LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 212 Whoops System, I Was Just Joking!

Chapter 212 Whoops System, I Was Just Joking! (seeking subscription)
In just a short while, in the live broadcast rooms of the female anchors on major live broadcast platforms, one after another, the rate of Brother Tu's proposals for marriage started.

Not to mention, the energy exerted by this group of lovely fans is beyond imagination.

Weibo directly rushed to the hot search.

It's also a big deal for Topsports fans.

What's the situation, bro?How did you start asking for marriage?
I don't understand, some people see it inexplicably.

Of course, there are also many thoughtful people who silently kept this news in their hearts.

Anyway, I have to give it a try, what if I have the same chance as those little sisters before?

These things are uncertain, to become a member of the wives of professional players is to be a famous lady, wouldn’t it be nice to spend the money given by the players every day to go to the cafe to drink coffee and eat cakes?
Especially Brother Sutu, with his figure and face, not to mention his frighteningly high income this year.

Of course, more people still studied how the news came out.

But when they heard Lin Fan say those words, most people couldn't help but burst into tears.

"I've never used a grid book, Brother Sutu is also a hard-working person."

"Being able to play in this position must have paid a lot. I was really wrong. I scolded Brother Sutu a lot when he was playing support before."

"Me too……"

"Wrong, wrong, I'll go to Brother Suitu's studio to get a card."

"Then I'll go too. Six dollars is not much."


As for the Douyu female anchor who received the news at the first time, she couldn't take it anymore, and entered Lin Fan's live broadcast room one after another.

"Brother, I heard that you want to have a date? Do you think I have a chance?"

"I'm 36d, with a top-notch figure, lying flat and without a belly, and I'm usually a fan of Tobo..."

"Brother Sutu, I like to watch your games very much. You are very powerful online. You are the number one top laner in China. Can you play games with your sister?"

Lin Fan was stunned when he saw several female anchors popping up.

What the hell?Why don't you even know what position I'm playing?

Let's have a set meal first, and then we will be banned for one year.

But in the blink of an eye, so many strange things appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Ahem, you people, don't spread nonsense, nonsense, I clearly didn't say how this spread to the outside world and turned into me asking for marriage?"

"The scalp is numb, is this the power of the Internet? I have finally seen what it means to be groundless."

"No, let me say one more thing here. I really don't want to ask for marriage, and I don't feel lonely. I just feel that the policy is good. If there is no orphanage to take me in, even if I don't starve to death, I can't be a professional player now."

But even if there is no such thing at the top of the voice here, it doesn't change the fact that more and more female anchors are pouring in.

Besides, even Luo Sheng next door was alarmed.

Pushing open the door, he yelled at Lin Fan: "I thought you didn't have such an idea before. If so, I can introduce my cousin to you. She is quite the same age as you, in [-]."

"No, I didn't say this. I was told nonsense by the fans and misinterpreted my meaning. I never talked about this topic, and I don't like [-]. How can I be a young player like me? Have you played since [-]?"

"I like those who are a little older than me, three years older is the best, and female juniors hold gold bricks."

"Don't you have this idea? It's a pity, my cousin is pretty good, she graduated from normal university, sweetheart."


"Coach, you're too biased, right? I'm also your player, why don't you introduce me?" Da Huang poked his head over when he heard this.

Luo Sheng rolled his eyes directly, and almost said those two words out of his mouth.

Huang Renxing was still very persuasive. Seeing Luo Sheng's expression, he quickly sat back in his seat.

"Nowadays young people are still immature, and they can't help it when there is a little trouble. You need to practice more. Look at the game you played. You are not required to play something, but at least you don't want to be a burden for the team, right?"

"Today's ranking record does not exceed fifteen games, so this week's training match will not be your share." Luo Sheng said.

"Okay, coach..." Rhubarb quickly responded.

If the team does not arrange to play a training match, it means that he will not have a share in the next match.

He played a game just now and his performance was completely blown out by Qingtian. Under this situation, he definitely couldn't accept that he wouldn't be able to play in the next game.

So there are [-] training matches today, one of which is indispensable. Hurry up and click to find the match, and prepare to play rank.

As for the audience in the live broadcast room, they couldn't help hearing White Crescent's double-standard speech.

"It's quite interesting to be on the bench, and I don't have a clue."

"But I really didn't expect that White Crescent would actually introduce my cousin to Brother Sutu?"

"Just kidding, on the condition of Brother Suitu, look at how many people are willing to post back, and how many people come in because of the Internet?"

"It is recommended that everyone find high-quality anchors to brush, and don't look for this kind of network just because of it."

"There are also those with a higher conditional ratio who are older than [-]. We have so many witnesses in the barrage, we will definitely not find bad girls."

Seeing such a lively barrage in the live broadcast room, it was the first time that Lin Fan felt that the overly enthusiastic audience was really a headache.

"Come on, come on, is there anyone who wants to solo backgammon with me? Let me show you what it means to be the number one chess player in Tobo, the hand of God!"

Lin Fan said quickly, wanting to change the subject.

Not to mention, the smell of backgammon also caused complaints from most of the viewers in the live broadcast room.

"I can't figure out how there is such an outrageous backgammon play? Can't you see this?"

"Indeed...but considering what brother Sutu said before, I suggest that everyone think about it before bringing this topic up."


Seeing so many people in the live broadcast room, Lin Fan started complaining about his backgammon again. After thinking for a while, he might as well discuss how to find a partner for me, which looks much more comfortable.

"Don't look at the dishes I play backgammon, I have a good level of Go, if I don't have enough time now, I will play Wild Fox Go to torture you!"

After a glance at the time, it was already 01:30, and the officials of Eternal Tribulation had already started yelling for him to enter the room.

There is really no time.

"I don't want to brag to you. If I don't become a professional player in the league, I will directly become a professional Go player."

"Fix the paragraph? I don't have time to fix it, so I'll just put it here and make it casually."

While talking, he entered the official room number.

Then wait for the Neverending game to start.

"Brother Sutu doesn't know how to brag, does he? But what he said is so swearing, it makes me feel like it's true."

"I also think it's a bit real...but he's so bad at backgammon, can he play Go?"

"Although there is no direct connection between Gobang and Gomoku, every time Gobang is played, it will definitely play backgammon."

"Well, I learned Go, but I have one thing to say. After learning Go, I never play backgammon. The main reason is that the time for the next game of Go is too long. It's not nonsense to suffer from the old man, so I want to go back to rest after playing. "

"Could it be possible that Brother Sutu really knows how to do it?"

"It's hard to say, half and half, I feel that the possibility of saving face is higher."

Lin Fan glanced at the barrage and saw that everyone was still talking, so he immediately closed his eyes and rested his mind.

This state is the same as in the mid-season finals.

It is known as the unique adjustment method of Brother Suitu.

They all guess that this will happen when there is an important game.

But now that he was preparing to play the Invincible Knockout, entering this state again was obviously starting to get serious.

More discussions ensued.

Even when the game started, the topic didn't change much.

However, the intensity of the game has indeed increased a lot.

In the knockout rounds, Lin Fan had a bit of a hard time playing against a professional player.

No, the solo player Kai Bao of the Wolves was dealt with first, and the old Liu Xiangxiang came later. If it wasn't for Lin Fan Canaan's smooth play, he handed in two f's in a row before he escaped the follow-up pursuit.

However, this scene also made Yong Jie Wu Bian planning's scalp tingle.

I almost thought Brother Sutu was going to g, but luckily this scene didn't happen.

Quite thrilling.

After trying the intensity, Lin Fan didn't play as aggressively as before.

Start slowly looking for opportunities to play, this kind of game is quite suitable for the sixth.

Unless there is really a one-on-one opportunity.

After all, the opponent basically doesn't have a blue bully body, even if they have already charged up, they will interrupt the charge by Shunpo.

Lin Fan's strongest reaction didn't have any good effect.

After all, the main thing is to vibrate the knife. If you can't vibrate the knife, you have to work hard on basic skills.

So it's still difficult to tell the winner, and it will be troublesome if there is another sixth child like just now.

All the way to the finals, he only scored six defeat points.

But after seeing this, everyone feels that it is basically stable. There must be [-] points in the first round, and the next one only needs to rank.

The higher the ranking, the higher the defeat score coefficient.

But Lin Fan is not the kind of person who is Gou.

The final circle attracted most of the hatred, although the follow-up besieged only got No.3, but the final circle received three more defeat points.

In this case, the score is actually higher than that of No.1, leading with 21.4 points.

Not to mention these professional players looked at this ranking and felt that their faces were hurting.

Before the start of the competition, I never thought that Brother Soltu could really win No.1.

Although the first round was unsuccessful, it would be ridiculous to rank first. There were thirteen professional players in this round of 60 players.

So in the second round of Eternal Tribulation, these professional players had a very clear goal. They were looking for Jia Canaan to kill. After all, Lin Fan had always picked Canaan in solo queue.

But in the second game, Lin Fan directly switched to Hutao. Hutao was not that good in the singles match, but there were still people who used it.

When Canaan was eliminated in this round, the id of top dine did not appear on the public screen. In this situation, everyone also noticed that something was wrong.

After reaching the final round, when Hu Tao killed the last ID that appeared, everyone realized that Brother Satu had changed his hero.

Although fewer people were killed in this round, Lin Fan took No. 1, and his defeat coefficient reached [-]. In this case, the score still exceeded [-] points.

The combined score of the two rounds is still firmly in the first place. Compared with the next few, the pressure to advance is not too great.

The planning is also a joke, and the enthusiasm for Brother Suitu to be able to qualify for the finals is still there.

The strength is really good. I didn't expect that there are so many professional players, and they still perform well.

Then this kind of three-row match should play a role...

The viewers squatting in Lin Fan's live broadcast room found that Lin Fan's expression after eating chicken was not very happy, but a little puzzled?
"What a handsome Hutao, I remember that Hutao was the hero that Brother Satu played at the beginning."

"Why do you have this expression after eating chicken? Don't you really want to eat chicken?"

"First place in the two-handed competition group?"

"There are so many professional players, and there is even Xiang Yu, who is very strong in solo queuing now, and he just didn't win against Brother Rateu just now."

"Before I heard you guys discussing that you can go directly to the Everlasting Tribulation League, I thought it was all bragging, but now that I have seen the real server, there is really no problem."

"Well, but Brother Sutu's expression is a bit strange? After two rounds, he is still the first, so he doesn't smile? The expression is quite subtle."

In fact, this expression appeared because the fishing task was completed, and the rewards were somewhat beyond Lin Fan's expectations.

"The proficiency level of the detection host Syndra is full, and the reward is switching."

"Second stage Go professional..."

At this moment, a lot of Go knowledge points flooded into my mind.

"Damn it, I said earlier that I could play Go, but I didn't expect to be able to play Go now! No, I was just joking."

What kind of level is equivalent to the second stage of career?

Lin Fan was very curious...

Is it possible that I really want to participate in the scheduled competition?playing career?Playing this does not seem to have much impact on the professional league.

However, is this necessary?
(End of this chapter)

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