Mystery: From adding points to the strongest on the surface

Chapter 59 What is the system doing in a daze?Add some to Grandpa!

Chapter 59 What is the system doing in a daze?Add some to Grandpa!

"Do you want to know how I managed to achieve such a level with a human body?" Fan Wu approached the Great Venerable without haste.

He exudes an invisible sense of oppression

All the black hair was dancing gently.

"When my right fist can't kill monsters. It's not because it's too weak, but because it doesn't want to. At this time, it's not impossible for my right fist to kill powerful monsters."

"But there is only one way to do it. That is to order it in an orderly tone, grab the unwilling right fist with your left hand, and force it to obey."

"If it dares to refuse, then beat it, and keep beating it."

"Tear off its skin!"

"Squeeze its muscles to pieces!"

"Screw its bones!"

"In this case, the right fist can even kill the god Buddha!"

The kind smile on Fan Wu's face became more and more intense.

The aura condensed all over his body has turned into substance.

All the weeds within two steps of him were crushed to the ground by his momentum.

There was a trace of astonishment on the distorted face of the great venerable, and he listened to everything Fan Wu just said.

It is also because I listened to it.

So he was dumbfounded.

He really wants to say something - if you don't listen, what the hell are you talking about? ! !

He felt that Fan Wu was very abnormal!
But it was too late for him to say it. The moment he showed a hint of astonishment, Fan Wu casually threw the Demon Severing Sword away, and his whole body burst into several steps like a galloping train.

His fist has been clenched again.

All the muscles are trembling.

The boiling blood made every inch of his skin blush.

A faint white air lingered on his body.

Let his posture become more distorted.

Right fist, another punch!

The great venerable still had no time to stop this huge fist, and his distorted face sank once again.

It looks even more distorted... like a vortex.

Before he came back to his senses, Fan Wu's left fist had already come out!

Two punches!

Three punches!

Five punches!

Ten punches!

In the blink of an eye, ten punches were thrown out.

But Fan Wu's movements still didn't stop, he clenched his fists as if he wasn't breathing, and bombarded the Great Venerable's split body indiscriminately!
Every blow of the fist is like a bomb exploding.

Continuous air explosions can be heard endlessly.

Cavities the size of fists were opened in the Great Venerable's split body.

This was blown up by Fan Wu punch after punch!

His arms turned into afterimages. At first glance, it seemed that there were thousands of fists blasting out continuously.

The body of the great venerable kept falling backwards!

Fan Wu kept pace steadily!
Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...

Bang bang bang bang bang bang! ! !
The fierce collision between the flesh and blood showed a unique aura of violence. The two-meter-high body of the Great Venerable was burst by Fan Wu's fists.

The lumps of sarcoma were mercilessly torn apart by Fist Wind.

The split body of the great venerable was originally quite huge, but now it is visibly shrinking rapidly with the naked eye!
The growth rate of the sarcoma was completely inferior to Fan Wu's punching speed!

He seemed to have no idea what fatigue was.

I don't even know what exhaustion is.

Fan Wu's fists were still outputting crazily like a torrential rain, and he didn't even breathe a single breath during this period.

The body of the Great Venerable is getting smaller and smaller.

The sarcoma around His distorted face was gone, and at this moment, that distorted face became more conspicuous, like a big target.

Every subsequent punch that Fan Wu threw out fell on his face...

Beat him until he can't make a sound!

Fan Wu's punching movement stopped, he raised his leg high, and then slashed down!
The heel hits the face of the Great Venerable's split body!
Specially shoot in the face!

There was a sound like a balloon bursting, and the face of the Great Venerable burst open.

Drops of highly corrosive slime splashed all around.

When the drops fall on the flowers and plants...

The flowers and plants withered instantly.

But when a few drops fell on Fan Wu's body, it didn't cause any harm!
[You successfully killed the "Split Body of the Great Venerable", congratulations on obtaining free attribute points: 10.9 points! 】



Fan Wu let out a breath of foul air slowly, he hadn't seen such a beating sandbag for a long time.

Maybe it's because when he hit some powerful monsters before, he always used the Devil Breaker Sword to give the opponent several fatal critical strikes.

It was the first time that he used only his fists to deal with such a powerful monster!

how to say?

Very cool!

Especially when the object of his beating was the split body of the Great Venerable, Fan Wu felt even more refreshed.Going to Goulan to listen to the music is nothing more than that, if you want to be really happy, you have to fight with powerful monsters, fighting with flesh and blood!

【Name: Fan Wu】

【Life: 94+】

[Power: 30+]

[Skill: Constellation Sword Art lv1 (0/10)]

[Free attribute points: 16.1]

Fan Wu is very satisfied with the 16.1 attribute point balance. What he wants to do now is to increase the [Strength] attribute to 50 points.

That way...he can prepare to upgrade the skill "Constellation Sword Art".

Because as long as "Constellation Sword Art" is upgraded to lv2, a zero-cooling passive will be unlocked - the [Power] attribute will be increased by 20%!
50% of 20 points of [Power] attribute is 10 points of [Power] attribute.

That way... is the most reasonable way to apply the attribute of [Technology] and improve the attribute of [Strength].

Instead of going to stupid first upgrade skills.

The current Fan Wu only has 30 [Strength] attributes, even if he spends free attribute points to upgrade "XingXiu Jianjue" to lv2, and gets 20% [Strength] attribute blessing, it will only add 6 [Strength] attributes to death.

Normal people can figure it out... How to upgrade is cost-effective and reasonable!
Fan Wu glanced at the lumps of rotten meat scattered around, without any signs of life.

Then turn around.

He looked towards Qin Tiansi's people, or... put his gaze on the zombie.

Several people in Qin Tiansi have been injured.

When Fan Wu saw Xie Jiu, his legs were broken.

Shen Jiyue, the general banner, was also in a panic, her head was bleeding, and half of her face was stained red with blood.

The palms of her hands were also blood red, obviously... when she was struggling to chop the zombies.

Zombies don't take particularly high damage.


She was shocked by the force of the shock, and the flesh and blood on the palm of her hand were cracked inch by inch!
Blood flow!
Very scary!

"Then...the zombie is the only monster left in Nie Village? It's the first time I've seen a monster with 30 points of [Power] attribute! It's already the same as me!"

Fan Wu murmured: "It can become stronger by absorbing a little more blood. And I have a 30-point [Strength] attribute, but I can only get it through hard work and sweat."

"So, what is the system still doing?"

"Give me some more!!!"



(End of this chapter)

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