LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 25 Eye-popping Substitution!

Chapter 25 Eye-popping Substitution! (Add more monthly tickets to follow up)

According to the original timeline, tes won this game very easily, ended his losing streak, and started the Northern Expedition.

But now things don't seem right.

At 47 minutes and [-] seconds, Victor in his left hand surrendered less than a quarter of Flash's remaining HP and returned to the defense tower after being caught by the jungler.

But he actually chose to be greedy for a wave of soldiers and didn't return to the city. Ucal accurately calculated the damage and used the enchantress to complete the tower jump.

In the case of residual blood, he didn't choose to return to the city in front of the enchantress?

This is a bit outrageous.

The left hand was actually solo killed by a second-rate mid-ranger.

Many viewers were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

The barrage is frantically swiping up.

"It wasn't a support problem at all before, but a mid-lane problem! The mid-lane problem is too big!"

"Can this be killed alone? What is the left hand doing?"

"What's the level of tes now? There are only two of them who are good, even the left hand is playing mid laner, can he play mid laner? He can't play! Don't you know if he doesn't have this ability? He was solo killed by uacl, and then he was killed by Teacher Ma Single kill, all I can say is that I don’t want any face.”


As for backstage, Luo Sheng's face was gloomy.

The left-handed guy sneaked out again last night, and now the game is in such a bad state.

If the enchantress continues to be killed, it will pose a great threat to the back row in team battles.

And in this round of the game, Ah Shui took the wheel mother, regardless of the shield, but the enchantress stepped on it and she was damned.

Especially the support is the fan mother who has weak protection ability.

The double mother combination played a huge advantage in the bottom lane, but couldn't stand the middle lane and kept getting killed.

Everyone knows that Victor is a hero. He was biased in the first place, and even sent a head to the enchantress. Basically, he didn't have to fight in the middle lane.

Ucal completely blew his left hand in this game.

The left hand became the ultimate war criminal in this game.

After 10 minutes of fighting, Yao Ji has already achieved a super god record, and her equipment is even more exaggerated, including an expensive big hat.

In the last wave of team battles, the twin mothers started sprinting directly, trying to take the lead and overwhelm them.

Not to mention that the sudden attack effect was very good, and the crocodile fell directly on the front in seconds.

However, the enchantress who came out from the side only used three skills to give the full-blooded wheel mom a second, and the follow-up damage of tes couldn't keep up with the wheel mom.

In this situation, do you still expect a Victor with zero bars and six to deal damage?
Thought and knew it was impossible.

The TT team won the first round without bloodshed.

ucal was all smiles, after all, the team scored six with one bar.

It is conceivable that his personal performance is not much better, this one is completely a cool game, from the beginning to the end, is my enchantress really so strong?

The laning player is left-handed, known as the strongest domestic mid laner, and it is not difficult to see the gold content of the left hand from here.

Solo killing the opponent three times... His own score must have gone up as well.



A lot of passers-by were excited to watch, while Topbo fans were very upset.

Before the Spring Split started, looking at the lineup announced by the team, I was quite looking forward to this year's results.

Everyone felt that they were dragging their feet.

Another OK year.

But I didn't expect it to be like this. It started with a six-game losing streak. Looking at the situation, it will be a seven-game losing streak.

The heart is quite desperate.

lost? ?
Lin Fan shook his head slowly, somewhat in disbelief.

Could it be that today's game will also be lost, and the team will lose seven games in a row.

Now it's really drifting away, tes48 is really going to perform.

Through this period of fishing, my hero pool has further expanded and deepened, and I have also filled up the two heroes of robots and vampires.

But if the problem in the middle lane is not solved, what can be changed by changing to a support?

And the cooperation between Mark and Ah Shui in the game just now was actually very good. The pressure they have been carrying has been to point out the bottom tower 4 minutes ago.

Daddy Zhonglu said that you will be able to beat you in seconds.

In the version of the global finals, it will even be played in the middle field.

The current AD is the icing on the cake, and it is difficult to give timely help.

Open the system interface...

Host: Lin Fan.

ID: dine
Hero Pool: Great Inventor (100%), Scarlet Reaper (100%), Steam Robot (100%), Dark Head (100%), Retribution Arrow (100%).

Passive Amplification: Consciousness +20%, Operation +20%, Development +5%.

Then he shook his head, and there was only one normal support in his hero pool, so it was useless to go up.

"Lin Fan, you played mid laner at the beginning, do you have the confidence to switch to you at this time?"

Luo Sheng, whose face had been dark since 10 minutes, suddenly spoke.

"The current state of the left hand may not be able to fight anymore."

"I've also looked at your recent record. You've played in all positions. There are a few heroes in the middle lane. It shouldn't be a big problem to line up with UCal. You just need to go up and try it out, and there won't be any major problems."

"Me... But I can't play other heroes. In the middle lane, unless you play Vampire, Syndra, or Big Head, I can't play other heroes."

Lin Fan is also aware of his hero pool. If Luo Sheng insists on letting him play mid-lane, Victor's performance will definitely be even more outrageous than his left hand just now.

Although I want to play, I still have to count on myself.

"I all know that letting you play is definitely not letting you take the blame. You just use what you are good at, and don't worry so much about stabilizing your development when you are in the lane." Luo Sheng said.

At this time, the players who were playing in front of the game all returned to the waiting room.

The left hand sat back to its own position without saying a word.

Everyone is a bit listless, even Ah Shui.

The sixth consecutive kneeling people lost their minds, and this seventh game still started like this... I'm afraid it's more ominous.

"It's time for all of you to wake up and realize that Taobo is not the Taobo team you imagined. If you can't even beat TT, why are you talking about the World Championship? What's there to be afraid of if you are afraid of this game? I would rather Let you stand up and lose, and I don't want to see you kneeling to win."

"We had a big problem in the first game but we can adjust it right away, so don't put so much pressure on everyone and let go of all the burdens.

In the second game, our staff has changed a lot, you should sit down and rest for the left hand..."

Luo Sheng's chicken soup earlier didn't make everyone react too much. They have heard too much about these things.

But suddenly I heard a change of personnel, and the mid laner was still replaced. We didn't have a substitute mid laner, so who should we put on top?

"Let Lin Fan play in the second round."

What about Lin Fan?
Is this a bit too exaggerated?
Let the support play the mid laner?
But think about the recent performance of the left hand, coupled with the sluggish state of the game just now.

And Lin Fan has high-light operations in the training game, although it seems that it is not impossible to support.


"Friends from the audience, welcome back. The second game between Taobo and TT is about to start. We have received news from the backstage here. Taobo made a substitution in the second game. He replaced his left hand and let Dine play as the mid laner. .”

As soon as the baby said this, whether it was on the scene or in the live broadcast room, everything exploded.

ps: One more chapter will be added today... Please ask for a monthly pass. After [-] monthly passes, a new chapter will be added, and it is also applicable to the shelves.

(End of this chapter)

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