LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 308 Shocked!Charge 8 in seconds!

Chapter 308 Shocked!Charge [-] in seconds! (seeking subscription)

It's really embarrassing for Xiran to be stared at by so many people at once.

In short, he is too thin-skinned, after all, he has never been in a relationship for four years in college.

Of course, there is another important reason, that is, when the teeth have not been corrected, they don't actually look good.

As a host... this is actually quite a contrast.

Originally, he didn't want to leave, but in the end he couldn't bear it and ran away.

Lin Fan waved his hand at Xiran at this moment.

After the last interview, the relationship between the two of them has improved a lot.

But it hasn't risen to the level of falling in love.

At most, the two sides have a good impression of each other.

And the global finals haven't finished yet, so there's no need to rush at this moment.

Tonight is the last gathering in China.

The next thing to do is to go to North America.

Everyone is about to meet the largest and most valuable game in League of Legends.

S12 Global Finals.

As for the location of the game, I went around and went back to North America.

So tonight is also a carnival for the players.

The intensity of the Asian Games is actually not low, and the pressure is indeed high.

Even if he wins every game, there will be public opinion attacks from Heizi.

They are all black for the sake of blackness, and they don't have the so-called brains that everyone calls.

A lot of comments give people the feeling that they are obviously fishing.

For example, now the Asian Games won the championship.

Some people jumped out of nowhere.

"It doesn't matter anyway, the top eight."

"hz will always be faker's dog..."

Clearly there is no connection.

This is a game between countries in the Asian Games.

Everyone wanted to mention the club.

Come out to disgust everyone with a word or two.

For this group of people, everyone gave them a title: krd.

One thing to say is that the spirit is still very tenacious.

Even though there are a lot of people leaving messages to attack, he has the courage to fight against a hundred.

Leave a message and he can reply.

It can be called a peerless fan of the Korean team.

After all, even the Koreans started attacking the Korean team members frantically.

Can't wait to let them swim back in place.

From the moment the game ended, in the hearts of many Koreans, faker, Chaowei, and others have all been expelled from their nationality.

So... If Chaowei knows that there are still so many fans in China supporting him, there is no doubt that their current mood will be greatly comforted.

Of course, being able to make such a move against the wind is not the behavior of a normal person.

Everyone swears a few words, just look at the monkey, and returned to discussing the process of the Asian Games.

After all, for them, this is something to be happy about.

The tulle krd is just one thing that comes in handy.

What is really important now is to participate in the joy of winning the game.

As for some of Lin Fan's exclusive video up hosts, at this time they want to seize the opportunity and make the video first.

There is no doubt that the video can be made, and the whole small broken station will definitely be bloodbathed tonight.

After all, Lin Fan's popularity was already the highest among professional players in China at the moment when he won the Asian Games.

It is not too much for one person to account for 70.00% of the fans in the e-sports circle.

This also made it hard to believe that Lin Fan hadn't even been a starting player for a year, yet he was able to achieve such a result.

It is even more legendary.

These videos popped up one by one on the Xiaopo website.

There is a video, up crazy p picture, directly put Lin Fan's face on Jie's face.

Immediately after stepping on faker and Chaowei, he sat on the throne.

One thing to say, many people couldn't help laughing when they saw this picture.

There's no way this video is too much to watch.

Of course, apart from the cover, the content is quite good.

Let everyone once praise, peerless life.

After the game ended, many people squatted at station b and kept scrolling, wanting to watch the whole work video.

So the up master has no shortage of traffic at all.

In just a short while, it was directly on the cover.

There are more and more coins below the video.

Although the vast majority of people said they would definitely do it next time, they couldn't control their hands.

At the end, it is still habitual to click and jump to throw coins.

After the up master uploaded the video again, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the number of his fans was increasing rapidly.

In one night, the number of fans increased by 2.

That's for a League of Legends vlogger.

This growth is a bit beyond imagination.

After all, although the game League of Legends belongs to the mainstream, most of the fans of the anchor are not many.

Especially Xiaopozhan, with [-] to [-] fans is considered a big League of Legends anchor.

No way, Xiaopozhan still can't play Huya Douyu.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be greedy for uzi.

At the beginning of s12, I was planning for Uzi's live broadcast contract.

After learning that the puppy had the intention of making a comeback, he frantically communicated in private.

To some extent, it's cheating first, and then finishing the live broadcast contract later.

So puppies...

I really went to station b.

During this period of time, he also became the first brother of station b.

During the live broadcast, the online audience can easily exceed 9999+.

So this up, seeing the soaring number of fans, was so excited that he didn't fall asleep all night.

Found a way to make money...

Of course, compared with his predecessors, he started much later.

But it has always been there, Brother Sutu has supported the entire video circle.


Overnight, everyone's enthusiasm for winning the Asian Games has not subsided, but the number of participants has increased.

"Blast and kill Dafei, it's so cool!"

"Actually, it's too easy to play Dafei. Winning Chaowei is the key. You don't know how desperate the Koreans are here."

"Hahaha, a group of krds can still output against the wind, I can only say that Brother Suitu's attack is still light, and let these people shout out."

"The next step is to prepare for the global finals, right? Do you think Brother Soltu will go back to live broadcast first?"

"Fuck, I'm really looking forward to it, I haven't seen Brother Sutu live for a long time."

"You can look forward to it. Last night, someone took a picture of Brother Soltu at the entrance of the Top Club and they are back."

After all, Hangzhou is really close to Shanghai, only two hours.

Plus three hours back to the club is enough time.

And the country also specially arranged special car delivery.

So after the celebration banquet, I immediately set off to return to the club.

When we arrived at the club, everyone was sleepy.

Simply freshen up, lie on the bed and sleep soundly.

Even though Lin Fan's biological clock was indeed stable, he slept until the sun rose this time.

I didn't get up until nine o'clock.

He casually picked up the mobile phone next to him, opened WeChat and took a look.

After reading all the unread messages, Hyundai replied with a smile, changed his clothes, washed up and headed to the cafeteria.

The cafeteria at the Asian Games base is really good, but the food at Topball is not bad at all.

Especially this pan-fried bun is a must.

Served with beef noodles topped with a large plate of beef.

It's a direct lore, and it's strange to miss it if I haven't eaten it in the past few days.

So Lin Fan made this big meal as soon as he came back.

After eating, I went straight to the training room, ready to touch fish and live broadcast.

After such a long time, to put it politely, he is at the level of an all-hero.

Up to Ivern, down to the yellow chicken, the proficiency is not low.

So I got the same hero several times.

All of a sudden, some skills from all walks of life were added.

The current Lin Fan can sing, dance, rap and even play basketball without any pressure.

There will be another seven days in the country.

Since the champion of S11 is edg, even rng does not need to play in the finals.

Therefore, the time suitable for the club to go abroad is arranged, and we plan to set off as soon as possible.

This can also bring a wave of hot searches and gain a wave of attention.

Of course, the popularity of League of Legends itself is very high. In this case, the rhythm can be brought up.

Lin Fan sat in front of the computer and hadn't sat in this position for more than ten days. He was really not used to it.

Turn on the phone and update Douyu live broadcast and League of Legends.

After thinking for a while, I pressed the button to start the live broadcast.


Lin Fan's live broadcast room.

"Hey, Brother Sutu probably won't be broadcasting live again today."

"Indeed, if you want to broadcast live, it should start at seven or eight o'clock."

"Brother're too lazy during this time. It's understandable when you're playing in the Asian Games, and you won't broadcast it live after all the games are over."

"Let's skip work all day, I don't know who I learned from."

"Damn it, is it possible that today I have to watch the previous replay again, to recall?"

"Ji, I really can't stand it this time!"

"Actually, it's not bad. In the afternoon, you can watch Mr. Big B do lbl. It's quite interesting to talk about it."

"Indeed, besides Ben Suitu, I also want to watch doinb after downloading Douyu."

The popularity of doinb in Douyu is really not low.

If it wasn't for Lin Fan's sudden appearance, doinb would undoubtedly become Douyu's first brother.

After all, pdd slowly reduced his live broadcast popularity because of something.

Many people plan to quit the live broadcast room at this time.

Unexpectedly, the black screen suddenly lit up again.


"Damn it, brother Sutu is live broadcasting today! Brother Sutu is live broadcasting today, boss, hurry up and get up!"

In a university dormitory, the person who heard the news in advance yelled.

The dormitory finished discussing the Asian Games games excitedly all night yesterday.

Fortunately, there is no class this morning, and I plan to catch up on sleep at this time.

But all of a sudden, everyone became energetic when they heard the shouting voice.

Brother Suitu is live!

A carp straightened up and got up directly from the bed.

Jump down and rush to the computer, turn it on.

He opened the Douyu live broadcast room very skillfully.

Afterwards, he found Lin Fan who was live broadcasting from the following list.

Go in one o'clock.

He heard Lin Fan's voice from the live broadcast room.

"Hello everyone, hello everyone, long time no see."

"No way, I definitely can't live broadcast the Asian Games, although I really want to."

"I can't start the live broadcast by myself while everyone is training, right? Then I feel like I'm going to pack up and leave that day."

"Hahaha, just like what I said in the interview, I still have great confidence in playing against South Korea, so I knew it would end with [-]-[-] before the fight started."

Everyone saw Lin Fan's face and expression.

They all brushed up in the live broadcast room.


"Crazy little brother!"

"Hahaha, how to do it makes people feel very proud, but I really like it."

"The Koreans probably don't know how to get out during this period of time."

"Being hanged and beaten for two Asian Games in a row, I guess they have already been numb."

"Brother Sutu is live broadcasting so late today, do you want to make up time tonight? Then counting those who didn't live broadcast before, it's not too much to come all night, right?"

In just a short while, hundreds of fans flooded into the live broadcast room.

Similarly, as soon as Douyu officials got information about Lin Fan's live broadcast, they put his live broadcast room at the top of the homepage.

So the heat is still rising...

In the morning, the popularity has successfully exceeded 3000 million.

This is already a very exaggerated figure.

However, Lin Fan's highest record has not been broken yet.

But according to this situation, it is only a matter of time before the live broadcast continues until the evening and the breakthrough of the record is completed.

Lin Fan did not open Everlasting at this time.

After all, as long as you don’t hack for a long time, the hacking addiction will slowly disappear.

And it's not interesting for him to play alone.

Such an early time, in fact, is more suitable for the coast of the land.

Although Lin Fan didn't broadcast live during this period of time, Suitu Zhibin was still playing.

After all, it is integrated to play the World Cup.

The integrated alliance is Shengtian, and the opponent is Xinmeng.

At this stage, it is also known as the only t0 league.

After all, God now has the most popular t0 regiment Xingtian, Tianshan.

And Xinmeng's target also has vitality, Jianlai.

After almost two months of preparation time, the various regiments were finally in place.

In addition, the two sides communicated and planned, and opened a special book, which has no interference from any other alliance except their alliance.

It can be said to be the first real 1v1.


And Lin Fan returned to the organization and returned to Xingtian.

During this period of time, apart from being busy opening up wasteland, I also set the alarm clock every day to complete the task of attacking the city.

The game between T0 can be said to be full of intensity.

On the third day of the opening of the zone, that is, within 72 hours, they will enter the resource state.

The next destination is naturally Sili.

The battle for Luoyang revolved around Sili.

Countless people stared dumbfounded.

After all, the intensity is too high.

Entering Luoyang in seven days is already an exaggeration, this is Luoyang in four days...

It is unimaginable for everyone.

But it did appear in this top matchup.

Not only this one, but also the World Cup battle between the soldier Xiaozhu and the villain before entering Luoyang within five days.

At that time, it also created a soil record.

But this record was broken today.

The moment when Lin Fan boarded the shore of the soil.

Many outspoken players stared wide-eyed.

"Damn it, Brother Sutu, you play such a high-intensity game, do you have time to train?"

"People are dizzy..."

Lin Fan didn't pay attention to the barrage.

Instead, he frowned looking at the current situation.

Since you are playing Binghe, Binghe has a characteristic that the prefect has a Lu public car, and you can use the nest catapult and so on.

Compared with the previous prefect who came to five teams, Lu Gong can drive nine cars.

The speed of this pavement flew up.

The Xinmeng has a geographical advantage.

Put Shengtian directly outside Xingyang...

Lin Fan silently opened the recharge interface at this moment.

With everyone stunned, it went straight to [-]!
At this moment, everyone was stunned.

"The combat technique is full!"

Then all the teams were sent to the prefect.

The purpose is very clear, that is to use the advantage of combat experience to complete the breakout.


(End of this chapter)

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