Galvins of the Tiga world

Chapter 380 Global Joint Action

Chapter 380 Global Joint Action
That night, members of the Extraterrestrial Alliance and the Victory Team were mobilized around the world.

In some areas where religious groups are flooded, the official members of the Victory Team personally lead the team, and they are about to destroy all the "Angel Cult" hidden in the dark.

"We must pay attention to safety in this operation. Some members of those cult groups may have supernatural powers."

While directing the logistics personnel to act, he told them to prepare for military uniforms...

Xincheng showed a rare serious expression, and he himself even took the lead and stood at the forefront of the team.

"Xincheng team members, Area D is ready for rescue operations at any time."

When Dagu's voice came from the other end of the communicator, Xincheng knew that most of the "Angel Cult" dens in Japan had been surrounded.

Except for a few fish that slipped through the net, the joint operation of the Extraterrestrial Alliance and the Victory Team has basically achieved the goal of the mission.

"Don't be careless, be careful that those cult members will perish together."

Although it is the first time to carry out this kind of action to encircle and suppress cult groups.

But years of experience have given Xincheng a clear understanding of the dangers of such groups.

In the vast majority of supernatural incidents, once a cult group is involved, most of its members have a strong tendency to self-destruct.

Under the appearance of cheating money and sex, what is hidden is the nature of cult members who are generally brainwashed and insane.





When the voices of other members of the victory team came from the common channel of the communicator.

Xincheng took a deep breath, and then directed the team members under his command to launch a formal encirclement and suppression.

clack clack...

Armed with guns and heavily armed fighters first surrounded the "Angel Cult" resident.

Among them, the prosthetic bionic fighters of the Extraterrestrial Alliance have the largest number. They are calm, efficient, and will not be disturbed by the outside world more than emotions.

Immediately following the prosthetic bionic warriors were partners from the Extraterrestrial Alliance and members of the Victory Team.

They are not responsible for the battle on the front line, but highlight a gap and adapt to the situation.

Once a cult member stands out from the encirclement of prosthetic bionic warriors, they will subdue him.

Then judge whether these people are firm believers with a strong tendency to self-destruct, or ordinary people who are struggling to survive.

Don't let go of any member of the cult, and don't hurt any ordinary people...

This is the main task of the extraterrestrial alliance partners and members of the victory team.

In addition, at the outermost periphery of the encirclement, there are still a considerable number of field personnel who are doing the early and late finishing work.

Before the start of the operation, conduct emergency power cuts, water cuts, and electromagnetic shielding on the encircled points, and evacuate the nearby people as much as possible to minimize the possibility of accidental injury.

It is these same people who are responsible for interrogating and identifying cult members after they are captured.

Those who have been in teaching for a relatively short time and have not been brainwashed deeply.

After oral education and temporary detention, their family members will be notified to pick them up.

Those who have been in the cult for a long time and have already firmly believed in the various concepts of the cult.

The field staff will use various means to provide psychological counseling and treatment for him, and his distorted outlook on life and values ​​must be brought back on the right track.

As for the core members of those cults?
In addition to basic detention and shelter, sending them to the most dangerous mental hospital is the best way for TPC to deal with these dangerous elements.


"There is no danger in District One..."

"Suspicious people found in the second district..."

"There is no danger in the third district..."

"Suspected armed personnel were found in the fourth district..."


When a group of prosthetic bionic fighters subsequently broke into the Angel Cult's garrison, they would inevitably be discovered by the sect's armed personnel and believers.

Although the prosthetic bionic fighters are full of non-lethal weapons, they still have powerful lethality against these ordinary people.

The high-intensity motor guns and hypnotic bombs made the prosthetic bionic fighters feel as if they were in no one's land, and quickly solved the temporarily gathered believers.

This situation continued until the most central area of ​​the Angel Cult point.

"It's just some human beings...why..."

Surprised, stunned, even angry...

The human individuals possessed by a group of Kiriel stood in the core area earlier, looking at the prosthetic bionic fighters who kept breaking into it and questioned them.

In fact, the number of individuals that can be picked and possessed by the Kirillians is very small in terms of the number of human groups.

But it can't stand the miracles of "Angels Arriving" frequently directed by the Kirialians, so there are at least a dozen Kirialians gathered in this place now.

At this very moment, these Kirillians were gathering ordinary believers and posing in an extremely strange position.

This seems to be offering sacrifices, and it seems to be calling...

A faint breath of abyss came from the center of the crowd.

Along with it, there are also the looming holy light and the singing of angels.

It was obvious that the Kirials were conducting some kind of weird ritual, and the sudden intrusion of the prosthetic bionic warrior obviously interrupted the ritual.

"Damn mortals, you will pay for what you have done!"

In desperation, the leader of the Kiriel uttered a roar, and then manipulated the human being possessed by him to fly up.

It's a pity that before the Kirillians made an attack, he suddenly felt an invisible oppression.

The "sacred flame" that should have gushed out of the ground did not appear as expected, and the spiritual entities of the Kirillians were also firmly trapped in the human body.

"I found an abnormal individual, allowing the use of deadly force to kill!"

Calmly raising his head, the prosthetic bionic warrior quickly switched arms, and pulled out a special high-energy weapon from his back.

At the same time, the members of the field service department also stepped up their efforts to shield the magnetic field, and the invisible electric light turned the entire station into a cage and restricted area as if it were real.

No matter how weird abilities the Kirials have, and no matter how strange their life forms are...

As long as they are not perfect ultimate beings, then there must be corresponding weaknesses.

Especially in this material world that does not belong to the home of the Kirials.

The well-prepared field personnel used the most powerful electromagnetic interference devices, which was enough to weaken the abilities of the Kirialians to the extreme.


When the orders of the members of the Victory Team came from the ears of the prosthetic bionic warriors, these precise, efficient, and ruthless killing machines decisively pulled the trigger.

In the blink of an eye, the Kirial who flew up first was shot dead.

Followed by the second, third...

All possessed persons who exposed their abnormal abilities were shot by prosthetic bionic fighters without hesitation.

Even if a few Kirialians realized something was wrong, they wanted to pretend to be ordinary believers and sneak in.

It will also be subject to severe scrutiny by the TPC, the Extraterrestrial Alliance and the Victory Team to ensure that no one slips through the net and escapes.

As for the sacrificial ceremony that these Kirialians originally wanted to prepare?

Now it is naturally impossible to continue.

——Monthly ticket/recommendation ticket——

(End of this chapter)

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