Mystery: From adding points to the strongest on the surface

Chapter 20 Korrun!Zhixian: What?Daochang Fan is gone? ?

Chapter 20 Korrun!Zhixian: What?Daochang Fan is gone? ?

Even though there was a lot of commotion in Goulan, Kunlong County, no arrester has come to check the situation so far.So Fan Wu was not hindered by anything, so he left with a box of gold and silver on his shoulders.

Instead of going to the county government office, he went straight to Prison Dragon Temple.

As for how to clean up the mess on the Goulan side, that's not something he should worry about.

Let the magistrate of Prison Long County take time to worry about it!

Anyway, that guy He Caisheng, during his years as a prison magistrate in Longguan County, has made a lot of gold, silver and jewels.

It's time for him to do something for prison dragon county.


When Fan Wu returned to Prison Dragon Temple carrying a box of gold and silver, it was already midnight.

I don't know if it is because there is a statue of Emperor Zhenwu on the mountain.

Even in the dead of night, the mountain road is not gloomy.

Because Fan Wu deliberately slowed down to go back, it still took some time to return to Prisoner Dragon Temple this time.

When he left the county government office, he told Yang Yizi and the abbot of Jinlong Temple to transfer the message to the county magistrate of Qianlong County, and asked the county magistrate to order someone to send the silver over.

When he came back so late, he naturally gave the magistrate of Prison Dragon County some time to prepare.

Fan Wu felt that, relying on the remaining "prestige" of his liar master and his image in the eyes of these people in Prison Long County, the other party would not play tricks in this regard.

as predicted.

When Fan Wu opened the door of the Taoist temple, what he wanted to see was quietly placed behind the door.

Even though the moonlight is very dim tonight, there is a neat row of silver and several land deeds that are firmly held down with silver...

Still very striking.

There are about 600 taels of silver here, and some of the land deeds are also very suitable for farming good land.

to be frank……

These title deeds are not very useful to Fan Wu.

Because he didn't plan to live in Prison Long County for a long time.

After all, Xuan Xizi is not the only one who believes in the Great Venerable...and if he kills Xuan Xizi, it is very likely that he will attract more followers of the Great Venerable!
In case the other party doesn't play the cards according to the routine, it's not the other disciples of the Great Venerable, but the body of the Great Venerable.

Fan Wu felt that he might...

Have to send it on the spot!
Although his current strength is not weak, but in the face of that rather weird existence, it is best to be cautious.

all in all.

Can't float!
"I've got the money to run away, and I don't have any friends in Prison Dragon County, and I don't have the slightest concern. It's time to leave this ghostly place where things happen frequently."

Fan Wu murmured to himself, he was going to leave Prison County tonight!

He didn't want to wait until tomorrow.

He had risked staying in this place for an extra day just to wait for the so-called reward promised by the county magistrate of Kunlong County.

As a result, he encountered so many things in such a short day.

If it wasn't for activating a golden finger earlier, it might have to be planted in this place!

and so……

It is not moist at this time.

When will you stay?

In order to moisten Prison Dragon County, Fan Wu had already made a lot of preparations some time ago.

He had previously found a carpenter in Choulong County to order a wooden box that could not only be carried by him, but also carried by oxen and horses.

It doesn't matter whether the wooden box is heavy or not.

The most important thing is that it has to be strong enough to hold heavy things.

The original purpose of Fan Wu's custom-made wooden box was to hold the silver in the statue of Emperor Zhenwu.

But who would have thought that the money inside would not be taken out?

He thought the wooden box was custom-made for nothing, but now it seems to be useful again.

Fan Wu turned out the custom-made wooden box.

Put gold ingots, silver ingots, and some clothes for changing and washing, all neatly placed in wooden boxes.

Then lift the extremely heavy wooden box.

This kind of weight is not necessarily able to be carried by ordinary people even with the strength of breastfeeding.

But for Fan Wu now...

It's just a trifle!
Can't feel the weight at all.

He can lift it with one hand!
Before leaving Prison Dragon County, Fan Wu solemnly placed a few sticks of incense on the ground to Emperor Zhenwu in the main hall of the Taoist temple, and quietly waited for the few sticks of incense to burn out...

Then, he poured out all the incense ash in the incense burner with a relatively strong container that was not afraid of falling.

These incense ashes are good things.

Can not be wasted.

Anyway, Emperor Zhenwu gave himself his Demon Severing Sword. If he gave him a little more incense burner ashes, it would definitely be nothing to Emperor Zhenwu.

Anyway, Fan Wu thought so.

He did the same.

Afterwards, he went to the back mountain of Prisoner Dragon Temple, and burned three sticks of incense to his cheap liar master.

It's a worship.

At last.

Fan Wu did not forget to bring the letter that the liar master gave him before his death.

Anyway, Master Liar has raised him for a few years, and Fan Wu is going to help him deliver the letter to his daughter.

However, the county mansion of South County is still a little far away from Prison Dragon County!



A loud and clear cow call came over, and Fan Wu turned his head and looked sideways.I saw a green bull tied to a corner of the Taoist temple, which was strong and capable of carrying things.

This is a blue cow raised by his liar master.

Fan Wu remembered that when the master liar was still alive, he often sat on the back of the green bull pretending to be a ghost, pretending to be an expert.

Speaking of which, this is also an old cow.

"Tsk, if you can carry this wooden box, then I will take you away together. If you can't carry it, then I can only tie you near any farmer in Qianlong County."

"After all, you can't be tied to the Taoist temple. If you eat all the grass in it, you will starve to death."

Fan Wu didn't care whether the old Qingniu could understand or not.

He walked over and put the heavy wooden box on the thick back of the old green bull.


The old green cow seemed a little uncomfortable, but it didn't seem to be struggling, and it walked back and forth a few times.

The heavy wooden box doesn't seem to be a big deal to it.

"Okay! Then I'll take you to get wet together! Just don't think the road is far away." Fan Wu said with a smile.

He untied the old green cow's rope.

Use this strong ox rope to fix the wooden box and let the wooden box stay on the back of the old green ox.


The next day.


The county magistrate of Choulong County finally had the courage to step into the county government office. He was ordering a group of government servants to remove the damaged things from the county government office, and let another group of government servants clean up the ground.

And He Caisheng, who is a county parent official, sat on a large expensive chair and drank tea very leisurely.

For some unknown reason, he felt that the tea in his hand had become unscented.

"Then Daoist Fan is too impatient, can't he delay the payment for a few days? If he promises to delay the payment for a few days, I am sure to give him at least half of the money... Alas! What a pity!"

"No, I lost more than 600 taels of silver and a few land deeds for good land. This loss is a big loss for me!"

He Caisheng murmured to himself: "I have to exaggerate the damage of the county government, so that the court can transfer more money, so that the official can get back the money..."

Just then.

Liu Butou ran over in a hurry and brought a shocking news, panting heavily: "My lord! I... I wanted to go to Prison Dragon Watch this morning to visit Fan Daochang, but I found... I found Fan Daochang People are gone!!"

"Besides, I found a note that seemed to be left by Daoist Fan in the door of the Taoist temple. On it... Daoist Fan said on it that he was going out to travel!!"

He Caisheng was so startled that his hands shook.

The tea was spilled.

But he didn't care, but his eyes widened, and he yelled incredulously: "What? Fan Daochang, he... is gone?!!"


After seeing Liu Butou nodding, He Caisheng gasped: "Without Daoist Fan, the county government will be haunted again..."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Although it is still broad daylight, the sun above the head is very hot...

But He Caisheng still felt chills all over his body!

The "protector" is gone.

He is afraid.



 Update is coming!
  Seeking to follow up (refers to reading up to the latest chapter every day), don’t keep books, woo woo~_(`”∠)__
(End of this chapter)

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