Chapter 347
As early as the period of the Earth Defense Force, the existence of aliens was detected.

The major forces inside the earth have launched a series of exaggerated grand plans, including a special plan called "High Altitude Research Project".

However, those who actually implement this plan know that the so-called "high-altitude research project" is just a smoke bomb announced to the outside world.

The real intention of this plan is to create a cannon that can directly attack the outside world from the surface.

Because of its theoretical range of up to [-] kilometers, it was dubbed the "Space Cannon" by those who studied the project at the time.

The gun lives up to its name.

In the era when gunpowder and energy technology were underdeveloped, the space cannon has indeed become the most advanced weapon that is most likely to face extraterrestrial life.

However, due to the limitations of the times at that time and various reasons afterwards, the idea of ​​the space cannon did not come into reality in the end.

Its original developer was assassinated in the process, forcing the entire project to abort.

When TPC began to gradually take over the Earth Defense Force, someone took a fancy to this plan and packaged it as a satellite launch project, convincing the high-level to restart it.

Yes, in that era when the brain was wide open, satellites were not launched by rockets.

Launching satellites into space directly through ground cannons is not only convenient but also reusable.

It is a pity that even TPC, which is at the forefront of new energy and materials science, cannot guarantee the integrity of satellites after launch.

Naturally, the whimsical satellite launch project was shelved.

It wasn't until the birth of Galvin Company that the space cannon project was officially restarted.

After a not too long break-in period, TPC built a giant cannon with a length of 300 meters and a diameter of 50 meters on a small island in the Atlantic Ocean.

This giant cannon is cast with the most advanced aerospace materials.

The whole body of the gun barrel is silver-white, like a giant tower reaching the sky that stands on the surface of the earth.

In addition to the sophisticated computer system inside, the most notable feature is its huge energy operation mode.

By absorbing a steady stream of geothermal and tidal energy, this giant cannon can be maintained in a warm-up state for a long time—that is, a normal electromagnetic orbital launch state.

Once there is a need for use, as long as the energy fission is carried out near the base of the cannon, the cannonball can be fired at the fastest speed.

Considering that the existence of the space cannon is to deal with the possible arrival of aliens.

TPC also specially configured three high-performance satellites as the external "eyes" of this space cannon.

As long as these three satellites lock on a target at the same time, the space cannon can destroy any UFO in the outer orbit of the earth with the smallest error and the fastest speed.

In a sense, this is another form of "space-based weapons."


"Dr. Yatsuo is the designer of this energy system..."

When Ye Rui projected all the information about the space cannon on the big screen, everyone in the victory team couldn't help but fell silent.

Although everyone has known for a long time, the fighting faction inside TPC has never given up on expanding its influence.

However, under the noses of most high-level officials, the creation of such a space cannon is far beyond everyone's imagination.

Those who can join the winning team are basically the elite.

Anyone can see that this aerospace cannon can not only shoot down UFOs in the outer orbit of the earth, but also attack other buildings on the surface across regions.

With a range of up to [-] kilometers, combined with the particularity of the synchronous orbit...

As long as it is calculated, the effective attack range of this space cannon can cover almost half of the earth.

"Those lunatics are starting a war!"

After a long silence, Xincheng summed up the actions of the Wudou faction in one sentence.

Such an exaggerated cannon, if combined with the existing missile technology...

Is there any city on the surface of the earth that cannot be attacked by this space cannon?

This is simply the real sword of Damocles, more dangerous than space-based weapons.

"So, what is the relationship between this sky cannon and those steel masked men?"

Slightly squinting his eyes, Ju Jianhui asked this crucial question at this time.

TPC's militant faction built an air-space cannon without telling the top management, which is certainly a shocking fact.

But what Team Victory wants to investigate now is the origin of those steel masked men.

"Well, I actually found some clues."

After receiving the question from Ji Jianhui, Ye Rui, who was typing quickly on the keyboard with both hands, answered it in time.

"From the birth of that sky cannon to the present, it has been tested 130 times seven times."

"Among them, 110 of the two test launches are regular, and there are corresponding records and projects as the archive process."

"However, half a year ago, that is, one month after the 'Raiculan Invasion Incident', the space cannon fired 25 times in a short period of time."

"This high-frequency shooting is obviously not a normal test firing..."

"And at the same time that the space artillery was firing at high frequency, TPC's satellite observed the existence of the 'God of the Sky' over the Atlantic Ocean."

"Regardless of time or place, the appearance of the 'God of the Sky' coincides with the high-frequency shooting of the sky cannon."

Listening to Ye Rui's narration dumbfounded, a bad guess suddenly flashed in Lina's mind.

"The group of lunatics bombarded the 'God of the Sky' with sky cannons?"

As soon as these words came out, the originally silent control room completely lost its voice.

"Uh, those lunatics don't have the guts yet..."

After a short slip of the tongue, Ye Rui shook his head a little dumbfounded.

After all, the "God of the Sky" is the incarnation of the Lightning Man group, and attacking the opponent is tantamount to a full-scale war with the Lightning Man.

Although the fighters are acting crazy, they are not crazy enough to hide from the top of the TPC and start a war with another intelligent race.

"What I mean is that the abnormal situation of the God of Sky and the Space Cannon at the same time is likely to be the discovery of extraterrestrial life that invaded the earth."

"Don't forget, in the 'Ligadron Incident', the God of Sky appeared and prevented Ligadron from descending on the earth."

"It's just that in the end, because of the human will in Lijiadron's body, the God of the sky chose to let it go."

After a slight pause, Ye Rui explained further.

"It just so happens that I just found a document that is not very confidential, which can support my speculation."

"Also half a year ago, the Oceanic Department found a mysterious ruin suspected to be left by aliens in the Atlantic Ocean..."

"The ruins are code-named 'Alien Ruins No. [-]', and they are a mechanical island made entirely of unknown metals."

——Monthly ticket/recommendation ticket——

(End of this chapter)

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