LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 102 Take lng lightly!Resentment from doinb!

Chapter 102 Take lng lightly!Resentment from doinb! (seeking subscription)
The night before the match against Li Ning, the official blog also specially posted a Wenqing Weibo, talking a lot about it.

To sum up, we will cut through the darkness, live upward, and fight until we have no regrets.

Below are various sponsor dads.

In an instant, it created a tense atmosphere to challenge the big devil.

Not long after this Weibo was released, there were also many comments from fans below.

"Tao Bo Chong Chong!"

"Brother Sutu has been fighting Uzi and the others for the past two days. Will there be any problems in the match with the monkey tomorrow?"

"It's good for everyone to get used to it. Isn't it the same in the previous games? I always feel that something will happen and the result will be a big kill?"

"That's right, I don't think it's a big problem to win the game, but now there is a question that if you train hard, how strong will you be?"

"Hey, everyone has their own training methods. Maybe they force Brother Litu to train, so there will be no scenes of killing the Quartet in the game. Refer to the previous support. At that time, he felt that the whole person was in a daze."

"It makes sense, that's probably what White Crescent thinks about, so there's no news about forcing him to train."

"Actually, as long as you can continue to win the game, there is no big problem if you don't train. It's okay to educate after losing."

"It's the playoffs now, and I can't afford to lose if I haven't got the Resurrection A!"

"Fear a fart, the monkey will be tortured and killed in Brother Suitu's state!"

Fans have expressed some concern about tomorrow's game.

No matter how you say it, doinb is the mid laner who won the championship, and now he is not very profitable, and sometimes he can perform exceptionally well.

During this period of time, he was also training hard, and there was no live broadcast. Many people even checked his record and found that the ranking win rate was extremely high.

More than 30 games have only lost two games, there is no doubt that this state is full of full.

Comparing it with Brother Shutu who didn't play a game, the gap came out.

So the comments below all have a feeling of wanting to torture Lin Fan.

This big brother is so strong but he doesn't train, the whole person is panicked.


Looking at the comments on the official Weibo, and the coach's special advice to him, Zuo Shou felt that his chance had come.

After more than half a month of calming down, no one has brought him out to torture him.

The coach also said that he would be given a chance to play in the playoffs.

According to the current rhythm of public opinion, there is a high probability that it will be Li Ning's game tomorrow.

Amidst the giggles, the left hand fell asleep and even snored.

On March 3, the third round of the playoffs officially started.

"Come on Taobo!"


"Li Ning, come on!"


Compared with the cheering and shouting of fans on both sides, Taobo still has an absolute advantage here.

Comparing the number of fans, there is really no one in the entire league more than Taobo, and of course there are also a lot of sunspots.

In the first game, it could be clearly felt that the two teams' intentions were very heavy.

It is still more cautious to select the lineup, especially Brother Rateu actually took out the Ice Girl in this game.

Doinb chose Galio as a response.

These two heroes still focus on development in the middle lane. It is very difficult to kill the opponent solo, and more depends on the rhythm of the jungler.

Doinb also knew that he might not be able to compare with Lin Fan in roaming, so he took the initiative to take Galio, even if he was a little slower, he could use his big move to support him.

Not to mention that it really made Li Ning withstand the pressure in the early stage.

The economies of both sides have been stuck very badly, Taobo has advantages but not much.

Seeing the situation on the field, his left hand stared at Luo Sheng eagerly.

Lin Fan was already dead.

Didn't you see how difficult it is for him to doinb?

If it were him, he would directly fuck Galio without saying anything!

But the selection of the ice girl in this competition shows that he wants to mix.

The joy in the left hand didn't last long.

At 29 minutes, during the stalemate, the ice girl entered the field from the side with the E skill, and a key control of a big move directly controlled Ale's weapon in place.

Ah Shui's Zeli directly activated her ultimate move, shooting!
"..." The left-handed person was stunned.

Isn't there a stalemate ahead?Why did Ale go up and give one away?
After staying on the road for so long, I only send big rhythms, right?

This wave of development and explosive Zeli dealt tons of damage.

Directly assist the ice girl to win the triple kill.

Only Deng Huang, who was relatively far behind, escaped successfully.

This wave of Taobo directly pulled the economy to [-], completely expanding the advantage of the game.

With the end of the previous wave, Li Ning's stretched string was completely broken.

In this case, the follow-up only lasted for more than four minutes.

"Beautiful! Brother Fan's Ice Girl is really good at playing, no wonder I have the confidence to choose it, it's okay." Luo Sheng was quite satisfied.

The director also swept the camera to the background at this time.

I also deliberately left it here on the left hand.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was rolling like crazy.

"Hahaha, Taishou's smile is forced."

"It must be too much. When the starting lineup was announced at noon, I saw that the prefect was on the bench. I knew he had some thoughts that he shouldn't have."

"Brother Sutu's Ice Girl is still very powerful, so I can catch every opportunity."

"Monkeys are totally being played."

"Guess if Fetus has a chance to play? I think Taobo should have won [-]-[-] today, and Brother Satu is still in hot form."

In the final mvp selection stage, Lin Fan also won the MVP with an absolute lead of five votes.

And the proportion of data output is very good.


Damage accounted for 29%.

After Taobo won the first game, Li Ning wanted to win a game back. After all, if Taobo lost in the second game, there would be three match points.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to make the second chase the third.

Basically say goodbye to the playoffs.

So the second game was played very aggressively.

doinb even took out the mid laner Kled.

Kled, a hero, is lawless in the top lane, let alone bully these mid lane mages in the middle lane.

So in this round, Lin Fan directly took out Jess, attacking first and stealing immediately!
Doinb can't stand this old oily person, and bead-sized beads of sweat keep coming down from the top of his head.

Every time Jess hits me, I feel that my financial gap has been widened by 50 yuan.


Brother Shutu, why is the hero pool so weird? I feel like I'm being restrained to death, and I'm under a lot of pressure.

doinb cursed secretly.

But it can't change Jess's explosive development at this stage.

It's not yet time to fight in groups, but one can imagine what kind of pressure the Lantern Emperor will have by then.

Especially A Le, the hero of this game is holding a male gun, and the only front row is Klein in the middle.

In 23 minutes, Taobo started to hold a group, forcing Li Ning's Highland Tower.

Deng Huang didn't even bother to clean up the line of troops, instead he kept twisting and turning.

The main reason is that Jess was shot, he couldn't bear it at all, he lost half of his blood, and the pressure was scary.

doinb is highly concentrated.

Seeing that Jess fired, he hurriedly stood in the front.

But because he stood too close, Jess AOE damage was still hit.

The audience in the arena instantly elicited a burst of exclamation.

Because they saw that Kled's blood volume dropped by one-third, not to mention Jinx behind, half of his blood was gone.

Correspondingly, Jess added 120 yuan to this shot!
This is the charm of attacking Jace first.

With an advantage, the economy can grow bigger and bigger!
There is no way, Jinx's blood volume is too unhealthy, so he can only go back to the base to replenish his blood volume.

Taobo seized this opportunity and rushed directly to the high ground, further expanding his advantage.

In 25 minutes, Taobao's economic lead has reached 7000 yuan.

Jess even made a four-piece suit, which means that the commander officially wears a hat.

Then it became the time for the Li Ning team to suffer.

Kled can only rely on Kled to take the initiative to start a group, but the economic gap is so big that it still can't beat it.

If you don't open it, this Jess will shoot from the cannon to the end.

I really didn't expect that there would be such a strong man in the professional arena.

I persisted for more than 20 minutes without stopping at all.

But hiding under the defense tower like this can only lead to a slow death.

So I chose... to be pushed in by Taobo bit by bit.

There is no other way until this time, and few people are willing to take the initiative to drive.

The Highland Tower along with the bottom lane is gone, and the development space is further compressed.

And Tao Bo's rhythm has never stopped.

After the pawn line finished clearing the wild area, the economy began to grow explosively.

The decisive time between the two sides still came to 29 minutes.

Lin Fan, who had the Resurrection Armor, rushed directly into the crowd after firing the cannon.

With the current output of Jayce in the hammer form, Jinx's blood volume was directly emptied as soon as he entered with a hammer.

Hammer a child.

In the end, three kills were obtained, and Li Ning also completed the achievement here, playing Jess' resurrection armor...

After the group was destroyed, Li Ning had no one to defend the next crystal and front teeth.

Being taken away by Taobo in a wave, he played two games in a row. Taobo now holds three match points, and he really can't imagine how he will lose in the next game.

Li Ning's best sixth man on the left, even put on a mask of pain.

According to Lin Fan's performance, he has no chance to play today.

Doinb has been blown up a lot by everyone, why is it a silver gun wax head!This doesn't work either.

What do you say that the playoffs are full, and you will definitely be able to create another glory in the future, but you are beaten by Taobao!

The most important thing is that he didn't even appear on the stage, and without a chance to prove himself, he was suppressed by Lin Fan for such a long time.

Now he has recovered his state...

Biting his lip, he looked at Luo Sheng and hoped that a miracle would happen and let him go up to play the end of the third game.

It just so happened that Luo Sheng glanced at him at this moment.

The left hand showed a hopeful look.


"Zhuo Ding, hurry up and get two glasses of water, it's better to be warmer, and they can drink it directly when they come back later."

Guo Hao told him that since he had a plan to sell his left hand, and his private life was indiscreet, as a professional player, he was already marked with an X.

Not to mention that Lin Fan behaved like a savior during this time...

As for who is the golden left hand?Don't know and don't want to know.

Not to mention that this kind of mid laner with an annual salary of tens of millions is really handy.

"Okay..." After hearing this, the left hand could only smile, and then picked up the water glass next to it and went to the water dispenser to pour water.

After winning three match points, Taobo returned to the waiting room in a good mood.

When Lin Fan took the water glass handed over by his left hand, he realized that the water was poured by his left hand, and he took a look in a daze.

This guy won't spit in it, will he?
"No need, there are still a lot of horses left during the competition, and I don't really want to drink water."

Then he took out the drink cup on the field.

"Okay, we have a big advantage now, and the third game will focus on stability. Li Ning will definitely play more fiercely in the third game than in the second game. As long as we keep their offensive in front, we will basically win."

"After all, we have three match points. The pressure is on Li Ning's side. They are prone to problems when they are in a hurry."

Luo Sheng is also making the next tactical arrangement.

After listening to the left hand, he showed a disappointed look.

There is no mention of calling him up to play games...

Does what the coach said before count.

Didn't it mean that he will have a chance to play in the next game?

Could it be followed by v5?

Knowing that there is a high probability that Lin Fan can't beat Rookie, he waited for him to come to the rescue.

I have to say that everyone has the spirit of Ah Q.

After a simple arrangement, after the staff knocked on the door, the players on both sides returned to the battle seats again.

People can also clearly feel the pressure on Li Ning through the lens.

Especially doinb, he kept laughing at the beginning, but now he has a dark face.

But thinking of being completely blown out by matchups for two consecutive rounds, I probably wouldn't be able to laugh if I had done it myself.

The third game, just as Luo Sheng judged.

lng directly took out the desperate lineup.

The top laner Sword Ji, the wild blind monk, the mid laner Ryze, and the bottom lane duo Jinx Gatam.

Tao Bo chose a defensive formation.

Top lane wine barrel, play wild horse, mid laner Victor, bottom lane duo Delevingne cooperate with Thresh.

As always, the middle lane is the bottom line, and the bottom lane has the advantage in the early stage.

Sure enough, Li Ning's voice was very loud in the third game.

Especially A Le, who was on the road, was very aggressive when Jian Ji took it out.

In the early stage, Li Ning established a huge advantage.

Li Ning's fans silently clenched their fists.

Have the opportunity!
There is a chance.

Jian Ji is invincible with a single belt in the later stage, and Taobo's lineup cannot deal with Jian Ji.

You can tear a hole by going on the road!
But the Duke can let you play the advantage, but it is impossible to kill him alone.

Therefore, the sound is always loud on the road, and the advantage is actually average.

tarzan is more focused on the middle.

He cooperated with doinb in this round. If he can catch Victor and knock out the opponent's mid laner, it will be more stable.

But I wasted several times in the middle of the road, and every time I thought I had a chance to catch it, but I failed to catch it.

doinb is even more angry and directly flashes ew.

But Lin Fan's reaction speed here is faster, and he also handed in Ryze's hand.

In the end, I just took an e skill and w skill and couldn't control it.

After running so many times in a row, nothing came out.

On the contrary, Xiaotian took this opportunity to rush down the road with a wave of big moves, and successfully helped Ah Shui establish a huge advantage.

All of a sudden, the pressure on Li Ning became even greater!
Ale even made a mistake in his busy schedule, and was bombed by zoom to the defense tower to complete a solo kill.

When this scene appeared on the big screen.

Taobo fans are even more excited.

With 28 minutes and 34 seconds.

The lng three-way highland was broken, and then it completely entered the garbage time.

Delevingne didn't say that he could kill a child with three swords.

Victor has also successfully evolved to the level of a qe second person.

In the later stage of Jian Ji, she can fight any hero, but the premise is that she must have an advantage.

If there is no advantage, it is not much different from a toy.

Can't save the lng team.

Mark Thresh hit Tam with a hook, starting the last wave of team battles.

Victor played aoe damage in the team presumptuously.

In the blink of an eye, the damage is fully increased!
Blood-red aces covered the entire monitor.

Doinb silently put down the hand holding the mouse.

The spring season tour is completely over...

It's not wrong to lose, Brother Sutu's strength crushed him.

Take the third game as the target, in exchange for him, he would have been killed once or twice, but the opponent was able to seize the only chance to escape, and made all kinds of outrageous moves.

The skill is not as good as the man and he didn't win, so he can only admit it like this.

"Xiba! This bastard has been playing other games for two days, playing all kinds of geese and ducks non-stop. Why hasn't his state declined at all?"

(End of this chapter)

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