Mystery: From adding points to the strongest on the surface

Chapter 61 It's the first time I've seen someone who can dismember a monster!

Chapter 61 It's the first time I've seen someone who can dismember a monster!

"Roar!!!" The zombie that was thrown out landed on the ground in the distance, rolling around more than ten times, it let out a roar.

The stiff body bounced up like a spring, and immediately stood up straight.

Shrinking pupils fell on Fan Wu.

It has no sense at all and it is more beast than beast.

The wild beast will retreat knowing that it is invincible, but the zombies are only bloodthirsty and tyrannical!
It jumped up and flew towards Fan Wu!

The thick evil spirit turned into black mist and enveloped it, and behind it, strands of black shadows were dragging.

Face the attacking zombies.

Fan Wu didn't dodge or evade.

[Strength] An existence whose attributes are 10 points lower than his is not enough for him to dodge.

No need for that!
In the eyes of Qin Tiansi and others, the movement of the zombie was so fast that only a phantom could be seen.Especially in the dark night, the phantom is particularly erratic and difficult to see.

But Fan Wu could see it very clearly.

At this moment, the Devil-Severing Sword was in his hand, and it had been unsheathed at this moment.

The surrounding cold air temperature seems to be due to the sheath of the Demon Severing Sword...

and return to normal.

The trajectory of the zombies has already been clearly captured by him.

Fan Wu's arms were tense!

Suddenly raised the sword and slashed!
Swish-! ! !
The ear-piercing sound of the blade tearing steel was heard, and every inch of the zombie's body was made of copper skin and iron bones, which was extraordinarily hard.

But the Devil-Breaking Sword is not a vegetarian, not to mention that zombies are also monsters of the Great Yin.

This sword directly removed one of the zombie's arms!
The severed arm exuding strong evil and yin energy fell to the ground.

Yin Qi was bubbling wildly at the cut-off, and the soil on the ground was eroded and polluted by Yin Qi.

It became dead silent and scorched black!

An extremely painful howl burst out from the throat of the vicious zombie.

It seemed that it had never felt such pain before, and the evil spirit and Yin energy in its body became extremely unstable.

A zombie who has lost an arm doesn't know what the emotion of fear is.It crazily continued to pounce towards Fan Wu who was close at hand.

The terrifying and ferocious face was full of tyranny and bloodshed.

It's scary!
At such a close distance, the rotten smell of the zombie was too pungent for Fan Wu.

He frowned.

Backhand sword!
Another arm flew high again, and it was still the arm of a zombie!
The zombie that lost both arms immediately lost its balance.

Fall head over heels!
It tried to struggle to stand up, but how could Fan Wu do what it wanted?
Fan Wu stepped on it, and directly stomped the zombie who was just about to get up, and fell to the ground.

boom! ! !
at once!

The zombies printed a shallow pit on the ground, and that terrifying, ferocious face sank deep into the ground.

It's growling.


The strength of the zombie's frenzied struggle was frightening, and it might easily be able to lift a thousand catties away.But under Fan Wu's feet, it couldn't stand up at all.

Fan Wu stepped on the zombie's instep and continued to exert force, and the zombie continued to sink further down.

"That's it?" To be honest, Fan Wu felt a little disappointed.

He thought the zombies would be as sharp as he imagined.

How to say……

The [Strength] attribute of the zombies is as high as 30 points, which is a few points higher than the split body of the great venerable just now.

"There is no rationality at all. Just like a bloodthirsty beast, Kong has a tyrannical attribute and cannot fully display it."

In the end, Fan Wu came to such a conclusion.

I don't know what it has to do with the Great Venerable. It seems that this irrational weird thing is not some disciple of the Great Venerable, right?

And to develop believers into zombies, the business is a bit too extensive, right?
The relationship between zombies and the great venerable should be different from what Fan Wu thought.


What does he care about so much? !

Fan Wu withdrew his thoughts.

The Duanmoxiong sword in his hand stabs straight down!
The sharp point of the sword pierced through the back of the zombie's head, passed out from the front of the zombie, and then sank into the ground.


The system's kill prompt did not sound, indicating that the sword that pierced the vital point did not bring a fatal blow to the zombie.

Fan Wu then gave it a sword in the back of the heart.

Still not dead.

He was lost in thought.

after all.

No experience with zombies.

"Fan Daochang, dealing with zombies is so tricky..." Seeing this scene, Shen Jiyue thought that Fan Wu, an apprentice of the old master, probably didn't know much about zombies.

She wanted to remind Fan Wu how to kill a zombie.


Seeing Fan Wu suddenly move away the foot that was holding down the zombie, the zombie suddenly stood up straight, and then Fan Wu raised his provocative foot enough to make countless people clamp their legs, hitting the zombie's crotch!
The zombie's body soared into the air uncontrollably, more than half a foot above the ground.

The muscles of Fan Wu's arms were tense, and the veins were entwined!
The broken demon sword in the hand quickly slashes at the zombies with a variety of subtle and tricky angles, but without losing violence!

The blade of the sword turned into a storm of metal!
There are tens of thousands of sword shadows at this moment, which makes people's eyes dizzy!

Zombies are instantly shrouded in it!
After half a breath.

Fan Wu retracted his sword.

Pieces of stiff flesh the size of fingers fell like hailstones from a height of more than half a foot.

The zombie was directly dismembered by him! !

on site!


[You successfully killed the "zombie about to enter the flying zombie", congratulations on obtaining free attribute points: 12 points! 】

All the pieces of meat fell to the ground, and the system's kill prompt followed.


It's not that Shen Jiyue has never seen a powerful cultivator.

It's not that I haven't seen a very scary monster.

It's not like I haven't seen an extremely ferocious monster.


A powerful, terrifying, and brutal Taoist priest.

She swears.

This is the first time seeing her!

It was the first time she had seen someone able to dismember a zombie.

This is dismemberment! ! !

The pieces of zombie meat on the ground were extremely neat, neat enough to be served on the dining table.

Those who didn't know, thought it was pork, or beef, or lamb all over the floor... If they knew, the hairs on their bodies would stand on end, and they would feel chills for no reason!
Looking at the large sword with an exaggerated handle in Fan Daochang's hand.

Shen Jiyue couldn't bear the horror in her heart, and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

She also wanted to maintain the kind of city that her Qin Tiansi General Banner should have.

But this kind of thing...

Can't do it!

The shock in her heart kept adding up, so that Shen Jiyue ignored the pain everywhere in her body.

Looking at Fan Wu's tall and burly back, she gasped in her heart!

The rest of Qin Tiansi's reaction was the same as Shen Jiyue's, even worse than that!

Even Shen Jiyue, the chief banner of Qintiansi, can't maintain his own city... let alone Shen Jiyue's subordinates.

"Is that zombie just... so easily dealt with? We... what did we do?!" A man from Qin Tiansi sat on the ground as if collapsed, his eyes lost sight, and he muttered to himself.

"Us? We... seem to be delaying the Taoist priest for a little time, right?"

"Delaying time? How does it feel... like we are delaying?"


"My magic-breaking talisman is useless to that zombie. This Taoist priest chopped it into pieces with a few swords? Why does the sword in his hand look so familiar? It looks like the Northern Heichi Gunjiao of the Zhenwu Demon Emperor. Great Sword!"

"Ah? He... He used Emperor Zhenwu's sword? Hiss! What a terrifying way!?"

"Is this really a person?"




 Today, it’s still the third watch_(_`”∠)_
(End of this chapter)

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