LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 104 What am I expecting?

Chapter 104 What Am I Expecting? (seeking subscription)

March 31.

This is a day worthy of attention for everyone in the circle.

jdg vs wbg.

Jingdong vs Weibo!

The winning team will get the last place in the semi-finals, and it will also get the resurrection armor that everyone dreams of.

At least the upcoming schedule will be much less stressful.

Lin Fan got up early and started the live broadcast.

Because more than an hour was wasted yesterday, Lin Fan simply took a look at the original, and even the goose and duck kill later was broadcast early because no one organized a game.

Facing the audience who were still unsatisfied, Lin Fan made a special promise to live broadcast earlier today, so he deliberately woke up early today.

When Luo Sheng just opened the door of the coaching room and saw the lights on in the training room, he was shocked.

Quickly picked up the watch to check the time, he came very early today, arrived at 06:30, and the time now is only seven o'clock after breakfast.

And now there are people in the training room, could it be Ah Shui and they stayed up all night yesterday, right?

Although there is a [-]-day rest period, staying up all night on the first day will still cause great damage to the body.

I told them before, don't stay up all night, why don't they listen to me?
These players are really more difficult to manage than one.

One is worried about overtraining, the other is worried about him not training.

Really two extremes.

It would be great if Lin Fan and Ah Shui got together sometime, it would be perfect.

No, you still have to urge them to go to bed quickly.

Pushing open the door of the training room, Luo Sheng was stunned.

What is Lin Fan?
Did you get up so early?

Last night he saw Lin Fan get off the plane and leave as soon as twelve o'clock arrived.

Very punctual and it was absolutely no overnight.

This is a good rest, why don't you get up early and secretly train?

Thinking of this, Luo Sheng was even more excited.

I finally caught it, and I said how could it be possible that I didn't see him play any heroes, how could he suddenly pull out new things.

Previously, I suspected that Lin Fan would train secretly, but he never found it.

Finally came across it today!
Finally it all made sense.

I play other games at other times, but I get up early in the morning to train myself.

Time allocation is very good, a real master of time management.

It can be very good...

So Luo Sheng tiptoed into the training room, wanting to see what hero Lin Fan was training.


What am I expecting?
It's been done several times in a row.

Didn't you see him listening to Guo Degang's cross talk last time?

Good guy is even more ruthless this time, what the hell is it to hit CF directly when you get up early in the morning?

Seeing Lin Fan throwing a grenade forward, Luo Sheng felt that there was a constant risk in his head.
"Fire in the hole!"

"Fire in the hole..."

The word clown has been painted on his face.

"Did Lin Fan play CF so early?"

"Morning coach, it's too early to stop playing CF and I don't know what to do. I said yesterday that I have to make up time today, so I came earlier."

"Watching the live broadcast room, I didn't expect that there were quite a lot of people in the morning."

Luo Sheng looked at it subconsciously.

The number displayed in the background has reached 1000, which is the real number of people online.

Good guy, there are more than 1000 people watching League of Legends professional players play cf early in the morning?

Damn Xipi, has the world changed?
Professional players in the league don't live stream the league all day long, instead they play other messy games...

Then as a coach, you actually think he played well?

Not right, not right.

Take it slow, take it slow...

I have to watch the match between Weibo and Jingdong this afternoon.

Although I feel that has a better chance of winning, Weibo's performance in the third round is actually a bit exaggerated.

theshy seems to be all back.

Taobo's top laner is relatively weak, and zoom is at best a steady top laner. When he meets a player like theshy, he is under a lot of pressure.

So you have to study it carefully, study it again to see how the tactics should be arranged.

If you really encounter Weibo later, if you really can't, you can only go to rhubarb.

His barbarian is quite restrained from theshy's hero pool.

He has never been given a chance to play, and the reason is very simple. The correct five players have been winning streak, so there is no need to change players.

When it comes to tactical arrangements for the playoffs, everyone's hero pool and appropriate configuration must be considered.

One more problem...the left hand arrangement.

According to Guo Hao's request, he had to go up and fight for his worth.

That's exactly what it should do.

After all, the performance of Laxi in the regular season, coupled with the fact that he has not played in the second half.

What exactly is this strength is unknown to everyone.

Although it is said that qualifying has been winning consecutively, this is qualifying after all, which can only show that the state is very good, but the performance in the game still has to be questioned.

At least Luo Sheng doesn't trust the left hand here.

Otherwise, the match against Li Ning would not let him miss a game.

Luo Sheng circled the name on his left hand, lost in thought.

According to his idea, he has no chance to play in the next game.

But the club's gains and losses must also be considered.

Lin Fan's salary of 500 million yuan a year sounds like a lot, but comparing it with his left hand salary, it seems like a drop in the bucket.

The annual salary of the left hand is the highest among all mid laners in the league!

If it is rotten in the hands like this, the loss of Taobao is a bit big.


"You just say I'm fierce or not? You can hit this kind of transport ship casually, and it's easy to ace.

This game is no joke, from the age of eight to the present, this sniper I tell you casually. "

Jump out, open the scope and aim.

Very handsome.

But it wasn't the opponent who died in battle, but Lin Fan's character.


It looked a bit awkward, but Lin Fan was naturally thick-skinned.

"There is also a master on the opposite side. He opened the mirror faster than me."

As for the barrage in the live broadcast room, it went crazy.

"I'm dying from laughing, Brother Sutu's symptoms before he was educated are hard-spoken!"

"This mouth is really hard, I feel like I can compete with Gangzi!"

"Does Yalei play games with his mouth?"

"Don't touch Ci, how could Gangzi talk too much about it? But in CF, Gangzi seems to have won a championship, so he can't play with it."

"One thing to say, I still really want to see Brother Satu participate in other game competitions. If he can really go out and win a championship, I think it will be very interesting."

"Brother Sutu started the live broadcast so early today, what time will it be downloaded?"

"CF is very fun to watch, I just want to ask when it will end, and I want to watch the anchor play other games."

"Such an early time, I guess Brother Suitu got up by himself, and now he can only play these gun games."

"Thousands of blood books, I want to watch League of Legends."

"I feel like I can play a round in the morning, what rank is Brother Satu now?"

"I haven't logged into the account for more than a month. What rank are you talking about? I just checked the decline and it's gone."


"There are still quite a lot of masters, but the intensity is still much lower than before. It's too early and there are still no one."

"It's also rare for me to wake up before seven o'clock and broadcast live to you.

Those who are still in this period of time are all deeply in love with CF. You have never experienced the era when you went to an Internet cafe and looked at it, and the screen was full of CF. At that time, it was called the real glory.

However, more games were released in the future, and CF couldn't hold on anymore. Don't talk nonsense, I wanted to play professionally at that time.

White sharks are strong, right?Let me tell you that I will fight against him and they will defeat me..."

If the corpse that fell was not Lin Fan's, but the one opposite, this statement would be even more convincing.

"Cough cough, today's sniper is not in a good state, the two consecutive waves of opening the mirror are slower than the opponent's, and the reaction of the old man can't keep up.

When I was playing the game, I felt quite strenuous, so come on and show my brothers what is called bomb defuse king! "

Seeing that the team mode was about to end, Lin Fan prepared to play a blast.

"? What a person who is old and can't keep up with the reaction. When playing games, I only watch you up and down with a knife in your hand, and every knife kills a head."

"Brother Sutu, he couldn't utter a single word of truth, and he killed people with a smile."

"However, I do miss seeing Brother Soltu playing CF. I used to play this game directly when I entered an Internet cafe."

"Me too, because of this game, I was chased by my father with a broom for five miles. But at that time, I was young and frivolous, and I thought gunfights were cool."

"Yes, you can come back and play leisurely when you have nothing to do."

"The main reason is that the pressure of life is too great, and entertainment has become extravagant. Now I don't even play League of Legends. When I have nothing to do, watching the live broadcast of Brother Satu is still very happy."

"Hahaha, League of Legends is a profession, and other games are life. I understand this feeling. It's quite helpless. The game I dislike the most turns out to be a guy who eats by himself."

Woke up early, live broadcasted a CF in the morning, and there were many old men in the live broadcast room, and they began to reminisce about the past.

But this time is indeed the time for everyone to go to work by car.

Before eight o'clock, they are basically hard-working office workers.

As for young college students, they don't get up for three days without sleep.

I also have no feelings for CF, even stranger.

Young people still prefer PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Otherwise, CF's daily activities would not drop every day, and now it is relying on sending various weapons to attract players to go online.

Just like QQ Speed, basically you will get a lot of coupons as soon as you go up.

But the return and return, the dog planning is still crazy to cheat the money in the player's pocket.

In this regard, Lin Fan said that I only take free ones.

It is impossible to get on any of the gears that cost money.

In the live broadcast room, everyone chatted about the current life, and some missed the time when they went to Internet cafes.

But Lin Fan killed the Quartet in the blasting mode!

"Brothers, are you fierce or not! Destroy the team by one person, have you forgotten my nickname, the little prince of the gun, there is no good end for me if I shoot the gun here."

"Damn it, Brother Sutu is so fierce?"

"666666, did you really destroy the team by one person?"

"It's a bit exaggerated, the sniping is poor, and the rifles are fierce?"

"It feels a bit like me, and I don't know how to shoot."

"This is talent. Brother Sutu was born to eat this bowl of food. He is good at playing all kinds of games and has extremely high talent."

"Yes, which professional player do you watch live broadcast all day long? Oh yes, doinb live broadcasts all day long, but doinb plays League of Legends."

"It's just that if you don't play League of Legends, you can still kill indiscriminately in the professional arena, outrageous!"

The advantage of starting the broadcast early is that there are almost no black people in the live broadcast room.

They are all fans, so naturally there will be no shortage of compliments.

But the vast majority are League fans, no matter how you say it, the topic is brought back to League of Legends.

"There is still a match between Weibo and today. After the match, there will be more than ten days of rest. By then, there will be no games to watch."

"I'm more optimistic about Weibo. Brother shy has three MVP games, and his state is full!"

"Jingdong's team is even better, and brother Liujiu is actually not bad, so I think Jingdong's winning rate is higher."

After all, Lin Fan is an old CF gun, and with the improvement of reaction, his strength is not only the same as before, but even stronger.

After getting used to the gun a little bit, it started firing suddenly.

Seeing everyone is even more stunned, did you just change people here?

After two rounds, it was a pleasure to see everyone.

Could it be that what I said before is true, the white shark can't compete with the sniper, but the rate of the soil brother.

"You don't really believe Brother Sutu's words, do you? White Shark was born in 87, and Brother Sutu was still a primary school student when he was playing professionally..."

"How to say it, but the fight is really good, I personally think it has a professional level."

Lin Fan performed two rounds in the live broadcast room, and people began to enter the training room one after another.

Ah Shui was startled when she saw Lin Fan.

"Fuck, Brother Fan, you woke up so early today."

"Small vacation, relax, and wake up early on purpose."

Ah Shui was not surprised to hear this.

"Would you like two rounds?"

"Ah? I don't know how to do this. I can't play two rounds with you." Hearing Lin Fan's invitation, Ah Shui shook his head like a rattle.

"I'm not like you are a freak, the league can maintain a super strong feel without playing the jungle, you are training the League of Legends in other games, we are different, maybe you can play well when you play CF heroes with guns .

I think it's normal for you to take out the male gun in the next game..."

What the hell!

Did you, Ah Shui, get the task reward for me?

Just hit it today.

The fishing task rewards a male gun with full proficiency...

This hero will be able to play completely after today.

That's really hard to explain.

Other game training methods are solid.

"Ahem, my male gun is actually quite good at playing, it has nothing to do with me playing CF."

"Fuck, Brother Fan, I have no grievances or enmities with you. Why do you want to take my seat? How come you even practiced with a male gun?"

"Isn't it normal for a mid-lane male gun? I think it's pretty good. In addition to the pawn line, you can also brush the wild area, and the development will explode!"

Xiao Tian rolled his eyes when he heard this.

"Body odor."

As for the audience in the live broadcast room, after listening to the conversation between the three, the bullet screens were posted row by row.

"Don't, don't bring Ah Shui into trouble. The young man wakes up early in the morning for training and you call him over to beat cf. Ten years of merit are gone."

"That's right, watching Taobo's game during this period, Ah Shui is a normal person, it's really rare. If you go to throw two snipers, you deserve to die if you send him away in the game."

"Come on, stand-alone games don't harm other people."

"But I think Brother Sutu's hero pool is really weird. Could it be that he really wants to grab Xiaotian's position?"

"I think it's ok, then buy rookie, buy theshy on the road, and Taobo's championship lineup will be formed directly."

"I really dare to think... ig is orthodox in Taobo, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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