LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 33 Crazy tes!The output exploded!

Chapter 33 Crazy tes!The output exploded!
TT's command has always been Nanfeng, and he is still very clear-headed.

"In any case, Syndra's build is not very effective in the later stage, our lineup can still face the face, and can directly kill Lucian in a team battle.

Next, we have to cheer up and not give them a chance.

You, Haoyue, continue to clear the jungle and don't try to help us fight back online, that will only expand the disadvantages. "

"Okay." Beichuan's thinking is actually the same.

When there is no way to help, ensuring your own development is the most important thing. He is Haoyue, and it is easy to find opportunities in team battles.

As soon as the equipment is out, speed up your wild clearing speed.

TT's side is completely shrunk to play, and the bright moon is no longer on the map, and it is not easy for Taobo to find opportunities for a while.

Not to mention that this is good news for TT, the pressure is much less.

Especially ucal, who switched to the top road, is slowly catching up with his current development.

In the case of being single-killed twice, the [-]-minute make-up still came to [-] knives, which is completely acceptable.

No matter how he is an assassin, he can guarantee the development and is still a threat to Crispy.

Trouble is trouble, Tao Bo's rhythm has not stopped.

If you can't catch your side, then take neutral resources.

The first fire dragon was successfully controlled, and then Xiaotian hurried to the canyon vanguard, and got the canyon vanguard with the help of Syndra.

However, since there is only one layer of small tapper left in the middle, Canyon Pioneer must not put it in the middle.

Xiaotian plans to go home and update his equipment and go directly to the game, so that Ah Shui can develop another wave.

As for the first tower in the middle, it was also pushed down by Lin Fan on time 4 minutes ago.

All of a sudden, the rhythm is up, Taobo's advantage is quite large.

The economic lead even came to 4000 yuan.

After all, the middle road is full of tapi!Plus a blood tower of 650 yuan, take off directly.

In addition, relying on the canyon pioneer on the road also filled the tower.

Counting from here, there are a total of ten layers of tapestry, and in TT, only N Bao leaned on Aoun for a layer when he was in line.

Tapi lost 350 yuan, not to mention that the head was still short of making up the knife.

At this time, a prompt appeared on the large screen at the scene.

The red Fang Xindra killed the blue Fang Jie!
Another solo kill!

Sure enough, the way of heaven is reincarnation. In the last round, the left hand was single-killed three times, but in this round, Dine was solo-killed three times.

The doll didn't know what to say.

It's been screaming there all the time.

The simple two words are shocking.

Has Tao Bo's middle assistant switched roles?

As for the live broadcast room, the barrage scrolled crazily.

"Woooooo, it's my fault that I sprayed the wrong person in front."

"The main front is still covered by the halo of the left hand. We didn't know he was the real ghost until later."

"As I said before, dine's support has played very well, it's just that he can't cooperate with Ah Shui, but it is definitely not the main culprit for losing the game."

"Let's not talk about the previous fights, I can only say that Syndra in this game is really fierce! 1 times stronger than Pie Shou."

"This is too handsome, a big move directly kills Jie!"

"UCal was unreasonably good when he was in kt before. I don't know where the confidence came from, but he dared to choose Jie. Isn't this being killed like a dog?"

"He thought his Jie was as aggressive as Sao Fan, and Sao Fan's game against the wild Jie was a big hit in the wild."

The trolls in the live broadcast room are like this.

No matter who it is, if the performance in this round is not satisfactory, then directly complain.

And it's the kind of outrageous way to count all the previous accounts.

Of course, as long as you play well, it's all praise.

"We can directly force Dalong in 10 minutes now, let's go to the vicinity of Dalong for vision first."

"Are you working so hard?" Xiaotian was a little surprised.

"The lineup is not suitable after a long delay. After 28 minutes, it will be a bit difficult. It is easy to give the opponent a chance, so the sooner the Baron gets the tower, the faster he can push it." Lin Fan said.

"Yes, I also think that in about 20 minutes, the dragon can force the group, and pulling and catching the dead can directly open the dragon."

"Everyone thinks it's okay, so let's fight like this."


Lin Fan's performance in this round was indeed quite good, bringing the rhythm of the audience.

And there is nothing wrong with what I said, the pressure on this lineup in the late stage is too great.

The sooner the game ends, the better, so as not to have more dreams in the future.

In addition, Syndra is really fat now.

In 18 minutes, with four heads in hand and full of Tapi, the make-up hit was the highest in the game at 210 three knives.

This kind of development makes Syndra's equipment even more luxurious at this stage.

Wang Guanfa wore shoes and Yingyan even had extra money to buy a big stick and a stopwatch.

It is obviously very slow to not stop the watch when the third piece of equipment is ready to release the hat.

From this, it is not difficult to see that 10 minutes must be a fight.

"Syndra's equipment, I just took a deep breath. Whoever comes here will die, that's all I can say. If TT wants to form a team, be prepared to be alone."

"Tobo also understands that Syndra is now in absolute strength, and has directly started to control the vision of the dragon. With the current advantage, he is indeed qualified to directly rush the dragon in 10 minutes."

TT is also keenly aware of this information.

Now the equipment is backward, and map resources can be placed on anything, but the dragon cannot be placed.

Once the dragon is released, the opponent's subsequent advantage is enough to rush to the high ground.

So I could only bite the bullet and touch it.

But there is no vision, and the position of the blue side is at a disadvantage, which is extremely unfriendly.

Taobo doesn't care so much here, just open the dragon in 10 minutes!
Everyone was shocked by this scene.

I thought it was a field of vision force group, but I didn't expect to start directly.

At this stage, the baron is already strong but the 10-minute baron is very fragile, and the speed of fighting baron is quite fast.

When TT and the others touched it, the blood volume of the dragon was only [-].

"Kill, kill!" Lin Fan yelled out in the team voice

Fighting against the disadvantaged side for punishment is the most stupid.

With Aoun on Taobo's side, the overall state is still very good.

TT also gritted his teeth, this wave of using Dalong is a six-on-five.

If you don't fight, you don't have any chance in the future.

If it succeeds, it can also overturn the big dragon in one fell swoop.

So I made a decision, fight!In addition, Rambo's big move in this position will destroy the world
The formations of the two sides immediately aligned.

Aoun, whose blood volume was not very healthy, was at the forefront, and his blood output directly bottomed out in front of the five people.

The fans of Taobo feel relieved to be caught first.

With such a big advantage, why do you want to move the dragon in 10 minutes?
Pull slowly to take down all the dragon souls, and then push the big dragon step by step at the back, isn't it good?
Ucal's eyes were fixed on Syndra even more, he knew that now was not his chance to enter the arena...

But at this moment, Syndra, who was in the dragon pit, flashed out of the wall and locked Jinx with a big move!
Five balls were poured straight into Jinx's body.


At this moment, the minds of countless people became blank.

ps: There will be a chapter of [-] monthly tickets plus updates later.

(End of this chapter)

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