LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 141 Failure is always carried out in life

Chapter 141 Failure is always carried out in life (for subscription)

There are so many people in Lin Fan's live broadcast room, plus the pig farm's huge investment of 300 million, and 1500 rounds of super fire swiping the screen, all the people on Douyu's entire platform were attracted to him at once.

After all, this scene is really rare.

Especially in the current economic environment, the recession, the big brother who used to buy gifts without blinking, now has to think for a long time when buying a plane.

And now there are 300 super-hot, [-] million gifts, no matter whether they have been to Lin Fan's live broadcast room or not, they are all very curious at this time, what happened.

So they followed the broadcast guidance and ran into the live broadcast room.

On this day, not to mention that the audience on the entire platform came, at least half of them came.

The number of popularity soared sharply, from more than 800 million before to more than 4000 million.

As for the Douyu official, it was also frightened by this popularity, and quickly opened the authority to maintain the live broadcast room and divert traffic, in order to let everyone have the best live broadcast experience.

It can't be that the operation of the rear has collapsed in the end, right?
If this gets out, friends and businessmen will die laughing.

Huya especially, could imagine that face.

With a sour and mocking tone: "You can't handle Brother Sutu, so leave it to me."

Then weeping and whining, I went to discuss with the major shareholders.

If by that time the major shareholders really use their butts to decide their heads, it would be unreasonable to be moaned and sent to Huya.

Therefore, you must not pull your hips in the live broadcast room!

All the staff are doing their best to debug and maintain the normal operation of the entire live broadcast room.

But looking at the number of people who continued to pour in frantically, they still took a big jump.

"Mr. Zhu is still very courageous... If you want to smash it, you can smash it."

"Isn't 300 million a sprinkle of water for a pig farm? Isn't the purpose just for topic and popularity? Tomorrow, the stock of the pig farm will definitely rise a little bit. At least it is a project that earns tens of millions of blood. This 300 million is not just a profit." are you back?"

"That's right, Brother Shutu's popularity has long since broken the circle. I just glanced at Weibo, and it's all discussing these things. The popularity is soaring. This commercial value is a bit exaggerated. If you ask Brother Shutu to shoot an advertisement, I don't think it's worth it. Fifty-six million won’t come down.”

"It's more than five or six million. Mr. Zhu will spend at least twice as many gifts in this wave of gifts. If you ask him to shoot an advertisement, you can't afford it at all."

"I'm envious. Playing the game well can really change your life. It doesn't look like we can only help maintain the live broadcast room."

"It's impossible to continue to add route diversion, and the number of people is still rising."

10 minutes after the gifts were collected, the number of people entering the live broadcast room not only did not slow down, no one retreated, and even continued to increase.

From 4000 million popularity to 500 million popularity.

Douyu has modified its algorithm recently.

500 million popularity means that 45 people have entered the live broadcast room.

If the popularity was calculated in terms of billions a few years ago, it would be more than 700 billion...

It has already broken the peak number of online baby Xuxu at that time, and even exceeded 10,000+.

I really didn't expect that a professional player who has only been famous for more than two months can reach such a height in the live broadcast circle.

Ah Lei, outrageous!
The main reason is that the popularity of Weibo has increased.

Those who like to watch the excitement naturally turn on the Douyu live broadcast immediately.

In addition, Lin Fan was busy opening up wasteland, and it took a long time to broadcast live, so everyone rushed in, wanting to see what was going on.

As for Ah Shui next to him, he was even more dumbfounded.

"Your numb kiss, does playing Sotsunohama still have such an effect? ​​Can you bring me one now."

He is now live broadcasting, and his popularity is more than 300 million, which is very good, but Lin Fan has already risen to 500 million.

Great anchor!
Now the absolute first brother of Douyu.

It's no problem to walk straight sideways, which superman dares to find something in Fan Ge's live broadcast room?All dismissed.


As for the speeches in the live broadcast room, they were controlled by the backstage. Originally, they were sent every 30 seconds, but they were directly changed to once every 3 minutes.

The longest time I met many people, I don't know what Douyu officials are implying.

"Ya Lei! Even if it's once every 3 minutes, it's still short. If you send a longer barrage, you won't be able to send it out."

"Douyu's programmers are no good, are you not prepared for such a high popularity?"

"I'm so angry that I just finished scolding in 3 minutes, and now I have to wait another 3 minutes to scold."

"Brother Sutu, if you rank him by star, he should be considered a first-rate star, right?"

"The layout is small, top class!"

"Actually, what I'm afraid of now is the backlash. The popularity is so high now, what if I don't win the championship after the mid-season game?"

In fact, many league fans thought of this.

Go to Zhihu, Tieba and Weibo to post.

Taobo has been going smoothly all the way, and Brother Suitu feels like he is at the peak when he debuts.

But at the end of each year, you never know what will happen.

It's like ig's [-]-game winning streak and the final runner-up, but in that year, ig won the League of Legends global finals championship without winning a domestic championship.

In that year, rng won all the championships except the global finals, which has to be said that things are impermanent.

Under such circumstances, no one knows what the future direction of Taobao will be, but what is certain is that once Brother Suitu collapses, it will be a catastrophe, and absolutely no one can withstand the backlash.

Loyal fans are naturally a little worried.

Many people even went to Taobo official Weibo to leave a message. During this period of time, Brother Shutu should take a good rest, pay a little more salary and don't come out to make live broadcast money.

If you really don't have a big budget, we fans can chip in.

Report in advance, and there will be no illegal fundraising.

Not to mention that there are quite a lot of people who leave messages on the official Weibo.

In just ten or twenty minutes, there were more than 10 more entries.

Of course, compared to the [-] comments on the last one that won the championship, it seems a bit thin.

But it still attracted the attention of Topbo operation.

Report this as usual.

In fact, Guo Hao is sitting happily in the manager's office.

He is very satisfied with the operation of the pig farm.

It doesn't matter if it's money or not, it's full of topics.

As soon as I went out, all the platforms were talking about Brother Shuitu.

The pig farm has gained popularity, and from time to time, someone raised a few words.

Direct win-win!

Among all the clubs, Topsports is the one that most wants to have a topic. In other words, they are a traffic team. Results and so on don't need to be the first, traffic must be there.

Therefore, at the beginning of the establishment of the team, it was aimed at popular players.

It's just that there was no good operating environment at that time, and the contract was tightly tied, Uzi was forced to retire, and there was no way.

Fortunately, Ah Shui came out from ig later, and quickly contacted Ah Shui before he got on the thief ship.

Even if half of one foot is on the thief ship, as long as they don't get up at all, the club just pays 800 million to cut off the intention contract.

Coupled with the attitude of business talk and business, Ah Shui was able to operate it, and it was very profitable in general.

But suddenly received the news of the operation here, and quickly opened Weibo to take a look.

lost in thought.

Recently, Lin Fan's voice is really loud, and the popularity and topics are frighteningly high.

It is indeed out of the circle, and the players in the entire league are the most popular.

If there is a situation where Taobao loses the game, what they said may really happen.

Doesn't that ruin a player?
During this period of time... you can consider being too calm.

How about talking to Lin Fan at the celebration banquet tomorrow.

Even if the club needs traffic very much, sometimes it is not good for players to be too good at making troubles.

At this time Lin Fan was ready to hit the second five dollars.

Before that, I practiced Gui Lu alone. As for the 25 minutes, I asked Da Qiao and Zhen Luo to recruit troops. I used the time reasonably and did not waste it.

Gui Lu returned to the main city after training, and Da Qiao and Zhen Luo also just recruited soldiers.

Then it took more than 100 to prepare for it, and the team was finally full.

Can shoot a second five.

Now Gui Lu's level is [-]th, Da Qiao is [-]th, and Zhen Luo is [-]th.

There is a little pressure to fight five with three thousand and nine troops, but the pressure is not that great.

So the second piece is also very easy to win.

"Come on, stay up all night today and you should be able to reach the top ten."

Because some time was wasted, the speed of opening five has slowed down a lot, and no matter how top-level operations are, it is impossible to make up for the previous time.

So we can only do our best.

So the 24-hour target force became four thousand.

The battle damage of the second yuan is still acceptable. It only takes more than half an hour to recruit soldiers when they come back, and the strength of the troops will also increase with the increase in level. The next speed should be accelerated.

Although not to the extent of sweeping five, it is also very comfortable.

But this waiting time is quite boring.

When the popularity reached 800 million, it began to drop slowly.

After all, Shitu Zhibin is a niche game, and it takes too long to recruit troops to fight the land. In this case, many people will find it meaningless.

Those who can really stick to it are indeed relatively few.

Coupled with planning to die, the number of players is decreasing year by year.

Therefore, many people said that they would not be surprised even if the server is shut down tomorrow.

In addition, the time is really late, it is time to rest.

So in this ring situation, it will slowly fall back to more than 2000 million.

The Douyu official also breathed a sigh of relief. Such a high-intensity training is still quite tiring. Fortunately, it collapsed and did not cause the live broadcast room to explode.

It was very smooth to get to the ninth yuan and five yuan, but something went wrong when the tenth yuan was reached.

Zhen Luo in front was directly crushed.

"Ya Lei, why is Empress Mu so fierce? It's not difficult to drive first in the front, so how can you just give yourself a blow from the back?"

As for the live broadcast room, seeing this scene even more gloated and laughed.

The land reclamation in the front was so smooth that I didn't even frown.

Everyone wants to watch the excitement and can't watch it. Isn't this very boring? Isn't it just to wait for Brother Tu to overturn the car after waiting for so long.

It's not about watching him kill indiscriminately in the game, and then Sutuzhihama also began to control Thunder.


"Hahahaha, yes!"

"Do you know what extreme joy begets sorrow? This is it!"

"Because twelve o'clock has passed, yesterday's happiness is all over, and today's pain should come."

Those who understand it will come out and do it immediately, and those who don't understand will follow the barrage hahaha.

This is still quite an interesting thing.

"Seeing my car overturned here, I was really uncomfortable at first, but everyone thinks carefully, failure always runs through life, this is life."

As soon as these words were said, the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly paused.

Everyone thought about it carefully, Brother Sutu really said what he said.

These words are not poisonous chicken soup, but very realistic.

Guo Hao, who was in the manager's office, originally wanted to talk to Lin Fan alone after the celebration banquet.

But when he heard this sentence, he was stunned, and Brother Sutu's pattern suddenly opened up.

Among his peers, no one seemed to be able to match him with such a mind.

Compare that to his left hand, which is two years younger than him. The matter of the rotten crotch has made his scalp numb in the past two months, so he tried his best to deal with it.

He even posted a Weibo against his will, his left hand is very pure...

Even now, people still laugh at him, especially every time the left hand makes a joke, someone leaves a message under him.

Pulling out and whipping the corpse from time to time made Guo Hao dizzy for a while.

Later, I silently deleted this Weibo, but the Internet has memories, and I regretted it very much when I thought about it.

The left-handed guy is not up to snuff. He has such a high salary but he doesn't have the heart to match it.

If there were half of Lin Fan, they wouldn't have such a deadlock with the club.

At least there will be a farewell seat after leaving the club.

It's not like it is now, the company has no budget at all.

Seeing that Lin Fan was still talking about Lin Fan on the phone screen, he had given up the idea of ​​talking to him in private.

There is no need for this, there is no need for this at all.

Even if he loses the next game, even if the fan base is full of aggression towards him, Lin Fan will definitely not explode mentally.

It's no wonder that at the beginning, when the pressure was put on him by the team or the fans, he didn't express anything, but accepted it silently. This ability to withstand pressure is indeed full.

Fortunately, Luo Sheng found out who was the trap in the team, the biggest scammer, and withstood the pressure to replace Lin Fan. Only then did he find the most correct five people, and started a winning streak all the way. Win the Spring Championship.

really can.

At least at that time, if he was Luo Sheng, he really wouldn't dare to replace his left hand.

After all, Lin Fan was a substitute mid laner a year ago, and this year's transition to support was poor. Under such circumstances, he dared to take a chance. He was really courageous.

After that day, he also asked specifically, but Luo Sheng just showed a puzzled smile, and did not say the reason.

So far, I don't even know where he got the confidence to change...

Maybe a coach has to be like this, hiding and tucking in, so that the thoughts in his heart will not be dismantled by the other side.

As for the live broadcast room at this time, the bullet screens were brushed one after another.

"Honestly, where did the real Brother Satu go?"

"My god, what you said is too philosophical, right? I'm a fan."

"Failure is always carried out throughout life. This is life. What the hell, Brother Sutu seems to be underestimated when he says this. It's really untrue."

"The most outrageous thing is because he rolled five times and said it at this time. If he said this after losing the game, the height will go up."


After one o'clock in the morning, failure is always carried out in life, and slowly climbed up the hot search list of major platforms.

(End of this chapter)

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