Mystery: From adding points to the strongest on the surface

Chapter 46 Adding [Life] attribute for the first time!Be honored as "you"!

Chapter 46 Adding [Life] attribute for the first time!Be honored as "you"!
The suture ghost, whose sharp sword pointed at the throat, was flustered. Although its emotional expression was not as rich as that of a living person, it was more emotional than ordinary monsters.

Perhaps this... is the difference between it and the strange figure that Fan Wu encountered earlier.

Fan Wu remembered that weird figure, but he didn't have too many mood swings.

However, the panic that sutured Li Gui's face did not offset its respect for the "big venerable".

With the tone of a sincere believer, with a hoarse voice, it spoke intermittently: " ignorant stinky Taoist priest! You...blasphemed the great venerable who was the immortal class and received the incense of all people..."

"The merciful and merciful lord who saves the suffering from the heavens and the earth... will never... let you, a madman like you, live in this world!"

"'We'... will come after you..."

"To the end of the world!"

"To the Cape!"

"Those who blaspheme the great sage—"




Fan Wu didn't want to hear the name that made him frown.

He just gently sent the Devil-Breaking Sword forward, and the sharp point of the sword pierced the throat of Li Gui!
Immediately, a large amount of Yin Qi spurted out wildly, as if a living person had a major artery punctured and spurted blood wildly.

Stitching Li Gui could no longer say a word, let alone spit out a single word.

Its body was shaking violently.

Like epilepsy.

Especially the part of the throat that was pierced by the Demon-Breaking Sword made a "sizzling" sound of butter being melted by the heat.

Stitching Specter couldn't hold on any longer.

Its ghost body has become extremely illusory, and it can already see the bluestone ground below through its body.

Its soul body surface is covered with dense cracks.

I saw a faint golden light emitting from within these cracks.

It seems that there is a raging fire burning in its soul body.

It looks very painful.

Extremely tormented.

There was a sound like the explosion of a ball, and the ghost body of the stitched ghost exploded, turning into dots of light like fireflies.

Dissipate between heaven and earth!

[You have successfully killed the "Ultimate Stitched Body of Ghost Bride and Ghost Groom (countdown 3 minutes)", congratulations on obtaining free attribute points: 10 points! 】

The system's kill prompt appeared in front of his eyes, which meant that this suture ghost was really wiped out.

Also at the same time, within Willow Lane...

The scenery everywhere is gradually returning to its original state.

In the night sky, there are many stars.

A crescent moon hangs high.

The color of the clusters of candles in the big lantern under the eaves of the inn has now turned into a normal orange-yellow, and it no longer looks weird, and it seems relatively normal.

Most of the yin energy in Willow Alley dissipated.

However, there is still a lot of yin energy remaining, and it may take at least a few days for the yin energy in Willow Alley to completely dissipate.

But Fan Wu felt that this had nothing to do with him.

It's all over!
"It was another very smooth process of 'surpassing'."

Fan Wu murmured such a sigh.

He suddenly felt that although his status as a Taoist priest was fake, he was quite qualified.

In just a few days, the number of evil spirits "saved" by him is close to a hundred!


There were also several powerful monsters, and they were all "overpowered" by him.

Oh, right.

Almost forgot, he also "saved" a living person - Xuan Xizi.

Which Taoist priest in the Great Zhou Dynasty is as dedicated as Fan Wu?

If his deeds go to the underworld...

Fan Wu felt that it was very possible that he could be a ghost!

As for why he encountered so many strange things in a short period of time?
That mother is not because of that great venerable!
Fan Wu felt that after he offended a great venerable, it was as if he had offended half of the ghosts in Yinghe Mansion in disguise.

There are tens of thousands of weird things in Yinghe Mansion...

At least half of him, Fan Wu, is offended, right?
Gan! ! ! !

Fan Wu's heart flashed one after another, but he was really calm on the surface.

The only thing that can comfort him is...he got a lot of free attribute points this time.

【Name: Fan Wu】

【Life: 89+】

[Power: 25+]

[Skill: Constellation Sword Art lv1 (0/10)]

[Free attribute points: 15.2]

With 15.2 attribute points, Fan Wu can completely increase his [Strength] attribute to a terrifying value of 40.2 points at one time.Then his strength will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes.

However...Fan Wu still insisted on saving some attribute points for emergencies.

He thought for a moment.

is allocated.

'[Power] Add 5 points to the attribute! '

'[Life] attribute plus 5 points'

A lot of free attribute points is very rich, so many attribute points that Fan Wu can try it out, what kind of effect will it bring to the body if adding points to the [life] attribute?
When the free attribute points of 15.2 points were reduced again to 5.2 points...

Fan Wu felt the changes brought about by adding points!
That change is as familiar as ever!
Every knotted muscle in his body was trembling slightly with excitement.

The muscles and bones wrapped by muscles seem to make the sound of muscles and bones mingling.

An invisible aura slowly lingered around Fan Wu's body.

Let his hair dance gently!
The blue veins under the skin are shaking like dragons and pythons, and the Taoist robe on his body is almost broken, but fortunately, the quality of the Taoist robe is quite strong.

The beast-like aura of the whole person also rose steadily at this time.

More and more like a terrifying monster!
This is the addition of the [Strength] attribute, which brought him physical changes.

And this time the distribution plus points...

Fan Wu also added the [life] attribute!
He noticed that his whole brain became extremely clear, as if it was a unique sense of pleasure originating from the level of the soul, filling every nerve in his body.

Power is like a bubbling spring in every inch of skin, every inch of muscle, every inch of muscle, and even every inch of soul... continuously accumulating!
The five senses are more acute than before, and the dark scenery at night is no different from the daytime in his eyes.

I don't know how far away, there is a woman who is on her period, and he can smell it clearly.

The skin on the body seems to be able to detect the flow of air.

Let him be able to react even with his eyes closed!
Fan Wu just felt as if he had fallen into a gentle village, and the sense of joy and excitement could not be described in words.

He didn't know how to express it either.

He knows that his attribute panel has changed a lot.

【Name: Fan Wu】

【Life: 94+】

[Power: 30+]

[Skill: Constellation Sword Art lv1 (0/10)]

[Free attribute points: 5.2]

Fan Wu's current [Life] attribute has reached the value of 94, while his [Strength] attribute has broken through the 30 mark.

It can only be said that the ghost bridegroom, ghost bride, and all the evil ghosts... gave him a luxurious gift package with attribute points tonight.

"Fan... Daoist Fan?!"

at this time.

A voice that Fan Wu didn't want to hear sounded from one side: "You...why are you not moving? Are you injured?"

This is Xie Jiuyi's voice.

He no longer called Fan Wu "Daoist", but "Daoist".


Also used the word "you"!



 Update is coming!
(End of this chapter)

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