Mystery: From adding points to the strongest on the surface

Chapter 53 Fan Daochang can see it at a glance!

Chapter 53 Fan Daochang can see it at a glance!
"That's right! My lords."

The old man hurriedly said: "The people who fell ill in our Niejia Village were all poisoned by a kind of deadly poison called 'zoom poison'. This is only after Fan Daochang's awakening, the old man knows the cause of the disease."

"It's also possible that those people in the Li Family Village a few months ago were also..."

"We already know." Before he finished speaking, Shen Jiyue said: "The tragedy in Lijia Village is indeed related to zombie poison."

She is telling the truth, and she will say what there is: "However, we did not find out this, but learned the clues in this regard through the secret coffin."

"I didn't expect Daoist Fan to be able to detect the clues of this matter without using the secret coffin, and he could see through it at a glance that it was a deadly poison."

Shen Jiyue said bitterly: "Compared with this, our Qin Tiansi seems to be useless."

There are about a dozen people in the Qintian Division of Baihe County.

Even if not everyone is very good, but a dozen or so people can investigate a strange thing, and they can always find something after several months of investigation, right?

The result is that nothing has been found for several months!
So he had to rely on the power of the Tianji Coffin to let the Tianji Coffin come out and give clues to the tragedy in Lijia Village.

But what about Daoist Fan?
It shouldn't be long since Daoist Fan came to Nie's Village, right?Then he saw through all kinds of falsehoods at a glance.All of a sudden, he saw the root cause of the strange incident, and saved Niejia Village in advance!
In order not to be in the same situation as Li's village in Nie's village next door to Li's village.

can only say……

As expected of Daoist Fan! !

so amazing!

Throwing away the thousands of thoughts in her mind, Shen Jiyue's expression became a little dignified.

She said in a serious tone: "To tell the truth, Lao Lizheng, this deceitful incident is unusual, and if one is not careful, it will implicate the entire Nie Family Village. My suggestion is that it is best for Nie Family Village to move out of here.

"Wait for Qin Tiansi to clean up the place, and then you can come back to Nie's Village."

In the end, she added: "The imperial court will help you solve the problem of board and lodging. You don't need to worry too much about food, clothing, housing and transportation. Although the situation of all parties is not stable now, it is still possible to settle you for a period of time."

"It's almost nightfall, tonight... that's all, tomorrow and morning, you all go to Baihe County!"

Shen Jiyue wanted them to rush to Baihe County tonight.

Because someone in Nie's Village was poisoned, it means that what happened in Li's Village a few months ago is likely to happen again in this Nie's Village!
As the chief banner officer of Qin Tiansi, Shen Jiyue couldn't sit idly by.

But it doesn't seem particularly safe when you think about it at night.

A group of ordinary mountain people are walking at night, if they bump into some monsters...

Wouldn't that become the ration of demons and ghosts?

There are not many people in Qintian Division of Baihe County.

Some people were needed to guard Baihe County, but she didn't bring many.

Not enough to escort so many people away at night.

They can only stay in Nie's Village for one more night.

Shen Jiyue continued: "We will give each household in Nie's Village a piece of talisman to ward off evil. At night, you stick the talisman on the door one by one. All doors and windows must be closed, and the chimney of the stove should also find a way to use it. Something is blocking."

"If there is glutinous rice at home, it is best to sprinkle it around the house, especially in front of the door and under the windows."

"I have a lot of glutinous rice at home, so I can distribute it to those who don't have it at home."

Shen Jiyue is a professional after all, and every word she says is very important.

This matter concerns the lives of the entire Nie Family Village!

Lao Li can understand.

He nodded and said, "Then... this old man told everyone in the village to go home quickly to ensure safety."

That's exactly what Lao Li said and did. He has a high prestige in Nie's Village.

The villagers will hardly refute his words.

Will not bother.

After receiving the talismans distributed to them by Qin Tiansi, all the villagers of Niejia Village hurried home with anxiety.

Do some preparations to deal with the coming crisis.

Although they don't know what the crisis is, Lao Li is telling them to hide...

Then hide away!


Nie Village became quiet.

Everyone returned home, pasted up the talismans as instructed, and closed the doors and windows tightly.

Lao Li originally wanted to stay.

But he was persuaded to go back by several of his children.

Lao Lizheng also knew that he was an old man, so he couldn't help him in this situation.

So I had to go home.



Now, except for Qin Tiansi and the others who dare to hang out outside the house...

Only Fan Wu was left.

Fan Wu noticed that every member of Qintiansi had a dignified and vigilant expression on their faces.

as if.

There is a sense of sight that is about to come.

"Is something going to happen?" Fan Wu looked at Shen Jiyue who was looking up at the sky, and asked.

Shen Jiyue withdrew her gaze looking up at the sky, took a deep breath, and explained: "Fan Daoist, you don't know something, after you wiped out the ghost bridegroom and ghost bride... we brought the Tianji Coffin back to the Qintian Division Division, and Used the secret coffin once."

"Fan Daochang, you may already know about the massacre that happened in Li Family Village. The reason we want to use the Tianji Coffin is to get some clues about the massacre."

"And some things that may happen in the future!"

Hearing this, Fan Wu raised his eyebrows.

No interruptions.

keep listening.

Shen Jiyue went on to say: "The coffin of secrets gave us several clues, one of which is-zombie! When I saw this word, I immediately felt that it was not very good. Zombie, only special monsters like zombies , the special poison that can only be possessed."

"If the massacre in Lijia Village a few months ago was related to Zombie Poison, if someone didn't intentionally use Zombie Poison to harm the people, it means that there may be zombies nearby!"

"The second clue given by Tianji Coffin is - Nie Family Village!"

"Third clue—July [-], [-]!"

"The fourth clue has only one word—death!!"

Shen Jiyue said solemnly: "This year is the [-]th year since the establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty, today is July, and today is the second day!"

"The secret coffin should be trying to tell us... Today, the entire Nie Family Village will be in a life-or-death crisis!"

"This life-and-death crisis is most likely related to zombie poison."

"So we rushed here without stopping."

"I never thought that Qin Tiansi needed the help of the secret coffin to know the clues. Fan Daochang could see it with a pair of discerning eyes." Shen Jiyue's tone was full of admiration.

Fan Wu could tell that this tone of admiration was not faked.


He really doesn't need someone from Qin Tiansi, how much admiration he has for him.

It would be better if Qin Tiansi's people could stay away from him.

Moreover, he didn't see through the truth at a glance. He just came here for the freedom attribute point, and he just felt that the weird things that happened in Nie's Village might be caused by weird things.

As for what kind of monster?Fan Wu didn't have such a high thirst for knowledge, he didn't have the mind to get to the bottom of it.

It can only be said that Shen Jiyue in front of him really thinks too much.

Also too clever.


At this moment, Fan Wu seemed to sense that something was wrong.

He frowned.

Turn your head and look in one direction.

With his keen five senses, he clearly sensed that Yin Qi was slowly surging in that direction!



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(End of this chapter)

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