LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 130 Hammered to death! The CFPL Club is ready to dig!

Chapter 130 Hammered to death! The CFPL Club is ready to dig! (seeking subscription)

Nestle never thought that such a simple five-row would have such a big rhythm.

The supervisor has clearly told him that if he cheats, the live broadcast room will be banned!
In the past, the account was closed and no one knew about it, and it was enough to change the account.

Isn't this the unspoken rule of the anchor?
At that time, the official will lightly send a notification of the account title. If the account is gone, I can continue to broadcast live. But this time, if I am caught in the live broadcast room, I will immediately disappear. This is not fair.

He was so anxious that he hurriedly went to Weibo and posted a small composition, both openly and secretly accusing Lin Fan of unjustly cheating on the gun, and then through his network of big anchors, he asked the Huya official to put pressure on him to admit cheating This matter, otherwise the live broadcast room will be banned. It seems that they have reached an agreement with Tencent officials behind the scenes, and they want him to be a victim...

At this time, the popularity of Weibo was already high, and he was one of the parties involved. This speech was immediately discovered by the audience who were looking for fun.

They started to leave messages below.

"Are you going to explode or not, so I ask you if you are going to explode? You are talking nonsense in this little composition, and you are out of your mind, so I'm afraid that you will write out the four words "I'm going to hang up."

"I am a loyal fan of Nestle. I have watched his live broadcast for several years. He is definitely powerful. I believe what he said. Dine is too disgusting, right? Why can't it be made by myself? You have to blame others for cheating ? Do you want to use your relationship to seal the live broadcast room?"

"At first, I thought that only the entertainment circles had stupid fans, but I didn't expect the anchor to have so many stupid fans? Isn't this little essay clearly a joke? When I heard that Huya official said that if he cheated, he would directly block his live broadcast room." Yes, hurry up."

"The whole thing is incoherent. There is a video to prove it. There is nothing to say. Once Brother Sutu said that he cheated, I believed it. After reading this short composition, I believed it even more."

"Anyway, the video has been reported to the CF official, just wait for the official announcement. I watched the replay of Brother Sutu. This Nestle is 1% open and hung up. With perspective and bullet tracking, he is the No. [-] person who shoots directly without seeing it! "

"If there is such a prediction, needless to say, go directly to the professional game, and various teams are rushing to ask for it. What's the point of being a small anchor in the live broadcast room?"

"The professional circle has also become a fan circle. I can only say that it's disgusting. Aren't you guys wronging honest people? Even if the official announcement is made, I think this must be a crime of wantonness!"

"If Nestlé failed in the last round, how could the opponent kill him? Tell me?"

"The big stage in the north, come here if you have to. The environment of CF has been broken. It's time to switch to other gunfight games. Valorant is very suitable."

"Brother Unconditional Station Rate Tu, no matter from the video or the analysis, he said it immediately. He also explained the last wave. He knows the perspective opened on the other side, so he waited on purpose."

"Everyone knows Brother Sutu's reaction speed, and there are many exaggerated performances in professional leagues. I believe him."

"The glory of the local song king played so well, I believe him!"

"PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds fans come to support!"

"Two-dimensional believes in Brother Soltu, as long as he plays Yuanshin we are good brothers."

"The character of Wansutohama is absolutely trustworthy!"

"Apex absolutely resists cheating!"

"Blade of the Heroic Soul pays attention to competition, so there must be no problem with what Brother Sutu said."


In just one hour, this Weibo received more than [-] messages.

More than 90.00% of five people support Lin Fan.

The remaining 5.00% are Nestle fans except for some cross-dressing.

Seeing that public opinion is not on his side at all.

Just be in a hurry.

Originally, I thought about being a public opinion station, and the whole power suppressed myself.

But all of these comments are based on the belief in Brother Sutu.

What is the charm of this person?

How can there be so many fans, and how can so many people believe in him, just for a guy who beats League of Legends badly?

He is panicking now and doesn't know what to do.

Tobo base.

Lying on the bed with his left hand, he swiped his phone.

When this hot search came out, he looked at it gloatingly.

Then keep flipping, wanting to see if anyone has the rhythm.

As a result, half an hour passed, and everyone supported Lin Fan.

Angrily, he threw the phone away, and the screen of the phone was shattered by him.

"Fuck, the iPhone 13 I just changed...why is it so durable."

"Isn't it Lin Fan who gave everyone some ecstasy soup? The whole team is surrounded by him."

Thinking that he was the absolute core figure of the team before, and he was suddenly marginalized. According to this rhythm, he would definitely be kicked out at the end of the Spring Split. Thinking of the heat, he felt a little bit heartbroken.

"Summer split, summer split, I will definitely make you regret it!"

30 years in Hexi, 30 years in Hedong, don't bully the young and poor!
What he is going through now is very similar to Xiao Yan.

The left hand immediately brought itself in.

Thinking of this makes me feel better, and I will start training like crazy tomorrow!
After two months, I must find this place back, if possible, he will definitely be able to...

Of course, when he looked at the besieged Nestlé, he also felt sympathetic.

It's like seeing yourself being bullied, and you must stand up and uphold justice.

Taking out the phone with a broken screen, he silently logged on to the Weibo account.

"If you play well, you hang up?"

After pressing the send button, I finally felt less depressed.

Throw your phone on the table.


His left hand looked at his thumb with some pain.

Blood is clearly visible.

Unexpectedly, it was scratched by the broken screen.

All of a sudden, he bared his teeth and grinned.

When people are unlucky, drinking cold water will clog their teeth.

This is true. Today's big tempo led to one side, and 90.00% of the people believed in Lin Fan.

It really gets worse the more I think about it.

I lay in bed and couldn't fall asleep for a long time, and didn't fall asleep until six o'clock in the morning.

But I was awakened immediately before eight o'clock.

He has to go to the training room to train, otherwise he will lose his salary for another two months.

The club is happy to see that happen.

Neng hurriedly resisted the drowsiness, got up from the bed and ran to the training room.

As soon as he entered, he saw Lin Fan interacting with the audience.

"Today's game will definitely work hard. I think they are very strong, and it is still difficult to get the promotion spot."

"Do your best, there is a chance but the chance is not great."

Douyu officially adjusted the schedule, and the Douyu Cup will start on time at [-]:[-] tonight.

Since the top two are to be selected, the rules for the final are different from those for the semi-final.

Win the championship with a full fifteen points, and No.2 is the one with the highest points among the remaining seven players.

So try to raise the ranking as much as possible, even if you don't eat chicken, you have the opportunity to represent Douyu in the competition.

Of course, there were still many people in the live broadcast room asking about the hacking incident yesterday, but Lin Fan didn't give any explanation for it.

After all, all the evidence was submitted yesterday, and the next thing to do is to wait for the official announcement.

Reasonably, there is such a big commotion, and there is a high probability that the result will be released today.

I said [-] times that I cheated on the other side, and there is no official announcement that is more convincing.

"Let's play online for the whole morning. Does anyone want to play Famine? I haven't played for a long time, but I still want to play."

As soon as these words were said, the barrage scrolled wildly.

Everyone wanted to interact with Lin Fan, and the small game of Famine was full of cooperation.

And once you play, it will last for ten days and half a month. As long as you can join in, you will definitely be a long-term partner.

Playing games with Brother Soltu is quite dreamy when you think about it.

"Me me me me."

"Room c, room c, we just need to join in."

Lin Fan opened the we game, famine is a game that requires many people to be fun, playing alone even if one survives, the fun is still very low.

People can do whatever they want.

"We only open two modules here, geometric architecture and epic health bar.

The other modules will not be opened, but if you think about it, it would be more suitable for four people, then open four people, I will come first in the early stage, and let you come in when it is almost done, right? "

While talking, Lin Fan quickly adjusted the basic settings, and then started the game.

As for the audience in the live broadcast room, they also found Lin Fan's room immediately.

But there is a password, in this case you can only wait outside.

Lin Fan chose Wilson first, and started collecting supplies as soon as he was born.

"Just kidding, how could I die on the first day, how about high play, if I don't feel bored by myself, I can live for five or six hundred days."

"I just want to find someone to come in, so that I can interact with each other during leisure time."

"You can see that there is no grass on the green land of this birthplace, then this is a world of grass lizards."

"If you want to find grass, just go to the yellow grassland, there must be a lot of grass to pick."

While talking, he walked to the yellow grassland on the side.

After a while, I saw more than ten grasses.

"Damn! Brother Sutu, does he really play all kinds of games? How can he even classify famine so clearly?"

"One thing to say, I feel that Brother Sutu doesn't play any other games except League of Legends."

"I've been squatting in the live broadcast room for more than two months and I've confirmed this point. So far, apart from Ah Shui who can tell Brother Satu to play League of Legends, I haven't seen anyone else who can."

"Hahaha, I've seen Xiaotian yell five or six times, and all of them got pissed off."

"Brother still loves Ah Shui alone."

"Climb! Gay ghosts crawl, it's not popular in the professional circle to speculate on CP! Look at Liu Qingsong and Lin Weixiang, these two brothers have never interacted with each other until now, it's because of you CP fans."

During this time, Lin Fan had already collected a lot of supplies, and even made a trap.

"It's also very skillful to place traps. It's hard to catch the rabbit if you put it directly at the cave door, but it's easy to catch the rabbit if you put it in the nearest position and run back with the mechanism to scare the rabbit."

While speaking, he made a demonstration.

Catch the rabbit in seconds!


"What the hell? I used to sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit. Why is Brother Sutu so simple."

"Because I'm leaving the grassland, you prepare the magic book later, catch four rabbits before leaving, but I suggest that novices don't catch them here, and come and catch them later."

"Because the magic is not used in the early stage, it is easy to occupy the grid."

While talking, he casually caught four rabbits.

Only turned halfway through the first day.

A lot of materials have been collected.

"This start doesn't look like a novice at all..."

"Do you still think Brother Sutu can't play famine? This is a high game!"

"Since Gao Wan is leading the team, there is a great need for some cute new players in the game. I think I am very suitable!"

"Yes, yes, I am also very suitable... Pure cute new player, I just bought the game."

After playing and playing, the next day, I was lucky enough to go down to the hole and ran into the bunny village.

"It's good luck, we directly demolished the rabbit house as our base's food source."

After going out, I walked towards the lotus pond, only to see the eye bone inserted into the ground.

"Sure enough, good things will happen the next day. I can still see an eye bone here! Now Chester can follow me, which is very good. You can always trust Chester. First of all, the nine reserves Wuge!"


"I just said Brother Sutu has a problem, I feel like he can't play any game well."

"It's outrageous, just wander around and find a rabbitman, and there are eye bones on it?"

"You can tell at a glance that you are novices, as long as you walk along the acceleration belt, it will be easy to find."

Not to mention that everyone watched with great interest under Lin Fan's various operations. After all, building survival games will directly touch everyone's DNA.

On the tenth day, I finally started building my home.

Every point has been explored, and the most central location has been found to build a home directly.

First dig a nine-square grid, one grid is the shadow controller, so that you can unlock things, and then go to the fire pile and storage boxes in an orderly row.

Everything is finished and it looks really beautiful.

Finally, put the refrigerator and cooking pot.

Six Crock Pots are more or less enough.

After finishing all these, two hours passed in one morning.

Lin Fan twisted his slightly sore neck.

"It's done, the base is almost done, and then we can call the water friends to come in and play together..."

"Brother Sutu is awesome, the CF official has issued an announcement, and Nestlé was directly hammered to death! Perspective and aiming!"

"My God, is the master really that exaggerated? The moment he shoots, he is sure that the opponent is hanging?"

"After listening to Brother Shutu's explanation, I actually highlighted two words: self-confidence. There is absolutely no one who can react faster than him. In addition, he is faster than him when he shoots from the opposite side. I just hit him as a hang!"

"If it were someone else, I wouldn't dare, that's why Brother Sutu is exaggerating."

As for many spectators, they left messages on Weibo.

How can there be a good end to being hammered out?

As long as it is an online competitive game, hanging dogs is the existence that everyone shouts and beats.

Huya’s official actions are also very fast.

As soon as the notice came out, Nestle's live broadcast room was immediately blocked.

A wave of justice was blocked.

Everyone clapped their hands and applauded.

Then he came back to his senses, Brother Sutu could even beat him... Ah Lei, this is too exaggerated!
"Is there no team in the PL League that is ready to dig for Brother Tu?"

"Not to mention edg is already preparing!"

"Our money is on the way!"

"No one should compete with the white shark!"

"Kz is not convinced, and is going to get involved."


(End of this chapter)

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