Mystery: From adding points to the strongest on the surface

Chapter 95 6 special monsters formed by the condensed followers of Wuxian!

Chapter 95 Six special monsters formed by the condensed followers of witch immortals! (seeking first order)

"That's..." After Yun Jiuqing faintly saw the figure of the strange creature, she felt a chill rushing from the soles of her feet to the Tianling Gai. The extremely strong visual impact made her eyes and pupils tremble!
"What kind of monster is that?!" She couldn't contain the horror in her heart, and she couldn't help opening her mouth to exclaim.

I saw-

Not far in front of her, there was a weird looking monster, slowly revealing its real body.

The body of this strange thing is very huge, Yun Jiuqing was horrified to find that this strange thing must be at least as high as two floors of attics!

Every time the monster's giant feet thicker than its waist trampled heavily on the ground, there would be a muffled "bang".There is no doubt that if it is stepped on by it, it will turn into a meat paste.

There wasn't an inch of skin or fur covered in the monster's body, and there were living heads embedded in its exposed blood-red muscles!
They are all the heads of living people!


The faces on each head are alive, and those heads embedded in the muscles of the monster are like living people!

Every face showed an expression of insidiousness, resentment, or anger...

Pairs of eyes moved extremely flexibly.

Some fell on Monk Zhikong, some fell on Yun Jiuqing, and some fell on Fan Wu.

Especially when it fell on Fan Wu, those eyes were full of anger!
It was like encountering the enemy who killed his father.

On the left of Yun Jiuqing.

There is also a monster.

This monster has a slender body, but like the huge monster, it doesn't have half a piece of skin covering its body.There is a big human head embedded in its belly.


There are also weird things!

The body shapes of these monsters are different, but the two things they have in common are that they have no skin on their bodies, and they all have heads on their bodies.





Yun Jiuqing felt that she was paralyzed. The appearance of such a terrifying and terrifying monster was enough to put her in a desperate situation, but now there are as many as six of them!
On weekdays, even with lanterns on at night, one might not be able to find one of these weird creatures.

Why is it popping up now?

There are six of them in one shot!

This is not a chicken or a dog, nor is it a beast in the mountains... This is a terrifying monster full of yin and evil spirits, and full of death and ominousness!

Six strange creatures blocked all escape routes.

Let Yun Jiuqing know that if he wants to leave alive, he can only find a way to kill a strange creature and open a breakthrough.

Then run towards the breach!

This is the only way Yun Jiuqing can think of now to break the situation and survive.

As for killing all the monsters?
She never thought about it!

After all, the terrifying aura emanating from each monster shows that they are not ordinary weak monsters!In this case, being able to find a way to kill one is already Yun Jiuqing's most optimistic idea!

If you're a little can't even kill a single monster.Then tonight, he had to become the ration of these weird creatures.

The monk Zhikong next to him also realized that the seriousness of the sudden incident tonight was far beyond the original expectation.

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and the already frowning expression became even more sad.

Picking any one of the six monsters can bring great pressure to him.

Six together.

It's a dead end!

"It's time."


Monk Zhikong gritted his teeth tightly, and he murmured: "Tonight, no matter what, I will try my best to save a monster! Only in this way will I be worthy of the Buddha and the people of the world."

"It's a pity, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to repay Daoist Fan for saving his life, maybe I can only repay him in the next life."


Monk Zhikong's Buddha's name was like a spark that ignited the fuse.

The six powerful monsters that slowly revealed their figures all unsparingly enveloped them with murderous intent!

Heads on their bodies.

Those mouths opened in unison.

The tone was bitter and angry: "Those who do not respect the Lord Wuxian will die without a burial place! Those who do not respect the Lord Wuxian will die without a place to die! Those who do not respect the Lord Wuxian will die without a burial place!"

The repeated words one after another, with repeated echoes, easily arouse the most fearful emotions in people's hearts.

Six monsters rushed up together!

The words uttered in unison also changed at this moment: "Dedicate the souls of those who do not respect the lord Wuxian to the lord Wuxian! The souls of those who do not respect the lord Wuxian..."

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The monster let out an extremely crazy and piercing scream, and attacked Fan Wu and others like crazy!

Although they are larger than humans, their speed is not limited by their size.

All of them are extremely brisk!

In the blink of an eye!

Before Yun Jiuqing had time to react, she saw the strange thing as tall as a two-storey attic in front of her, less than ten steps away from her!When she reacted, the distance between the two sides was shortened to five steps!These five steps are ridiculously short!
Such a close distance has already allowed her to clearly smell the stench emanating from the monster.

It can also make her skin feel the yin and evil spirit lingering on the monster's body, that biting coldness!
With the hairs all over his body standing on end, Yun Jiuqing took out the ruby ​​dagger in his hand!

But it wasn't the ruby ​​dagger that fell to the ground in fright.

Instead, she launched an attack on the monster!At this moment, she knew that she could only fight.

The fight won.

There is a chance!

See you in Huangquan then!

"Shinto Hundred Kills!" At the moment when the ruby ​​dagger was released from her hand, Yun Jiuqing mumbled words quickly, and she blurted out dozens of words in the blink of an eye.

The speed of speech was so fast that it felt like her tongue was about to get knotted.


The ruby ​​dagger that came out of his hand burst into a hot red glow, and forcibly reversed its posture in mid-air.

It seems that there is an invisible big hand controlling the ruby ​​dagger.

He stabbed straight at the huge monster in front of him.

The red light of the red jade dagger's tip touched the strange creature's body, a head full of anger.

That head obviously didn't expect that he would bear the brunt of wanting to exist.

The scowl on his face turned into horror.

"No, it's not good! Help me!!" The head only had time to let out a scream, and the next moment the ruby ​​dagger fell into it!


The body of the strange thing pierced by the red jade short sword began to emit a large amount of white smoke, which was the yin and evil spirit leaking from the strange thing!

"'s all right?!" Yun Jiuqing didn't have any joy on her face, because she was surprised to find that—except for the unlucky head on the monster's body, which was completely melted...


There was no other harm.

It seems to be painless.

Feel nothing!

"It's over..." With a distance of five steps, Yun Jiuqing was able to use a full blow in the blink of an eye, which was already the limit of what she could do at this level, and she even performed supernormally.

she sees.

The monster has already raised a thick arm and foot, and the sole of the foot is already as big as a water tank.

The huge arm trampled down on her fiercely!

This time, if it fell on the body, wouldn't it just turn into flesh?
The soul must be damaged!

But she...

Can't dodge.

When Yun Jiuqing fell into the despair of dying, she vaguely caught a glimpse of a beam of red light flashing to one side, and the speed of that beam of red light was so fast that it was difficult for even monsters to detect it.

When Yun Jiuqing finally noticed it, that beam of red light had already touched the monster!

It is also a thrown "weapon".

It is also a red light that blooms together.

The radiance of Yun Jiuqing's red jade dagger is like a candle in the dark night... and the red light that is radiating from the flying object at this moment is like a monstrous fire that illuminates a small half of the city!

The dazzling red light made Yun Jiuqing's eyes hurt, and she could even feel the heat wave rolling towards her face.

She seemed to be in a sea of ​​flames herself!

The ends of her hair were slightly yellowed and slightly curled by the heat wave.

"Hiss ah ah ah!!!"

The arms and legs that the monster was about to trample down suddenly stopped when they were a foot away from her... Followed by bursts of extremely shrill howls!
That was the tragic howling of the strange heads on the monster's body, all of which were full of pain!
Yun Jiuqing couldn't imagine how painful it was to be able to scream like this?
The monster was so painful that its whole body began to tremble and twitch violently. Its huge body fell to the ground, and when the unknown weight fell to the ground, the whole ground trembled.

It was only then that Yun Jiuqing noticed that an object like a "fire stick" was stuck on the strange thing's body!
It was that fire sign that was glowing bright red and sending out waves of heat!
So... what is that? ! !
What kind of instrument is this? ! !

When this question popped up in Yun Jiuqing's mind... the City God's Token that pierced into the strange thing's body had already turned into a stream of red light, pouring into the huge body of the strange thing.

The frequency of the uncontrollable twitching and trembling of the monster became even higher, and the screams of pain became extraordinarily distorted and illusory, and its body swelled up like a balloon!

This weird scene not only stunned Yun Jiuqing.

I also stared dumbfounded at the monk Zhikong who was waiting in the formation.

He even stared dumbfounded at the weird heads on the other five monsters!

See Yun Jiuqing who is not in the right position.

Hurriedly away from that monster.

I saw that the monster's size was so huge... as if it could be broken with a single poke.


It really broke.

The monster's body exploded like an over-inflated ball, and the rolling shock waves that swept out after the explosion nearly knocked Yun Jiuqing who was closest to him flying.

Fortunately, she had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and quickly hugged the trunk of a big tree next to her.

Stabilized his figure.

Yun Jiuqing looked at the lumps of flesh splashing out with horror on his face, and he even saw round heads flying in all directions screaming in surprise.

Those skulls fell hard on the ground, or slammed into a rock.

Immediately, blood flew everywhere.

Brains splashed.

The scene is appalling!

A strange head even hit the trunk of the tree she was holding, blood splashed on her face, and she was so startled that she hurriedly wiped her face with her sleeve frantically.

There was also a strange head, which slowly rolled down to the side of the old green bull.

This head may be the only survivor among the many heads.

It is safe and sound.


When it opened its eyes in horror, it found a huge bull's head in front of it.

Then, a cow's hoof stepped down!
It vaguely saw that there was a shoe on the cow's hoof!Who the hell would shoehorn a cow?

The size of the old green bull is right there, and its power of stepping down with one hoof cannot be underestimated.

The celestial spirit cover of the head sank directly, and the frightened expression on that face froze instantly.

Killed on the spot!


"Good job." Fan Wu praised the old blue cow, then he looked around and looked at the other monsters.

These weird things are very powerful in the eyes of Yun Jiuqing and Monk Zhikong.

But in Fan Wu's eyes, that was actually the case.

Killing a monster... didn't bring him much gain, and the free attribute points that burst out were not many.

[You have successfully killed the "special monster armor condensed by the believers of witch immortals", congratulations on obtaining free attribute points: 1 point! 】

The monster with such an exaggerated momentum only brought him a benefit of 1 free attribute point.

have to say.

This so-called "Witch Immortal" is really awesome!

These strange creatures in front of him are all followers of the so-called Master Wuxian, why did they find Fan Wu precisely...Fan Wu thought that it might be the reason why he personally killed many followers of Wuxian.

Fan Wu still remembered a follower of the witch fairy who was slaughtered earlier. The other party said that if he was killed, he would be marked by the witch fairy.

So, is he marked by that so-called witch fairy?

No matter where I go, will I be known by Wu Xian?


That's great!
Fan Wu's face didn't show the slightest irritability, on the contrary, there was a kind of eagerness to try... because if he was asked to take the initiative to find the strange things, when would he be able to find so many strange things?
However, if you let the monsters hate you first, then let them come to you by themselves.

Doesn't that mean that you can meet many weird things when you go out casually?
Being targeted by the so-called witch fairy.

Maybe it's a good thing!
Isn't this... in front of you, aren't there just a few gifts of nature?
"Yes... Daozhang Fan came to help?" Yun Jiuqing on the other side finally recovered from the shock.

She thought about it.

Among the three people present, although monk Zhikong was stronger than her, he was not much stronger.

In other words, it was still Fan Wu who saved her just now!
She... owed Fan Daozhang another life!

Yun Jiuqing also had a deeper understanding of Fan Wu's strength, and she found that Daoist Fan was more powerful than she had imagined.

Such a powerful monster, was solved by Fan Taoist just like that?

the other side.

The remaining five monsters also recovered from the shock.The expressions of the heads on their bodies are either terrified, stunned, or unbelievable...

But in the end, it all turned into the initial anger and resentment!

Originally, some eyes were still fixed on Yun Jiuqing or Monk Zhikong, but at this moment they all fell on Fan Wu!

"Not good!" Monk Zhikong noticed this, and he hurriedly reminded: "Amitabha, Daoist Fan, these monsters are all after you alone! Daoist, the little monk thinks..."

He hadn't finished a complete sentence.

just found out.

Fan Daozhang next to him has already pulled out the big sword he was carrying.

It was an exaggeratedly long sword. The width of the sword was wider than the nine-ring sword in his hand. It looked like a very heavy sword, the kind that ordinary people could not dance.

The flickering cold light of the blade gave people a feeling of heart palpitations, which made Monk Zhikong smell a breath of death.

Monk Zhikong is quite familiar with knives and swords.

Before he became a monk, his family was a blacksmith.

he can see...

The material of the sword in Fan Daochang's hands seems to be sparse and ordinary, and there seems to be nothing special about it.


It was such a big sword made of ordinary material, which gave him a feeling that he could easily cut off his nine-ringed sword with just a light cut!
This feeling.

very strong!
Monk Zhikong also keenly discovered that the moment Fan Daochang drew his sword out of its sheath, his aura became even more turbulent!He was shocked to find that when he looked at Fan Daochang with his naked eyes, Fan Daochang's figure was slowly distorting!

This is definitely not Fan Daochang's body, what has changed.It was the terrifying aura on Fan Daochang's body that was constantly distorting the scene around him!
How terrifying?
How exaggerated?

Monk Zhikong's tongue was a little dry, and he suddenly felt that this Daoist Fan could be valued by the Lord Chenghuang... maybe not only because of his chivalrous spirit, but also because of his strong strength!

Fan Wu didn't know that these two people had so many inner dramas, and his idea of ​​drawing his sword out of its sheath was also very simple, that is - none of the five monsters left in front of him could be let go! !

He strode forward, and in the blink of an eye, he had already attacked a monster, and the distance between the two sides was less than three steps!

This is a fat monster with a body like a big drum.

It seemed as if a single punch could stir up waves of flesh.

The expressions of the heads on the fat body changed very slowly.

But it's not that the movement of the monster itself is too slow.

But Fan Wu's speed, reaction...

All too fast!

The muscles in his hands were slightly tense, and the sword in his hand was like cutting wheat, and swept out with a whistling sound!

The sharp blade of the Devil-Breaking Sword is not something this fat monster can resist.

Swish-! ! !
The blade of the Devil Breaker Sword easily slashed through.

Before the fat monster could react, Fan Wu had already turned his body around and headed towards another monster.

After the fat monster reacted, it was about to launch an attack behind Fan Wu, but it was shocked to find that its movements could not be coherent.

I saw...on its body, lines emitting a faint golden light emerged.

Golden lines run through its body from left to right.

The golden lines are getting bigger and bigger.

Its upper body slid to one side uncontrollably, and then the entire upper body fell to the ground!

The heads on the monster's body seemed to feel unbearable pain that pierced the soul.

They all opened their mouths wide, wanting to howl miserably.

But the next moment——

Bang! ! !
The body of the fat monster was cut in half, and it exploded and turned into ashes all over the sky!

Souls are destroyed!

[You have successfully killed the "special monster B formed by followers of witch immortals", congratulations on obtaining free attribute points: 0.8 points! 】




(End of this chapter)

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