LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 322 The expanding lck division, the lpl civil war begins!

Chapter 322 The expanding lck division, the lpl civil war begins!
October 23st.

A large number of Korean students came to Madison Square Garden.

The idea is to turn the North American home game into lck's home game and help the great faker advance to the next round.

To be honest, they still have a psychological advantage against rng.

However, the limelight of this year's World Championship was completely overshadowed by Topball.

In this case, the voice of the Republic of Korea must be called out to let the world listen carefully. People just didn't show up, but they didn't die.

The lck commentators Roaring Emperor and Brother CT watched a group of people holding the t1 banner, and they kept building momentum for them.

To be honest, if you can't even beat the fourth seed, then what confidence do you have to face Taobao.

So this game t1 must not only win, but also win very beautifully...

They Koreans are here for this.

Similarly, the expressions of the two doll Miller brothers are also very serious.

There is no doubt that today's game is a tough one for rng.

At 2000:[-] p.m. BJ time, the popularity of the live broadcast easily exceeded [-] million, and it continued to rise.

Although rng has a lot of black fans, most of them are not aimed at them, but at the management.

After all, this group of people is really disgusting.

Relying on a unique skill, the person who signs in can make a lot of money...

Even Ah Shui paid 1000 million overnight in order to leave.

Everyone is a worker, so naturally they can't stand being squeezed, and it is very normal to be hostile to them.

If you can see these managements on the road, no matter who you are, you can't help but spit in the past.

Of course, it is impossible to be on time for this kind of game.

After a delay of almost 15 minutes, the live broadcast room switched to the live video.

Judging from the director's camera, the condition of the five members of RNG seems not to be that good, especially Gala's complexion is a little pale.

Everyone suddenly had a bad feeling.

This situation seems to be a bit bad.

Sure enough, the premonition came true.

But in the first round, it wasn't that the pale-faced corner was blasted.

But the breathing brother on the road.

The crocodile was directly kicked by Zeus' Qinggang shadow.

It was already 7-0 in 5 minutes, and the big daddy Qinggangying was raised!

The next team fight will be very difficult.

It can be said that one kick into the field will kill the adc suddenly.

Gala tries to find output space in team battles as much as possible.

But he was still instantly killed in the face.

The damage of Qinggangying combined with Victor is too exaggerated.

So the first game just lasted 37 minutes...

rng is pushed flat by t1.

At this time, the barrage was full of cynicism.

"Han Xiaozi, rng will always be the son of t1, and Taihu will never be able to beat Teacher Dafei in his life."

"Three-year-old sees old. When I was three years old, I couldn't beat it. Now I'm 12 years old, and I'm not an opponent."

Although there are so many unfavorable people in the live broadcast room.

But the heat didn't drop, and even kept rising.

It's still the same sentence in the global finals, except for the abnormal people, everyone is unanimous.

After beating outsiders, close the door and decide one or two.

In the second round, rng still chose the blue side.

In this game, it seems that everyone's state has recovered a bit.

At one point the fight lasted to 37 minutes.

By this time the head ratio between the two sides was still 9:7.

Both sides have been targeted bad.

On the t1 side is Zeus on the road, with a record of 0-5.

rng is the little tiger in the middle, with a record of 1-5.

At this point, both sides are very careful in making decisions.

After all, 1:1 and 0:2 are two completely different concepts.

However, rng still has an advantage psychologically.

Breath brother Jianji 5-1, has the ability to take over the game.

If you play single belt, you can definitely win.

T1 also knew rng's idea, and didn't give Brother Breathing a single chance at all.

Bobo forced the team to fight.

And took the lead in the big dragon group in 41 minutes.

The first time I drove to Gala.

Kill it in seconds.

Without a C position, it can be said that there is no way to recover in such a big late stage.

Even if Brother Breathe replaced two in front of the Highland Tower in the end, it still couldn't change the result of losing the game.

"Oh, it's just a little short."

"T1's pull is a bit strong, and it feels like it has brought rng into the pit several times."

"It can be seen from this game that t1 is now stronger than the mid-season game. Sure enough, they can adapt well to the global finals, and they are also big-game players."

"You have to pay attention to the semi-finals. Try not to get entangled with them. Their pulling ability is a bit too strong." Luo Sheng raised his glasses.

"Er..., we haven't played the match against Jingdong yet, so we're going straight to the semi-finals? Don't send it." Xiaotian teased Luo Sheng.

Needless to say, Luo Sheng didn't want to give him face, so he kicked his big ass.

"If you lose, you swim back."

Everyone couldn't help laughing, and everyone can feel that Xiaotian is indeed much more optimistic than when he first came to Taobo.

In this way, the team atmosphere is very harmonious.

He even revealed to Lin Fan that he wanted to reconcile with the big teacher.

To be honest, the six most correct people fought together three years ago and won the global finals. It would be a lie to say it without emotion.

This time also calmed down for a while.

It is obvious that I am petty. I always feel that I won the FMVP, and my teammates are jealous and then target me. In fact, I am not. Instead, I am holding a trophy to show off all day long.

To be honest, anyone would have other ideas.

"Faker is currently training as a tool player with a loud voice... Gumayusi's state in this round is a bit too good, and he didn't give him a chance at all. He was very desperate." Mark said with emotion.

As a support, he always keeps an eye on the position of the adc.

Whether it's protecting or unlocking...

After all, the support is responsible for protecting and starting the team in the team.

Losing this round, rng's situation is very difficult.


t1 holds three match points.

At the moment of the end of the game, the camera was given to Faker.

Faker just calmly picked up the water glass next to him and took a sip of water, then twisted his neck, not showing any joy at all.

Drinking water with this tactic... It seems that snoring doesn't arouse any interest.

Seeing that everyone is not in the same mood.

It turned out that this was how I felt when I watched the Taobao game in the lck division.

After all, this action is also Lin Fan's signature action.

I didn't expect to be learned by Teacher Xiba Dafei.

It seems that after paying so much tuition, there are still gains.

There are many ways to pretend.

But now, rng is under a lot of pressure, and there are not many opportunities for them to fall behind with zero bars and two.

In the global finals, so far there has been no such thing as a two-chasing three.

Wait 11 years...

It is enough to see how exaggerated this difficulty is.

Of course, it is not ruled out that No.12 will appear.

But rng obviously can't do this.

Played two bladder rounds in a row, both were only one step away.

All of a sudden, the breath stuck in his throat dissipated.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

It took 378 minutes before, but this round only lasted 27 minutes, and rng's base was dropped.

T1 eliminated rng [-]-[-] in the knockout stage and successfully advanced to the semi-finals.

The live LCK commentary was really exciting.

"From this BO5, we have seen the perfect state of T1, whether it is the middle lane or the's great. It's very good to feel their adjustments in the game, and the tactical understanding is very good."

"Hahaha, I'm not as nervous as I was before. It's a big victory [-]-[-]. I'm really looking forward to the semi-finals."

As the fourth seed, rng is still very good.

If it can be three to zero, it means that t1 is in an absolutely crushing state.

In this way, you can look forward to the challenge of Taobao.

Of course, it doesn't mean a challenge. The two sides can have a back and forth feeling.

Anyway, looking at this score, I feel so comfortable.

Even though the No. [-] seed is playing against the No. [-] seed, it's fine if the division wins.

First press the lpl competition area.

"Fans at the scene, let's shout together, let the t1 team feel our enthusiasm!"

After today's game in the lck division, it was like a holiday, everyone was in high spirits.

Naturally, we are not so happy here.

One by one, they picked up the keyboards in their hands and started spraying.

"Damn! rng will never beat t1."

"Huang Za speaks, the world is clean, win a GEN in the group stage, and play 3-1 in the play-in stage, just like the finals."

"The gap in bot lane tactical reserves is too great, one support can blow up all your bp designs."

"Is this the rng that everyone shouts and beats?"

"Pure abuse, every year there will be problems with rng's tactical reserves and version heroes, and there will be problems with the state of Huming in the world competition, so I am too lazy to talk."

Of course, some people are more reasonable.

"It's normal for the fourth seed to beat the second seed."

"Don't be so hostile. The pressure on the LPL team this year is very high. The LPL has won three championships with fighting and passing operations. However, due to the fierce competition among the upstream teams in the domestic league, it has been difficult for many teams to try something new. Heroes The durability update and the durability update of the big and small dragons have a greater impact on BP and operations. In fact, it is a big weakening of the entire LPL. LPL's foreign war BP is now very difficult to do.

What T1 showed today is a near-perfect competitive state and tactical reserve, but today it is surprising to see that T1 used three systems to end this BO5, which can be regarded as "RNG has played something for JD. There is a team and EDG who have the opportunity to meet in the finals.

Maybe next year this RNG will not have what our old fans can look forward to, just like the Maybe next door.After watching this game, I was suddenly relieved. The ideal ending may not exist. After all, e-sports is far from traditional sports, and the designer is the one who chooses the winner. "

"What an rng has helped everyone to play so many things, invincible! Winning the game and losing the game has so many rational fans..."

But today's game is over.

RNG has already been eliminated, and it is impossible for the losing team to have support.

Therefore, the entire official Weibo is one-sided.

More than ten thousand in half an hour.

Of course, the main topic of discussion next is the match between and Taobao.

In the duel between the No. [-] and No. [-] seeds, the palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh.

According to the performance in foreign wars, everyone still hopes that Taobao can win, and Taobao is an all-China class. In this regard, it has won a lot from

In everyone's anticipation, the time of the game is getting closer.

October 24st.

After waking up, everyone played a training match early.

The opponent is g2.

The main reason is that is an opponent, and EDG is still hiding tactics according to past practice.

If Taobo steals a trick and uses it early in the game, they will have no advantage against drx.

Tobo can still understand this point.

So I found g2 who gained friendship in the group stage.

Being able to win the big turtle twice can also prove their strength.

At the end, the hat emperor still typed to communicate with Lin Fan.

"Don't forget we're meeting at the World Championship."

The translation used by caps was typed in Chinese, and Lin Fan couldn't help laughing when he saw this sentence.

Caps, this guy's mentality is still very good.

In the training match, I did two zero bar sixes in a row, and I can still have this kind of confidence.

Europe is really fun.

But facing Samsung, it still feels quite difficult.

According to the memory before rebirth, the big tortoise has successfully advanced, and g2 doesn't know where to play in the mud.

Of course, the No. [-] seed of lpl in Group B at that time was

Not them.

In this case, it is not impossible to have a butterfly effect.

Maybe the second half of the division was really turned upside down by g2.

If this is the case, the pressure in the finals can be slightly less.

"OK, you guys also work hard in the second half, you guys are the best."

Caps nodded vigorously when he saw this reply.

Is this the sympathy between the top mid laners?
I already feel it.


The training in the morning is over, everyone is relaxing and resting for a while.

Get ready to deal with

At 07:30 BJ time, all members of Topbo came to the backstage lounge on time.

Sit in your seat and wait for the staff to arrange entry.


"Friends in the audience, this is the scene of the knockout round of the global finals. I am the commentator Guan Zeyuan."

"Hi everyone, I'm Rita."

"It was a pity yesterday's game, rng lost to T1... and today's game, you are also very tangled for us."

"Yes, so at this time, in addition to cheering for our favorite team, we have to adjust our mentality to welcome the second LPL team to leave the world stage."

"However, in this game, Taobo still has a psychological advantage. After all, this year, Taobo has not lost a game to Jingdong."

"And in the group stage, Jingdong's performance was actually a bit unsatisfactory."

Guan Zeyuan was talking here, and the contestants had already entered the scene from the backstage.

At this time, looking at the left hand who came out as the starting mid laner, he frowned and looked serious.

After all, this game is really the last chance for the left hand to prove himself this year...

If you lose, you will never lose your reputation as a substitute coward.

And the whole Taobo team didn't talk and laugh, at least they didn't frown so tightly.

"I can feel that there is a lot of pressure on JD."

"Well, especially Topball chose the blue side first. In this version, we also see that being on the blue side has a great bp advantage..."

With the players from both sides entering the seat.

With a bang, the big screen on the scene suddenly turned and directly entered the bp interface.

"Okay, the game has begun!"

Guan Zeyuan shouted at this moment.


ps: Students who take the college entrance examination, do your best, get a good score in the exam and find a good place to read novels!

(End of this chapter)

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