LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 36 He is clearly a substitute, but he is the savior!

Chapter 36 He is clearly a substitute, but he is the savior!

Ucal recalled what the coach had just said in the picture reading interface.

"You see, he only has two heroes that can be picked out, and now we have to move them all out, and he has nothing to pick out, and even can only take out ad mid laners like Verus.

They are sheep on the edge of the cliff now, and we are hungry wolves. There are only two choices left for Taobo, be eaten by us or jump off the cliff.

Obviously they chose to jump off the cliff, and this game is stable! "

"I also studied the last game. As long as he played aggressively in the early stage, you should release the line and give Beichuan a chance to catch. In this round, I will directly give him Xin Zhao. If he catches the middle lane once, he will die once.

As long as we catch the death once, our advantage in the middle and field can be fully played. "

Ucal gripped the mouse firmly.

That's right, the coach is right, even a mid laner like Verus can be selected, that is, there are no heroes available.

And in this round, what I got was the fiery enchantress, who would definitely blow up the opponent directly.

As for the TT coach who was already in the backstage lounge, he was already drinking his war horse comfortably.

This wave counted all the hero pools on the opposite side.

White Crescent thought he could really trick me, but he is actually just a brother with unique skills. If you remove all his two heroes, there will be no drama at all.

This was revealed by White Crescent when returning to the waiting room in the second game, and it was a hidden ultimate move.

I guess I'm starting to regret it now.

In the end, this game was better than myself...

Coach TT showed a smug smile.

However, after the game officially started, the smile gradually disappeared, and the whole person seemed to have entered an ice cellar, and the beating heart could not feel its temperature.

"Damn it! Why is Verus's damage so high? Why why!"

Coach TT watched what happened on the monitor, and couldn't help shouting loudly in the waiting room.

Originally thought that the opposite side was delivering food, but now the situation seems to be out of control.

At the same time, the corners of Luo Sheng's mouth rose wildly in the backstage lounge.

But he didn't do anything extreme.

All of this is calculated by oneself, and it is normal to play an advantage.

Then the tense mood relaxed.

The losing streak ended here, and finally, finally... a win.


"Single kill and another solo kill, the damage is too high, the enchantress who is almost half blood was beheaded like this?"

"There is a saying that this wave is actually Xin Zhao who came to catch it. The demon girl came up to consume her blood, but she was immediately killed?"

"The damage caused by the activation of the three-layer passive Verus is really terrifying. Coupled with the additional damage increase of the W skill, the killing effect is really terrifying!"

"Being single-killed in 3 minutes... It feels like Ucal is going to go down the old road of the first round, even worse than the last round."

"The Enchantress shouldn't be there, right?"

"It's hard to say. Dine Verus' skills are too accurate. I can only say that his condition is really full today."

Wawa really guessed right, Ucal couldn't do it if he wanted to stabilize in the middle.

After eating two Q skills in a row, even without triggering the passive W skill, Enchantress' blood line fell directly to Verus's killing line.

Enchantress's kill value is high, but my Verus' kill value is higher than yours!
The line of soldiers was brought under the defensive tower, and the passive was triggered two or three times in a row, and the arrow pierced through the heart and made the heart feel cold.

Complete the tower jump kill!

The middle lane collapsed again.

As for Xin Zhao, who was selected from the gang, he could only eat the large wave of soldiers under the defense tower with tears in his eyes.

There is no way I can do nothing.

But Verus, who seemed harmless to humans and animals, rose to level six at this time.

The qr combo relies on the e skill to trigger the passive, and the subsequent skill cooldown is obtained. The second q skill of the stored power cooperates with the w to directly clear Zhao Xin who is full of blood.

Verus has killed a lot!
Ucal even put on a pain mask directly.

Brother, you ate my pawn line and ran over to give me a head, how can I play this.

The middle-field combination of Zhao Xin and Enchantress unexpectedly couldn't return Verus to the military training, and they both returned home.

The ambition of ucal's first reading stage has all disappeared.

A bewitching girl resisted the pressure under the defensive tower, and was forced to kill by Verus jumping the tower. His heart was really chilled.

But there is no way to change this situation.

When the game came to 1 minutes, the first tower in the middle lane had been pushed down, and Verus went straight to the bottom lane after updating his equipment.

Obviously, the rhythm of this game is the same as the previous game, the only difference is that the push in the middle is faster than the previous game.

Of course, this is also normal, Verus must be faster than Syndra in pushing the tower.

The difference is that Xin Zhao is in the bottom lane this time, and he uses his ultimate move to continuously output to Verus.

But after playing for a long time, people were stunned, and Verus' blood line was only half lost.

At this time, the effect of Xin Zhao's ultimate move has disappeared...

After taking a look at the equipment, everyone was dizzy.

Is this going to do ice fist directly?No wonder there is a burning effect when you get close to it, and the blood won't drop for a long time.

The TT team was directly hit by a big wave, losing three heads and a tower in the bottom lane, and the situation collapsed in an instant.

Verus, who got two heads again, took off completely.

In less than 15 minutes, Ice Fist Ganash's Fang was already in his body.

When you see the enchantress in the middle, go up and do it.

Ucal really can't fight or run.

Looking at the screen that went black again, his facial expression was not that distorted, but in fact he was numb from the beating.

Verus actually dismantled the tower directly in front of the second tower by himself.

As an AD killer, Xin Zhao didn't dare to come and defend at all.

With the imbalance in the combat power of the two sides, Taobo began to plunder map resources continuously.

The economic gap between the two sides is also widening.

And Taobo's lineup has a good combat effectiveness in the later stage.

When the lineup's strength period came, TT also quickly lost its resistance.

The game time came to 28 minutes, and TT had been broken in two ways.

Due to the pressure of the pawn line, the jungler can only come to see Dalong.

It's a pity that when Beichuan's Xin Zhao went, he was immediately killed.

With Dalong's wailing, Taobo successfully took down Dalong.

Then with the big dragon buff, it was like entering a land of no one.

A wave directly pushed down TT's base.

At the moment when the TT base exploded, Luo Sheng in the backstage lounge finally couldn't bear it.


Out loud.

From the spring split to now, the most luxurious lineup has been beaten the most.

A six-game losing streak in a row.

One more loss and I'd be fired, and I packed my suitcase and went home.

The pressure from the club, the pressure from the fans, and the lack of trust from the players...

Luo Sheng felt like he was going to collapse.

Fortunately, the losing streak is finally over, and everything is starting in a good direction.

Lin Fan, Lin Fan, I didn't expect you to stick to your heart and want to continue to play mid laner. I glanced at the left hand next to me and made a decision in my heart. Then I will give you another chance.

Who told you that you are a substitute, but you have become the savior of Taobao!

(End of this chapter)

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