LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 106 Is it possible that he is a professional player in the league?

Chapter 106 Is it possible that he is a professional player in the league? (seeking subscription)
As the time came to 11 o'clock in the evening, Lin Fan had successfully killed Platinum One.

According to this speed, it can actually be compared with Brother Honglian Shenchao Xun, and even Shenchao only had Platinum [-] in the first day.

Coupled with the current big environment, everyone is more familiar with s7, and the changes in various lineups are more flexible. It is not like everyone has to keep checking the strategy at the beginning, especially the high-frequency chicken.

Apart from Ouhuang, it can only be said that Brother Satu also has a high level of understanding of the game.

A saying that has been repeated in the live broadcast room is that the dog luck anchor can't go far, but now he has gone all the way to Platinum One.

According to the current speed, it is really possible for the masters of the four heavens and the kings of the five heavens...

"It's over, I was pretended to be by Brother Suitu!"

"I feel like we've been cheated. I don't believe Brother Suitu, who said he hadn't played before, has never played before. The transformation of the Golden Scale Dragon, and then the Adventure Xia, the dragon Nunu is very smooth."

"Ah Lei! I believe he is really fooled. How can anyone want to participate in the TOC global competition without contacting him?"

"It's still the same sentence, talent! Brother Sutu has talent in all games, and he plays well."

He successfully ate a handful of chicken again, and the score touched the promotion zone, but the high-intensity scoring is indeed still a bit tired.

"Tomorrow, I will broadcast Cloud Top again. I am tired. After playing for more than ten hours, I still have some gains. I don't say that I will eat chicken, but I will share it." Facing the camera, Lin Fan showed a confident smile.

"Platinum one, brothers."

"I can't accept it. I'm very upset when I see Brother Suitu pretending! I suggest that a group of people come to attack tomorrow."

"If you really want to come to snipe, otherwise you will easily win the strongest king, and you chess players will not be able to do it."

"But one thing I'm thinking about right now is... If Brother Sutu spends these ten hours in Summoner's Canyon, he will definitely be able to train a hero."

"Fuck, it's really possible. Isn't it easy to train a hero every day with this talent?"

"I'm envious if I don't come here, I just eat this bowl of food. I have a good talent. I seriously doubt that Brother Shutu has a great method of meditation training."

"I remember Ah Shui said in the interview that Brother Sutu's Velus practiced in the glory of the king."

"Holy shit, besides playing Yuanshen, Brother Sutu also plays Glory of the King? Isn't this betraying the organization?"

"This is a small problem... But training the League of Legends in Glory of the King is too abstract, isn't it? Ah Shui won't be deceived? Brother Sutu is good at deceiving children."

"Xiu is cute and gets cheated all over the place."

The barrage in the live broadcast room was scrolling crazily, and Lin Fan greeted everyone and prepared to download it.

"The live broadcast was very early today, starting at 06:30, and it has been broadcast for more than ten hours now. After taking a break, I will come back tomorrow. There has been no competition for more than half a month, and we have plenty of time to meet...

Bye bye. "

After speaking, it will be quickly downloaded.

A bunch of people were left in a mess in the live broadcast room.

So at the same time, Brother Sutu planned to participate in toc and rushed to the trending search silently, and above it was jdg defeating wbg, and the two were posted very close.

Those who know a lot about Genting Game will know that it is a global Genting Game as soon as they see TOC.

But Brother Satu is a professional player in the league, what kind of hammer is he participating in?
Don't you have to prepare well for the knockout match with v5 next?
Where did all this thought go?

They all ran to Taobo's official Weibo to leave messages, asking Luo Sheng to discipline him well and play the role of coach.

For a while, nothing major happened, and there were over [-] messages.

The frightened operation department quickly contacted Guo Hao.

As soon as Guo Hao heard that he was related to Lin Fan again, he hurried to find out.

I can't laugh or cry after reading it.

You professional gamer, why do you have so many wild ideas all day long?
But the current team results... are really good, with a winning streak all the way up.

He had been doing nothing before, so it was hard to say anything about Lin Fan.

It is still necessary to plan ahead. It is time to inform Luo Sheng and tell this guy to restrain himself, at least not to be so arrogant. It is not good for the club's reputation to spread the word.

Just when there was a lot of ups and downs outside.

Betta live.

Wuhan eStarPro Yizheng live broadcast room.

At this moment, the bloody failure in the live broadcast room was hung on the screen of the mobile phone.

"Gongsun Li is really not good in this version, but Yu Ji on the opposite side is really good."

Seeing the water friends in the live broadcast room start to ask, Yi Zheng explained.

"It's really fierce. The first skill is too accurate, and the calculation of damage is also very accurate. It directly makes me feel numb. I have never heard of such a fierce person. At least in this segment, I have been playing smoothly. Going smoothly, this is the first time I have encountered such a high-intensity confrontation."

"One thing to say, it's a bit hard for me to accept that I haven't played against each other before." Yi Zheng's mentality was a little blown by the game just now.

If he counterattacked a little bit, he wouldn't explode like this, but he was hanged and beaten by the opponent from the beginning to the end, and his final record was zero bars and seven, and he was killed as a super ghost.

How to win the world championship with this strength?

Being killed by a passerby, he now doubts his own strength very much.

Seeing Yi Zheng's mentality explode, a bunch of girls in the live broadcast room began to comfort him.

After all, Glory of Kings targets a wider group, which means that the proportion of female players is much higher than that of League of Legends.

In a professional player's live broadcast room, more than half of them are female fans.

In the case of a large base, there are also a lot of lace news about the glory of the king players. If the appearance is good, there are even many female fans who take the initiative.

"Dine is very powerful. Before edg's ming was blown away by his Wu Zetian."

"I also watched that game. Wu Zetian played it really exaggeratedly, harvesting the whole map of his big moves. In fact, his ming of more than 900 points can be ranked to more than 400 points, which can explain the problem."

"It's exaggerated to check his record. Every page is green, winning streak all the way, macho! He plays five or six rounds a day, but the gold content of the games is very high. His winning streak has hit [-] points now, yes Really great!"

"Every high-scoring passer-by anchor has been beaten violently. Zhang Daxian invited him to join the xyg team some time ago. I just came out of his live broadcast room, but my friend hasn't added it yet."

Yi Zheng took a look at the bullet screens in the live broadcast room.

There were some who comforted him, but most of them said that Dine was a strong player.

Then I tried to check the record.

But he didn't have too much hope, mainly because these players like to hide their records as soon as they reach a high level.

As a result, I clicked in and saw that it was indeed a row after row of victories, and the game that won the game was basically the MVP.

Turning to the next few pages, the records are more and more sturdy.

Even as one of the top professional players in KPL, Yi Zheng was frightened.

This guy is really fierce!
One word is great, and looking at his hero pool, it feels like he can play anything.

He randomly clicked on a record, but he saw a very familiar ID, Yinuo.

"Hahahaha..." He couldn't help laughing after glancing at Yinuo who had been beaten into zero bar and eleven.

It turns out that you guys have also been educated, and you feel relaxed all of a sudden.

But Dine is really fierce.

If he played in the league with such strength, Yi Zheng subconsciously fought a cold war. Wouldn't it be a blast to kill after a little training?
No, I still need to mention this to the coach.

"I guess this person may already be a professional player, playing five or six games a day means that other time is spent in team training games."

"Otherwise, how could it be possible to maintain a super high level of competition? It's amazing!"

Yi Zheng checked the record, and the fans in the live broadcast room naturally saw it too.

"Damn it, when did the low-energy become so awesome, I feel that this id is very meaningful, does it mean that all the opponents he fights are low-energy?"

"I got in touch with Zhang Daxian!"

"Damn it, go to Daxian to have a look."

Yi Zheng's live broadcast instantly lost half of the audience.

Gossip is actually a kind of nature that everyone is born with.

In fact, not only girls like to gossip, but also boys can gossip for a long time.

Yi Zheng felt itchy when he saw this barrage.

His friend application has not been passed, and he has not responded yet, but unlike Zhang Daxian's live broadcast platform, he has no way to check the ward and is easily banned by super management.

So he can only wait for his fans to come back and see if he can find any news.


The Huya live broadcast room at this time.

Zhang Daxian looked excited.

"Reply message, successfully added as a friend!"

Immediately afterwards, his fingers crackled on the phone screen.

"Brother, are you a professional player?"

"If you're not a professional player, are you interested in considering playing professionally?"

"My team xyg is already playing in the KPI league, so we need players of your strength!"

Now Zhang Daxian can't wait to press more than a dozen keys in a second, and then say everything he wants to say.

Facing such a master, there is no way to calm down, especially as the boss.

If you can recruit a top passerby into the team, the benefits will be beyond imagination.

After a few seconds, a bunch of questions were finally answered.

"I'm a professional gamer."

Seeing these six words, Zhang Daxian's restless heart immediately cooled down.

Also, how could such an exaggerated person not be a professional player.

As long as there are signs along the way, he will definitely be pulled into the team by the professional team.

No way, compared with those top professional teams, his team still lacks a lot of configuration, and lacks team analysts who specialize in pulling people on the leaderboard.

Hey, I have to be my own boss.

Efficiency can't keep up...

Pull some more investment to make the team configuration more complete.

Of course, the movements of the hands did not stop, so let's make a good relationship first to explore the tone.

"Can you tell me which team you are in?"

"I'm in Team Taobo."

"Team Taobo? Team Taobo is also a strong team. With players like this, I feel that this year's spring competition is the favorite to win the championship again."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Daxian felt a little sour.

However, his team is just starting, as long as it continues to operate, it will have everything it should have.

But there is no id of this dine among the Taobo team members.

Or has it not been announced that the spring split is not going to let him play?

Zhang Daxian wrote it down silently.

At this time, Yi Zheng also received a message from the messenger.

"It turned out to be a player from Team Top Fight... But I haven't heard any news during this time. It seems that Top Fight is hiding very deeply. He really regarded him as a killer move at the bottom of the box."

"Fortunately, such a contestant has no scheming, and he will expose himself when he asks. Later, he will ask Xiaopeng to find out."

The main reason is that in the round just now, the abuse was a bit miserable, there was no room for development from the beginning to the end, and the record was very real.

The pressure was too great, and Yi Zheng had to pay attention to it.

"Let's slip away. I just want to play a couple of games to relax at night. Now it's time to rest."

Seeing such a reply, Zhang Daxian felt unfinished.

He still wanted to know more about it, but he thought that he had already added friends, and there would be plenty of opportunities in the future.

Then check the record again.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this is too fierce!" There were two words in his eyes, I want it!
But no matter who it is, they will salivate when they encounter such precious jade.

"Unfortunately... there is no fate."

Seeing that the profile picture had gone black, Zhang Daxian sighed, and then clicked to find the game. If you miss it, you still have to go on with your life if you miss it.

At the same time, Weibo silently added a hot search.

"Who is kpl tes dine?"

Many night owls were stunned when they saw this trending search.

Why is Brother Suitu on the trending search again?
There are still people who don't know Brother Suitu?

"Tes dine is a mid-laner, and he is nicknamed Brother Sutu and Brother Wanwusangzhi. You can watch any game in his live broadcast room, but you can't see League of Legends."

"What's the situation? When did KPL get in touch with Brother Soltu?"

"Who is Brother Sutu? The dine we are talking about is a player of Glory of Kings. He is very strong. It feels like he was born out of nowhere. In two months, he has won 110 and [-] consecutive victories!"

"Glory of the King? If I remember correctly, tes dine League of Legends professional players, don't steal it. It would be too much to steal any more. Don't you guys have any jokes or IDs?"

"Hahahaha... Brother, don't rush to spray, I understand, I feel a bit like Brother Shutu."

"I also think what they are looking for is Brother Sutu, I'm so laughing! The person who killed many professional players in kpl turned out to be the mid laner of lpl! I can't help it!"

"League of Legends players are really disgusting. Where does your sense of superiority come from? We are talking about kpl here, and it has nothing to do with you."

"I suggest those upstairs go to Baidu to check out tes dine. After reading it, come back and delete this article, or you will become a clown."

"Do you think it is possible that there is a player named Dine in the Top Fight King of Glory branch?"

"I think for the same club, the League of Legends branch should be bigger than the Glory of Kings branch, and things like stealing IDs shouldn't happen."

"The most important thing is that Brother Sutu has only just made his debut in the Spring Split this year, so his ID will not be stolen."

"When I saw dine, I knew it was real. This is Brother Suitu, good guy, so many teams are vying for it...he's the only one, right?"

"That's good. If you can't play League of Legends well, you don't have to retire on the spot. Just transfer the contract to the Glory of Kings branch."

"It's not that you don't have brains when you play alliances, right? You can directly bind people with just one ID?"

Players of Glory of Kings and League of Legends have always disliked each other.

At this moment, because of this ID, real fire broke out directly, and they sprayed each other.

That night, Weibo officials went crazy.

But high-hanging hot searches don't lie.

Who is tes dine?

Is dine a King of Glory player or a League of Legends player?

Brother Sutu transferred to the King of Glory branch!

Upon waking up, those who did not participate in the "discussion" were confused.

What happened this night?
How did King of Glory players and League of Legends players do it again?

Why did Brother Suitu become popular again?
ps: Brothers ask for a wave of monthly tickets, and the difference is only a few hundred or two thousand. It’s a pity that it didn’t arrive on the last day.

(End of this chapter)

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