LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 146 Is this the skt?That doesn't work either!

Chapter 146 Is this the skt?That doesn't work either! (seeking subscription)
The mid-season game turned out like this in the end, which many people did not expect.

Especially Top Fight will participate in the competition in online mode.

This is the first time League of Legends has played an international game in more than a decade.

It can be called the only online team.

When the three-party announcement came out, it aroused extensive discussions around the world.

Especially the audience in the lck division.

"Xiba, why is Topsport so special? Can you participate in the competition online?"

"Wouldn't they be cheating? Watching videos while playing games, or coaches tipping off behind?"

"They definitely have this possibility. Every time our Republic of Korea wins the championship, they will steal it away! Especially during the Pingchuan Winter Olympics."

"Why not disqualify Top Fight?"

"E-sports needs fairness, but Riot Games didn't give us this fairness! Is it because his parent company is Tencent? Protest!"

"I don't understand that my visa cannot be passed, why do I have to ask for an online competition? This is too unfair to our players!"

"Since Taobo can't come, he should be directly disqualified from the competition!"

Xiao Xiba of Kimchi was filled with righteous indignation when they saw the announcement made by Riot Games.

I think skt has been treated unfairly, so I complain here.

The domestic international students looked at the content of the discussion in the forum above, and they were even more angry.

You are the ones who get visas, and Top Bots chose to abandon the competition and asked Top Bots to participate in the competition. You are the ones who are wronged and complaining now.

Any good things left must be occupied by you?

And also posted all the official tweets posted by lck before.

The look of begging grandpa to sue grandma begged Taobo to participate in the competition.

One is not strong enough, and the fist company is also involved.

In fact, they are also thinking carefully, the mid laner can't come, but the substitute mid laner can go.

Coupled with the fact that other positions have passed, according to the normal process, they should not come to Busan to play games first, and then wait for the follow-up visa to be approved before turning over in the starting lineup.

Let's talk about the game first. No matter what the result is at that time, Tobobo will indeed participate in this year's mid-season game.

The champions of all major competition areas have come, SKT's championship is full of gold, and the e-sports economy can flourish, forming a virtuous circle.

After all, the skt team hasn't won the world championship for a long time.

I really need this mid-season championship trophy, especially last year when edg won the championship among three Korean teams.

So they very much hope that skt can beat an lpl team in the mid-season game.

Only in this way can they satisfy their little vanity.

After all, the three lck teams at that time had more champions than one, but in the end they lost to edg.

The only consolation is that EDG's double C is Korean aid.

They won the game relying on Korean aid, it cannot be said that EDG won completely...

But this group of Xiao Xiba is also amazing.

Even if there are records posted directly, they can tell nonsense with their eyes open, and secretly delete them through the background management.

Anyway, the speaking skills were unified, and Team Top Fight gave Riot the benefit of being eligible to participate in the competition online.

No other team can compare to this particularity, not even Triple Crown champion SKT.

"Damn it, there's no way to communicate with this group of little Xiba, they can only do what we can, the double standards are too powerful!"

"It doesn't matter that we won this round, and we were forced to abandon the match against Taobo. In the end, we didn't just beg grandpa and grandma begging us to go back."

"So what about the online game, just wait for skt to be beaten violently by Taobao!"

"We are so far away now, won't we be "disconnected" from the Internet?"

"It's really possible for you to say that because of their pissing nature. We are at a disadvantage and there are network fluctuations on our side. Isn't this directly overturned?"

"You can tell that you didn't read Riot's twitter just by looking at it. They will send three official referees to Busan for this mid-season game. As for why, they all understand."

"Oh! Then I understand now. Top Fight strongly withdrew from the competition at the beginning, and later agreed to participate in the online competition. It is very likely that Riot will send three referees there."

"What if the referees are bought? Refer to the 2002 World Cup and the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics."

"Then you can only expect them to be professional and not be swayed by money."

Of course, the forum discussion posts on Xiaoxiba's side were also moved to Xiaopo's website later.

After the translation, a fire broke out.

"Don't give me face in Taobao, beat SKT until the final!"

"But Brother Sutu has been obsessed with the coast of Sutu during this time, playing skt and faker... I feel a little panicked."

"Isn't it? Are you still playing Sotsunohama? The mid-season game is about to start, are you still worried?"

"It's been more than three months. Haven't everyone gotten used to Brother Satu's style? He just made it clear that he doesn't train and does whatever he wants."

"As a professional player, he doesn't even have the attitude of a professional player. It's just that the domestic mid laner is too good. Now he has to know what it means to play the mid-season game!"

"Han Za dies first, Old Dog Fei goes out in his state and kills all by himself, all relying on the top lane and the bottom lane, neither of them is enough to lead Tuge to fight alone."

"Pure passers-by, rational analysis, even if faker can't beat Shutu, but Shutu's career is destined to not go far, and it may start to decline as soon as the mid-season is over."


Domestic Weibo forums were lively, and Lin Fan's live broadcast room was also very lively.

"Understood, the boy has to play like this for nothing."

"As long as you can use his mobility, it's actually very simple to play one against three. The most important thing is that you can't fall from the top, so you have to be optimistic about the route every time you use your ultimate move."

"I didn't play this hero before because I thought it was too simple. The main reason is that once the big move goes up to the fourth floor, it will directly occupy the high altitude. No one can fight me from the top to the bottom, and I will send them all away."

"And the movement speed of this hero's Q skill has skyrocketed. Of course, he still has a small bug here. When driving Q on the balloon zipline, it can reduce the cooldown of the Q skill. It is the same as the evil spirit. If there is no harmony, I think it should be It’s the official mechanism of the game.”

"The most core one, whether you can shoot or not, as long as you can do it, you will have a good gaming experience. If you can't beat it, you can get the teammate's brand, and there is hope if you get the teammate's brand... With your super high Mobility, being able to do it all over again."

Some loyal players of Power Boy couldn't hold back after hearing this sentence.

But thinking about it again, this seems to be right.

Every time you can't beat it, quickly pick up your teammate's cards, and keep the green hills, so you won't be afraid of running out of firewood.

Brother Sutu really deserves to be Brother Sutu, the understanding of the game is really different from ours.


Brother Sutu still looks good as a power boy, flying around and killing people is much better than lifeblood.

No wonder there are a lot of masters playing fancy heroes.

Just like League of Legends, it is better to use the C position for the strong, and use whichever is more flashy.

Like some who can clearly recognize their own shortcomings, it is also very good that digging stones can reduce the burden on the team.

In fact, in apex, the lifeline is the positioning of stone man.

Of course, the theoretical upper limit is much higher than that of the stone man. After all, the lifeblood of the world does not share a brain, but Malphite players share a brain, which is prone to downtime.

"But I still prefer to play Lifeline, because teammates are easy to die, and Lifeline can be saved. If you are a power boy, it is very likely that I will be the only one left after the fight."

"Personally, I still prefer team games, especially like to win games together."

Hearing this sentence, the live broadcast room began to ask questions frantically.

So Brother Sutu thinks like this?

Then it's all clear.

Lifeline can still fight with the opponent when saving teammates, so that there will be no situation where teammates die before they can be saved, unless the fight is too early and they are replaced.

Especially now that the lifeline can save two at once.


Brother Sutu is too gentle.

I think about my teammates at all times. No wonder if the middle lane has an advantage, I will choose to run up and down to help the team establish a rhythm.

I opened it again, this time I didn't choose the power boy, and continued to pick up the lifeline.

The battle nurse started to kill the Quartet again.

When he landed, he fought, raised his armor to purple, and easily killed ten people, leading the team to eat chicken.

Hammer Lin dominates Apex again...

After this game, there is no choice to continue playing.

Instead, he opened the document on the computer desk and began to check it.

The audience in the live broadcast room also watched carefully.

Found out here is the MSI schedule.

Good guy, Brother Soltu finally started to study the game properly.

Although the race will officially start tomorrow, this is also an improvement.

"There is a match tomorrow, it's very troublesome. If we play at eight o'clock in the evening, we have to play faster. If we play the city at nine o'clock, it will be over before 10:[-]. Counting the preparation time of [-], [-]:[-] Dry the iw in minutes."

iw is a wild card team, the new king of the Turkish League.

The strength is also not bad, and we can play [-]-[-] with we. After all, both teams have w, but the difference is that one is in the front and the other is in the back. The gap is naturally not that big.

Afterwards, Lin Fan moved the schedule to NO.14.

"Yes, there are no games or conflicts on this day."

Immediately afterwards, everyone also realized that the toc3 China qualifiers are the day of NO.14.

Oh my god, didn't Brother Soltu forget the Genting Game when he was playing in the mid-season game?

This means... still want to continue participating?
However, Brother Sutu has never told everyone that he will give up the qualifiers.

I can participate in two kinds of competitions in a short period of time, and the intensity is full. Under this situation, do I really have enough energy to fight?
Everyone was a little panicked, even the most loyal fans were not so confident at this time.

This year's mid-season game was turned into an online game due to the visa incident and the access of fists.

In this case, even if the two sides of LPL and LCK have not met, the smell of gunpowder is already very strong.

The two sides began to spray each other across the server, and they knew that this year's mid-season game had different meanings for everyone.

It doesn't matter if you win the championship or not, but skt must die!
The confrontation match must leave a deep impression on skt.

Due to the expansion of the teams participating in this year's mid-season competition.

The competition format has also changed.

The top two teams in the group stage advance to the next round.

Three groups means that six teams can enter the competition. This stage is a bit like the previous mid-season group stage. The top four enter the next semi-finals. No.1 will play against No.4, No.2 will play against No.3, The winner enters the final to determine the final champion.

It can be regarded as further expanding the scale of the mid-season competition.

So the schedule has also increased by five days, but it is still within an acceptable range, and it can still be all over in May.

It does not affect the progress of the League Summer Split.

"Brother Sutu, you must play hard in the match! When you meet skt, you must beat him hard!"

"That's right, their tone is as if LCK won the S11 finals championship."

"Isn't the stick dog's ability to bite people always the best in the world?"


May [-]th.

At [-]:[-] p.m. BJ time, the opening ceremony of the mid-season game.

All the seats in the Busan e-sports stadium were full, and Xiao Xiba waved the SKT flag in their hands and roared to cheer for SKT.

Because the opening match was SKT and Vietnam's SGB.

It was no difficulty for them to win the first game, now is the time to celebrate in advance.

After the opening ceremony, the opening game officially started.

Two teams, skt and sgb, boarded the battle seats one after another.

The cheers at the scene became louder.

But the beginning is so dramatic.

In just one and a half minutes, the sgb bot duo completed a line kill against the skt bot duo!

The exquisite cooperation of the small cannon and the bull's head crushed Gumayusi's Lucian.

Such an eye-dropping picture made the screams of SKT fans present stop abruptly.

What is this scenario?
Isn't Gumayusi the performance of the world's number one adc in the league?How did he get killed by the wild card bot lane duo?
The barrage in the domestic live broadcast room was even more frantic.

"That's it?"

"That's it? How ruthless did I think?"


"Skt doesn't work either~"

As for Ah Shui, she was also dumbfounded.

He didn't understand why Gumayusi played like this, he really didn't treat the opponent as a human being.

The combination of small cannon and bull head has an advantage, even if you are the combination of Luna, you will still die.

Sure enough, the sgb pushed down the first tower after 7 minutes.

However, Zeus, who was on the top lane, was still strong, and helped his teammates buy time even though he had such a big advantage in the bottom lane.

The Vietnam team's tactics were relatively rough.

Gaining an advantage will not snowball, and there is really no better way to deal with the experienced skt.

It can only be dragged hard, and in this case, it is slowly beaten back by skt.

After Lucian's development kept up, the team battles on skt became easier to fight.

Surprisingly, skt won the first round of the mid-season match in 32 minutes.

However, the performance of this round was obviously unsatisfactory.

Even if they win the game, the screams of the audience in the arena are far worse than the start.

Because this didn't meet the expectations of Xiao Xiba at all, and it didn't seem like the quality that a championship team should have at all.

(End of this chapter)

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