LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 195 Hot Search Again!Soltu brother who participated in the singles competition!

Chapter 195 Hot Search Again!Soltu brother who participated in the singles competition! (seeking subscription)
Winning the opening game is indeed something worth celebrating for Topball.

It can be regarded as breaking the curse. At the moment of winning the game, the club has already made arrangements to invite everyone to a big meal to calm down everyone's nervousness during the offseason.

After all, no matter who sees Lin Fan starting lol, he will feel a little stressed.

A player like Lian Shutu who never played rank, got up every morning to play rank because of the changes in the version.

It is enough to see how important this update of the current version is.

Even Brother Fan is like this, even if they are in the game, they have to be clear and clear.

Even more, I started to play rank day and night, and then played training games at night.

There is one thing to say—this intensity is indeed not low.

Of course, winning the first battle is also the best harvest. The hotel packages have been arranged, but the team members put pigeons on them, and everyone rushed to Haidilao under the leadership of Lin Fan.

Ah Shui said that he wanted to eat all the expensive ones, but when he got the menu, he was still frightened by the enthusiastic waiter, and he was extremely uncomfortable, so he handed the tablet to other people.

rng has always been chanting the slogan of the all-China class, and has successfully attracted a large number of fans.

Otherwise, it would not be a round trip in the spring split, which shows that edg is only a playoff team now.

"Ah Shui got four kills but didn't get five kills. It felt a bit like an ig. It made me faint from laughing. His expression at that time was too embarrassing."

Not only is the annual salary not much if you play well, but you also have to be caught in a contract trap... Now Xiaohu Xiaoming wants to leave the rng club is simply wishful thinking.

Entertainment after the game is nothing, but it is really too much to actually participate in the game.

"There should be a lot of professional players participating in the singles competition, right? I think the prize money is quite good, and NetEase also deliberately staggered the time to maintain the normal holding of the league. It makes no sense for these professional players not to sign up for the competition."

Competitive games should not be played by Brother Shutu. If you look at it this way, the games of Yuanshen Shituzhihama are more pleasing to the eye.

After a hard fight in the finals, Lin Fan was the one who was superior in the end. Even with one against three, he still had the absolute advantage among the three and won the first chicken.

The most classic picture is that a person who looks like a puppy kneels at the door of the club holding a sign, demanding that the club return the wages owed.

At 09:30 in the evening, back to the Topsports Club.

However, he had been slapped in the face too many times before, and in this case, no one sent barrage.

After all, edg's tactics here are so stupid, and they actually let Brother Saint Gun come to C, isn't this clear and free?

It was all the previous Genting Game game that gave Brother Satu so many weird ideas.

Especially after losing to Topball in the finals of the Spring Split, a lot of news about the club's salary arrears rushed to the Internet.

"It can be seen from today's game that Brother Soltu is still in very good condition. If he continues to maintain it, he will definitely have something to do in this year's global finals."

"Support, support, this is also a supreme honor. I think it is very good to win other championships when League of Legends is playing well."

It's okay for Brother Sutu to play every day. After all, there are no big competitions. If you don't participate in it, you won't be able to divide so many gods.

It is foreseeable that when the two players Xiao Hu and Xiao Ming retire, the rng club will exist in name only, but now there are a lot of gossip. With such a bad result and reputation, many sponsors choose to withdraw their funds. Under this situation, they want to continue to operate Clubs are becoming difficult.

There is a big difference between active and passive retirement.

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was scrolling crazily.

Don't show aggressiveness now, you should mix into his fan base, and then you can better dance fans to attack him.

During the period after the game ended, there were still a lot of League fans in Lin Fan's studio. Hearing this news, it was more difficult to accept...

But in the end, the popularity is not even comparable to a professional player who only knows how to play games?It's still not even a live broadcast room, what are these people thinking now?
But looking at the gift that keeps refreshing, it is called a sour.

After all, Puppy's contract has been a turmoil since he retired. In addition to the Mala Xiangguo contract, Mr. Guo even tore up his face and kept suing the club directly to court.

"That's right, if Team Top Fight can win the championship, it will be the championship of the all-China class! Finally, Han Za won't be called "Han Double C" outside!"

Brother, in the previous interview, it was said that the summer split was going to tie the winning streak, but when you came back, you started to perform poorly, right?

It's not the time yet... But Dine successfully won EDG and really swelled up again, what kind of competition do you still want to participate in?
Hahaha, if you want to perish, you have to let him inflate first.

So I think there must be many masters in the elite competition held this time, and the competition will definitely be very interesting. "

Therefore, many Topbo fans who were notified rushed to the live broadcast room immediately.

Finally came back, and there is such a big rhythm, the most outrageous thing is that BLG has to pay RNG for every game where the puppy is played, although I don’t know if it’s true or not, but thinking of how bad the record of BLG in the spring split is. I haven't seen puppies much, so there is a high probability that this information is true.

As soon as the two got in touch, everyone really thought it was a puppy going to the club to ask for salary...

"However, Brother Sutu is really doing it. We all rely on the bottom lane to fight. I am crazy about the bottom lane! Ah Shui also said before that they are too strong in the middle lane. He can win any fight. Lying down with osteoporosis, Brother Sutu brought this place back during the interview today, it was quite funny."

"Hey, is it really so cruel? Why do you stare at a person whose annual salary is twice yours and keep cutting?" Lin Fan silently picked up the hairy belly that Ah Shui had put down before, and pressed Then dip it in Erba sauce and eat it in one bite.

"If Brother Sutu is not a professional player in the league, I really recommend you to participate in this competition, but now is the critical time of summer, and only a good start will lead to a good result, so Brother Sutu should put his mind on it." It's better in the game."

Except for those Yongjie fans excitedly typing on the keyboard and talking to Lin Fan.

edg lost the game and can only say that they are so dead. After winning the global championship, they did not train well. It is only natural that this state has declined so much.

"Top Bo double C love each other and kill each other!"

Just looking at a black and white screen, why can so many people be retained?
Many anchor ladies felt the thickness. Although their hands are relatively small, they really can't hold it with one hand.

For example, in order to open up wasteland, they directly defeated rng [-]-[-] and won the spring finals.

So everyone's attitude towards rng is still very clear.

"That's right, two blooms to three blooms is definitely a miracle in the e-sports circle."

If there is really no other way, I believe that Mala Xiangguo will not do such an extreme thing.

Are they really unable to fight at that age?
In addition, after retiring, Xiaogou thinks about coming back every day, and has been disturbed all the time. If he thinks about it a little more, he feels terrified.

"Fart! Brother Fan, you won't secretly eat my hairy belly, will you?"

Therefore, the first battle is not convincing. To really see the impact of the version on Taobao, we still have to meet strong teams, such as the semi-finals of the playoffs.

But after that, the results let everyone down every year. In this case, even calling the all-China class is useless. Then the contract problem broke out, and the club was completely stink. If it wasn't because the players were still those players, where would rng be? How else can I get fan support.

"His numb kiss. It looks like this Haidilao waiter is your fan. I know you are going to treat me tonight, so come give me a hand, right?"

There are many people who think that no matter whether the lpl team wins the championship or not, as long as it wins the championship, it is something worth celebrating. After all, it is a contribution to the honor of the competition area.

"Hello hello, I believe you have been waiting for a long time, right? I'm back, I'll continue to fight tonight. There will be an Elite Cup in early June. I plan to sign up for the singles competition, so I have to train hard these days. Find status."

Lin Fan came to the training room immediately, ready to start the live broadcast.

Coupled with the fact that it is faintly visible, it is unreasonable and unacceptable.

Ah Shui looked suspicious, but there was no other way to catch him on the spot.

Lin Fan also watched it with a big head. Since winning the championship, the rhythm of each broadcast has been non-stop. Although there was a lot of rhythm before, it has never been so loud.

"A three-player match? I don't have anyone in the three-player match, and the other registered teams are basically professional teams. I don't think I can get anywhere with just two people. I have to practice coordination all day long. There is no need for this. It’s pretty good for me to play the human race by myself.”

After about 10 minutes of fermentation, many people on Weibo devoted themselves to discussing this issue, and it has slowly climbed up the hot search list.

Management Sima!
It's a pity for these players, but this is also normal. The contracts signed in the e-sports environment at that time all depended on the club's conscience.

"I really don't know what's going on with you people? Have you lost in Taobao now? Since you haven't won the mid-season championship again, what's the matter with participating in other competitions? I don't think it's a problem."

"Just play this ranking and feel the intensity is average. It just so happens that the official side is also holding a competition, so let's take part in it."

The live broadcast room started to quarrel again.

As for some little sunspots, they all became excited after seeing this scene.

Everyone knows how deep the water is here, after all, at that time.

If nothing else, you must push back Brother Suitu's erroneous thoughts.

The atmosphere is so good, naturally everyone enjoyed this Haidilao meal very much.

"The bonus of 20 yuan for a single match is very good."

"Isn't it that your society cow is afraid of this small scene? Is it okay, little dog?" Lin Fan raised his eyebrows.

At that time, we should have been more firm, and we should not have been scared away by other public opinion, forcing the club to ban the local brother from participating in the national finals of Genting Zhiyi, so there should not be so many problems.

"This guy has something. His thinking is still very clear. He tricked Zhendao to jump a to pick up Shenglong. It's a pity that he met me, otherwise he would really be able to operate it. But from this we can also see that there is no end to eternal calamity. There are indeed many masters.

This is not what a professional player should have.

If it really gets too violent, I believe the club won't be willing to let people go, puppy, letme's old ways may have to reappear on players like them.

"However, when Duke was playing StarCraft, he didn't play League of Legends... Brother Suitu is the real exaggeration. He has top-notch talent in the game. It's really not like the mid laner of Tangmen who plays the reverse of Tiandao. Arrow ruined his career."

Then got on the bus back to the club.

As for everyone who saw this scene, they couldn't help laughing.

The most interesting thing is that the puppy just asked for leave that day and did not broadcast live.

If they don't even watch the female anchor, what hope do they have for this day?

"Surely it's not me? If I want to eat, I eat it openly, how can I eat it secretly?" Lin Fan said righteously, without revealing any flaws.

Isn't it normal for Team Top Fight to win the game under such circumstances?
Although the version has changed, Taobo has been greatly affected, but it is normal for hard power to crush edg and easily win two games.

As usual, the barrage in the live broadcast room is still dense, even if the live broadcast has not been started before, the number of popularity still remains at 300 million.

This scene is difficult for many people to understand.

"Next time, next time, wait until you have a seafood feast, and see if I don't kill you. Next time, I will be smarter and take an anti-allergy medicine first, and then I will give you a big meal!"

If you don't achieve results this year and win some championship, you will be packaged and sold next year.

The final data is also very terrifying eleven kills, as well as [-] damage and [-] healing.

"Huh? Where's my hairy belly? Why did the hairy belly I put just now disappear?"

"The offseason finally made us see hope... Why did the summer split make our hopes shattered at the beginning? Please, devote yourself to the professional league."

But obviously the club they signed has no conscience.

"It's fate, who would have thought that Galio could kill an angel with one fist?"

"Duke is actually a miracle in the e-sports circle. He won the championship in StarCraft, and transformed into League of Legends and won two global finals championships. This is the peak of both games."

"I guess you didn't get up and down, and you boiled it directly in the pot."

When the dark live broadcast room suddenly lit up, Lin Fan appeared in the lower right corner.

In this way, there is no interference with the progress of the League of Legends professional game, and in addition to that, Taobao has become stronger to some extent.

Of course, if there is no game and the normal situation is a black screen, there will be no one there. These people mainly know that Lin Fan will come back to start a live broadcast, and they say that everyone can discuss the Top Fight game in the live broadcast room if he does not come back.

But there are also some people who feel that the competition area has already won the global finals championship, and the next goal to be accomplished is to win the championship for all Chinese classes.

Basically, if you win the game the next day, you will be fine...

But now, it's true that as soon as he speaks, the bullet screen is like blowing up a pot.

The more people arguing, the higher the heat.

Unknowingly, Brother Sutu is about to participate in the Eternal Tribulation Competition and has already rushed to the top ten Weibo hot search list!

(End of this chapter)

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