LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 133 My original intention is always the same 1

Chapter 133 My original intention is always the same (for subscription)

Today is not just the Douyu Cup, the League of Legends professional league loser's bracket match, rng and v5 are competing for the final place in the final.

The fight started at 45:[-], and the fight has not ended yet.

Under such circumstances, the news of Lin Fan winning the championship immediately rushed to the trending searches.

"Brother Rate Tu won the championship!"

Many people are confused, what is the situation?
Isn't the game over yet?How did Brother Sutu win the championship?

Go in and take a closer look at what they are talking about, it turns out to be Game of Genting.

"Damn it! Bro Tuyu participated in the Douyu Cup final and won the championship? This directly qualified for the qualifiers. With this strength, he really has the opportunity to represent China in toc3."

"It's outrageous, Brother Sutu really understands the game of League of Legends. He can play both chess and canyons, and he can directly bloom."

"I knew earlier that Brother Sutu had a game today, and he didn't get off work, so I didn't see it."

"It's really a pity I didn't see that. The fourth round was really cool, okay? The Illusion Dragon is a pirate, so let's just play pirate! The treasure chest drops all the way, and then you go straight to Samsung Diejia at the back, lock blood and eat chicken, until the end All cards in the Eat Pirate Chest come with equipment."

"The fourth game is really exciting. I have thought about a lot of lineups that eat chicken, but I didn't think of the fantasy pirates to eat chicken."

"Pirates of Illusion are actually very strong. The economy is well supported by the winning streak in the early stage. The fighting power is not bad when you open high Illusion with a lot of equipment. Tianhu can eat chicken."

"Actually, the normal strength of the illusion dragon is just the same, but Brother Suitu is not normal here. Two bars and seven wild monsters drop Diejia! Directly six illusions, one wave stabilizes and loses six pieces. From time to time, there are multiple pieces of equipment, and the economic blood volume is all there. Yes, it's too scary."

"Hahaha, I just knew one thing. Douyu's anchor is embarrassing. If I remember correctly, I have only played Genting Game for more than ten days. At the beginning, I can really see that I have just played it, and later I have mastered it. What? The lineup is complete, the most important thing is good luck!"

Of course, there are also many people on Weibo who don't understand Genting Game.

But when they saw Shuitu brothers, they all clicked in to find out.

Although I don't know what they are talking about, but as long as Brother Kuashitu, we are good sisters.

From now on, this place has been completely occupied by fans, and there is no little blackie at all.

After all, according to everyone's tradition, never fight against the wind, even the head of the headwind can Q crookedly when he is at a disadvantage, let alone an ordinary little black boy.

"Rng is playing the fifth game with v5! Is no one watching the battle of Tianwangshan?"

"What I said is the same. After winning the championship, we had fun together. The main thing is to watch today's game."

"The v5 bot lane is a bit unstable, and I feel like the bot lane will be blown up in the fifth game."

"Rookie also failed to suppress Xiaohu, and the Tiger Emperor in Spring is still very powerful."

"Brother Sutu: They are all defeated."

"It's hard to say, Brother Sutu has been doing a lot of work during this time. Xiaohu and Rookie train every day after [-] o'clock in the morning, and their condition is full."

At this time, Lin Fan returned to Famine, because the previous layout was almost the same, and it was time to interact with his friends.

Once the password is unlocked, the rest depends on the speed of the hand. After all, the live broadcast room has nearly 800 million popularity, and it will be entered in seconds as soon as it is said.

"Hahaha, hello brother Sutu, I didn't expect to come in."

"How to play Famine? I just bought it. I haven't played it before. This is what I've been waiting for."

"www.xxxxx...passionate interaction."

As soon as the third player sent this message, Lin Fan immediately kicked him out.

It's too outrageous to run to my room to sell films.

Then came the players in seconds.

"Hahaha, I had a premonition at the time, and I would definitely let go of me and keep clicking. What luck."


"Damn, there's still a movie seller going in. I'm really convinced."

"Oh, it turns out that opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. If he is prepared, you will go in first."

"I played two w's, can I change the number?"

"It's really tempting, but unfortunately I don't have an account."

"Brother Sutu, Yuanshen's friends are worth [-] to [-], and [-] to play famine together seems to be okay."

"No, don't you really want to watch the game? It's the fifth game! Don't you want to see who the next opponent is?"

"There's no need to look at it. Both Rng and V5 have been beaten by Brother Satu, and the overall impact is not big."

"It's hard to say. In this series, the status of Xiaohu and Rou Kun has improved visibly with the naked eye. The two of them have also been severely beaten by Brother Sutu. It feels like they are trying to find a way in the finals."


"Today's goal is to fight dragon flies. First, make the early preparations, collect materials to make stone walls, and look for the pan flute. If you can't find it, make one."

Afraid that these three players would not be in the live broadcast room, Lin Fan was still typing on the public screen of the game.

The interactive players immediately regained their spirits after hearing this.

If you play this game alone, you have to read the strategy slowly. It is different if someone has a goal and knows what to do.

As for the live broadcast room, when they heard Lin Fan's words, there was a barrage of bullets.

"Niu Pi, start hunting dragonflies so early? Now start planning to start hunting in 20 days?"

"Compared with Brother Sutu, even Famine is a different game!"

"Don't you really want to watch the game? Let's comment on the live broadcast, rng and v5 are playing very fiercely!"

"It's really good-looking, but the commentary is not good enough, it's buzzing, it must be good-looking if Brother Sutu explains it."

During this period of time, the three friends that Lin Fan organized to come in made preparations for the dragon fly fight.

The supplies were finally collected, and they came to the molten place.

"Under normal circumstances, I don't get stuck with bugs, but since it's online, for everyone's game experience, it's better for me to teach you how to get stuck by the way."

While talking and operating, the stone walls were lined up at the lava mouth.

"There must be a small opening here, otherwise they will come around in a circle, and if a small opening is leaked, they will crawl from here, but because it is blocked, the lava worms will not be able to get through."

The preparatory work is finally done.

"It's fine for the three of you to steal damage for me by the side, don't be too greedy, it hurts when a dragon fly hits you."

"Good good!"

"Chong Chong Chong, this is the first time I have formed a group to fight a boss in the famine."

"Although I have been playing the online version before, I can't find anyone to play with."

"Wait here for me to hook the dragon fly."

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he manipulated Wilson to run to provoke Dragonfly.

There are so many people in the live broadcast room, but only a small number of them have played Don't Starve.

I was shocked to see such a big fly popping up.

And look at the blood bar on the top actually has a terrifying [-] points!
Comparing Wilson's blood bar, the difference is too much.

"Damn it, monster!"

"It's interesting to look at it this way, is it such a big boss?"

"Can I say that I've played Famine for so many years, but I've never seen a dragonfly? I've never heard of the bosses you mentioned."

Lin Fan ran down, and when he turned the corner, Long Yin slapped him.

The blood volume was directly deducted by 75 points.

Then find the time to start playing.

The four hammers went down and began to pull back.

The other three friends also gathered around and started to fight.

But their positions were not as coquettish as Lin Fan's.

They were slapped one after another, and their blood volume directly bottomed out.

But looking at the blood volume of the dragon fly above, it was still maintained at 2.

"That's why I suggest that everyone open the blood bar. If you don't know the blood bar to beat these 2 dragon flies, you don't even know the progress bar. Doesn't that make you feel desperate?"

"It means something, it means something!"

"Licking the dog is talking about you, I can't see the progress bar after licking for so long..."

"The three of you can go up first and I'll hit it. More than 2 is actually okay. My habit is to hit four times and hide for a while. There should be other teachings that say five times and six times. That's their habit. , the best thing about fighting a boss is to find that feeling by yourself.”

"If you can pull it successfully, you won't be hit once."

After pulling it several times in a row, the blood volume was reduced to 80.00% very beautifully.

"It's easy to fight like me, right?"

It didn't take long before the scene of slapping the face came, and when he pulled back, Long Fei slapped him with a slap.

If it weren't for the helmet to block the damage, this small body would not be able to bear it at all.

"Cough cough cough... When the blood line reaches 80.00%, he will directly spit out small bugs. At this time, there is no need to chase after him. Hurry up and seize the opportunity to eat meat to replenish his status and change his helmet."

"The game design of Famine is still very reasonable. Although he went to find the younger brother, he gave you free time. The amount of blood replenished depends on whether you can survive in the next round."

"Because we had prepared in advance, we were able to get the bugs stuck."

After speaking, the worms spit out were indeed stuck on the top.

"There is no need to fight the little bug, no matter it will spontaneously ignite later."

As the dragon fly came back, it began to knock again with sticks.

It really is from morning to dusk, and now there are more than 9000 blood volume!

Fighting this kind of boss is a test of patience and skill.

When fully adapted to the rhythm, it is a bit handy to play.

"Run, run, don't provoke me when I'm furious, run back immediately, and then blow the flute to calm it down."

Seeing that the dragon fly was in a state of rage, he quickly backed away.

I found the panpipe and started to blow it.

Long Fei, who was in a state of rage, immediately calmed down, and just as he was about to leave, Lin Fan drew the hatred down again with a stick.

Keep playing!
The current blood volume is [-], and at the same time, it will soon enter the night.

Really stay up all day and night.

"Brother Sutu's operation is so skillful that it makes people feel distressed."

"I guess I was beaten a lot. When I first played Don't Starve, I also liked to come in and provoke Dragonfly, and then I was slapped to death with two slaps."

"Just kidding, Longfly is an existence that can directly fight four bosses, not a master like Brother Sutu, who comes here to give away everything."

It was really the dusk from the 20th day to the 21st day...

But at this time, the dragon fly's blood volume is still two thousand and seven!
"Niu Pi, is this a one-on-one fight against dragon flies?"

"Yes, the scariest thing is that I only saw Brother Setu eat jerky twice."

The last 300 blood, 200 hundred, 100 hundred.

Dragon Fly kicked his legs in the air and fell directly to the ground!
Below are the gems that fell out, and the map of the scales.

"Although this wave is online, it's a one-on-one match..."

"Too strong, fighting for a day and a half, there is no man who can last longer than Brother Tu."


"It doesn't matter how difficult it is to play this game. I believe that many up masters have done teaching. It is enough to find the dragonfly rhythm without being greedy for damage. You can also choose the method of standing and masturbating. Anyway, you must be fully prepared before playing it.

Compared to a wolf fighting a boss, it's much easier..."

After all, the positioning of the two games is different. Don't Starve is more inclined to leisure exploration, which is difficult but not as difficult as imagined.

Wolves like to abuse players...

Of course, the biggest victim is the anchor.

After killing the dragonfly, Lin Fan also prepared to close the room.

Look at Niu Niu typing on the public screen at this time: "Have you ever played Escape from Tarkov?"

"Hmm... I've heard of Escape from Tarkov, but I haven't played it yet."

"Brother Shutu, you must play it. It's very interesting. Although it's a shooting game, it incorporates a lot of RPG content. It's still massively multiplayer online, which is very fun."

"Well, it's okay to give it a try. Generally, the games I haven't played before are pretty good."

"However, we still have to drag it back. The Land of the Land is about to open up wasteland, and I have to be prepared."

"It's just because of the shore of the land!"


"Damn, a little blackie got in here!"

"I can tell, this Kanniu Niu is definitely not a fan of the League, but he thinks there are not enough games and wants to add more games? Let the rate to distract you?"

"It's over, let's forget about a little blackie, he is still a big fan of other teams, this is going to draw the bottom line..."

"I'm crying to death. Brother Sutu really deserves to be Brother Sutu. All the games are for the service of Sutuzhibin. It depends on Sutuzhibin whether you want to play or not."

"I'm looking forward to s2. I paid attention to it at the beginning because of the live broadcast of Shutu Ge, and now I'm back to my heart! Ness!"

"It's over, do you know what it means when a player doesn't watch the game in the live broadcast room?"

"It's normal to be in the live broadcast room of Brother Satu, but if the champion of the spring competition really disappears, look at Sister Shuigui and she will definitely explode! Directly kill Brother Satsu..."

At this time, Lin Fan clicked on the Douyu League of Legends live broadcast.

He glanced at the fifth round of rng and v5.

The game has gone to 24 minutes.

The head to head ratio of the two sides was seven to six, and the economy was bitten to death.

It looks like another bladder game.

If it is about to end, you can still watch it, but there is no such thing as two or 10 minutes of this rhythm.

So directly X the live broadcast room.

"The fight was fierce, and it was hard to see that side could win, but I felt from the lineup that rng's side had a better chance, and the lineup was late, and the rhythm was indeed going to 10 minutes."

Sure enough, v5 can indeed hold it in the front and tighten the economy, but it can't hold it in the back at all.

In 35 minutes, rng had gained a considerable advantage.

Relying on the big dragon to start the operation, and finally ended the game in 41 minutes.

A scene that made rng fans feel desperate appeared.

Winning the game was a trending topic on Weibo, but the one on top of it was Sute Brother who won the championship, and Sate Brother predicted that rng would advance to the final...

The winner's group lost to Brother Rateu, and the loser's group won the game and lost to Brother Rateu.

The opponent in the final is still Brother Rateu!

The enemy of rng's life!

(End of this chapter)

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