LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 205 Who do you look down on?

Chapter 205 Who do you look down on? (seeking subscription)
Sure enough, the effect of this game is indeed worthy of the focus of the battle!In the first round, it was already surprising that Lu Xian took out the mid laner Lu Xian, after all, after Lu Xi'an's minor changes, he rarely played other lanes. harm.

Coupled with the effect of electrocution, this damage is full, and there is no bottom lane combination that can fight against it at the two levels.

Of course, according to Riot’s update plan, Nami will be killed soon, and Riot will not allow this combination to dominate the bottom lane, especially at this sensitive time point, the summer split, every fine-tuning of the version will make everyone think more questions.

Because of the version change, it will affect the next global finals.

Based on this little change, the version is predicted in advance, which is also the quality that a club that wants to achieve results should have.

Because when the version is confirmed, it is often not enough time to start learning again.

In this regard, the lpl division is obviously not as good as the next division.

During the World Championships, just a little observation will reveal that our team is really copying homework.

That's not to say it's not good... copying homework and playing BO1 is not easy to expose problems, but when it comes to BO5 in the knockout round, they are often tricked by the opponent. A few heroes are removed and banned, and the coach doesn't know how to do it.

Therefore, there are often random killings of the Korean team in the group stage, but it will not work in the knockout stage. Of course, if the group stage is not good, it is relying on the defense, and you have not even learned. Don't look at it, it is your new moon.

JD backstage lounge.

The red rice was already red and warm, he didn't expect to be beaten like this.

By the end of the game, the economy is [-] behind. Can this be achieved by humans?

Especially the force in the middle, take Akali to cut the back row last, don't even have the courage to rush up? Are e skills serious about taking a half step back?
The mid laner on the opposite side goes forward bravely and pushes his nose to the face with the force of the wind. Isn't this a chance for you to cut him?
There is a flash, a push stick and a big move. It is difficult to understand that it failed to kill the opponent solo.

It's outrageous...

As for the bottom lane, there is no way. This is due to some problems in his tactics. He did not expect that the opponent would switch Lucian to the middle lane. Under this situation, he really did not expect the Shadow Island combination.

Kalista cooperates with Thresh, hitting Zeli and cats is like parents hitting their daughters, telling you to rebel and raise cats?Come over for a meal of belt fried pork.

"Everyone cheer up. The first round was purely a tactical mistake. In addition, the hero selection was too confident. The Top Fight team is really good. We really can't look at Top Fight with the previous thinking! Otherwise! The ending will be the same as SKT."

"As for the second game, let's play with the left hand." Hongmi looked back and forth between the toothpaste and the left hand.

Toothpaste is in his possession. How can I say that the upper limit is not high but the lower limit is stable.

The upper limit and lower limit of the left hand are very high. If you want to play against the Taobo team, the left hand is obviously more suitable. After the last round, Akali was still too inflated. You know that the opponent is Lucian, and you still want to beat this hero?It's really a win if you change to the enchantress.

"But the left hand, you have to listen to my choice of heroes after that, I'll think about it."

After hearing this, the left hand didn't reply, but just nodded.

But after all, didn't you ask me to choose Akali?
Said to find one in the enchantress Akali, in this case, why don't you just call me to get the enchantress?

I have to wait until I lose the game before I lose the game. There is a saying that Redmi is really disgusting!

"For this kind of laning, we still need to get a strong hero in the middle, and cooperate with a strong jungler. Even if the middle and the jungle can't fight against each other, it won't make it so easy for the opponent, and bring the rhythm up."

It's useless to face a team player like Tao Bo. Even if you go to kill your teammates online, there is almost no way to do it.

Hongmi rubbed her eyes. There are still relatively few strong heroes in the middle lane. Syndra can only be selected under certain circumstances, let alone the others. Let's see if Silas can release them.

He has some headaches now. It is indeed a problem of the century for a team like Taobao to fight.

"Brother Sutu was just in good shape in the last game. The state is actually very empty. I really can't tell what will happen next." Toothpaste said, and handed a glass of water to his left hand.

Although his left hand took the glass of water with a smile, his heart was filled with nausea.

He was very familiar with this scene. When Lin Fan finished his game in Taobo, it was his time to pour water.

In this situation, even though he handed the water to Lin Fan with a smile every time, he still complained wildly in his heart.

When watching the game backstage, he obviously hoped that he would be killed by his opponent.

Comparing my heart to my heart, the current toothpaste must be similar to what I thought at the time.

It must be a joy to see being blown up online.

At this time, I poured water for myself, hehe, it's really hypocritical and disgusting.

If it's a man, just say what you think, and pretend to be someone to see.

Want to watch me get beaten up by Lin Fan?

Impossible, the second game must bring this field back.

Looking at the smiling face of toothpaste, I felt like I was going to vomit with my left hand.

Well, at this moment, the staff knocked on the door of Jingdong lounge.

The left hand didn't even drink the glass of water and quickly put it on the table, got up and walked out of the lounge...

So many people want to see my jokes, I can't let you see them!

In the second round, the two sides switched sides and came to the red side, while Jingdong went to the blue side.

Since you are on the blue side, you can see if you can help the middle lane get a strong hero. As long as you can stabilize the middle lane alignment, it doesn't matter much to release a version of the OP.

"Okay, the two teams have returned to the battle table. In the last game, lost to Taobao by a big margin. They almost didn't have any temper. I don't know if has made any tactical changes during this break? If If not, I feel that today's game is a bit difficult, and Soltu is still in very good condition."

"Jingdong directly banned Kalista here. Is this going to target the bottom lane first? There is no problem with the choice."

"Tobo removed Senna and dealt with the Senna system. If the blue side takes Senna first, it will be a very troublesome thing. Tamm, a hero other than Senna, doesn't really work well together. not too good."

Afterwards, moved Galio and Fiego, and pushed the line roaming hero and did not intend to release it.

In the second and third moves of Taobao, Lucian and Zeli were removed.

So now there are only two heroes in front of the left hand, the first one is Syndra, but if Silas is selected, there is a high probability that the opposite side will use Syndra.

It's not that Syndra is afraid of Lin Fan, but it's really troublesome to fight.

It's hard to choose.

Or Syndra, this hero is a strong player, and Silas is obviously far behind, and there is nothing he can do about him when encountering some long-term mid laners.

In fact, Hongmi is looking at the hero in the middle, thinking about what is better.

The main reason is that the opponent's hero is too deep, and I feel that everything is a little less interesting.

The only thing that is safe is that Syndra is better, especially if it is released now and let the opponent get it, the left hand is estimated to be blown out on the line.

In this case, it is better to take it yourself. Anyway, as mentioned earlier, you need to take a strong mid laner in the middle lane. Only in this way can you have a chance to stabilize the lane.

So after a short thought, let 369 lock Syndra first.

Seeing the ID 369, Redmi also remembered his time in We Vocational Education. At that time, the top order was also 957 with numbers. Although I don’t know what these numbers mean, there is a word that stands out, fierce.

If you want to win this round, the top laner pressure is also quite high.

At least there will be no flaws in the bp in this round.

"Jingdong is still targeting Brother Sutu as in the previous round, but the investment is not as strong as in the previous round, but it still takes out Syndra by grabbing the ban. The left-handed Syndra is still very good. Yes, I can really look forward to it."

"Brother Sutu's current performance is still exaggerated. After taking so many wandering mage heroes, the average output of the points is still 594, the king of damage! If you get heroes like Syndra, I can't imagine that time What will happen to the picture, so it is quite smart for to replace ban with robbing.”

Under the chattering explanation of Guan Zeyuan and Rita, the top three heroes of both sides were quickly locked down.

Jingdong: Syndra, Aphelios, Renata.

Topball: cat, wheel mom, monkey.

"I feel that the bottom lane duo of both sides has been chosen very well. The monkey here in Taobo has a three-dimensional sense. If you bring a cat into the arena, there is a chance that Jingdong will explode instantly. Then it depends on how the follow-up bp can resolve this situation. one question."

"I don't know what hero Suitu can bring to the left-handed Syndra..."

As for the barrage in the live broadcast room, it was even more frenzied at this time.

To put it simply, seeing the hero Syndra in his left hand, he kept brushing with his axe.

LPL's No. [-] Syndra is undoubtedly Brother Satu.

The guy on the left hand who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth has to say that he is really courageous, so let's admire it on the public screen.

Of course, it should be ridiculed or ridiculed.

"Lead the goal and get the ball!"

"Lead the goal and get the ball!"

"It's not necessarily true. Brother Tu is not as good at playing ball as his left hand. After all, Brother Su is only playing ball in the game. His left hand is really playing offline. The ball he rubs has more hidden energy than Brother Tu's hero pool. .”

"Zhuo! My fist hardened immediately. I haven't even touched a ball in real life... Is there any good-hearted person leaving a contact information, I will be very grateful?"

"Is that how you explained it to the police?"

"It doesn't matter, Brother Satu will definitely kill the left hand in this round. I believe his fist has hardened just like ours. Seeing that the left hand uses Syndra, isn't it a kind of NTR?"


"You bastard really understands disgusting people."

In the second round of bp, specifically targets mid laners. Since you don’t come out, it’s impossible for us to give you any heroes, especially the ones that Syndra finds difficult to fight and the ones used by Lin Fan in the previous version. Enchantress.

Theoretically, it's a [-]-[-] split, but more depends on the player's status...

For the left hand, Redmi doesn't have that much trust. He just hopes that the left hand can perform supernormally. If it can't be used, then there is no way.

The fifth move is to remove the Ice Girl. It is definitely not easy to fight Syndra when playing against the Ice Girl, but the Ice Girl has reached level six, and she can basically catch one when she cooperates with the jungler.

Top Fight is specifically aimed at the jungler. Syndra is out. Needless to say, it must be suppressed in the early stage of the mid-jungle. The combat effectiveness of the monkey in the jungle is actually not bad, but it is still difficult to deal with the few strong fighters. After thinking about it, move Losing the wine barrels of the blind monk and Brother Liujiu, Brother Liujiu trained the wine barrels to prove that it is not that he can't train a hero in a year, but he has not yet fully realized the epiphany.
Tobo's old rule is to lock Gwen in the fourth move. You don't need to have an advantage in the top lane, but you can't be bullied by you. Gwen is a very suitable hero choice, and then began to talk about what hero to play in the fifth move.

"Syndra across the street, why don't we go directly to Yasuo and plan to rob him." Luo Sheng said.

"Hahaha, I think it's okay."

"I think it's okay."

"How about Akali? Anyway, Akali was used in the left hand."

"It's not necessary. He didn't play Lucian as the mid laner. If I ask you, it's the same as the last one. Conte is the hero who was first conceded by Conte. There is no need to play Conte's hero. Isn't that better? A vampire." God said.

"If you say that you are cruel, you are still cruel. If our words are announced by the official, it will be the kind of green garlic, or the kind of cruel green garlic. There is no need." Lin Fan shook his head.

"These heroes are not very good, vampires... forget it or the Tsar."

Using a vampire is outrageous. If his left hand can't even beat a vampire, he probably won't have the face to continue to be a professional player.There's no need to cut off his career as soon as he comes up, isn't that too cruel?

And I really don't think I can beat Syndra with vampires.

Forget it.

The Tsar was about the same.

"Fuck, you are still ruthless, Brother Sutu. It seems that I am still conservative. I didn't beat you with my left hand today. Maybe I really have to be pressed on the bench." Xiaotian shook his head.

Vampire is a hero who can't beat Syndra in the middle lane. If you pinch the defensive tower with the W skill, you can't die at all. After all, the game is different from rank. You have to consider Xiaotian's position.

From the last one, Xiaotian spent 10 minutes in the middle of 8 minutes.

Even if Jingdong was too courageous in this round, it would not dare to jump over the tower and kill.

Therefore, the development of vampires will definitely not be affected. At most, there will be no line rights and the upper and lower lines will be caught crazily...

For the Tsar, in the previous version of S6, you can hit Syndra casually, now?
Go to the Tsar and take a look at it, all of them are asking Syndra how to play and why the Tsar is so difficult to play.

Absolutely reverse conte.

"Nonsense, am I that kind of person?"

Listening to everyone's conversation, Mark happily found the Tsar and locked it.

"The Tsar!!!"

Seeing that everyone has different expressions under the lock of this hero, more people still don't quite understand the intention.

As for the left hand, the corner of his mouth twitched.

Who do you look down on?
(End of this chapter)

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