Mystery: From adding points to the strongest on the surface

Chapter 175 Daoist Fan's Way to Visit!Trembling City God Order!

Chapter 175 Daoist Fan's Way to Visit!Trembling City God Order! (Wan Zi Da Zhang asks for subscription)

Fan Wu believed in Chenghuangling's ability to distinguish between good and evil, and the people who could be targeted by Chenghuangling were definitely not ordinary villains.

Ordinary villains would be targeted by the City God Order.

It is estimated that this thing will not stop for a moment from morning to night, it will definitely vibrate endlessly!
After all, who hasn't done anything evil?

This is a chaotic and mysterious world, and this is a very backward feudal society!
Fan Wu spread the City God's Token on the table, and the City God's Token placed on the table was still trembling at this moment.

And the City God's Token actually started to rotate!

I saw that one end of it was moving slowly, as if it wanted to point at someone.

When it turned to a certain degree, it suddenly stopped.

The City God Order pointed to a person!

That is a child of the Fu family!
Also at the same time, the bloody characters on the City God's Order started to change unexpectedly.The words presented in front of Fan Wu's eyes took on a different look.

at the same time.

Rent fee?
The Seventh Elder of the Fu family frowned. Could it be that the three of them died in the east of the imperial city because of this incident?
The Seventh Elder knew about the rental fee.

Besides, this is killing harm for the people!
She Yun Jiuqing's favorite thing is to punish evil and promote good, and eliminate harm for the people!

"Won't the imperial court take care of them?"

The three young ascetics of the Fu family turned into three corpses under Fan Wu's hands. During the process, the three of them didn't even tear a single hole in Fan Wu's clothes.

What if?

For some ordinary Taoist temples or temples, there are more than a dozen ascetics, which is already amazing.But to the Huangcheng Fu family, these dozen or so ascetics are just a drop in the bucket, the tip of the iceberg.

Fan Wu felt that the combination of these three guys could only barely draw with Yun Jiuqing.After all, his cheap brother-in-law gave Yun Jiuqing a lot of life-saving things.

Master Fan Wu is a kind person. He couldn't bear to annihilate other people's souls, so he specially sent their souls to the Underworld to enjoy the [-]-floor package SAP from the Underworld.

His eyes widened at this moment.

"Come here!" After leaving the ancestral hall for some distance, the middle-aged man shouted coldly.

"Well, kill the Fu family in the imperial city in sevens and eighties. It is estimated that ten of them will be killed, and only half of them will be innocent."

The unfriendly expressions on the faces of the three Fu family children.

Isn't this equivalent to breaking into a ghost den, and the first enemy to find is the ghost king? !

Where is the Fu family in the imperial city?There is no need to ask for directions, because there is a humanoid map of Yun Jiuqing.She has been to the Great Zhou Imperial City several times, and naturally she has also visited the Imperial City several times.

Yun Jiuqing stopped.

A few inscriptions engraved on the soft sword.

"Not to be humiliated!!"

Fan Wu's tone was full of disappointment.

Next to him, another diner, although he also had a fearful expression on his face, was more relieved: "Don't you think these three guys died well? What kind of behavior does the Fu family have in the imperial city? We locals are not have no idea."

Then they are masters and masters, and their identities are among the top existences in the Great Zhou Imperial City.

The voice of the other party continued to sound: "So, can someone explain this confusion of Pindao?"

"Patriarch!" The middle-aged man was very humble: "What is the Patriarch's order?"

——Fu Zhelu, eight out of twenty.Four out of ten times, a maid was drowned in the night.In nine out of ten cases, conflicts occurred with the children of the clan, and they were secretly poisoned to death.In Twenty Five, while collecting rent for the family, he forcibly robbed the daughter of a merchant, and then used family-inherited magic to kill the merchant's family who wanted to protect their officials.In twenty-eight, after lingering in brothels, he refused to pay the bill, and used talismans to secretly harm others.

 Update is coming!
  By the way, I would recommend a book to my friends——"Invincibility Begins When I See the Boss Blood Bar"

"It's an iron plate! Come and help me!" He immediately turned to the two people behind him, asking for help.

The Seventh Elder heard a voice: "I heard from a long distance that you want to seek revenge on the poor Taoist. I am a little curious about the poor Taoist. How do you know that three bastards died in the family? Logically speaking, there should be no one." Will you come here to tip off the news?"

Not many!
The screams coming from all over the inn did not disturb Fan Wu. Seeing the two flames rushing in his direction, Fan Wu just stretched out his hand and waved forward lightly. The posture is as if trying to drive away a mosquito.

And those people certainly don't dare to do it.

Just when several Fu family children wanted to step forward and push open the gate of the mansion.


"I will only annihilate your physical bodies, and your souls are in the underworld... Let's 'enjoy' it."

The disciple of the Fu family who was holding a soft sword didn't know what Xingfengzi and the others were thinking, he only knew that Xingfengzi and the others were all "scared" by him and dared not move!


His face was full of horror: "This...these people dare to kill people in broad daylight! And the people they kill are not ordinary people! These people are the sons of the Fu family, and they have blood on them. With the blood of the Fu family!"

Xingfengzi murmured: "It turns out that our ancestors are not the only ones who do this..."

Just kick something away.

Just when his blade was about to collide with Fan Wu's "fragile" throat at zero distance.

He's in the mood...

The middle-aged man took a deep breath, with a dangerous gleam in his eyes and a deep murderous intent: "If you can make a child of the Fu family die with hatred, you must have been killed!"

This shows that even though their Fu family is not as good as before, they are still one of the best aristocratic families in the Great Zhou Dynasty!
The heritage left by their ancestors.

"Candles, three are extinguished..." In a magnificently repaired family ancestral hall of the Fu family, an old man who closed his eyes and meditated on the futon opened his cloudy eyes and looked ahead.

When this sentence falls.

But the family with the death-free coupon.

The murderous intent has already been revealed!

This ability is already the ability of a god, right?

"Here we are!" Yun Jiuqing said, "Fan Daoist, the Fu family in the imperial city is ahead!"

This kid from the Fu family couldn't help but regressed again and again.

"Back to the family! Report to the Patriarch!!"

"Are they... are they leaving?" A short diner had to hold on to the table of the inn to keep his legs from falling down.

The bones of this Fu family child's body made a sound of being overwhelmed, making his expression extremely ferocious.Because he felt unprecedented pain, which spread from every inch of his body.

His tone was sinister: "There are people who humiliate the children of the Fu family, but those people have either had their tongues pulled out by us and become useless people."

"Is their family related in the Underworld?" Xingfengzi asked in surprise, "What Lay Yun means... Once they are cornered, they will most likely ask for help from their ancestors in the Underworld?"

"'t throw it away..." The Fu family boy, who was suffering endless pain and whose bones were beginning to shatter every inch of his body, wanted to turn his head and run away when he saw his two companions.

not to mention……

"But it's really damn." Fan Wu lightly twisted his wrist holding the chopsticks, and immediately there was a sound of something breaking.

"Although I don't know whether this is true or not, I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking a little precaution!"

For their Imperial City Fu family's family, this is definitely the biggest event that has happened in the past ten years.

The two corpses slowly limp.

"Fan Daochang! Fan Daochang!" Yun Jiuqing even said to Fan Wu a little excitedly: "I once heard that the Fu family in the imperial city has a long-lived ancestor. It is said that the other party is still alive."

The murderous intent on the face of this Fu family child stopped in a daze at this sudden moment!

The Fu family is not as good as before, and they don't know what happened recently.The offerings from some branches were collected, but only the offerings from the Nanjun branch were confiscated, and the people who went to collect the offerings have not returned yet.

"Yes!" The middle-aged man nodded hastily.

——Fu Hainan, five out of twenty.In eight out of ten, a beggar who soiled his clothes was beaten to death in the street.On the twenty-first day, together with the children of the family, they raped and killed a widowed woman.

The anger is because they are the children of the Fu family. Their imperial city, the Fu family, has been operating in the imperial city for hundreds of thousands of years. How have they ever suffered such humiliation like today?

Normally, it takes two hours to walk from the beginning to the end of a county town.

"Can you really deal with such a big fu family?"

He followed the gaze of the Patriarch of the Fu family in the imperial city, and looked at the candlelight in front of him. The three extinguished candles were so conspicuous.It also made the middle-aged man take a breath, because he also knew very well what the extinguishing of these three candles meant.

This weird creature...couldn't it be raised by these outsiders?After all, they look like they're in the same gang!

After he came out of the Fu family's ancestral hall, the complexion on his face became extremely gloomy.

The huge Fu family in the imperial city needs the tribute from the various branch families located in the dynasty to be able to barely maintain it.

When he said this, he snorted coldly: "Wait, go and call more people over! Follow this elder to see what happened!"

"Either... the grass on the grave is already, I don't know how many feet high!"

When Fan Wu was sitting just now, this person still felt nothing.

But this big hand seemed to be glued to his shoulder.

The eyes of the Fu family's children suddenly widened. They couldn't react in time to this sudden situation.

Although I am very scared in my heart, this is a way of fighting for Taoism!If you are unlucky, you may live your whole life without seeing such a scene!

The Earth Ancestor Temple where Xingfengzi is located also has this kind of operation, which means that they all belong to the existence of "there are people below".

"Yes! Seven elders!"

The red light emitted by the City God Order has become quite dazzling, which has attracted the attention of many people nearby.

Because a name is engraved on a pedestal under each candle.

Xingfengzi also saw the small bloody characters that appeared above the City God's Order.

Whether it's the Fu family of the county government or the Fu family of the imperial city.

That doesn't require Fan Daochang to make a move.

Can't even get in.

You can't even retreat!

The murderous intent emanating from the Seventh Elder made the hairs of the dozen or so monks of the Fu family stand on end.

And it's still this kind of aristocratic family with the merits of being a dragon!

"Uh...that's true." Xing Fengzi really couldn't imagine what kind of family could survive under Fan Wudao for a long time?

First up, who is not good to pick as a target?

Only then did he feel a sense of oppression from his height.

The seventh elder of the Fu family led dozens of monks of the Fu family, and they were about to walk out of the gate of the Fu family's mansion.

That middle-aged man... that is, the seventh elder of the Fu family in the imperial city, glanced at the dozen or so ascetics.

"When..." He said a word, but before he could yell out in shock, he found that his shoulder was being held by a big palm leaf fan.

Breathing the bloody smell in the air, he looked at the three horrible corpses on the ground.

"This is not a conflict." Fan Wu said with a smile: "I don't think it should take too much time."

But as long as he is a cultivator, then in the Great Zhou Imperial City, he is a master.

The deterrence has been reduced a lot.


Fan Wu played with the City God Token that was trembling crazily in his hand.

At this moment, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this barking outsider is definitely not an ordinary ascetic!Although this Fu family boy is domineering, he is not a fool!

"Master Fan Wu, we don't need to be here, should we continue to wait for that Eunuch Hu?" Xing Fengzi asked in surprise.

  Invincibility starts when I see the BOSS blood bar!
  [Big demon: 1/21999. 】

Fu Hainan, Fu Zhelu, Fu Shengying... Are these three people dead?
Died in the process of collecting rent fees in the past?
Such a news undoubtedly caused a great psychological shock to these monks of the Fu family.

Their bodies also followed the thick gate, and flew in towards the inside of the mansion.

The flame rushed towards Fan Wu's table!

But the words Fan Wu said fell on the ears of the three Fu family's children, and they seemed unusually harsh.They didn't expect this outsider to be so rampant after several times of warnings.

Killed three in one kill!

"This is..." Even the seventh elder of the Fu family couldn't have expected the sudden situation!

"Although I promised my cheap brother-in-law not to make troubles in the imperial city. But how can such things as helping justice and eradicating harm for the people be called making troubles?"

Save the ass!
Knowing that the outsiders in the eyeball are not the three of them, they can deal with it.How did the remaining two Fu family children go up to rescue them?Going up in this situation would be fatal, and this group of outsiders didn't give them face at all!

"Only a child of the Fu family who died with hatred will let the life candle emit such a bloody mist! If the death is accidental, the smoke will be black. If it is the end of life, the smoke will be black." It's white. This bloody smoke..."

The Fu family boy swallowed his saliva secretly.

no way……

It's the secret coffin!
Half of the black cloth covering the Tianji coffin has fallen off, and there is still a very obvious shoe print on it, which is the shoe print that was kicked out by a child of the Fu family.

They collected rental fees for the family to come over. It was going well, but it turned out that these few outsiders.

Just when the two of them wanted to escape separately, they suddenly found that they seemed to be unable to run.

It's in the imperial city.

Fan Wu's words in his own words revealed a fierce murderous intent, just like a big devil with a murderous heart.

His soft sword at this time...

After finishing these few words, Fan Wu's two hands had already grabbed half of their faces.

It's still bleeding from the seven orifices at this moment!
Slow down... slow down! !
After vaguely guessing something, they heard the sound of something heavy falling to the ground.This sound made them feel very familiar, very similar to the sound of a corpse that had lost its life, falling limply to the ground.

He raised his leg and kicked away something blocking the way in front of him.That thing had two weird wheels, but he didn't bother to care, what the hell was it, he only had eyes for Fan Wu and the others.

This person's [Strength] attribute is 6.71, about 0.21 points more than Yun Jiuqing's [Strength] attribute.

After these few words fell, the huge inn instantly fell into a deathly silence.

Fan Wu felt that if he hadn't seized the City God's Order, it would probably have flown over by itself and wiped out all the treacherous and evil people.

Their surname is Fu!

However, with just such a light wave of his hand, a violent gust of wind blew up from the palm of his hand, causing the face of the Fu family boy standing in front of Fan Wu to be blown until his skin twitched.

When two doors weighing hundreds of kilograms hit them, several Fu family children gushed out a mouthful of blood, and the bones of the collision were even directly shattered.

The two Fu family children are numb, what is the situation!
When encountering a few outsiders who are arrogant and barking, they are an iron plate that they can't kick.

This group of people are all monks, and their behavior is either high or low.

"Check?" The middle-aged man froze for a moment.

Never before has anyone dared to manipulate the children of the Fu family like this.

Especially after learning about the things that this so-called family with the power of the dragon has done.Yun Jiuqing didn't like the Fu family even more.

But the problem is that they are two very good friends...

There are burning candles in front of him, and each candle is extraordinarily special.

It was the first time they had seen such a person who could kill him.

But Xingfengzi can't find any faults!

How can they stand it?
If the children of the Fu family endured it, wouldn't they be someone who would dare to ride on the heads of the Fu family?Especially in recent years, the life of the Fu family has not been easy.

  Introduction: [This book is updated 5 times a day, supervision is welcome. 】

Why did he choose Daoist Fan Wu? !

The Seventh Elder saw a tall and burly figure, and walked slowly towards the Fu family's mansion.

On the City God's Order, line after line of words frantically flashed.

"Let's go, how can such a family be allowed to continue doing evil in the Great Zhou Dynasty?" Fan Wu just shook his hands lightly, and all the blood stains on his palms were shaken away, looking very special. clean.

"The one who barks and screams!" A Fu family child on the left couldn't bear it any longer, with anger and murderous intent in his eyes, he walked towards Fan Wu and said, "Open and shut your mouth, Just kill me and pay the whole family? Once some words come out of your mouth, you have to pay the price!"

Then he watched Fan Wu stand up slowly, his gaze changed from looking up to looking up.

These Fu family children felt that there was a terrifying force coming from the gate, which they could not resist.That force caught these Fu family children off guard, and also made the expressions on their faces... suddenly changed drastically!
Before they had time to retreat, the thick door panel, which must have weighed at least several hundred kilograms, had already flown upside down for them.

In this way, they paid for the family during these years...

Among them, a young man from the Fu family said: "Go back to the Seventh Elder, they should have gone to the east of the imperial city to collect rent."


Even Xing Fengzi next to him was secretly startled by that kind of killing intent!



At the same time, words like reminders sounded in the ears of the two of them: "It would be too cheap for you to annihilate the souls of scum like you."

Because the meaning of Fan Wu's words has been revealed very clearly!

"Cultivation...the ascetics are fighting!" A diner in the inn was startled by the scene like a miracle, and then hid under the table in a panic.

The two shopkeepers were almost on the verge of collapse, and he murmured: "Then...those customers..."

Moreover, he also heard the other party's voice: "Don't move around."

Obviously this is a magic weapon.

How can a mere small inn confront a family head-on?

"I know!" All the ascetics of the Fu family shouted in unison, the voice was so loud that even the leaves of a tree nearby were shaken off a lot.

Who dared to attack the Fu family after being overwhelmed by ambition?

  Good news: I can see the health bar, the boss is crippled!

"You can use secret techniques to communicate with the ancestors in the underworld, and invite the ancestors to return to the world to help us younger generations to tide over the difficulties."


A series of eyes, either with horror, fear, or shock, all fell on Fan Wu alone.


Isn't this equivalent to digging out a person's roots?

"Check!" The Patriarch of the Fu family in the imperial city uttered a word coldly.

These names are all surnamed "Fu"!
Among the candlelight, three candles were extinguished, and the faint smoke from the wicks of the candles turned out to be wisps of strange blood-colored smoke!
"It's still three very young candles... Have three younger generations died in the family?" A sternness flashed in the old man's turbid eyes, and the aura on his body radiated even more.

As long as he can return to the family, there are ways to deal with these crazy outsiders!

His eyes are tearing apart!
The two Fu family children pretended they didn't hear anything, but just as they turned around, they suddenly stopped and looked in the direction of the inn's gate with astonishment on their faces.

They even felt that someone was putting a thick and strong elbow on their shoulders.

The whole person is fixed in this position.

When the few of them fell hard to the ground, another mouthful of blood spurted out.

He said coldly: "Fu Hainan, Fu Zhelu, Fu Shengying! Who knows where these three people went?"

Imperial City Fu family.

Huge force oppressed down.

As time goes by every minute and every second.

"You know what happened, right?" Elder Seven glanced at the thirty or forty people in front of him.In a short period of time, so many monks gathered.

The raging flames bypassed the Fu family boy who was closest to Fan Wu.


All the people who were killed deserved to die.

Fan Wu played with the City God Order that was trembling more and more frequently in his hands. He looked at the seventh elder of the Fu family with an extremely ugly face, and continued to say with a smile: "I hope that you can make poor Taoists better than the Fu family of Nanjun. I'm satisfied."

Because of the three Fu family children, one [Strength] attribute is only 4.3, and the other [Strength] attribute is only 5.4, neither of which is as good as Yun Jiuqing!Because Yun Jiuqing's [Strength] attribute has already risen to the value of 6.5 during the period of following Fan Wu!
Only the son of the Imperial City Fu family who stood in the middle had a [strength] attribute slightly higher than Yun Jiuqing.

He never expected that things would turn into this ending.

The two of them recited the formula almost at the same time, and the talisman in their hands suddenly ignited a lot of flames.

It can only be ruthless against the opponents, some merchants who are negotiating for their livelihood on their Fujia land.

He even dared to kill members of their Fu family!

That's too much!
But all of them together are comparable to Qin Tiansi in a county.What's more, the cultivation of this Seventh Elder is much better than that of the Chief Banner Officer of Qintian Division in a county!
Even some hundred household officials of Qin Tiansi are not necessarily her opponents, the Seventh Elder of the Fu family.

"We underestimated those merchants." The Seventh Elder narrowed his eyes, and he said in a cold voice: "Those three people are dead. If this elder guessed correctly, there must be merchants who are unwilling to pay the rent and have colluded with them." Someone murdered my son of the Fu family!"

Nothing at all.

It's not a problem for them to pull hundreds of ascetics out!
This is the foundation!
"Elder Seven!" The dozen or so monks from the Fu family greeted immediately.

A dozen ascetics of the Fu family looked at each other in blank dismay.

Suffering endless torment.

But he was horrified to find that not only could he not stand up straight, he could not fall to the ground either.

The shock was because Fan Wu's wave of his hand just now scattered their talisman spells, which shocked them with Fan Wu's power.

"They are their own people. Do they want to control their own people? Even if they control you, it's just a verbal reprimand!"

The seventh elder said murderously: "The one who killed them must be a foreign ascetic, the kind of ascetic who does not know the heights of the sky and the earth, and thinks that he is a mighty dragon crossing the river!"

"Damn it! What did you do? What kind of demon and sorcery is this?!" The other two Fu family disciples rolled their eyes wildly when they saw that their companions were bleeding from their mouths and noses.

As if sensing the momentum in the ancestral hall, a middle-aged man outside hurried in.

It can be said to be shocked and angry.

With a so-called awe-inspiring appearance, what he said revealed sarcasm!

If they hold back a little longer, the last bit of deterrence left by the Fu family will be wiped out by them!

"Unfortunately..." At this time, Fan Wu's voice sounded very clear: "It's just three unsightly fish, even if they are killed, there is nothing to gain."

They probably walked for two hours in the imperial city.I have to say...the imperial city is too big.

The door of the inn was blocked, but the existence blocking the door of the inn was not someone.

The remaining two Fu family children were not the ones who would break through the south wall and never look back. They wanted to turn around and run away as soon as they saw something was wrong.

That feeling was like placing a piece of iron weighing several thousand kilograms on his shoulder!
Bang! ! !
His feet immediately crushed the floor of the inn, but this was not what he wanted to crush on his own initiative.

"Run from the window! You go left, I go right, run separately! If you can't escape, just take an ordinary person as a hostage!" Among them, a child of the Fu family gritted his teeth and shouted hastily.

Seeing this scene, Xingfengzi and the others did not move, but stared at the Fu family boy with a strange look.

just in case……

none of them!

You deserve it too? !
The inn was already filled with a dark energy, making the whole inn surrounded by white mist, as if there were evil spirits and ghosts in all directions, making the two Fu family children shudder!
"This is... what kind of monster is this? How can there be a monster in broad daylight? This monster...wait!" A Fu family child gasped and said in disbelief: "This monster is not the one just now, A strange big box that was kicked away!?"

It's a monster! !



The flames dissipated in the blink of an eye.

The expression of this Fu family boy suddenly changed, because he suddenly sensed that there was a huge force on one of his shoulders, which was constantly exerting downward pressure.


'snort!It's just a group of stern outsiders. Seeing me attacking their companions, none of them dared to step forward to help. It seemed that they were afraid or regretted.It's a pity that the words of yelling and barking have already been uttered, and it's too late to regret it! '

It's over!
If the Fu family knew that three of their own family's children died in Guichun Tower, they would be the first to bear the brunt of the disaster.

If the two sides want to do it.

This Fu family child instinctively wanted to shake off the big hand on his shoulder.

Yun Jiuqing nodded and said, "It's not impossible. After all, my father told me that once our Yun family encounters a life-and-death crisis..."

Even Yun Jiuqing thought they were not very pleasing to the eye!

"Kill them directly!!"

"With their own power, it is naturally impossible for those merchants to kill the three ascetics. They must have colluded with other ascetics! And these other ascetics... are definitely not from the imperial city. I don't believe it. When the three of them revealed their identities, the ascetics in the imperial city dared to attack them."

"Yes! They have received their retribution! The children of these big families have done a lot of evil things because of their ancestors who fought with the Holy Emperor and because of the family's iron coupon to avoid death!"


Watching the backs of Fan Wu and others disappear gradually, the diners in the inn crawled out from under the table with lingering fear, and tried their best to make their trembling and weak legs stand up.

"Hiss!!" The intense pain made him scream, and he really wanted to fall down to relieve the strength on his shoulders.

"I also heard that the Imperial City Fu family is also related to the underworld! That probably means... some of their deceased ancestors may be working in the underworld."

However, they found that their warnings were actually ignored by the man in front of them, who seemed to be still talking to himself: "But... the residence of the Fu family in the imperial city should be quite crowded, right? With the City God's order, I don't worry about killing any innocent people."

The branch family in Nanjun provides the most offerings to the main family every year.Although I don't really want to admit it, I have to admit that the current clan needs the financial support of the Nanjun branch.

This posture is like a friend who is very close to them, inexplicably appearing among them, hooking one person's neck with one hand, and hooking another person's neck with the other hand.

Fan Wu took a step back slightly.

"Imperial City! The Fu family!!"

The figure is even more straight as loose.

But it's just a little bit higher.

  "Let go of that monster, let me do it!"

In fact, there is no need for Yun Jiuqing to remind, the word "Fufu" on the plaque has already appeared in front of Fan Wu and others.

And one of them is a child of the Fu family!
In the imperial city, the Fu family can be regarded as a famous monastic family, with a very long family heritage.It is said that the Fu family in the imperial city is still holding an iron coupon to avoid death!
That was the iron coupon bestowed by the Emperor Kaipilgrimage. There were so many families in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

However, if the offerings are not collected, the problem is very big!
Without the support of the branch of the Fu family in Nanjun, the Zong family's life will be even more difficult this month.

He didn't know if his idea was funny, but he knew that this was the only thing he could hope for.

But what kind of trash are these little bums?
Kick it's secret coffin? !

"Care? The power of the noble family in the imperial court is even more complicated. Except for some royal family members, which official does not have close ties with the noble family?"

Because Daoist Fan Wu has already made it clear that with the order of the city god, he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

A dozen or so members of the Fu family hurried over, some of them were middle-aged, some of them were young.Each of them is surnamed Fu, and each of them is a monk!
Either pay the backbone.

"Not at all!" When Fan Wu's disappointing words fell, the pupils of the Fu family child who was closest to him shrank suddenly, because this Fu family child suddenly realized that the voice was actually in his ears. It's ringing!
Frightened, he turned his head and looked to the side, and saw Fan Wu standing by his side at some point.

"I almost forgot to remind you that you don't need to look for me like a needle in a haystack, because I, the poor man who killed three of your clansmen, came in person."

On the City God's Order, the densely packed small characters like mosquitoes, each of which looks so shocking, is expounding what kind of scum.

"You bastard, what are you talking nonsense about?" Fan Wu's pointed words made the three Fu family children even more angry.One of them pointed at Fan Wu and opened his mouth and said, "Don't think that you dare to speak such nonsense in broad daylight!"

Everyone in the inn could see that half of the two big heads were shattered!Half of the heads, which are still relatively intact, were forcibly fitted together.


It is already very obvious.

Without saying a word, this Fu family child immediately shot towards Fan Wu and others, only to see him lightly wipe his waist.

And those two flames that rushed were blown out by Fan Wu with a light wave, like candles.

But when Fan Wu finally stood up.

But a pair of eyes were still staring at the direction where Fan Wu and the others were.

fell on the ground.

After a few breaths.

If, these Fu family children are really so treacherous and evil.

There was a trace of a smile on Fan Wu's face, and he didn't have too many mood swings because of killing three people in a row.

Or the new generation of the Fu family.

"Today, I will tell you outsiders!"

Fan Wu felt that he was very kind.

A group of ascetics from the Fu family immediately started shaking people in the family.And there were a lot of family children in the residence of the Fu family's clan in the imperial city, and within a short while, a group of people had already arrived.

The calm and waveless voice hit everyone's eardrums, and all the eyes looking at Fan Wu... became very shocked and unbelievable.

Who can answer this question?
The waiter in the inn has also calmed down a little. He looked at the corpses on the ground inexplicably in horror.

I just heard him continue to say: "It doesn't matter even if you kill people in the street. We, the Fu family, are responsible for this matter. Even His Majesty today has nothing to say."

It was in the secret coffin of Qin Tiansi, and was treated with care and care every day by a group of Qin Tiansi. It had never been treated like this before—kicked away by a little bastard!
It would be fine if it was Fan Wu kicking it, it can't beat Fan Wu at all... and it's no big deal to be kicked a few times by Fan Wu.

He pulled out a bright silver soft sword from his belt.

With excitement and anticipation on his face, Yun Jiuqing led Fan Wu and the others towards one direction.

It wasn't that the fragile chopsticks in his hand broke, but that the Fu family's child's soft sword broke!
A piece of bright silver soft sword blade fell on the table with a clang like this.The mirror-like blade of the sword reflected the stunned look on the face of the Fu family disciple.

The two hands that were holding half of the face were closed suddenly in the middle.

The remaining two Fu family children had a tacit understanding, and the expressions on their faces became a little dignified.When their companions shouted for help, they had each taken out a talisman.

"You are not the most villainous of the three of you." Fan Wu didn't even look him in the eye, Fan Wu was still looking at the City God's Token at this moment, because the words on the City God's Token began to change again.

"If you can just catch those foreign ascetics, you don't need to talk nonsense to them!"

The bright silver soft sword in his hand was so bright that ordinary people couldn't see the trajectory of his soft sword at all. The sharp blade of the soft sword was aimed straight at Fan Wu's throat!

A group of people left.

Let those merchants double their monthly rent!
Doing this... will naturally make some merchants very angry.But the Fu family agreed that, relying on the Fu family's many years of prestige, those merchants could only smash their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs, and they couldn't do anything else.

To be honest, it was the first time Fan Wu noticed that the City God Order had this function since it was strengthened by the magistrate.

I saw that Fan Wu just used a pair of chopsticks to clamp the blade of his soft sword with incomparable precision!

He looked at Fan Wu in disbelief.

  Bad news: I encountered a BOSS at the beginning.

"By the way... what about these corpses? People from the Fu family died here. We... shouldn't be implicated, right? Besides, what that person said just now shouldn't be false, right? He... really going Are you looking for trouble for the Fu family?"

"" The person whose shoulders were held down by Fan Wu had blood overflowing from his eyes.

"Follow Elder Ben!!"

Standing like a tower.

  [Big demon: 29481/29482. 】

  "Brothers rush to the ducks! Disastrous! Whoever picks up the head counts!"

  Fang Yu yelled as he stepped back.


(End of this chapter)

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