Mystery: From adding points to the strongest on the surface

Chapter 50 Worshiping This Broken God Is Better To Worship Me, Fan Wu!

Chapter 50 Worshiping This Broken God Is Better To Worship Me, Fan Wu!

[Villager A of Nie’s Village—Life: 55—Strength: 1.5—Skill: None]

[Villager B of Nie Village—Life: 49—Strength: 1.1—Skill: None]

[The old man of Nie's Village is--Ming: ...]


None of the villagers in Niejia Village in front of me is a cultivator, even this old Lizheng who looks to be in his seventies is an ordinary person with a relatively long life.

He naturally heard Lao Lizheng's reminder.

If Fan Wu was an ordinary person, when he heard Lao Li reminding him, he would definitely turn around and leave.

After all, this is a mysterious world.

When it comes to ghosts and ghosts, it is best for ordinary people to hide as far away as they can.

But Fan Wu is not an ordinary person.

The phrase "With a sharp weapon in your body, you will kill yourself" is actually not particularly appropriate to describe his state of mind.

But there is a little bit more appropriate.

Fan Wu was no longer as taboo about creepy things as he was at the beginning.

In his eyes, as long as he stays away from that Qin Tiansi and that great venerable, then there is no problem.

As for other tricks...

Let's meet when we meet!

He even wants to take the initiative to meet them, because encountering tricky things means that he can use them to gain free attribute points!Who doesn't like free attribute points to walk one by one?
Anyway, Fan Wu likes it!

Leading the old green cow close to the villagers of Niejia Village.

Fan Wu could see that each of them had a vigilant and timid look on their faces.

Obviously, the aura on his body gave them a great sense of oppression.

Make them nervous.

"Pindao just happened to pass by here, and he will not stay in Nie's Village for a long time." Fan Wu explained to them.

Lao Li still insisted: "Master Dao, you may not know how dangerous the vicinity is, and we poor mountain people who don't know where to move to escape, are still hesitating whether to leave this place where we have lived for generations."

"It seems that some wealthy families dragged their families away a few months ago. To tell you the truth, there is Li Family Village next door to Nie Family Village."

"There are roughly a hundred households in Lijia Village. Their village is relatively rich, and each household has a lot of babies. A household has at least seven or eight people."

"The entire Li family village has a thousand people, it is a big village!"


Lao Li was taking a deep breath, and there was a little lamentation in his cloudy eyes.

After a slight pause, he continued: "A few months ago, there was a sudden change in the Li Family Village. There was a strange incident. The strange incident was very ominous, and the entire Li Family Village... all died overnight. !!"

"Qin Tiansi from Baihe County sent someone to investigate. I still remember that the leader was a female official named Shen Jiyue. But Qin Tiansi couldn't find out why..."

"The people from Qin Tiansi also said that our Nie Village will not encounter the strange things that happened in Li Village. But just listen to this kind of words, it's just to stabilize us."


Lao Li was talking about the weird things that happened around here sentence by sentence.

Hearing these nearby villagers of Niejia Village, they couldn't help shivering in broad daylight!
Even though these villagers knew about it, hearing it again still made them feel chills.

Fan Wu nodded thoughtfully.

His gaze passed Lao Lizheng, the villagers in front of him, and landed on the statue of "Master Ford" on the incense platform.

He didn't see any attribute information from the top of the statue.

This shows that this statue does not have the power of incense.

Lao Li is just asking God to do what they just did...

Basically made a lonely.


This time they asked God to perform the Dharma, perhaps it was the last hope and expectation of the villagers of Niejia Village.


Hope dashed.

"Li... Lizheng! No... not good! Not good!"

Just when Fan Wu wanted to say something.

A panicked and panting voice approached from afar.

It attracted everyone's attention.

Seeing the visitor, Lao Li reprimanded him with a stern face: "You're in a panic, what's the matter? Get your breath out and talk again!"

Lao Li's prestige in Nie's Village is not low

This reprimand made a villager from Nie’s Village who came here just now take a few deep breaths, smoothed out the breath in his chest, and continued anxiously: “The few people who fell ill a few days ago seem to be even worse today. Already! Several of them have fainted!"


Lao Li was in a hurry, slapped the man on the back of the head, gritted his teeth and said, "Such an important matter, you brat, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Ah? It's not Lizheng, you said let me..."

Lao Li was continuing to speak, and interrupted directly: "What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and take the old man over there?"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

The villagers of Niejia Village hurriedly ran in one direction.

Because Lao Li is too old, he can't run.

There was a younger and stronger boy who immediately picked him up and ran wildly.

After a while, there were not many people left in the head of Niejia Village.

Fan Wu looked at their backs in the distance.


Then... He turned his head and looked at the useless statue of Lord Ford.

There was a "tsk".

Fan Wu reached out and grabbed a fruit tribute, and stuffed it into his mouth unceremoniously.

One can tell by his skillful movements, when he was in Prison Dragon County...

No less doing this!
"Worshiping this kind of useless broken clay sculpture, trying to pray for His blessing... It's better to worship me. At least I can help people eat tributes, so that these tributes will not be wasted."

Fan Wu muttered.

While gnawing on the fruit, he led the old green cow and followed the villagers of Niejia Village.


Fan Wu walked for about half a stick of incense and arrived at a place in Nie's Village.

He saw the group of Nie family villagers at the head of the village.

The villagers of Niejia Village also saw him.

"Are you the Taoist priest just now?" A sallow-faced and emaciated villager looked up at Fan Wu, still swallowing his saliva, and after hesitating for a moment, he still mustered up his courage and said, "Why did you come in?"

"Come and have a look." Fan Wu replied.

Immediately after he finished speaking, the door of the thatched hut in front opened.

Lao Li and several villagers came out with bitter expressions.

The other villagers immediately gathered around, talking in a hurry.

"Lizheng, are they all right? It's okay, right?"

"Grandpa Lizheng, is my dad okay? They all say that daddy has an evil spirit, what kind of disease is it? Grandpa Lizheng, you used to study medicine, so...then you should be able to cure my father Bar?"

"Can the people inside be saved?!"


Lao Li was waving his hand to signal them to be quiet, and all the villagers stopped and stopped making noise.

"Old man...Although this old man studied medicine when he was young, but this kind of situation..." He said helplessly: "This kind of situation, this old man can't do anything about it."

After a few words fell, in the hearts of everyone, it was undoubtedly like a bolt from the blue.


An abrupt voice sounded: "Can I let Pindao go in and have a look?"

Lao Li was taken aback for a moment, when he raised his head, he saw Fan Wu who was unusually tall.

"Daozhang, why did you come in?" Lao Li was stunned for a moment, but hadn't reacted yet.

But Fan Wu had already stretched out his hand to push aside the crowd, and passed by Lao Lizheng.

He lifted his foot and stepped into the thatched hut.Then he replied: "Pindao smelled a strange smell."

He smells the taste of free attribute points!


 Update is coming!
  The author bought an abdominal muscle wheel + a set of barbells.

  Just now, I lifted the iron one hundred times with each hand. Although one side weighs only 2kg, I still feel very tired!

(End of this chapter)

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