the ruins of the county government office.

The county government was still there yesterday, why did it look like this today?

What happened last night?
Why did it become like this?
One doubt after another popped up in my mind, but fortunately, someone answered them for them.The people who gave the answer were naturally the group of people from Shuize County who rushed to the county government last night.

When they talked about what happened last night, their expressions were all beaming.

Especially when it came to Fan Wu, their faces showed a little pride, as if... seeing Fan Wu himself was something extraordinary.

Also at this moment.

Those people in Shuize County who were afraid to come out after hearing the commotion last night realized that so many major events happened overnight.

"The curse really disappeared? All the statues of the land masters in the entire Shuize County were destroyed by that Daoist Fan and the others? This...are you trying to scare me?!"

"Why am I bluffing you? Didn't you say the word curse just now? As a result, you are not killed by the curse now? Doesn't that explain everything?"

"Hiss! Are you all right? Is the land master really an evil thing?"

"Fan Daochang said that he is evil, so he must be evil!"

"They are the great benefactors of our Shuize County!"

"Good death! A group of dog officials died well!"

"That... Actually, they are not the court officials of Shuize County. They killed all the officials and servants, and then pretended to be officials and servants one by one to do evil."

"It deserves it! It would be better to die!!"


The entire Shuize County fell into an uproar and panic, some people were jubilant, some were confused.

Those who are confused are naturally those who have made a thorough plan and want to leave Shuize County secretly.

As a result, only one night passed, their plans and ideas...

It's all useless.

all of these.

Quite magical.

There are also some people who look farther. They are not excited or confused. They only worry: "This time, the damned evil way that plagued Shuize County has been killed, but what about the next time? This time, the great benefactor Fan Daochang will help , the next time something like this happens, who will save us?"

Faced with such worries and doubts, some people want to blurt out—of course it is the imperial court who rescued us!
But such words were stuck in his throat, but he couldn't say them no matter what.

After all, Shuize County is too remote, and it doesn't get much attention from the court.

If the imperial court can really pay attention to them once.

They wouldn't have ended up like this, and Shuizawa county stems wouldn't have killed so many people!
Faced with such concerns...

No one can answer.

Only silence.

"The imperial court doesn't care about us, the gods don't care about us, but Daoist Fan will take care of us!" Someone clapped the case and said: "We can build a living temple for Daochang Fan, and there is a statue of Daochang Fan standing in Shuize County, and we will teach all evil spirits not to die." Dare to invade!"



Fan Wu, who had already left Shuize County, didn't know... the people in Shuize County already wanted to gather money and manpower to build a living shrine for his great benefactor.

At this time, Fan Wu was walking on an official road.

It is already more than ten miles away from Shuize County.

"Monk, are you really okay?" Looking at Monk Zhikong who was walking on crutches, Yun Jiuqing couldn't help frowning and asked, "You not only need to walk on crutches, but you also need to carry a big knife and some luggage... Are you really okay?"

"Amitabha...the little monk is fine." Zhikong said while walking on crutches, "Isn't this a kind of Zen practice? Maybe it's the old Buddha who is testing the little monk."

The corner of Yun Jiuqing's mouth twitched, she felt that this monk Zhikong opened and closed his mouth every day, and he said either Buddha or Bodhisattva.

It is difficult to communicate with him normally.

But then again...

Although Taoist Fan is not a monk, he is a Taoist priest!Why haven't I heard Taoist Fan mentioned such words as "Taishang Laojun" and "Infinite Heavenly Venerable"?
Yun Jiuqing was shocked suddenly.

She remembered that Fan Daochang once asked the City God's question in the Town God's Temple in the city of Yinghe Prefecture.

Ah this!

As a Taoist priest, Daoist Fan must believe in gods such as Taishang Laojun and Zhenwu Emperor, right?Daoist Fan couldn't be thinking about how to kill them?
Do not!

Yun Jiuqing quickly shook his head.

She didn't know if Fan Daochang was thinking about such a shocking thing.

All she knew was that she shouldn't think about it.

After all, it is disrespectful to the gods and Buddhas all over the sky!
She shuddered, and muttered: "Don't blame the Taishang Laojun...Don't blame the Tathagata Buddha...Don't blame the Emperor Zhenwu..."


It takes at least ten days to travel day and night from Shuize County to the Southern County of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Naturally, it is impossible for Fan Wu to dawdle every day like traveling.

He is really traveling day and night!
After a few days, Fan Wu, the three of them and Yi Niu had already walked half of the distance.

have to say.

The healing ointment from Hanling Temple seems to be quite effective, and Monk Zhikong's injuries are already healed.It's just that there are a few faintly fractured bones in his body, so he still has to use crutches for a while.

Monk Zhikong's patience is also tenacious enough. He never cried out for pain or tiredness along the way.

Perhaps he really regarded the suffering of these days as the tempering of him by the Buddha.

Although Yun Jiuqing had an expression of being too tired to love.

But if she was allowed to continue on her way, she would have no problem gritting her teeth.

After all, he is also a monk.

Physical fitness is still good.

this day.

Yun Jiuqing walked in front of the three of them, she didn't know what was going on, she seemed to think that leading the ox was the only interesting thing on the road.Ever since, she took on the "heavy task" of leading the cows.


Yun Jiuqing, who was holding the old green cow and yawning, seemed to notice something moving in front of him.She looked forward, and her eyes lit up.

Yun Jiuqing immediately said: "Fan Daochang, there seems to be a village ahead! This time, it's really a village!"

There is indeed a village ahead.

The size of the village does not look small.

As far as the eye can see, there are houses, and there are patches of arable land, and some cattle, sheep, horses, donkeys, chickens, ducks, geese, and dogs can also be seen.

Compared with Shuize County, this unknown village is much more lively.It can only be said that Shuize County has been tossed by the followers of Wuxian to the point that it is not even as good as a big village.

"Amitabha..." Monk Zhikong said, "It just so happens that the water in the water bag is almost exhausted, and there is not much dry food left. You can replenish it in this village."

Three people and one cow walked for a while.

Came to the head of the village.

"Three Realms Village?" Yun Jiuqing looked at a stone tablet standing at the head of the village, and murmured curiously as he read the words engraved on it: "In the year [-] of the Great Zhou calendar, this place was attacked by demons. Become food for demons."

"It just so happened that a Taoist priest named 'Three Realms' was passing by here. The Taoist priest of the Three Realms didn't want to see the demons continue to do evil, so he opened the altar and set up an array for three days and three nights to fight with the demons."

"In the end, the demon was sealed underground by the Taoist chief of the Three Realms. The surviving people lived together and built a village together. The village was named after the Taoist chief of the Three Realms."

"That's why it's Three Realms Village."

Yun Jiuqing was surprised and said, "A small village has such a remarkable history? So this village... is actually not small."

"The Daoist of the Three Realms, the Three Realms... Is there really a Taoist priest who dares to use this name?"

Yun Jiuqing always felt that the content on the stele was inscribed indiscriminately.

How could a Taoist priest have such a Taoist name?

Isn't this presumptuous?
"What Taoist priest of the Three Realms?" A curious tone sounded full of anger, and there was a farmer with tanned yellow and black skin walking towards this direction.

"It's true that this place is a village of the Three Realms, but I've never heard of any Taoist priests of the Three Realms...huh?" The man suddenly saw densely packed words engraved on the village tablet.

Suddenly, his face turned dark, and he opened his mouth to scold: "Which little bastard is it again, who randomly carved words on the village monument?"

"This is already the fourth village monument replaced this year!!"

It could be seen that his blood pressure was soaring.

"Dare to ask this benefactor, but the villagers of the Three Realms Village?" Monk Zhikong asked politely.

"Well, I'm from Three Realms Village." The man glanced at Monk Zhikong, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, as if he didn't expect a monk to come to this place.

Then, his eyes couldn't help but be attracted by Fan Wu next to him.

Suddenly, he gasped!
The man's expression was stunned, and he murmured in shock: "Hey, even if you eat more than a dozen catties of rice every day, you can't grow so tall? You can't grow so strong, right?"

Then, he looked at Old Qingniu: "Hiss, even a buffalo is stronger than other buffaloes!"

He felt that the combination in front of him was very strange.

A strong Taoist.

A lame monk.

A... A man who looks like a woman, dressed in clothes that seem to be very rich.

And a cow!

"You should be the people who passed by the Three Realms Village?"

The farmer managed to suppress the shock and curiosity in his heart, and he kindly reminded him: "When you pass by the village, it's best not to approach the east side of the village."

He paused, and explained: "The son of Zheng Zheng, who lives in the Three Realms Village to the east of the village, had an accident for some reason. The invited mage said that only one of his three souls and seven souls was left, and he was half dead. Already half alive."

"However, he is basically a dead person. He can't speak or move all day long. The mage said that he will die completely in a short time. Lizheng felt that after his son died, he would be lonely and lonely down there. "

"Then guess what? That guy actually bought a woman from outside to lead a red thread for his half-dead son."

"That woman was also staunch. At that time, Lizheng's family was still arranging weddings, and she hanged herself. Grandma, I passed by there the day before yesterday, and I always felt that there was a woman crying, which scared me badly!"

This farmer doesn't shy away from speaking, and all the scandals in the village have been spoken out.

But looking at the disgusted expression on his face, it can be seen that he may not have a good relationship with Li Zheng of Three Realms Village.Of course, it's also possible that he just doesn't like this kind of thing.

"Buying and selling living people?" Yun Jiuqing's eyes widened: "Isn't that forbidden by the laws of the Great Zhou?"

The man looked at Yun Jiuqing strangely.

It seems to be wondering why a rich man doesn't know about this kind of thing?

The man said: "Although our place is not far from Nanjun County, it is considered a remote village. Some so-called laws can't control our place!"

Yun Jiuqing couldn't accept it and said: "You know that the woman was forced to marry a living dead, why didn't anyone intervene to save her?"

The man froze for a moment, and looked at Yun Jiuqing with the same expression as he looked at a rich fool.

He rolled his eyes and said: "That's a village official. Do you think that if you don't like him and this kind of thing, you can intervene? If I try to save that girl, maybe not only she will die that night, but I will also die! "

"A group of people are strange."

The farmer was too lazy to talk to Yun Jiuqing, because he felt that this "brother from a rich family" must have a bad brain.

He carried a hoe and walked towards a field, cursing.


"If you let me know which little bastard is carving words on the village stele again, you must hang him from a tree! If you don't hang him for a day and a night, you will never let him down!"


Looking at the back of the peasant man leaving, Yun Jiuqing murmured to himself: "This world should not be like this..."

"Amitabha." Monk Zhikong said: "There are as many filthy things in the world as a cow's hair, so the Buddha asked me and other Buddhists to clean up all the filth in the world."

Monk Zhikong's experience is obviously higher than that of Yun Jiuqing, although this is the first time he has encountered such a thing.

But he didn't find this kind of thing strange.


At this moment in the huge Zhou Dynasty, there are still several places where exactly the same thing happened!
"Amitabha!" Thinking of this, the monk Zhikong sighed in his heart and said the Buddha's name.


After entering Three Realms Village.

Unsurprisingly, Fan Wu and the others attracted the attention of many people. Some urchins in the village secretly peeked at Fan Wu and the others from a distance.But when Fan Wu suddenly turned his head to look in that direction, they screamed in fright and fled in all directions.

Yun Jiuqing stopped a villager with a lot of thoughts, and she tried her best to shake off the random thoughts in her mind.

Then he asked: "Sister, can I ask if there is a place to buy and sell goods in the Three Realms Village? We want to buy some dry food and some clothes for the journey here."

When the aunt who was stopped by her heard it, she immediately beamed with joy: "Oh! Your sister speaks nicely."

"Ah?" Yun Jiuqing was taken aback: " can see that I am a woman?"

The aunt replied: "Your breasts are still very big even though they are wrapped so tightly. Anyone who has not met a woman before can recognize you!"

Yun Jiuqing's face was full of embarrassment. She thought that only Taoist Fan could see through her gender.In the end, I didn't expect that it was my men's clothing, not skilled enough?
"You want to buy dry food? You can go to Lizheng to buy it. His family is in the village and he opened a store."

The aunt suddenly lowered her voice when she said this, and she whispered: "However, I would like to advise you, don't buy things in Lizheng, that guy is a pickpocket. He has a dark heart. Some traveling businessmen passing by don't know How much was he cheated!"

"Also! Lizheng's house, there have been a lot of weird things recently. He must have done all the evil things, and now he will be punished. Especially at night, no one dares to approach his house!"

"Don't spread this word!"

"I know, I know." Yun Jiuqing nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and said with a thankful smile, "Thank you, sister."

"Damn! Thank you!!"

Monk Zhikong frowned and said, "If you want to buy some items, it seems that you can't get around the Three Realms Village? His reputation doesn't seem to be good in the Three Realms Village. How can such a person who is despised by the villagers be able to serve as a A village right?"

Yun Jiuqing shook his head: "Who knows..."

Then... Both of them cast their eyes on Fan Wu.

Among the three, Fan Wu is the one who speaks.

"Go to the east of the village and have a look." Fan Wu said "tsk" and said with great interest, "Let's see what the so-called Lizheng really means."

That's what Fan Wu said, but in fact...his main focus is not on Li Zheng's character.

His focus is on the woman who hanged herself and Lizheng's son, who has only one soul left...these two.

He smelled something unusual.

That's the taste of free attribute points.

The exact location of Zheng's house in the Three Realms Village is known only by asking someone casually.

It didn't take long.

almost there!
"This village is almost as big as a town." Looking at the building in front of him, Yun Jiuqing said with a frown, "To build such a big mansion here, the people in the Three Realms Village will take care of people, right? "

The buildings in front of me are similar to those of the rich families in the county, even larger than the mansions of those rich families.

Next to the mansion is a shop, presumably that is the shop opened by Zheng in Sanjie Village.

"Hey! You guys, why are you sneaking around here?" Suddenly, a loud voice came from behind: "Could it be some thief who wants to go in and steal property?!"

Yun Jiuqing looked back.

I saw a rather thin man with a gloomy expression coming from behind.


Yun Jiuqing narrowed her eyes, she ignored the man's angry shout and bad face, but quietly reminded Fan Wu: "Fan Daochang... this person seems to have a yin energy!"

Fan Wu nodded, and he saw an attribute message hanging above the shadowy man's head.

[The younger brother of Lizheng in the Three Realms Village——Life: 132——Strength: 3.9——Skill: Dissecting Corpse and Prolonging Life]


His sense of smell was right again.

It seems... this Three Realms Village, and the Lizheng family of Three Realms Village.

Not easy!



 Recommend a book to a friend - "Are you mentally ill?"This is a horror world! "!The through train below↓↓↓


(End of this chapter)

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