Mystery: From adding points to the strongest on the surface

Chapter 40 Fellow Daoist Fan... He has made a move! !

Chapter 40 Fellow Daoist Fan... He has made a move! !
While Xie Jiuyi was desperately fighting the evil ghost, Shen Jiyue on the other side also made a decisive move.

In this kind of crisis, it is natural to do your best.

If you are a little careless, you will lose your life!

Shen Jiyue held a heavy Xuanhua ax in her right hand, and threw out three talismans in her left hand.

The talisman stuck firmly to the blade of the Xuanhua axe, emitting a faint golden light.

She took the initiative to rush towards the evil spirits!
Under the watchful eyes of the evil spirits, Shen Jiyue tightly held the handle of the ax with both hands.

Suddenly, she jumped up!
"Evil ghost! Die quickly!!!"

Accompanied by a sharp drink.

She leaped more than a foot high easily, and then slammed down with an ax in both hands!

The Xuanhua ax exuding a faint golden light drew a golden arc in the dark night.

The evil spirit she was targeting first obviously didn't expect a woman to be so fierce and dare to rush towards him with a huge ax in hand.

And Shen Jiyue's speed was also very fast.

The evil ghost hasn't reacted yet, and hasn't had time to make extra movements...

Ax blade...

It fell down.

Swish-! ! !
The evil ghost was split in half by Shen Jiyue's axe, and the Xuanhua ax hit the ground so hard that the bluestone slabs on the ground were all smashed into pieces.

Pretty violent!

Shen Jiyue turned around abruptly, exerting strength with both hands, the heavy Xuanhua ax seemed as light as cotton in her hand.

She picked up the ax and slashed at another evil spirit.

The evil ghost reacted in time and dodged to one side, but one of its palms was still cut off.

The severe pain made the evil spirit scream out.

His pale face was full of pain.

Shen Jiyue took the opportunity to step forward, and swung the Xuanhua ax directly horizontally, smashing the head of the evil ghost.

She killed the ghosts alone with an ax...

It can be said that it can kill people off their feet!
These ordinary evil spirits are not yet Shen Jiyue's opponents.

After all, she is also the Chief Banner Officer of Qin Tiansi.

The strength is absolutely online.

After killing several evil spirits in a row, Shen Jiyue's face was not happy, but only became more and more dignified.

There are too many evil spirits, it is nothing at all if she kills a few of them now.


The ghost bride in the red sedan chair never made a move from the beginning to the end!

This made Shen Jiyue extremely vigilant.

The subconscious mind in her mind told her that the ghost bride in the big red sedan chair was definitely very powerful!
The other party is a murderous ghost! !

She felt that she would not be no match for the Ghost Bride, but the troublesome evil spirits were not the only ones.

The other party also has many helpers.

This is the tricky trouble!

Moreover, how did so many evil spirits sneak into Baihe County without making a sound?
Shen Jiyue was puzzled.


She seemed to have noticed something, and then heard a scream.

That was Xie Jiuyi's voice.

This voice was so unique that it was impossible for Shen Jiyue not to recognize it.

In a hurry.

She looked back.

Xie Jiu spouted blood from his mouth and nose, flying backwards like a kite with a broken string.

The whole person slammed into a wall.

A large pit was knocked out of the wall, and fine cracks spread across the wall.

Finally, he fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"Cough cough!"

Xie Jiuyi coughed heavily, and issued a talisman in his hand, which turned into ashes.

With lingering fear in his heart, he murmured, "If it wasn't for the timely use of the amulet, I'm afraid there would be no one left."

He struggled to stand up, looking terrifying, but because of the protective talisman, the injury was not serious.

Xie Jiuyi turned sideways hastily, because some evil spirit wanted to take advantage of his illness and kill him.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and dodged in time.

A cruel look flashed across Xie Jiu's eyes.

Biting his fingertips, he quickly recited the mantra in his mouth, and his hand was like a sword finger, stabbing the evil ghost that was rushing straight.

The evil spirit screamed.

Soul fly away!

Seeing that Xie Jiuyi's life was not in danger for the time being, Shen Jiyue moved her eyes away from him, and moved her eyes to the terrifying ghost beside the eight-carried sedan chair.

Just now, it should be this ghost that sent Xie Jiu away with one blow!
This is the ghost groom who "picked up the bride"!
Shen Jiyue found that she was looking at the ghost groom, and the ghost groom was also looking at her.

Her expression was not very good-looking: "If there were only those ordinary evil spirits, Xie Jiuyi's skills would be enough to deal with them. But, plus that extremely ferocious ghost groom..."

"Xie Jiuyi, I guess he can't stand it."

To deal with so many evil spirits, there is still a ghost bride who has not made a move, and Xie Jiuyi is not very useful...

The combination of various factors made Shen Jiyue feel extremely troublesome.

Moreover, she and Xie Jiuyi were just two people.

She can stop a few evil spirits, she can stop a dozen evil spirits, but more evil spirits...

She couldn't stop it.

With quick eyes, Shen Jiyue swiped the ax horizontally, and sent an evil spirit rushing towards the inn flying.

But there were still many evil spirits who passed her and went straight to the direction of the inn.

It made her very anxious.

But there is no way.

The ghost bride in the big red sedan chair has been lingering for a long time, which made her very afraid.

The ghost groom in the back is also eyeing him, and he doesn't know when he will attack her.

Shen Jiyue found that she couldn't escape!
All he could do was watch the evil spirits rush towards the inn.

"Not good!"

Shen Jiyue was burning with anxiety: "It is very likely that they don't want to fight with me, they just want to hold me back, and then take away the secret coffin!"

She clearly saw a few evil spirits floating into the inn quickly.

This made her silver teeth almost gnaw!
Since becoming the chief banner officer of Qin Tiansi, she has never felt such a sense of powerlessness.

There is nothing she can do!

The next moment!
Suddenly, several miserable howls came from inside the inn.

Shen Jiyue couldn't help being stunned.

Soon, as if she saw something extraordinary, the anger on her face turned into shock, and her eyes widened.

I see.

The few evil spirits that floated into the inn just now let out extremely shrill howls, and rushed out of the inn at an even faster speed!

They didn't rush out of the inn by themselves, but were forced to fly out!
A few evil spirits flew upside down screaming and slammed into the opposite side of the inn.

Their souls seem to have been severely injured

Has not lasted a breath time...

It collapsed!

The Tianji Coffin is inside the inn, whether it is the evil spirit who wants to snatch the Tianji Coffin, or Shen Jiyue and Xie Jiuyi who want to protect the Tianji Coffin, they are all attracted by the movement there.

Immediately afterwards, the two sides saw...a burly and tall figure slowly walking out from the inn.

That figure was holding a unique and exaggeratedly long sword in one hand.

The other hand is holding the struggling evil spirit!
Bang! ! !
As if something exploded, Shen Jiyue's eyes opened a little wider.

When she saw the struggling ghost, its head was crushed!

The evil spirit no longer struggled.

Because it's gone!
"Fan... Fellow Daoist Fan?"

Shen Jiyue recognized who that figure was, wasn't that Daoist Fan Wu from Prison County?

shot? !



 Today's update is here!


(End of this chapter)

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