LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 23 6 consecutive losses! tes needs heroes!

Chapter 23 Six-game losing streak! tes needs heroes! (seeking a monthly ticket)

"Get 80% proficiency vampire, 80% proficiency robot.

The operation is increased by 5%, and the consciousness is increased by 5%. "

"It's not bad. Although vampires and robots have not reached full proficiency, according to their performance in the training game, these two heroes can reach the professional level. How strong they are will still have to be determined in the follow-up games." test in.

It's just that it's not full. Could it be that these two heroes can be trained by themselves?
If you can, that's fine, but if you can't, it's a bit disgusting to be stuck at 80.00% proficiency. "

"The properties panel is loaded, please check."

Host: Lin Fan.

ID: dine
Hero Pool: Great Inventor (100%), Scarlet Reaper (80%), Steam Robot (80%)

Passive Amplification: Consciousness +10%, Operation +10%.

But as an assistant, what the hell is a vampire mixed in?

Why doesn't the system just get a robot with full proficiency for itself.

Even though he thought so, Lin Fan was still very satisfied.

It's only been three days of fishing, and there are three heroes who can get their hands on it. If it's 30 days, [-] days, isn't this a random killing, a fierce group?

Before that, it was still making a lot of money.

After saying hello to his teammates, he left the training room.

"Brother Fan returned to the dormitory so early today."

"He should have given up now, and he feels like he is clocking in to get off work, but the big head is really good, but I don't think I can learn this hero." Although the two are in a competitive relationship, Mark mentioned that this is still very fair. .

This is the case in the professional league. The strong starters get the chance to play and become famous.

If one's skills are not as good as others' and one's inability to be pushed on the bench, one can't blame others. As a professional player, one has to have such a mentality.

If you don't want to be a substitute, you should work hard instead of thinking about taking shortcuts in a mess.

Even if you get the chance to play like that, it doesn't make any sense, and you will still be kicked out sooner or later.

"Brother Fan is really a talented player..."

"Should there be?" Ah Shui was a little unsure after hearing this.

Because he thought of his operations in the professional league. Although he was not good, he was really not very good.

At least consciously, I can't keep up with myself, and it's comfortable to cooperate without a mark.

But getting the big head support is different. This shows that Lin Fan does have strength. It is estimated that those support heroes are not proficient enough, so they can't play the same effect as the big head.

"I knew that Brother Fan was a mid laner before, and the main reason was that the team had no support, so the club let him switch to a support.

Is it normal to have a high proficiency in big heads? "

"Then that's what you said, let's not talk about it, let's play a few more rounds, and there are still some problems in the training match."

"Okay, I have this idea, play a few more rounds, or I can try to assist the big head in one round?"

"No, it's actually quite uncomfortable for the big head to assist me in front of me. The main reason is that the fort eats too much soldiers. If you don't pay attention to the soldiers, you will be eaten by the fort."

Especially for someone like you who has just started to practice big heads, the fort placement must not have the essence of Brother Fan, and needless to say, he will definitely eat more knives from himself.

Since the end of the training match, Luo Sheng also began to observe Lin Fan consciously or unconsciously.

It can be found that he started fishing when everyone was training, but he would play one or two daily ranks every day.

The chosen heroes are also quite weird.

Robot assistance is still normal in the passerby game, but the chance of appearing in professional leagues is almost zero.

There are really few assistants who will specialize in training robots. After all, heroes with higher priority than robots include Thresh and Titan.

We even saw the mid laner Vampire selected.

His rhythm seems to be steady, one or two games a day, definitely not much.

Totally addicted to other games.

At least during this time, Luo Sheng had seen Lin Fan play four games.

Needless to say, the coast of the land, there are also QQ Speed, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and the most outrageous thing is the blade of the heroic soul.

You are a professional League of Legends player, what does it mean to play Hero Soul Blade here?

Cross-game training isn't it?

But from these daily routines, Luo Sheng didn't have as much headache as before.

He didn't even notice that he had lowered his requirements on Lin Fan.

As long as he can play one or two rounds every day, it means that Lin Fan has not given up and is still maintaining his state and feel. The most fearful thing is that he will not play at all, so the speed of his state will decline very quickly.

It seems that allowing him to play training games has given him confidence again. The manager is worthy of being a manager.

Let's give him a round for the we we meet later, if his performance is okay...

Luo Sheng shook his head and gave up this bold idea.

He still can't be allowed to play against rng on Saturday. The current situation of Taobao can't lose again. Ah Shui and mark are still quite good. As long as they play normally, they have a good chance of winning.

After winning rng, they can breathe a sigh of relief, then let Lin Fan and Mark take turns in the match against TT next Wednesday.

So before the start of the game on the sixth day of the third week, Taobo made an appointment to fight we, who are now losing five games in a row.

However, unlike, there is no bo7 appointment.

The seven rounds are mainly the early rhythm of the practice, and the whole game is more about three and five rounds.

In the final analysis, the mental pressure of playing seven rounds is too great, and it is really not something that ordinary players can bear.

Naturally, he also fell in love with Lin Fan.

In this training session, Lin Fan directly took out the robot.

Not to mention that this cooperation with Delevingne is really cool, hooked over and directly knocked the opposing hero into the air with an iron fist of justice, and Ah Shui sent out a backhand, easily taking the head.

Even if it is to play the whole game, it only took 10 minutes to push to our base.

Luo Sheng was very satisfied with this performance, and wrote a big tick in his notebook.

Now it's time for this team to bottom out!
Unfortunately, things are not as simple as he thought.

On February 2th, two days away from the bombardment, the third week of LPL's match day is coming to an end.

And 7 o'clock in prime time is the finale of this week.

rng vs tes.

In terms of the number of fans, the two sides are evenly matched.

The strength on paper is also [-]-[-].

Coupled with Taobo's five-game losing streak, he will definitely try his best to win today's game, don't think it will be absolutely wonderful.

And this is the time when Taobo's new bot duo will debut, and everyone is still looking forward to it.

The imaginable Enter the Dragon did not appear.

Taobo was directly taken away by rng [-]-[-]!
His left hand was in a sluggish state, and Xiaohu pressed him under the defense tower and killed him randomly.

Xiaohu scored 12-1-21 in two rounds!And single kill the left hand twice!

Taobo's cooperation in the bottom lane is indeed very good, but facing Gala who doesn't give him a chance at all, that little advantage will not affect the progress of the game at all.

Since the start of the game, it has lost six consecutive games. Now Taobo needs someone to stand up and change the status quo!They need a hero!
(End of this chapter)

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