Mystery: From adding points to the strongest on the surface

Chapter 196 Daoist Fan's Anger!Reached a bottom line!

A sudden voice stunned the members of the Blood Gu Cult for a moment, the murderous expression on his face froze directly on his cold face in an instant.

He was sure that when he was following the head catcher surnamed Liu, he had already noticed that there was no outsider around him.

What happened to the voice that suddenly sounded behind him?

A little cold sweat was already dripping from the foreheads of the members of the Blood Gu Sect.

In this short moment, countless years have flashed through his mind.In the end, he immediately locked onto one of his thoughts - the guy behind him must be a bad person, and the other party is definitely his own enemy!

thought here.

This blood gu cultist immediately grabbed a seal with his right hand, and he wanted to use a killer move to get rid of the person behind him.


He suddenly found that his shoulder seemed to be put on by something.Turning his head hastily, he realized that it was not a hand, but a foot.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see a man who seemed to be very tall and burly, lifting a foot to step on his shoulder.

Ordinary people can't do that kind of action at all, only a tall person like this can do it.


The Blood Gu Cultist didn't even have time to say a word, he suddenly found that the foot on his shoulder suddenly came with a huge force that he couldn't resist! I
The huge power made him panic all over, because he felt that this huge force was as terrifying as a ten thousand catty boulder, which made him, a member of the Blood Gu Cult, a little bit overwhelmed!

The mana in his body suddenly became disordered under this panic and oppression.

He felt that his feet could no longer bear the force.

Because his feet are constantly shaking!
Moreover, the trembling frequency is getting higher and higher, and the amplitude is also getting bigger and bigger, and the whole person feels like he is about to fall.


The disciples of the Blood Gu Sect directly landed on their knees, kneeling fiercely on the extremely solid bluestone slab.His eyes widened several times, and the whites of his eyes were filled with bloodshot streaks.

He could vaguely hear the sound of bones cracking from his knees, it turned out that his knees couldn't bear the huge force and cracked!

The severe pain made his brain go blank for two breaths, followed by an extremely painful and shrill scream.

"Hiss, ah, ah!!" The screams made those who heard them feel sad, and those who heard them wept, making people shiver.


The Blood Gu Sect member heard the person he didn't know behind him, and the cold voice sounded faintly behind him again: "When did you Blood Gu Sect come to Prison Dragon County? You are in Prison Dragon County How many people are there in total? What is your purpose of occupying the prison dragon county? How many ordinary people in the prison dragon county died in your hands?"

After hearing such a question, the members of the Blood Gu Cult knew that the person behind him definitely had nothing to do with their Blood Gu Cult.

At least... the other party is not anyone in the Blood Gu Sect, and he doesn't know if there is any hatred between the other party and the Blood Gu Sect.

Suppressing the sharp pain from his knees, the Blood Gu Cultist tightly closed his mouth.

He considers himself a very strong man.

Even though it was the intense pain that made him scream just now, he still felt that he would not betray the Blood Gu Cult.

"Oh?" The voice behind him came again: "You don't want to answer? But I think you should really want to answer."

boom! ! !
The turbulent momentum was like overwhelming mountains and seas, generally overwhelming the Blood Gu Cultists.

The Blood Gu cultist even felt a gust of wind blowing behind him, and then he felt a great fear that he had never felt before.

Such a sense of fear made him tremble uncontrollably.

Every cell in the body...

They are sending out signals of fear!
At the moment when this momentum hit, his consciousness seemed to be plunged into emptiness for a while, and he found himself in a trance, not in Prison Dragon County, but on the turbulent sea.

Suddenly, the sea set off a stormy sea. Some of the billowing waves were as high as ten meters, and some were even as high as tens of meters.

The huge sense of oppression made it impossible to hide the look of fear on his face.

He seemed to see a thunderbolt as thick as a bucket descending from the sky.

He was even able to see bursts of hurricanes, and even set off a terrifying sea tornado.

And I am a leaf of duckweed on the turbulent sea, and I will fall into the endless abyss of the sea anytime and anywhere.

As soon as this idea came to his mind, he suddenly realized that he was no longer on the surface of the sea, but in the depths of the ocean!The depths of the sea were very dark, and waves of ocean currents kept rolling him, making him feel like the world was spinning.

The giant monster of the deep sea that Bor swam past him scared him so much that his soul was trembling.

The strong sense of suffocation made him unable to help but continue to struggle in the sea water, wanting to surface above the water for a breath.

In that state of unexamined fear.

He instinctively answered the question with a pale complexion: "Roughly, roughly two months ago, we came to Prison Dragon County."

"The Blood Gu Sect has about 700 people in Prison Dragon County, but most of them are ordinary believers. There are only a dozen ascetics like me."

"We... the purpose of our coming to Prison Dragon County is to make final preparations to overthrow the Great Zhou Dynasty. We already know that the old emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty won't last long. So we plan to make the final preparations for the Great Zhou Dynasty. Some remote county towns were occupied first, anyway, these counties are also counties where the imperial power cannot be lowered, even if they are occupied, no one will know."

"I can't remember exactly how many people in Prisonlong County died at our hands... There may be hundreds of them, or thousands of them, anyway, the number is quite a lot..."

After all the answers have been spoken.

Only then did the blood gu cultist react suddenly.He found that he was not in the endless abyss of the sea, but in Prison Dragon County.

He also found that he seemed to have said something that shouldn't be said just now.

What kind of weird secret technique is this?

Or is it just an aura?I was simply intimidated by the opponent's aura, and then revealed everything I knew?

The face of this Blood Gu Cultist was full of disbelief, he thought he shouldn't be so frightened by a person's aura, right?

But that's exactly what happened...

It happened to him.

The severe pain from the knee, as well as the sense of fear in his heart, made the Blood Gu Cultist exclaim in unbelievable pain: "Who the hell are you?! You guy, who the hell are you? ! Do you know what existence you are offending now? We are the Blood Gu Sect! We have millions of followers, and we have..."

Click! ! !

Before the Blood Gu Cultist could finish his sentence, Fan Wu stepped on the ground with his foot.

His body was folded in a strange posture, and the bones in his body were broken one by one.

Fractured bones pierced his flesh.

Huahua's bones were exposed, and the blood stained the ground red, looking extremely bloody and terrifying.

【You have successfully killed the "Blood Gu Cultist who knows a little bit of monasticism", congratulations on your free attribute point: 0.01! 】

Such a small amount of free attribute points...

It was directly ignored by Fan Wu.

Then he turned his eyes to Liu Butou in front of him. Speaking of which, he was also an old acquaintance, and not just familiar.

At this time, Liu Butou was also dumbfounded and looked at Fan Wu in front of him, his face was full of shock and disbelief.

Liu Butou even wondered... Is he dreaming now, is he hallucinating?
He was just thinking about what he would do to deliver the news to Daoist Fan. In this way, Daoist Fan will definitely come back to save the big guy, right?
Then he suddenly discovered that Taoist Fan appeared in front of him. Isn't this a bit too coincidental?

In a daze, Liu Butou slapped himself hard, this slap made his own cheeks burst into burning pain, and almost broke his mouth.

Feeling this burning pain, Liu Catcher realized that he was not dreaming.

The picture I saw was not a dream at all.

It's real!
Fan Daochang really came back, he returned to Prison Dragon County, he came back to save the big guys!

Incomparably excited emotions surged into Liu Catcher's heart in an instant, and he even had tears in his eyes. As soon as his knees softened, he knelt down towards Fan Wu's direction.Then with a crying tone, he shouted: "Fan Daochang, Fan Daochang, you are finally back! Fan Daochang, there is a big problem in Prison Dragon County!"

Liu Butou seemed to have caught a life-saving straw that was enough to save him in an instant, and his fear of the Blood Gu Sect disappeared at the moment Fan Wu appeared.

I only heard Liu Butou continue to shout excitedly: "And all the rebels are not human, as long as anyone who doesn't respect their orders, they will kill without mercy!"

"They have already killed a lot of people in Prison Dragon County, the mass graves can no longer hold so many corpses!"

Then, Liu Butou told out everything he had seen and heard during this period of time.

The more he talked, the more aggrieved he felt.

He Liu Butou, no matter what, he was also a headhunter in a county town of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and he was a majestic one on weekdays.As a result, when he returned to Prison Dragon County this trip, he somehow changed from a majestic head catcher to someone else's running dog.

Such a contrast is really unacceptable.

And he felt...compared to some of his colleagues, he was already sticking to his heart.

He knew that some of his colleagues, in order to curry favor with the rebels of the Blood Gu Sect, even stretched out their butcher knives to the folks in the prison dragon county.

But Liu Butou is better, he looks for loopholes in the rules everywhere, and wants to take care of more people.

In the end, what he did was discovered. If Daoist Fan hadn't arrived in time, he felt that he might already be a corpse, a very scary corpse.

The kind where the whole body is hollowed out.

Only a poor skin remains.


Daochang Fan is back.

He Liu Butou survived!

Daochang Fan is back.

The blue sky of Prisoner Dragon Temple is here!

"Fan Daoist..." Although his mouth was a little dry, Liu Butou insisted on continuing: "Now the entire prison dragon county has fallen into a crisis. The thieves not only know how to practice the Tao, they are also fully armed."

"And the number of them is much larger than the number of government servants in our prison Long County." Liu Butou said bitterly: "If we want to survive, we can only listen to them."

"Well... I see." Fan Wu nodded, his face seemed to be expressionless.

Liu Butou had no choice but to see some other emotions in Daoist Fan's eyes and face. He didn't know if Daoist Fan, who had heard the news, was angry or something?
But at this moment, he can only hope that Daoist Fan can extend a helping hand to Prison Long County.

After all, the people of Prison Dragon County, if the rebels of the Blood Gu Sect continue to squeeze them...

There may be more than a few hundred people who died!
Those rebels of the Blood Gu Cult didn't treat the people of Prison Dragon County as human beings at all.Even, there is no one who regards the people of Prison Dragon County as livestock, even worse than livestock.

"That's right!" After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Catcher Liu said weakly: "I have often seen the rebels of the Blood Gu Sect during this period, arresting the people of Long County and going to some mysterious places , I don’t know where they were taken, I only know that after those people were taken away, they never came back.”

"I think they are very likely to be ill. Although I don't really want to curse others, I always feel that the probability of their survival is not particularly high."

Fan Wu nodded, and then asked: "Do you know where the Blood Gu Cult gathers the most followers in Prison Dragon County?"

Liu Butou hurriedly replied: "County yamen! Most of them are here, at the yamen of Choulong County!"

"Fan Daochang! I'll take you there!!"


Prison Long County.


On weekdays, in Prison Long County, he is almost a county magistrate like an emperor. At this moment, he is licking his face, and flatteringly said to a middle-aged man in front of him: "My lord, a new batch of people has been transported to the blood." In the pool. I have ordered their bodies to be washed clean before throwing them into the pool of blood."

Speaking of this, the county magistrate of the prison dragon county plucked up a little courage, and asked curiously: "My lord, you see that I have been taking refuge in the Blood Gu Sect for so long, can I ask you a question, my lord?"

A middle-aged man sitting on a grand teacher's chair was playing with a magistrate's jade seal from the county magistrate of Qianlong County.

He glanced at the magistrate of Prison Long County next to him, and replied casually, "What's the question? Ask!"

"Um...that blood pool, what's the use of it?" Prison County Magistrate asked curiously: "My lord, you asked me to bring a hundred clean people over there every seven days. And it doesn’t matter if it’s male or female, or young or old.”

"I'm really curious, what is the purpose of that thing? So many people are needed to go there? Could it be that the people who are picked up and sent there are already..."

"Ha!" The middle-aged man sneered and said: "I thought you were going to ask some questions, the blood pool is not a secret in the blood Gu sect, its function is to cultivate Gu gods!"

"Gu... Gu God?" The magistrate of Prison Dragon County was a little confused.

I saw the middle-aged man flipping his palm, and a strange little bug appeared in his palm.

It looks like the kind of maggots in the cesspit, but it is a little fatter than that kind of maggots.

And if you look carefully, you can see that there is a faint brilliance blooming on the surface of this worm's skin, which instantly attracts the gaze of the magistrate of the prison dragon county.

"This is the Gu God!" The middle-aged man said: "The cultivator who has subdued the Gu God will receive the powerful power from the Gu God, and even his body will undergo very mysterious changes."

"However..." He glanced coldly at the county magistrate of Yunlong County, and he could see the unconcealable covetous look in the magistrate's eyes at a glance. Officer, eating this thing will only make you explode and die, and the death will be very miserable."

These few words of the middle-aged man frightened the magistrate of the prison dragon county terribly, he hastily stepped back a few steps, wanting to stay away from this Gu worm.

The middle-aged man put away this Gu God, and said: "Don't underestimate such a small bug, in order to breed a Gu God, it may only take dozens of lives if it goes well. If it doesn't go well... it may take hundreds of lives, or even thousands of lives."

"However... you people in Choulong County are pretty good. During this period of time, thousands of human lives were used to refine six low-level Gu Gods and one high-level Gu God."

The magistrate of the prison dragon county was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't expect that these little bugs were trained with human lives, and they cost dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of lives.

Although he could vaguely guess that the people he sent there would definitely not survive.

But I didn't expect to die so miserably.

'Amitabha, Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, if they want to find their wronged souls, they can go to these blood gu cultists, don't look for me, Amitabha, Amitabha. '

This is a sentence that the magistrate of Prison Long County kept repeating in his heart. He naturally knew that he had done something wrong, so he was afraid that the ghosts of the people would come to him.

At this time, a panicked voice came from outside: "It's not good! It's not good!!"

The sudden voice interrupted the thoughts of the middle-aged man and the magistrate of Prison Long County.

The brows of both of them couldn't help but frown.

The magistrate of Prison Long County hastily smiled and said: "Master, you sit here for a while, and then go outside to see what happened."

"Hmm." The middle-aged man nodded slightly.

Then, the county magistrate of prison dragon county ran out in a panic.

For the magistrate of a majestic county, to achieve his humble level is like being a blood gu to teach a dog, there is really no one.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? You guys outside, what are you yelling about?" The county magistrate of the prison dragon county straightened his belly, then raised his head, with a high-spirited expression, and yelled at the outside : "If you disturb the adult's elegant mood, Benzhi County will throw you all out to feed the dogs!!"

"My lord! My lord magistrate!" A yamen servant in the yamen ran in in a panic, then fell to his knees with a plop, and hurriedly reported: "Something has happened! Prisoner... prisoner dragon..."

The yamen servant was anxious and exhausted, and he seemed a little breathless when speaking.

"Damn you! Squeeze your breath before you speak!" the magistrate of Prison Long County cursed with a dark face and gritted his teeth.

The yamen servant tried to take a few deep breaths.

After stabilizing the breath in his chest a little bit, he spoke out what he had seen and heard.

"Lord magistrate... Prisoner Dragon Temple! That Fan Wu from Prisoner Dragon Temple, he came back from outside! He is the apprentice of that old Heavenly Master, he... He has returned to Prisoner Dragon County!!"

The yamen servant hurriedly said.

"Prisoner Dragon Temple? Fan Wu?" The magistrate of Prisoner Dragon County was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "Is that the apprentice of the old master? Didn't this guy suddenly disappear that night? Why did he come back? ?!"

The magistrate of Prison Long County waved his hand and said, "Besides, even if he comes back, so what? Could it be that the proud apprentice of an old Heavenly Master still can't see the situation in Prison Long County clearly?"

"There are only two paths in front of him, either to worship under the blood gu sect, or to be thrown into the blood pool!"

Apparently, some rumors about Fan Wu did not spread to the extremely remote place of Yuanlong County.

"No...not..." The yamen servant hurriedly said: "It's Fan Wu who imprisoned Longguan, he has already called the door!!"

The yamen servant said in fear: "He... he is too powerful! I just watched a master cultivator of the Blood Gu sect get slapped and his head exploded!!"

"What?? After hearing these few words, the magistrate of Prison Dragon County's eyes widened.

He gritted his teeth and said: "The disciple of the old master, he came to kill him, why are you talking about such an important matter now?"

"I...I wanted to say it earlier too, but you keep interrupting..." the yamen servant weakly defended himself

"Grandma's!" The magistrate of Kunlong County kicked the yamen servant, but because he was not sure of his balance, this kick not only knocked the yamen servant over, but also made him fall down.

"Ouch!" Prisoner Long Guan Zhixian supported his old waist, and said to the panic-stricken yamen servant: "Your mother's dog! How dare you talk back!"

"Why don't you hurry up and call some more people over? Arrest that old master's apprentice for me!"

"Yes... yes..." The yamen servant hurriedly got up in embarrassment.

Then, he ran out in a hurry.

Seeing the back of the yamen servant leaving, the magistrate of Kunlong County recalled the hundreds of taels of silver and so many land deeds he had given Fan Wu back then, and his heart ached so much that he grinned: "I knew, this guy is so ignorant. I didn’t give him these things back then!”

"But since he's back, let him, that Yang Yizi, and that monk from Jinlong Temple go digging together!"

"Don't blame me for not giving the old Tianshi face, it's you who wants to kill yourself."

Just as the magistrate of Prisonlong County muttered to himself with resentment on his face.

There was a slight sound of footsteps behind him.

He hurriedly looked back, and found that the middle-aged man had already walked out of it.

The middle-aged man asked with a blank expression: "Prisoner Longguan old heavenly master? Prisoner Longguan Fan Wu? Who are these two?"

The magistrate of Prison Long County endured the pain in his lower back.

Get up quickly.

He answered flatteringly and explained: "My lord, in our prison dragon county, there is a Taoist temple called prison dragon temple, which is considered to be the most famous Taoist temple in prison dragon county. The Taoist temple was built by an old celestial master named Fan Er Yes, but that old Heavenly Master has been dead for quite some time."

"And that old celestial master is the most powerful ghost catching celestial master in Prison Dragon County! His only disciple, the one who inherited Prison Dragon Temple, is called Fan Wu."

"That Fan Wu is also very powerful. In the face of some powerful evil spirits, he can cut them down with a sword. But some time ago, he left Prison Dragon County. I don't know why he came back. Inexplicably turned back."

"Tch!" After hearing the explanation from the county magistrate of Cunlong County, the middle-aged man sneered disdainfully: "I thought it was some kind of extraordinary person, but it turned out to be just a rural Taoist priest in the valley."

Middle-aged people look down on Taoist priests in such a remote place.

Where can Taoist priests who can only live in this kind of place get so good?'s just that he is very powerful in the eyes of these ordinary people!
Knowing the Taoism of the three-legged cat can be called a celestial master.


People in remote and small places have this kind of insight!

When the middle-aged man brought a group of followers of the Blood Gu Sect to Prison Dragon County, it was not that he had never met the ascetics in Prison Dragon County.He saw a very old Taoist priest with two young apprentices; he also saw a fat-headed abbot of a temple with a few warrior monks covered in gold powder.

It's a pity that those ascetics in Prison Long County can't even beat his subordinates!

He didn't need his shot to catch all of the opponents.And sealed their mana and threw them into the mine for mining.

After all, he is also a cultivator, and his physical fitness is still much better than that of ordinary people. Even if his mana is sealed, he is still a good miner, and one person can be worth five or six people.

Such hard work cannot be wasted.

In the eyes of middle-aged people, the so-called Prisoner Dragon Temple Fan Wu in the mouth of the magistrate of Prisoner Long County is also such a monk.

It can be seen from this... The intelligence capabilities of the Blood Gu Sect are not much better than those of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Of course, it may also be that Prison Dragon County is really too remote.

So remote that even the information about the Blood Gu Sect...

have a very large lag.


"It''s Daoist Fan from Prison Dragon Temple!" A prisoner with a knife swallowed his saliva secretly, and he looked at a man in front of him with fear on his face.

He didn't know if it was his own illusion, but he always felt that after a few months, he saw this Daoist Fan again.

He felt that Taoist Fan seemed to be a little taller than before.

The tendon meat on the body seems to be a little more exaggerated.

And...he found that Liu Butou was still standing behind Fan Daozhang. You must know that even though Prison Dragon County had been completely controlled by the Blood Bone Sect, Liu Butou was still his immediate boss.

This made the catcher even more confused. He couldn't help but turned to Liu catcher and started to ask: "Liu catcher... you, you and Fan Daochang, what are... what are you going to do? Don't you know , the horror of the Blood Gu Cult?!"

He was a little worried that Catcher Liu's behavior would cause all the cops to be angered by the Blood Gu Cult.

Oh no...

In fact, the only thing he was worried about was himself. As for whether the other police officers in Prison Dragon County would be angered by the blood gu, that's none of his business?

The catcher swallowed secretly, looked at Fan Wu, and continued: "Fan Daochang, you just came back from the outside and you may not know what happened in the prison dragon county. You killed a master of the Blood Gu Sect like this." If you die, you will definitely be hunted down endlessly by the Blood Gu Sect, I advise you to surrender to the adults of the Blood Gu Sect as soon as possible!"

Hear these words from this guy.

Liu Butou had an expression of drawing a clear line with this person, and responded coldly: "I am more aware of whether the Blood Gu Sect is scary than you, but no matter how powerful the Blood Gu Sect is, in front of Daoist Fan, it is nothing to worry about." neither!"

"Don't try to trick Daoist Fan into surrendering to those people of the Blood Gu Sect. Do you think Daoist Fan is a person like you who is greedy for life and afraid of death? I think you just want to use Daoist Fan to make a contribution?"

"You guys..." Hearing Liu Butou's extremely strong words, the prisoner of the prison dragon county looked ugly: "Why are you so stubborn..."

The point is, Catcher Liu actually directly punctured his little thoughts.

This made his expression even more ugly.

But this arrester didn't dare to act rashly, because there was a bloody corpse lying on the ground, such a bloody corpse was the corpse of a blood gu cult cultivator!

Like the yamen servant who ran in to report just now, he watched Fan Wu slap him, and slapped this blood gu cult cultivator... to death!
This frightened him a lot.

"Quick, quick!" At this moment, there was a sound of commotion coming from not far away, and someone led a large group of people running over, some of them were servants from the county government office who had taken refuge in the Blood Gu Sect. Some were Blood Gu Cultists in black robes.

What they have in common is that they all hold a brand-new spear in their hands, and the tip of the spear looks cold and shimmering.

"It's these two people!" A jailer from the prison dragon county who led the way shouted, pointing at Fan Wu and Liu Tutou.

Then the mob of people surrounded Fan Wu and Liu Tutou.

Looking around, there are hundreds of people!

The gun heads that were shining coldly gave off an extremely creepy feeling.

It seemed that they could poke Fan Wu and Liu Butou into two big hedgehogs if they just took a few steps forward.

After seeing this scene.

Just now... the arrester who wanted to surrender Fan Wu and Liu Butou suddenly had a smile on his face, and he continued to say to Fan Wu and Liu Butou: "If, you just heard If I say it, I won’t die, since you are not willing to die, then you can’t blame me if you die.”


Suddenly, a long spear pierced the arrester from behind, directly piercing his back, and the bloody spear head pierced through his chest.

The prisoner's eyes were wide open, and he tried so hard to look back to see who it was before he shot himself.

Then he discovered that the person who shot him was actually a blood gu cultist in a black robe!

"Why...why..." His face was full of disbelief, he was so loyal to the Blood Gu Cult, why did the lord of the sister-in-law's family kill him?
A shot pierced his body through the members of the Blood Gu Sect, and he said in a cold voice with no expression on his face: "I saw you discussing with those two people for a long time from a long distance, you must be their accomplices!"

After the Blood Gu Cultist pulled out his spear, he stabbed him hard again, as if the prisoner from Longlong County fell into eternal sleep.

"Spit!" After spitting at the fast corpse.

Only then did he lock his eyes on Fan Wu and Liu Butou.

The Blood Gu Sect disciples looked at Catcher Liu: "I remember you, you are the Catcher of Prison Dragon County. I didn't expect you to pretend to surrender. Is your purpose of pretending to surrender is to wait for this guy to come?"

Liu Butou was a little nervous and didn't answer.

He was still terrified of being pointed at by so many long spears, especially among them were many members of the Blood Gu Sect, and his legs felt a little weak.

Especially when he thought that he had eaten a worm, such a worm was likely to be manipulated by the other party.

He became even more frightened.

But things have come to this point, can he still jump back?That must be impossible!
Liu Butou could only sullenly face.

Not a word!
"Tsk..." In Fan Wu's eyes, among the group of people in front of him, apart from those followers of the Blood Gu Cult, there were quite a few people he felt familiar with, at least they were people he had seen before.

It's just that people will always change, and these people he is familiar with have already stood on the opposite side of him.

That being the case.

Then he, Daoist Fan... doesn't think about the so-called old love.

Facing the long spears shining with cold light one after another, Fan Wu actually took the initiative to walk forward.

Seeing Fan Wu's actions.

A member of the Blood Gu Cult in the crowd immediately opened his mouth and shouted, and said sharply: "Take him down! This person is not easy, take him down first, and then deal with the head catcher!"

The voice fell.

All of a sudden, a long spear stabbed at Fan Wu's body!The sharp spear head can pierce even a solid wooden board, let alone a person's flesh and blood.


Something beyond everyone's expectations happened, when the spears they were holding stabbed at Fan Wu's body.They didn't feel the feeling of the spear piercing through the flesh, but instead felt an irresistible shock force, which passed through the spear body to the palm of their hand!
When the metal gun head collided with Fan Wu's body, it was more like two balls of metal colliding with each other, making crisp and pleasant sounds, and even bursting out clusters of tiny sparks.

"How is that possible!?" A prisoner of the prison county government office holding a long spear was almost knocked out of his hand.

He looked in shock at Fan Wu, who was slowly approaching towards his direction.

The look on his face gradually turned into fear: "It's... a monster!!!"


Fan Wu reached out and grabbed the long spear in the hand of the yamen servant, and let the other long spears stab him continuously. He said expressionlessly, "I remember you, you were at the yamen's side before, watching the gate. Bar?"

The yamen servant forced a smile that was uglier than crying: "Fan Daochang, why don't you... treat me like a fart?"

Fan Wu said: "Sorry, I can't do it."

Grabbing the spear in the opponent's hand, Fan Wu directly stabbed at him.


The end of the spear without the tip actually pierced through the servant's body!Immediately afterwards, Fan Wu swung the long spear to the right, and immediately sent three or four people flying out, and the barrel of the long spear in his hand was also broken.

"Damn it! What the hell are you?" A blood gu cultist shouted with a shocked expression on his face.

However, Fan Wu did not answer his question, but kicked towards this person's chest.

The body of this Blood Gu Cultist flew backwards like a cannonball, even smashing seven or eight people into the air.

This incredible fighting power.

All the yamen servants except the followers of the Blood Gu Cult were stunned.They all had more or less terrified expressions on their faces, and they also showed a little retreat.

Originally, Fan Wu's reputation was already well-known in Prison Long County. In the eyes of these yamen servants, there was naturally a kind of fear of Fan Wu.

Now seeing more than a dozen people fall into Fan Wu's hands at once, the fear in my heart exploded immediately.

"Don't make a mess! Don't make a mess!" A blood gu cultist looked at the yamen servants who kept trying to retreat, and after stabbing a yamen servant who wanted to escape with a single shot, he shouted angrily: "This dog is only Alone, you are afraid of a fart!"

"He must have used some secret method to have the body of a diamond. As long as it is a secret method, there must be a limit, and he will definitely pay the price! Don't panic! Go ahead and kill this murderer!"

"Whoever can kill this murderer will be able to directly become an official member of the Blood Gu Cult! And there will be a thousand taels of silver as a reward, and the women in Prison Dragon County can also be chosen by him!"

After some coercion and temptation.

The yamen servants mustered up their courage again and followed a group of followers of the Blood Gu Cult.

Continue to attack Fan Wu!

"In the way." Fan Wu said these two words calmly. One of his hands was clenched into a fist, and the muscles in his body were mobilized by him, but he didn't exert too much strength.

He punched lightly forward.

This punch looked very light, as if it couldn't even kill a mosquito.


After Fan Wu's fist blasted out, a terrifying shock wave surged forward!A large piece of air in front of him was directly blasted by his punch!
The bluestone slabs under his feet were all turned into ashes.

The spears in the hands of the yamen servants and the followers of the Blood Gu Cult.

It is also cracking and shattering inch by inch!


The update is coming(っ)

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