Mystery: From adding points to the strongest on the surface

Chapter 44 The Great Humanoid Demon——Prisoner Dragon Watch Fan Wu!

Chapter 44 The Great Humanoid Demon——Prisoner Dragon Watch Fan Wu!

With this sword, Fan Wu felt a lot of resistance.

The sharp blade of the Devil-Breaking Sword collided violently with the claw blade on one arm that was stitching Li Gui, sending out sparks.

Stitching up Li Gui's contradictory yin-yang ghost face, a little smug expression appeared.

Because its other three arms are not blocked!
Fifteen claw blades lingering with death energy are still waving towards Fan Wu's standing position!


But suddenly, there seemed to be the sound of something breaking.

On the claw blade of the ghost that clashed with the Demon Breaking Sword, fine cracks unexpectedly spread out.

In an instant, the cracks became more and more numerous.

Also getting bigger and bigger!

The claw blade shattered!

The muscles of Fan Wu's arms holding the Broken Moxiong Sword were already high, and under the blessing of terrifying power, he forcibly chopped the five claw blades that were stitched together on Li Gui's arm to pieces!

The Demon-Breaking Sword continued unabated, and in the blink of an eye, it landed on Suture Ligui's other arm.

This time, it wasn't the hard claw blade that cut.

Rather, the arm itself!
This sword.

There is no resistance at all!


The suturing ghost threw both arms high uncontrollably, and the complacent look on its yin-yang ghost face froze.

The divine power released by the blade of the Devil-Breaking Sword is undoubtedly a terrifying poison for sewing ghosts!

It can clearly feel the torment that reaches the deepest part of the soul body...

That is the pain it cannot bear at this stage!
Even with its last arm attacking Fan Wu, it involuntarily shifted a little to one side.

The pitch-black sharp claws slashed across Fan Wu's cheeks.

Fan Wu only felt that someone used a few ice cubes to lightly brush his face.


There is no other feeling.

No pain.

It doesn't itch.

Not even injured.


The Stitched Ghost, whose arms had been cut off by the Devil-Breaking Sword, could no longer bear the pain that pierced the deepest part of his soul.

Like the howling of two ghosts, it echoed continuously in Willow Alley.

"Tear... tear him apart!!!"

In the screams of Suture Ligui, there was such an intermittent order.

A group of evil spirits on both sides of Liu Lane also rushed towards Fan Wu without hesitation, like a tide.

see this scene.

Not far away, Shen Jiyue secretly said "no", and immediately said to Xie Jiuyi next to him: "The ghost wants to order other ghosts to besiege Daoist Fan, let's stop the other ghosts and buy Daoist Fan some time... ..."

Before Shen Jiyue could say the last word "between", she saw a scene that she would never forget.

I saw Fan Wu's side, at some time, a big palm-leaf fan tightly grasped the wrist of the arm that was sewing Li Gui.

He was dragging the sewing spook like he was dragging a dead pig.

Then step forward and step down.

The bluestone slabs under his feet were cracked inch by inch.

Born from the ground!

Twist your hips!

The gigantic Stitched Specter, like a torn sack, was pulled up by Fan Wu with one hand.After stitching Li Gui's feet, he was forced to fly off the ground.

Its yin and yang ghost face was full of pain and a little panic, and even a little bit of confusion and disbelief.

It may not be able to figure out how to think about it, why is there such a powerful Taoist priest in a place like Baihe County?

And it didn't feel any mana fluctuations on this Taoist priest at all!
It is completely different from the cultivators who have been swallowed by it!
The idea of ​​stitching up the ghost has just come to this point...

It felt as if it had been thrown away.

Its fat ghost body like a wine barrel, like a terrifying giant rolling stone, crashed into a group of swarming evil ghosts.

Immediately, several evil spirits were knocked and flew out.

Many evil ghosts were crushed under the stitching ghosts, and there was no way to get up.

Fan Wu held the Devil-Breaking Sword in one hand.

Turning around to look at the surging evil spirits on the other side, he raised his sword and pierced through the bodies of two hideous evil spirits at a tricky angle!

The evil spirit had a painful look on his face.

As if the body was injected with hot magma, cracks appeared on the surface of the ghost body emitting a faint red light, and the ghost body quickly collapsed from the inside out!
Soul fly away!

The other hand was also on the hilt of the Demon-Breaking Sword, and he turned around at will, sending out a "big windmill".

The blade is like a storm, engulfing all the oncoming evil spirits.

The evil spirits let out painful and shrill howls one after another.

It was like being thrown into a meat grinder.

As soon as their bodies touched the blade of the Devil Breaker Sword, they couldn't bear the terrifying power of demon swaying.

The end, except for the soul flying away.

There is no other choice.

[You have successfully killed the "matchmaker ghost", congratulations on obtaining a free attribute point: 0.2! 】

[You successfully killed the "carrying sedan chair ghost armor", congratulations on your free attribute point: 0.05! 】

【You successfully killed the "carrying ghost"...】


A single evil spirit could not survive a single round under Fan Wu's hands.

Because after adding points again, there is already a big gap between his attributes and before!

【Name: Fan Wu】

【Life: 89+】

[Power: 25+]

[Skill: Constellation Sword Art lv1 (0/10)]

[Free attribute points: 5.2]

He just added 5 points to his [Strength] attribute, increasing the value of the [Strength] attribute from 20 to 25.

After using 5 free attribute points, his original free attribute points would be 4.8.

But no way.

Another group of evil spirits came up to give points, which increased his free attribute points to 5.2.

can only say……

Thank you for the gift of nature!

Leaving some free attribute points unused is also out of a sense of caution.

What if you encounter some monsters with strange skills, and the opponent's skills will attenuate your [Life] attribute?
At this time, the stored free attribute points can play a life-saving role.

Even anti-kill effect.

"These ordinary evil spirits are too weak." Fan Wu easily pierced the chest of the last evil spirit with a sword.

Less than ten seconds have passed since the evil spirits rushed towards him like a raging tide under the order of Stitching Ghost.

Fan Wu wiped them out almost completely!

Incredibly efficient!

Not far away, Shen Jiyue and Xie Jiuyi, who were about to help block the evil spirits, also froze there when they wanted to step forward to help.

Because they discovered...Fan Daochang doesn't need their help.

They found that they still didn't trust this Daoist Fan from Prison Dragon Temple enough.

Or they have never seen such an outrageous Taoist priest!
How can Taoist priests fight ghosts personally?And like chopping melons and vegetables, almost killing ghosts and monsters?

Are you sure this is a priest?

Really not a titan in the army?

Fan Wu didn't know how much inner drama the two Qin Tiansi had.He had already turned around slowly, and stared at the stitching ghost who was climbing up in a panic with a look that could not be seen in emotion.

The sewing ghost was still moaning and moaning in pain.

Its two arms have disappeared.

A large amount of Yin Qi continued to overflow from the cut.

The pervasive Yin Qi touched a tree planted next to it, and the surface of the branches and leaves of that tree was covered with a layer of frost.

The emerald green leaves turn yellow.

"Tsk, do you want me to give you two hands?" Fan Wu found that the stitching ghost was still very hostile to him, and the malice almost turned into substance.

But he didn't care at all.

His tone of voice is more villainous than the villain, if someone who doesn't know, sees this picture...

I'm afraid I misunderstood and thought that Fan Wu was the big demon who committed crimes!
A big monster in human form! !


 In the evening, there is another update in the early morning!Today's state seems to be better, and I have a weekend off, so I feel like I can write more.

(End of this chapter)

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