Chapter 207 Take a look! (seeking subscription)

While walking down the defensive tower with his left hand, he watched the czar's movements. To be honest, the czar's condition was not much better than him. At most, he had a little more blood, and his mana was [-]-[-].

Even if he fights so fiercely, he is not afraid of the jungler to catch him, he is really courageous!
Thinking of this, I took a look at the route of Brother Pian to clear the wild, and he was going to f6 on the top road. It was really stupid. I saw the Tsar playing so fiercely before, so I should come here in advance to see if there is a chance.

How could he be forced to flash if the wave he just fought came?

Maybe all the blood was taken down.

If Syndra himself can get the Tsar's first blood, the opponent's laning will be completely over, and it will be a blast!

It's a pity that Brother Kanpian doesn't have this kind of spirituality. He already talked about it in the previous game and asked him to pay more attention to the middle lane to catch the center.

The first game came at the wrong time, and the second game didn't even know that it was leaning towards the middle.

Just now, in order to get resources in the wild area, I forced a fight with the Tsar. Later, he caught the opportunity to play Flash, and I made such a great contribution to the team. You can see why Brother Pian is so selfish, and you know yourself Brush wild development.

Maybe Xiaotian is already in the middle, ready to beat himself to death...

This idea suddenly appeared, causing the left hand's face to change drastically.

There are still almost five hundred yards away from the defense tower.

I should be safe, and I will talk about it later when the TP is forced to go home, but the economy is a bit embarrassing, and I have to wait half a minute to buy a killing ring.

"Sure enough, Xiaotian is also an idiot. The junglers on both sides are split [-]-[-], and now it's up to the middle lane to decide whether to win or lose the game..."

Just a second after this idea came up, a monkey flashed out from the side!
The E skill hit Syndra's face, and then a stick smashed the skull of his left hand!
First blood!

first drop of blood.

Although Lin Fan was at the rear, he still got an assist because he fought before, and he didn't hand in any skills for 200 yuan. What's more, the pawn line was accused of being in front of the defensive tower, and the opponent didn't hand in the teleportation line. wave.

But once the teleportation is handed over, but there is no flash after all, as long as the monkey comes again, it will basically die.

Very confused.

Damn it, damn it.

Every time it is because of you, the mid lane balance changes.

If we fight normally, how could Lin Fan be my opponent?
Looking at my own economy, let out a sigh of relief...

I bought a bottle of reusable potion, and the rest of the money filled my eyes.

Withstand the pressure, as long as you withstand the pressure, you can still fight back.

It's time to reach your peak.

The Tsar needs a lot of equipment support, and as long as Syndra can stack the ball, a big move can kill people.

Cooperating with Luden, the damage should not be underestimated.

Lin Fan dealt with the pawn line here, and went back to the city directly.

Compared with the left hand, he can choose more equipment. After all, he has the advantage of making up the knife, plus stealing money, and an assist.

Just a pair of straw sandals, mended a killing ring, and only used one bottle of potion, after thinking about the rest of the money, I will not replenish the potion, and put on real eyes.

Do a good job of vision, but this eye position can also help other roads relieve pressure.

After all, the pressure on the bottom road is so fierce, if the pig girl suddenly goes down to catch a wave, it will still be very troublesome.

As long as you die once in the bottom lane, then the early suppressing force will be gone at all. The main thing of the wheel mother cat is to push the line to suppress, and continuously push the line of troops to the opposite defensive tower.

As long as the lower half of the area fights, you can go to support.

So the advantage of the bottom lane cannot be broken.

It is also very necessary to have this real eye worth thousands of gold.

Jingdong lounge in the background.

When Hongmi saw Lin Fan's real eyes, his eyes turned black. This meant that he didn't give him any chance of survival. The hero chosen by Kanavi in ​​this round was Zhumei, whose ability to catch people was average.

Once the real eye is placed, it will return the whole hammer.

No, didn't you perform well in the training match and the previous games with your left hand?
Why did you play so badly today?
It was like a dream.

Red rice is a bit difficult to understand, the key game starts messing around, right?
Lin Fan chose TP to go online, stuck in the lane and pushed slowly.

Due to the level pressure, the left hand is still TP online, but he only dares to watch from a distance. If the monkey still comes to grab such a long distance, he will die.

Naturally, the experience of a small half wave of pawn lines was missed.

No way, he really didn't dare to move.

Seeing Syndra online, Lin Fan started poking his ass without saying a word!

Destroying her blood volume makes me feel good again, and there is still money to get, which is a top-notch good thing.

"Jingdong took Syndra because they wanted to play the middle-field rhythm and control the map resources, but the current situation... Syndra's strength will be dragged back infinitely. This is a very troublesome thing."

"The main reason is that the middle-field linkage is too fast. I didn't expect it. Under normal circumstances, the Tsar should stay in front of the defensive tower and wait for Syndra to push the line of troops in. But Brother Satu came up directly to force a blood exchange, and even took the left-handed The flash was typed out...

Xiaotian seized this opportunity and successfully caught Syndra to death. Although it was a flash for a flash, the flash of the jungler for the mid laner was really not a loss.

And at the time point of the sixth level, Xiaotian's flash is good again, and the rhythm will really not be affected. "

"Brother Sutu's tsar is really confident in playing games." Rita's small eyes are shining brightly, a confident man is attractive, especially when he plays games and can earn an annual salary of over [-] million.

zoom took a look at the situation on the mini-map.

The middle and lower lines have great advantages. If the opponent wants to find an opportunity, they can only grab the road.

Glancing at the line of soldiers, he retreated to the front of his defense tower without saying a word.

This kind of pawn line is the most dangerous. If it is stuck in the center line, it gives the impression that it can be eaten, and the jungler may not come.

But it really came from such a long distance, and after two flashes, he could still kill him under the defensive tower.

As long as I don't go out, I won't be caught dead.

From God's perspective, the pig girl with the red buff is squatting in the grass waiting for an opportunity.

But Gwen has been slow to come forward...

"Xiba!" The movie watcher yelled and controlled Zhumei to leave the upper half.

No way, wasting nearly 20 seconds.

This guy can really bear it.

But if you can do it yourself, the middle and lower lanes have great advantages. As long as you don't give away kills on the road, you can fight easily.

Just like myself, if you have an advantage online, why would you want to think about these messes, can you just brush the wild and control the wild?
Glancing at the middle, Syndra felt tortured every step she took.

A tsar could hit Syndra on the head.

I can't help but feel that yesterday's revenge plan is a bit ridiculous.

Can't even fight in laning, the hard power is so much worse, playing with a hammer.

The left hand is not as good as toothpaste, at least toothpaste can play by itself with a hero in the middle.

Then I have to think about how to help the middle lane throughout the game. The loss before was entirely because the opponent roamed, but now there is a big disadvantage if there are no two lines in the middle and bottom.

This game is the hardest for the jungler to play.

"The blood volume of the left hand is a bit unhealthy, why don't you just return it?" Kanavi said.

"This pawn line is going to enter the tower, and there is too much loss without the teleportation pawn line, or you can come and help me eat the pawn line together." The left hand saw that he only had 34 knives, and he really couldn't accept it like this.

Kanavi thought it was true, so he quickly manipulated the pig girl to walk from the top lane to the middle lane.

For his teammates, his big brother really broke his heart.

Although the plan is very good, there is no major problem.

But they didn't consider that Lin Fan was so decisive.

At the moment of reaching the sixth level, weq poked forward, fixed-point aiming at Syndra, raised his hand and pushed towards the back, and a reverse big move pushed Syndra into the minions.

Originally, there was not much blood volume, but this push has bottomed out.

The left hand could only parry in a hurry, the qe second company wanted to stun the tsar, but Lin Fan just summoned the sand soldiers to continue stabbing, even if he was stunned, the subsequent damage of the sand soldiers also emptied Syndra's blood volume.

This is a very beautiful solo kill!

The time to choose to do it is very good, plus the left hand does not flash, and this wave of minions has to be greedy.

It can only be said that greed... is one of the reasons for the most deaths of professional players.

The death of the left hand was not unjust, and even deserved it. Not only did he miss the line of soldiers, but he also sent another 300 yuan, and was killed by a beautiful solo.

There was thunderous applause in the arena, it could be seen that the left hand was not pleasing to the eye, no one cared how many times he was solo killed, but was excited by Lin Fan's solo kill.

With this wave of soldiers advancing under the defensive tower, it was officially announced that the Jingdong Middle Road had completely collapsed. It was a very unreasonable thing to get the powerful Syndra and not beat the Tsar!
Originally, everyone thought that even if they couldn't beat the middle lane, they could still be stable, but the current situation obviously overthinks it.

"The gap in hard power between the two sides is still a bit big."

"The first attack even unknowingly stole 180 yuan? First-blood assists and head taps, the economy here is a bit too much!" Guan Zeyuan looked at the economic panel opened by the director and shouted exaggeratedly.

The total economy came to 500 yuan, that is to say, in addition to the 400 yuan given at the beginning, 600 yuan was paid in more than six minutes, and now I still have [-] yuan on my body.

This development, proud of the audience!

Compare Syndra's 300 yuan. Is this an economic difference that can be made in more than six minutes?
It's outrageous!

This situation is the same as in the ancient version, where Ryze could make a staff of time in less than 7 minutes.

The game is over.

I just don't know that it will take twenty minutes to completely bury it.

"Brother Sutu really dares to fight. In fact, if you don't leave this kind of pawn line, there is a high probability that the jungler will come. From the perspective of God, we can also see that Kanavi is approaching the middle, but Brother Sutu just caught it. This time difference is really a one-hit kill."

"Don't look at the advantage of Brother Sutu, the Czar is actually not very good at playing Syndra... I thought at first that the tactics of Taobao were to resist pressure in the middle, and to look for opportunities in the middle and late game, but it was only after seeing this that I realized that I The mistake was too serious, with Brother Sutu's character, how could he choose to resist pressure."

"Yes, this is the way Brother Shutu has always played." Looking at the desert emperor returning to the city on the big screen, Rita followed Guan Zeyuan's words.

At the same time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was rolling wildly.

After continuous updates and revisions, the bloodiness of the game has decreased, but the confrontation in the middle lane is still the best.

The main reason is that the line is short, and it is easy to fight as soon as the line of soldiers touches it.

Especially the two mid laners who had a festival, the left hand can be regarded as the one who was kicked out by Taobo, Brother Sutu took the left mid laner position, but e-sports has always been like this, the weaker has to give the strength Give up the position strongly.

Long before, everyone was convinced that today's game must have a big collision.

Sure enough, there was a strong smell of gunpowder at the beginning.

In the second game, Syndra was selected on the left hand, and the rate of Tu Ge reversed Kante and took out the Czar.

The result was a dramatic reversal.

The Czar kills Syndra solo!
Ah Lei!
"I'm laughing to death, can you be suppressed for more than 20 knives in more than six minutes? Is this really Syndra hitting the czar? Are you sure it's not the czar hitting Syndra?"

"Although everyone says that Brother Shitu is not doing his job properly, but this is just a proof of his strength. Can someone else be so lightly and become the number one mid laner in the league? Or even the world's number one mid laner?"

"There is nothing wrong with saying that the league's first mid laner is the first in the world. There is still a question mark about the world's number one. Teacher Dafei is still not very good. There are two big mountains in the lck division, Chaowei and Xiushen. Then he really became the world's number one mid laner."

"No, how come there are such typical people in China? Those who didn't come are the strongest? Outrageous."

"Actually, I think it's meaningless to discuss these things. If Syndra is played with the left hand first, and the Tsar is blasted to kill the Tsar, that's enough to prove something."

"Hahaha, brother Sutu: I'm waiting for level six, what are you waiting for? Hands-on: I'm waiting to die."

lpl two.

Gangzi couldn't help shouting: "Look at others, look at others! Tsar's e skills are always moving forward!"

After finishing speaking, Gangzi seemed to realize that something was wrong, and quickly covered his mouth with his hands.

Silence is Cambridge tonight...

Of course, Gangzi really didn't make trouble, and Syndra was killed by the Tsar alone. What kind of force can do this?

The early damage of the two is not in the same order of magnitude at all.

Won't you leave even if you can't beat it?

Top melon rind.

But I took a look at the ID above the heads of both parties.

Syndra: Knight.

Tsar: dine.

That's fine.

The left hand was single-killed, and it has become a topic that everyone talks about at this stage. Many people cut the picture just now into a moving picture and posted it on the Post Bar forum.

The most classic picture of this game today was born!

Akali did not dare to cut the C position before completely surpassing it.

After all, there are things that can be washed in that situation.

It can be said that Brother Sutu's equipment level is completely suppressed, and it is normal to panic for a while when he sees the power of the wind gliding forward.

But it was the laning period just now...

Hard to understand.

Is the left hand really a badass?Is there any other use besides good data?
The mid laners of the two sides returned to the online matchup.

The czar's equipment at this stage is absolutely in the lead, not to mention wq poking it up, even if there is no other damage in the follow-up, this wave can still grab 17 yuan.

So in just a few minutes, his left hand was stabbed, his eyes turned black, and his scalp was numb.

It's over, this time I'm really ruined...

Lin Fan is clearly a badass, why can't I beat him?
(End of this chapter)

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