LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 189 Crazy Targeting From Fist!

Chapter 189 Crazy Targeting From Fist! (seeking subscription)

As the news of Lin Fan's victory in Genting World Finals fermented, the entries quickly occupied all major sections.

At this time, the official Weibo of the League of Legends silently released a message, directly grabbing the perspective of most people.

In the mid-season finals, Team TopWalk's hero microphone.

After waiting for so long, the video is finally here.

Everyone rushed to the League of Legends official Weibo with great interest.

"I'm coming."

"Hahaha, Ah Shui almost killed me laughing. Isn't this too messy? The atmosphere in the team is too happy."

As soon as I clicked in, it was a crit.

jackeylove: "I played really well!"

Others "ah yes yes yes yes..."

jackeylove: "Brother Fan, what's the matter with you recently? Choose a card Ryze every day, don't you know other heroes?"

Dine: "Isn't it good to help you win in the bot lane? I'll catch it in the next round."

jackeylove: "Wrong, wrong, Brother Fan, I was wrong, I was wrong, I will never dare again next time."

After reading just a little bit at the beginning, they couldn't hold back and started typing.

The barrage is also increasing one by one.

"Jack resume his rebellious look."

"Could this be the reason why I played the Enchantress directly after choosing Ryze?"

"Sure, the enchantress kills faker in the middle!"

"Pay attention, that one is called Da Fei."

"You're not even willing to call him Teacher Dafei."

"It's so funny. I really didn't expect Brother Shuitu and Ah Shui to be so funny. Are handsome guys all funny?"

"One thing to say is that Brother Yishu's appearance is really good, but his clothes are not very good. He's so handsome. Let's call him handsome from now on."

"Someone called it before."


dine: "Don't worry, don't wait for me to go in, keep up, keep up, I can't die, I can't die."

zoom: "Brother Fan, come out."

Tian: "If you can continue to climb the tower, you can still kill no matter how many enemies come from the opposite side."

With the operation screen in the video above, it is absolutely picturesque.

With the cooperation of the three, they easily killed the Skt Ueno combination.

Dine: "When you are in a group, you will face the ad in seconds, and if you see me rushing, follow along."

Everyone: "No problem!"

Dine: "Stop hitting, stop hitting, kill first, kill first."

Seeing such a smooth and harmonious communication, coupled with orders and prohibitions, everyone stopped if they said no to fighting, and naturally understood why the rhythm works so well.

"Sure enough, Brother Sutu is the core of Taobo. After reading this, I can't even imagine what Taobo would be like if Brother Sutu was gone."

"Haven't we seen this? Just look at the five games at the beginning of the Spring Split and you will know what it will be like."

"One word, g!"

"The middle lane is really the core brain, and the pressure on everyone in the middle lane is indeed much less."

"And the atmosphere of this team is too good, right? Brother Sutu's prestige is full, so if you don't want to fight, you won't fight."


"It's the throne!"

"If the team of Topbo can keep going, this year will be the most promising year again!"

"Forget it, everyone, don't give so much hope, otherwise it will be the second rng, like edg, which faced three Korean teams' encirclement last year, and forced it out, created a miracle, and won the global championship. The final champion, who believed that EDG could win the championship at that time?"

"If you don't hope for the best, miracles often happen."

The number of people commenting on the official Weibo video is constantly increasing.

"Ah Shui, Ah Shui, now you are the topic of discussion by everyone, and it has become popular again." Mark watched the video and most of the comments below.

"Look, all the messages below are calling for you to regain your rebellious appearance."

Mark with his mobile phone opened a Weibo, and kept posting it on Ah Shui's face.

"Ah Shui has no gold content, it all depends on Brother Tu leading the waves! Oh, this one doesn't count, they should be working hard on this one."

"I really didn't expect you to show your true colors in just a few months. Looking at the thick eyebrows and big eyes honestly, you have a dark heart." Ah Shui really didn't expect that the assistant who lived in the same dormitory with him would actually backstab at this time. he.

"Hahaha, when Ah Shui said these words, I was thinking that this would definitely be included in the hero microphone. Sure enough, the official also knew that a whole wave of effects would be included." Lin Fan was equally cheerful.

"Look, so many people are shouting in my live broadcast room."

When Ah Shui heard this, he poked his head curiously, and sure enough, all the bullet screens were shouting to recover.

"It's not that I don't want to go back to being rebellious. It's just that Brother Sutu is too powerful. You can see how terrifying the evil power of Brother Sutu is if you see that my supporters are all wearing the same trousers as him! It's his."

"The power is so weak, I really don't have the courage to face the black forces like them!" He said in tears, if it wasn't for the smile on the corner of his mouth, everyone would have taken it seriously.

Everyone can see from here that the entire team is harmonious.

There are no such messy things as other teams. They only want to win the game. Everyone respects each other. They didn't say that I am the big brother so you must listen to me, or that they want to fight for the position of the big brother.

When such a situation happens to a team, no matter how strong it is, it will not get better in the future.

The original omg is the most typical example...

I teased Ah Shui with Mark, then turned my attention to Yuanshen, and now I am going to do the hidden task.

As a lazy dog, first get rid of the 4 fixed daily entrusted tasks every day, and then go to the Adventurer's Association to collect 20 rough stones, and then go to the dungeon of the secret realm to get some talent materials, materials and holy relics.

After all, there are too many games to play, especially Shituzhihama, who has spent a lot of time, not to mention the daily training games later on. Although Yongjie Wujian was raised by his stepmother, he still has to go up Meaning, Yulu Junzhan can't be a scumbag.

So I haven't done many hidden missions, and now I'm going to see the strategy to make up for it.

"Look at the missions here in Liyue Port. The Adventurer's Association should have many missions. Find Sister Lan."

While speaking, he manipulated Diluke to go to Yunlaihai, where Sister Lan was, to pick up the mission.

After chatting for a while, I received many matters from the Hidden Quest Adventurers Association.

Then he manipulated the character to reach the mission point, and started to solo Qiuqiu, the Rock Helmet King. It was not too difficult to fight. After killing him, he found the kitten Huihui, and then returned to Sister Lan.

Adventure level 48.

"Why doesn't Brother Sutu play games with a small jujube? I feel that he is quite stupid. Let alone hidden missions, he didn't even do a lot of plot missions."

"Puppy, he mainly plays with Brother Sutu, and passes the time when he matches again. It's different from Brother Sutu who really plays seriously."

"It's true, but there are still hidden bosses among the professional players in the league. Meiko is one of the first batch. I've watched his live broadcast before. The full-fledged walnuts scared the shit out of me."

"Holy shit, is meiko so kryptonite? Brother Sutu is still zero krypton until now, and the abyss has only reached the 11th floor, but from my point of view it is already very fierce. If Brother Sutu is willing to krypton gold, I feel invincible now Yeah."

"Brother Shutu put all his love on Shituzhihama. He told everyone before that he played professionally to earn money from Shituzhihama. I really don't know that bitch Shituzhihama How did you seduce Brother Sutu?"

"There is a saying that the land of the land is really not for people to play, and it is both gold and liver."

"Actually, Yuanshen is similar. You have to spend krypton gold to get the card out. If you don't pay a lot of money, you will get nothing. Then you have to work hard to improve your training speed, otherwise you will still be useless. After spending so much It can't even beat the third layer of the abyss, such as a certain big anchor."

"Will the Puppy Summer Competition be played or not?"

"There is a high probability that he will not play anymore. I watched it on the live broadcast before. The puppy means that he will take a break for a while, but he should not retire."

After all, the rules have been changed, and there is a two-year cooling-off period after retiring.

If another retirement is held at this time, the puppy will really not be able to return to the professional arena in the future.

After all, his retirement was mandatory.

The main reason was that he didn't intend to renew his contract, and then the rng club called him to attend an event.

As a result, when the puppy arrived at the scene, he fainted. This event was not another event, but his retirement ceremony.

In that case, being forcibly retired...

"If you have an idea, you can look for the retirement video at that time. The hands of the puppy holding the microphone are shaking. Obviously he didn't expect that the rng club would do such a bottomless thing."

"Hahahaha, ever since a lot of contract issues broke out later, the rng club has become the shittest in the league."

"Fuck, I haven't even done this hidden mission. How many hidden missions are there?"

"It wouldn't be called a hidden mission if we knew."

"The task of fresh meat is relatively simple, just follow the process. In order to avoid wasting time when going to Harris to pick up the task, it is better to bring 10 meat first."

While they were chatting, Lin Fan had already completed this task and gained 300 adventure experience.

"It's a tiring batch, but today's harvest is still very good. After completing two hidden missions, it's time for other games."

"It won't be broadcast tonight, there will be a training match."

The audience in Lin Fan's live broadcast room said.

As soon as these words were said, a lot of question marks appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Sutu, you have been posing for several days. If you don't live broadcast well now, what are you doing all day thinking about the training match? League of Legends is just a profession, and live broadcasting is the real life."

"It is recommended to let other people play the training match, you have to live broadcast it well!"

Just casually glanced at the barrage, and saw so many outrageous words.

"If I dare to tell White Crescent like this, my luggage and myself will be thrown out of the club before tomorrow."

"After all, the time is still very tight. The tenth is the opening match. Counting the previous six seasons, we have not won our first victory. White Crescent told us... we must win the first victory of the summer split! Otherwise, we will all raise pigs, and I I don’t want to compete with the factory manager for business, that picture is too beautiful.”

"Moreover, it's version 12.10. This version has changed a lot. If you don't train hard, you might lose to EDG again. We have won so much and we really don't want to lose." Lin Fan faced the people in the live broadcast room Said.

Version 12.10 is indeed a relatively big change. The frankness of all heroes has been improved, and the effects of healing and shields have been fully reduced. In addition to this, the most critical point is that the damage of defensive towers has been increased, and the difficulty of jumping towers in the early stage has increased.

As long as you pay attention to it, you will know that this is a change specifically for Top Fight, in order to reduce the strength of Top Fight in the early stage.

This is a big weakening of the early stage of Taobao!

As the weapon says, yes the strongest weapon is the patch.

When I played the training match with edg before, I also felt the damage of the defense tower.

If you still want to play in the same way as before, it is very difficult without level [-] or [-], and there is a high possibility of being replaced at level [-] or [-], unless two people are very good at carrying towers, and the summoner skills can be used in a timely manner. Do jump over the tower and kill.

Once this rhythm slows down, it's easy to drag back.

If you want to kill after reaching level 6 in the middle lane, there is a risk.

The fist has already weakened Taobo's offensiveness in a disguised form, and it still has a relatively large impact on the situation.

So Luo Sheng had been frowning all day long.

At that time, ig won the championship because of the version bonus. The laning ability of each line is extremely strong. As long as the laning wins, it can roll a lot of snowballs.

Every version change will produce a top team.

According to the current changes, the South Korean team, which is biased towards operations, has been strengthened.

But this is also normal. In order to avoid a dominant player, Riot Games will make changes after each World Championship.

The lpl division won last year's global finals championship, and now it has won the mid-season championship. It is understandable to make this change. This is to give other divisions a chance.

Of course, there are still edg, lng, and Jingdong in the lpl competition area who tend to be slow-paced. They can feel like a fish in water in this version.

It can be foreseen that there will be no problem in the top 4 this season, and the places in the global finals can also be contended for. After all, there are 4 places in the lpl division.

Coupled with the improvement of the hero's frankness, the chances of the top four sisters' appearance skyrocketed, and even heavy-armored fighters can be played, and the sword demon weapon has become the mainstream.

In this case, Luo Sheng naturally thought of his two substitute top laners.

The zoom hero pool has become a little unsuitable, so now we are arranging a training match between Sunny and Rhubarb.

When the time is up, let them play and try.

In this version, it is a relatively big challenge for Topsports.

Before the start of the summer split, it is really necessary to find a more suitable rhythm of the game, and naturally there will be no shortage of training games.

Although the fans in the live broadcast room were brushing the barrage like this, they could still understand.

Version changes have a huge impact on the team.

Seeing that the time was about the same, Lin Fan greeted the audience in the live broadcast room and got off the plane to prepare for a training match with BLG.

It was another high-intensity training tonight, and it was exhausting, but I have a clearer understanding of the new version.

His numb kiss, Jian Ji is invincible!
Abin's sword girl went crazy!

(End of this chapter)

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