LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 144 Abandon the game! !panic lck official

Chapter 144 Abandon the game! !Panicked lck official (seeking subscription)

Lin Fan's visa was not approved, and the other team members' visas were passed, so you can't say that South Korean Bangzi got the visa on purpose.

According to their answer, the photo is defective, just take a new photo and submit it.

But the approval process depends on their speed.

The club ran several times in the past two days, and it was clearly submitted according to the requirements, but they all failed...

The third time was even more excessive, and it was necessary to follow the standard procedure again.

This card is required for one week.

Guo Hao still doesn't understand what this means.

on purpose!
The purpose is to get stuck for a period of time and get stuck in the entire group stage.

Call an emergency meeting directly, have a meeting!
People from all walks of life on Weibo were eagerly waiting for the good news, but until May 5th, there was still no news from the Top Fight Club, and the fans squatting nearby did not find any movement of the team bus heading to the airport.

The mid-season match is scheduled for the 10th of this month. Even though the 8th is already too late, the club hasn't issued a notice yet, and hasn't told everyone where the second visa process will go.

There have been many discussions on the Internet.

The first to be attacked was naturally the stick.

"Sportsmanship is really bad. I found that Brother Sutu couldn't deal with it, so I just banned it, right?"

"I've really seen a lot of stick competitions, but doing it from the source is really much better than pulling out the network cable, awesome!"

"I had a card visa before. When I saw the notice that night, my heart skipped a beat. I was worried that I would not be able to pass it. Sure enough, this worry came true!"

"Ya Lei, if you can't beat it, you can't beat it. Why do you have to deal with these scumbags? If Brother Suitu can't go, is it possible to be left-handed? What level is he?"

"This is really disgusting, is there any solution?"

"Unless it's held in a different location, Riot's mid-season match is scheduled to be held in South Korea this year."

"I'm in a hurry, I didn't win the S11 championship. This year's skt seems to have the strength to win the mid-season championship again. As Taobo is the representative of the all-China class LPL, the performance of Brother Litu is so exaggerated. There is no doubt that Fei Lao The dog is scared! If you can't beat it, you will be banned!"

"Skt is so strong this year. It's just that TopBot didn't follow the process. It followed the process well. It is estimated that it has already arrived in South Korea and is now preparing for the competition."

"Since the other players have visas, let me tell them to go first. Anyway, there are no challenges in the group. PSG, IW, and red are all hot chickens. You can play casually. Wait until the visa is ready for Brother Satu, then it's fine. "

"Fuck off, the starters stay at home, how can there be such a saying that the substitutes go to the game? If I say they are so disgusting, then I won't participate!"

"That's right, why do we have to participate? Let's just say we're here for tourism, but now we're participating in a competition. Is there such a statement about the visas of the participating players?"

"Support Top Fight for abandoning the game!"

"I support it too!"

"It doesn't matter. If you give a mid-season championship, give it to them. If they want a championship, give it to them."

"SKT is so strong, they must be the champions of this year's mid-season competition, what do you mean by letting go?"

"Han Zaquan get out, don't you see that we are being bullied? A bunch of brainless things."

"Go to Nima, I thought you were just supporting your favorite team, but now you find out that Han Za is a brainless beast!"

Everyone directly discussed and got angry. The current Top Fight is definitely the strongest all-China class in history.

In the end, a few brainless people appeared, fanning the flames here, who would be able to bear it?

So just turn the gun around...

At this moment in the Top Fight Club, everyone was sitting in the meeting room with extremely serious expressions.

"Lin Fan's visa has not been approved..."

"It's running out of time."

"In the current situation, there are two options." Guo Hao spoke slowly, but his tone was extremely powerful.

After hearing this, everyone raised their heads.

The left hand sitting in the corner held back his laughter even more. He was so happy to see the visa was blocked.

The visas of the other players have all been passed, so the club must have no other choice, let them pass the visas first to participate in the competition.

So who is this starting mid laner?It can only be him.

Go to the world championship and beat all these third-rate mid laners, and the word of mouth will come back.

It is much better to kill all sides in the international arena than in the league.

The fierceness of the foreign war is what everyone expects, and the civil war is useless.

For details, please refer to the previous edg. The number one seed was beaten every year by teams from other divisions.

Even with so many championships in the country, the word of mouth is still ridiculously poor, and the phantom god has also arranged for it.

It wasn't until last year, when the "Triple Crown" team won the S11 Global Finals, that word of mouth gradually improved.

It is possible that the shackles of fate have been broken, the league is not working, and the playoffs are out early.

"If you get the visa, go to the game first, and I will take Lin Fan there after he passes."

Hearing the same words as he thought, the left hand nodded very satisfied.


What he never expected was that he was the only one who answered Guo Hao's words.

The others sat in their seats without saying a word, just looking at Lin Fan.

Don't you all want to participate in the MSI?
In global competitions, it is time to show your strength, and the mid-season champion is second only to the champion of the global finals among all the champions throughout the year.

This honor is not small!
Why is there no movement at all?
The smile on Left Hand's face froze.

"I think it's okay. I just finished the China qualifiers at home, and I just went out to play the knockout rounds."

Lin Fan's voice sounded in the meeting room.

"We won the championship and you are the FMVP. To put it bluntly, you led us to win. It is enough to follow you when we are in the team. What's the point of you not playing with us in the group stage?
And I can also see what the other side thinks, that is, after finishing the group stage and waiting for the knockout round to play, or maybe after we are eliminated, your visa will be approved.

In this situation, you don’t know when the whole thing will be over. What if we all go and you can’t come?
If you want me to say just give up, don't fight if you don't fight, will you beat him to the lck team while watching the global finals?His numb kiss! "Yu Wenbo said the excitement behind what he said, and cursed directly.

"That's right, even if Brother Fan can't go, let's go for a hammer. It feels like stealing the victory." Mark directly agreed with Ah Shui's point of view.

Their bot lane duo is of one heart, and the husband sings and the wife follows.

Xiaotian also quickly nodded in agreement: "Without Brother Fan, I would be inexplicably playing in the jungle, and I will definitely be sprayed if it is a mess. Since this is the case, it is better to take a break and wait for the summer game."

"Me too." Zoom opened his mouth. When he didn't say it, he felt that there were a lot of words, but when he really said it, he couldn't say a word. He could only follow me.

Luo Sheng smiled from the side.

"Hahaha, the second one is what you said, we chose to abandon the game and not participate in the mid-season competition."

"I haven't said this yet, you have made a decision here, so it seems that there is no need to say anything." Guo Hao let out a hearty laugh after speaking.

As long as everyone in the team can be twisted into a rope, are they all with one heart and afraid of not being able to achieve results?
MSI?right!It's a big international competition, but we don't care too much about it. Could it be that we want to participate?

"Then wait for the finals, educate all these stick teams, and smash them all." Luo Sheng took Guo Hao's words.

"It's not necessary. After all, it's a mid-season game. It's actually good for you to participate. I don't want to tell the truth, I'm quite comfortable. I'll go to the Genting Game China qualifiers later, and participate in toc3..."

"Brother Fan, since we have made a decision, we will definitely not change it. If you can't go, we won't go."


"Take me one, don't go."


Listening to the shouting of teammates, it would be fake not to say that I was moved.

The Mid-Season Tournament is a major competition second only to the Global Finals.

The rng next door has won two mid-season championships, and it will be mentioned every year, and there are still many people talking about it.

Ah Shui also hasn't won an international championship for a long time. To be honest, he actually needs this championship to prove himself.

After all, ig[-]c, Ah Shui has always been the one that everyone says is a mess.

The only highlight performance is to flash forward, and the others are all won by top lane and mid lane...

He didn't get to play in the bubbling match last year, and was ridiculed to death.

"Small problem, small problem. If the mid-season championship is gone, it will be gone. Brother Fan, the champion of the global finals, you have to take us to win."


Listening to the communication in the conference room, the left hand showed an expression of disbelief.

What the hell are you people doing?
This is the midseason game!
When you become famous, are you people crazy?

No wonder you can't cooperate with them, each of them is not a normal person!A group of people with water in their brains...

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Topsports submitted a withdrawal application to the official.

Due to irresistible force, all players were unable to participate in this year's Mid-Season Championship and applied for retirement.

Immediately afterwards, the official Weibo released an announcement.

"Because the team's starting mid laner dine's visa application failed, and our top laner zoom, jungler tian, and adc jackeylove's assistant mark were unwell due to force majeure, they needed to adjust and recover in the base for a long time, for the future of the players Career planning, can only regret to give up the mid-season game."

At this moment, whether it is domestic or foreign, everything explodes!Topsports issued a waiver announcement.

"Damn it, Team Top Fight is really strong!"

"Actually, I've thought about it before. Since Brother Suitu can't participate, then just give up."

"Okay, I'll stand in Taobao this time, you can get a visa, I'm not serving you, you can play the mid-season game as you like."

"I thought the mid-season game was boring before. Since there is no team participating, I don't want to watch it."

"Hahaha, this time Brother Sutu really has time to participate in the Genting qualifiers, and communicate offline. I think it's very interesting to watch that scene."

"Yes, yes, yes."

"I'm an RNG fan, so I'm asking in a low voice here, if the champion of the spring split doesn't go, is there any chance for the runner-up to replace him?"

"Ahem, ahem, my blood was boiling from watching it before, and I really can't help but see it here."

The Riot officials who received the notification the first time were also stunned.

The Top Fight team didn't come to the mid-season game, so there was something to watch.

The champion of last year's global finals was the LPL division.

If the No. [-] seed in the lpl division does not come to play, what gold is there in this mid-season?

Hurry up to find out what's going on.

Similarly, the South Korean lck official panicked here.

According to their research, the Top Fight team does have a great possibility of threatening SKT to win the championship.

For this year's MSI championship they must win, especially in South Korea.

So he made a little trick and got stuck with Lin Fan's visa.

The visas of other players do not have cards.

In terms of personnel replacement, they have a substitute mid laner. In this case, Topbo has only one choice, and that is to bring knight over to compete.

This kind of player faker really plays casually.

Isn't the mid-season championship in the bag?

Defeating last year's championship division is a lot of gold.

Announce to the global audience that skt is officially back, and their big devil is coming.

Ke Taobo made a choice that none of them thought of.


This move can be described as a lore, directly hitting seven inches.

It's even more chaotic now.

"Hurry up and get in touch, don't get a visa, Team Top Fight can't retire."

"That's right, Team Top Fight cannot retire. Even if he comes, we can still do things according to the situation."

"It's true, as long as you can come, the champion can still operate after all."

The senior management of lck reached a unified opinion.

That is Topsports must participate.

Almost at the end of the meeting, the South Korea Pavilion in Shanghai was notified.

Hurry up and stamp the previous materials, and then contact the Top Fight Club.

As soon as Guo Hao received the call, he began to scold his mother.

"Why didn't these bastards have such efficiency in front? Why did they give up the game and get such a big reaction?"

"Heh, you can do whatever you like, anyway, it's impossible to go to this year's mid-season game."

After experiencing this incident, Guo Hao felt sick.

You have the final say on whether the visa is approved or not, but we can also make the decision whether to go or not.

Why did you become anxious when you saw us abandoning the game?

What if I still suffer unfair treatment after going there?What should I do if I get sick when I unplug the network cable during a game?They have done this kind of thing before, so they refused without thinking.

Seeing that the visa has been approved by Taobao, I still don't plan to participate in the mid-season game.

Lck officials are like ants on a hot pot.

He even asked the lpl official to persuade him on twitter, that kind of writing posture was almost like kneeling on the ground and begging.

Let the domestic people who eat melons see it as a pleasure.

Also feel a little pity.

But this wave really blows up the momentum, how can our LPL division be bullied like this?
It doesn't matter, isn't it just what you want if you don't go?

The lpl official just laughed and didn't pay any attention.

There is really no way for the lck official to put their hopes on Riot Games.

But Guo Hao is still very stubborn.

Our players need enough time to recuperate, and it is not suitable for long-distance travel.

Either agree with us to play on the base line, or withdraw from the game, and Riot Games must send an official referee. If the above conditions are not agreed, the game will still be abandoned...

 In 2014, the annual output value of Korean video games reached US$33.6 billion, ranking sixth in the world.South Korea's game exports account for 50% of the entire Hallyu cultural output, becoming one of the pillars of the national economy.As a pillar industry of the national economy, the development of the Korean e-sports industry cannot do without the support of the government.It is no exaggeration to say that the rise of e-sports in South Korea is a top-down national effect.History can be traced back to 1997.The turbulent Asian financial turmoil hit South Korea. South Korea has limited land resources and different economic models. The miserable South Korea is cautious about its own development model and industrial structure.

(End of this chapter)

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